J'~ A. M. M

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on Applied Mechanics and. Mechanical Engineering (AMME). DIESEL ... This paper describes the detection of diesel engine cylinder misfire utilizing the engine vibration ..... engine misfire, the question is that which cylinder is misfiring.
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MilitG.ry Technical College Cairo, Egypt

/J'~ A. M .

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121h international Co"fe rence on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (AMME)


Badawi . A. B .. A. Elmaihv". Samv···A. S.. Shahin Mohamed";·H K. I. .

. M. A. and

ABSTRACT Thi s paper describes the detection of diesel engine cyli nder misfire utilizing the engine vibration mea surements. The proposed technique depends on time-frequency

analYSIS (TeA) at the measured engine surface vibration. The combustion Induced vibration and noise of engine is mathematically modeled and the vibration signals are simulated for fired and misfired engine. Bolh simulated and measured vibration signals for fire and misfire are analyzed by fast Fourier transform (FFT) in frequency domain to identify the signals' frequencies . Then, they are analyzed in timefrequency plane. To investigate the engine fire and misfire according to firi ng order of the engine cylinders, the time-frequency plane is converted to the corresponding crank angle-frequency one. From crank angle-frequency analysis of the engine vibration the engine misfire is detected from the measured vibration signal as well as from the simulated one. The experimental results show that the engine misfire can be detected by time frequency analysis of measured engine surface vibration.

KEYWORDS Diesel engine, engine fire, engine misfire, time·frequency analysis and vibration.

PhD Postgraduate candidate, Dept. of Mech. Power and Energy, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt. Egyptian Armed Forces. Egyptian Armed Forces . .... Assistant Prof., Faculty of Engineering, Modern University of Engineering and Technology, Cairo, Egypt ..... Egyptian Armed Forces.



Fape r MF-04



After top dead centre Bottom dead centre Damping constant Crank Angle CalifornIa air resources board Cylinder mean effectjve pressure

c. _ .It' -1'." ";

c;., U)

Discrete short ti me Fouri er transform basis function


Continuous short tim e Fourier transform basis function in Continuous inverse short time Fourier transform basi s function

i!r~i (t)

F(t) FFT

FT c, 9


F; f IMEP k m n Q PCA STFT T TFA X(f) X[p,r] X("f) x(t)

x x







Force signal Fa st Fourier transform Fourier Transform Cylinder Gas force Inertia force of piston and connecting rod reciprocating part. Frequency Indicated mean effective pressure Stiffness constant Mass Engine speed Reversible lateral force Principal component analysis Short time Fourier transfonm time Time-frequency analysi s Fast Fourier transform of the signal x(t) Di screte time-frequency expansion Continuous time-frequency expansion Continuous time signaL Mass velocity Mass acceleration Window Time Force Frequency Natural frequency Damped natural frequency Damping factor




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1.INTRODUGTION The goal of this paper is to detect misfi re in a multi-cyl inder diesel engine by the tlmefrequency analysis of vibration signal Instead of pressure transducers. According \0 California Air Resources Board (CARB ) regulations, engine misfire means, "lack of combustion in cylinder due to absence of spark, poor fuel metering, poor compression, or any other

ca u se~ .

!1]. The regulations require that the vehicle 's engine diagnostic system

monitors misfire continuously. This concern is due to the fact that. even with a small number of misfiring cycles, e ngine performance degrade e, increase , and drivability will suffer [2].

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Heywood [3J classified engine cycles in three groups: I) slow-burn cycle, with indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) between 85-46 percent of the mean value, where combustion is completed but ends after 80" ATDC; ii) partial-burn cycles, where IMEP is less than 46 percent of the mean value; iii) misfiring cydes, where the IMEP IS less than zero. Another Classification was given by Martin et. al. (4): i) cycles having IMEP less than or equal zero wh ich represent comp!ete misfi re; Ii) cycles with large IMEP variations; iii) cycles with normal IMEP.

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The following methods of misfire detection were mentioned in references [1-2] and [5J and can be summarized as:

a. Checking the catalyst temperature. This method is unacceptable since the catalyst temperature does not rise significantly in the case of low frequency misfire. In addition, the identification of the misfire cylinder is impossible. b. Monitoring the oxygen sensor signal. This method also fails because a single misfire does not significantly alter the sensor output voltage. Even if using cylinder individual 0, sensors. c. In-cylinder pressure measurement. This method is th e most accurate as indivi dual cylinder IMEP could be calculated in real time. However, the cost of fitting each cylinder with a pressure tran sducer is expensive. d. Evaluation of crankshaft angular velocity fluctuations is used nowadays. This

method is hampered by the load torque induced by the drive train, and torsional vibrations of the crankshaft [2]. Klenk et. at. [5J used surface vibration intensity and acoustic intensity techniques to identify noise sources radiated from a diesel engine surface. These techniques were compared with the lead wrapping technique. It is found that the both intensity techniques have advantages over the lead-wrapping approach. Klauber et al. [6J developed a miniature sensor for detecting cylinder misfirin g based on the principle of magnetostriction which can be used for on-board use. Due to magnetostriction, the field strength changes as the stress in the crankshaft changes during each cylinder firi ng. Tho output of the sensor is therefore high when any given :::ylinder fires and low when it misfires , permitti ng ready determ ination of misfiring. The identification of cylinder misfire by the aid of a manifold

pressure obsenver was discussed by Shiao et. al. [7]. In the development of pressure observer, runner-by-run ner intake manifold model was proposed . The nonlinear observer using this model can estimate the plenum pressure and all individual runner pressures and their subsequent flows. The estimate is then used as an indication of a faulty inlet valve, one of the possible causes of engine misfire. Referen ces [8J and [9J describe a method based on the dynamic relationship between torque and angular velocity fluctuations in a


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Proceedi ng cf the ', 1::: p.l\~ME Conferen C.'3 '!6 ,':3 rv'i a}! 2.006

multi -cylinder engine. it is shown that th e torque v.'avefarrn can be recan structed from the crankshaft angular velocity signal by means of this relationship, and then engine misfire can be detected , Algorithm s for misfire detection based on a frequency domain analysis of the angular velocity signal are u sed by Lee el. al. [1) and Azzoni et. al. [10). Experimenlal results confirm that the algorithms using spectral information between the engine firing frequency and the engine cycle frecuency provide good correlation with IMEP, and could therefore find application in the detection of engine misfire. Azzoni et al. [11) used signal processing to extract the information regarding !MEP or indicated torque from tr.e angular v8iocity 5ignai, dlld tv relate it to co mbustion quality 'l,tl!h single misfire events.

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Instead of measurements of flywheel angular velocity to detect misfires, K. , Ball et. al. [2) used the measurements of the angular acceleration of the engine block to detect engine misfire. The torque was calculaled from a mathematical model that relates it with the block angular acceleration. The calculated torque waveform was then used to calcu late a cylinder mean effecti ve pressure (CMEP). This was compared to the IMEP for that cylinder on a cyc!e-by-cycle basis to identify misfires. It was found that the method of calculation of CMEP was limited to lower engine speeds and loads.

The above summary of the different approaches for detecting engine misfire indicates thai each approach has its limitations. In this paper, an investigation of engine misfire detection by the analysis of engine vibration is utilized. Although herein the measurements of engine vibration are used similar to [2], the techniques of analysis are different. Instead of calculation of torque and CMEP adopted by K, Ball et. al. [2) the frequency domain analysis and time-frequency analysis are herein. The frequency domain analysis is used to investigate the limitation of the FFT-only approach, Then acceleration Signals are analyzed in time-frequency plane to overcome the limitations of the analysis FFT. The time-frequency plane is then converted to corresponding crank angle-frequency plane in order to identify the misfire cylinder according to the engine firing order.

This paper is organized as follows : i) Introduction, ii) A Mathematical model of I.C. engines combustion induced Vibration, iii) Simulation of a six cylinder diesel engine combustion induced vibration and noise during firing and misfiring, iv) Time-analysis, v) Short time Fourier transform, vi} Experimental setup, vii) Test procedure, viii) Signal analysis and discussion of results and IX) Conclusions,

2.A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF I.C. ENGINE COMBUSTION INDUCED VIBRATION The predominant noise of the automotive engine lies in the frequency band from 900 to 2000 Hz which is determined by the vibration of various elements of the engine which thus determine the characteristics of radiated noise (12). The engine can be considered to consist of two basic structural elements: a) the internal load-carrying structure, i.e. pistonconnecting rod-crankshaft system, and b) outer load-carrying cyli nder block structure.



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Each of the elements is capable of vibration at it ~ natura; freq uency if an ImpiJlsive force is applied to it and thus contributes to the characteristics of resultant noise.

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The internal load carr ying structure IS mechanically separated from the main outer load carrying one by running clearances. A simple equivalent system of the eng ine thus can be developed as shown in Fig.1.a that illustrates the principle exciting forces 'Nhich are resronsible for 1he oen~rat!on Of vibration and noi se. The outer e!2! :;tic load carryir:9 structure that provides location for the pistoi', and cran ks haft is repies8nted as two InaJo( masses joined together by a spring and damper.

In the engine system, there are two major forces which are respons ible for engine structure vibration and the emitted noise, namely unidirectional force, F and reversible force Q. The clearances in the vertica l direction for the equivalent mass of piston, connecting rod and crankshaft are taken up by the unidirectional force F and a linear vibratory system results as shown in Fig.1. b. Since during this period the force does not change its direction, any appreciable vibration can only be produced if there is a rapid change in the magnitude of the force. The rapid change in the magnitude is produced by the combustion in the engine cylinder. Thus the generated vibration and noise can be defin~d as combustion induced vibration and noise. As can be seen the gas force Fg excites the top part of the engine structure (i.e. cyli nder head) whi le the lower part of the structure is excited by the combined gas force and inertia force, F,+F;[12] [1 3].


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The equation of motion of the equivalent system is given by:

mX +cX +kx=F(t)

ii (1)

!! i! ij

Where m is the piston mass; x is the response (m); c is the damping factor; k is the stiffness; is the velocity and is the acceleration.



Since the force applied to the system is an impulsive force, the response of the system due to a unit force can be obtained according to Rao [14] as follows: - (01,.1

x(t) = _e -


sin(",, !)


,.i~ "

!! I' f f:

,I' ""~ i; I' ""I, ~

where "'. =

(k, is the natural frequency of the system. V;;;

,; = - '_.- , is the damping factor. 2m w"

"', = w.JI-'; '

, is the

damping frequency.

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(a) Cylinder


I• ,

, ./ head

F, t,


F' /1


r ~ :t i


." ,j,


"" .I.I ! 1,






" "Ir

c::!, I

7/ 7

I ,



Fig.l . (a) Simple equivalent system of the engine, (b) Linear vibratory system,

3. SIMULATION OF DIESEL ENGINE COMBUSTION INDUCED VIBRATION AND NOISE The engine combustion induced vibration and noise during complete fi ring of the all six cylinders is simulated by assumed values: k = 444132198 N/m . m = 5 Kg, and 0=5920 N.s/m in equation (2). The engine speed is assumed to be 1500 rpm. The angular velocity of the crankshaft is calculated to be 25 Hz. The angular veloCity of the four stroke engine cycle is half that of the crankshaft angular frequency, 12.5 Hz. The time of the engine cycle, therefore is calculated to be 0.08 second. The sampling rate is chosen to correspond to half degree of crank angle rotation , Iherefore the engine cycle time is di vided by 1440 to obtain the sampling rate of 5.555 xl0·5 second corresponds to sampling frequency 18000 Hz. This sampling frequency is greater than the double Nyquist frequency which is approximately 2000 Hz as observed from the spectrum analysis of the measured signal.

The simulated response x(t) of the No. 1 cylinder of the six cylinders engine is theoretically ca lculated during a period of time equal to one sixth of the engine cyde time. The signal is then shifted by a phase angle .15" to obtain the point of maximum pressure. Then, the acceleration signal is calculated by multiplying the displacement x(t) by the square of the system natural frequency (w/) . With a time shift of 0.01333 second corresponding to 120" phase angle, the acceleration signa! of the 6 cylinders engine cycle is obtained according to the engine firing order. The time varying signal :s converted to crank angle varying signal by multiplying the time by 6n where n is the engine speed. Then, the acceleration signal is drawn in the crank angle domain as shown in Fig .2.a.

Th e simulated combustion induced vibrati on during individual cylinder misfire is theoreti call y calculated too with the same engine speed an d sampl ing frequency used for


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complete firing. The engin e mi sflre is assumed to !.)e occurred in the cylinder number 6 by

Ihe assumption thai the fuel IS cu t off irom It. To do that the dISplacem ent and acceleration signals dunng fi ring of the cylinder number 6 are obtained by assuming that the pressure force is extremely very small This means that the IMEP during cylinder misfire tends to zero. With the same engine speed and sampl ing frequency the response x(t) and the acce leration of the misfired cylinder are obtained during a period of time 0.01333 second. The acceleration signal is sh ifted by a phase ang le 360 to be for the cylinder number 6. By arranging the signals o f completely fired cylinders 1, 5, 3 2, and 4 with Ihe cOmplAffi!ly misfjr~rl r-\II· ,nrlt:>r fl.! " c:: ':310 00 'he ~n"; ne C" .... 18 . ;"'-'0 mOp ,, \ .h ....... --"..I "" a · ; .... ~ - I -- a l .... ~ 'h . . .. ,,~ ~ ~J ' ''" - ' , . ... . ........ ,,~, "~ ,, J'-" - " " , ' \ V. v >0> 1, ", .... 1;1 ......... ' " VI ' ;:'~II I V I ll ~ misfired engin e IS drawn in the crank ang le dom ain as sr!owli in Fig 2 b. G

(a) 2000 ••... - - -•. ,-

(b) 2000

··- - -~-1


,- .•.... , --




1000 '>00






~::,,---c!c--= ..'-'. __."---,. _. J o 120

:.>00 480 600 Clank. Angle ldegl



Fig .2 Simulated vibration signals, (a) Duri ng firing, (b) During misfi ri ng 4. TIME·FREQUENCY ANALYSIS

Even after all the advantages that have been offered by signal processing and its applications, the Fourier transform is still the most powerful tooi. However, the use of fast Fourier transform (FFT) is still limited (15). The major limitation comes from its won definition:

x U)=

•. Jx(l) e - "