J A S M U H E E N. 2012 …a very special 5- day retreat in germany. 10th of may (
10am) – 14th May(4pm) 2012 …”ESSENCE”… RETREAT-INFORMATIONS ...
JASMUHEEN 2012 …a very special 5- day retreat in germany 10th of may ( 10am) – 14th May(4pm) 2012
...10th (10am beginning) – 14th(end about 4pm) of may 2012 ...full 5 days ... arriving would be good at the 09th of may... Where? ...at jonathan-seminarhotel www.jonathan-seminarhotel.de in the beautiful south of germany, in bavaria...please contact e-mail:
[email protected] for your booking there or phone: 0049 (0) 8669- 7909-70 If you will arrive by plane or train in munich: “Jonathans” is in the south of munich –from munich you can go by train or by a taxi from the airport...just let jonathans know, they will organize your transport at the afternoon from the 09th of may...attached you will find a little map... Price? ...the retreat –price is 777.-€ for this unique 5 day-intense-retreat... ...plus the accomodation at jonathans (beginning 6.-€/per day in your own tent up to 35.-€ in a double-room)...plus a package for 5-day complete food and beverages in best vegetarian quality...(205.-€ for the 5 days)...in case you will take only PRANA – just let maria know – we have a few places for this... Payment? ...after your booking you will get a confirmation from maria with more details...re jasmuheens account and so on... HOW to do? ...just write an e-mail to maria, with your full adress...e-mail:
[email protected] or go to : www.mariaagostini.de ...jasmuheen...retreat 2012...here you can book in too.../same for jonathans-hotel... IMPORTANT ...after booking and getting your retreat- confirmation from maria (informations re:hotel, maps and retreatdetails included), please book your accomodation by yourself!!!
Organizer: Maria Agostini,germany phone:0049 (0) 8807 8322
[email protected]
-----------------------------------JASMUHEEN :
“ESSENCE” 2012 - FOCUS UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS & I AM ESSENCE GIFTS Enjoying the Superior Inner ‘ I’& Living in its Field of Love plus all the benefits that this then brings! On Our I AM Essence gifts, Jasmuheen writes:- One of the most fulfilling journeys a soul can make while anchored in the plane of duality, is awareness of, and full reconnection and perfect union with, their I AM essence, the one some call the Monad, or what I used to refer to as the Divine One Within us. Yet unity consciousness allows us to feel-sense that essence as being everywhere, within and around us, part of the very fabric of creation – like the baseline
frequency of life. Apart from being able to nourish us physically via its cosmic micro-food flow, it also aligns us to a rhythm of such peace and contentment, that we find ourselves forever transformed. Its gifts are endless. Its ability to love, guide, heal and nourish us completely, is natural yet profound. It reveals itself in its own way, in its own time, when the energy streams can match it within us and around us, and yet we are never separate from it, it is always there, just its volume alters, the strength or subtlety with which it flows. All of this we can control by understanding the science that drives it all.” General Data on Jasmuheen's Events - Jasmuheen’ s seminars and retreats are a wonderful opportunity to gather together with like-minded people from all over the world. Sharing well researched and usually channelled data, Jasmuheen tunes to the group divinity to bring through exactly what each gathering requires, allowing each attendee to go into deeper states of meditation where they can access more of their own divine essence with Its profound love and wisdom flows. While each gathering is as unique as each individual, the general focus of all of Jasmuheen’ s work is 2012 on:-
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Self Mastery & Self Sovereignty. Working with Pure Cosmic Plasma flows for manifestation. The freedom that Unity consciousness delivers. Manifesting the Divinity we are in harmony with all. Pranic Living - increasing our personal chi flow transmissions so that we become givers rather than takers in this world, and decreasing our dependence on the world’ s resources by increasing our dependence on the divine resource within. Fulfilling the pragmatic programs of The Embassy of Peace with its 12 Pathways of Peace, plus Jasmuheen works with the group divinity to provide inspirational meditations, tools and techniques to gain perfect personal clarity, wisdom and insight to achieve the above and more. Throughout 2012, Jasmuheen will also be working with higher light science sonic codings of very refined vibrations.
Deciding whether to come: As we advise everyone, who is thinking of attending a retreat with Jasmuheen, please check in meditation and see if it feels right to come. If it does then ask the intelligent Universal Field and the Divine One Within you to clear the way so you can attend with joy and ease. Ask that the money comes to you, or babysitters for your children, or whatever you need. If you are meant to be part of these wonderful gatherings, with beautiful like minded people, then the way will be made clear. Also fulfilling the “ Being the Best me” ;“ Happy to be Here”and “ All is well with all” , agenda on her Cosmic Internet Academy website at:www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au
INFORMATIONs JASMUHEEN : www.jasmuheen.com