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(No Model.) , '. J. P. BoRK'sv J. SIMANDL. OVERHEAD TRACK APPARATUS. No . 530,636;. Patented Dec. 11, 1894-. I. 7 M zlgnnmim.
(No Model.) ,



No. 530,636;

Patented Dec. 11, 1894-. I

7 Mzlgnnmim






SPECIFICATION forming part 6f easement meadeee, dated December ‘11, 1894. 7

Application ?led ‘January 31, 189:4. \ Serial No. 498.574. (N0 model.)

To all whom/it may concern.-



T- In the present illustratiomlthe hangers E E '


'Be it known that we, JOSEPHRBORK and are represented‘ as supporting sections F F" JOSEPH SIM-ANDL, citizens of the United States, of a-main or straight track,-and sections G 53

residing at Milwaukee, in the county of Mil-_ ‘and ‘H, of side or branch tracks, and our in

waukee, and in the State of Wisconsimhave ventionywill be described in accordance with invented certain new and useful Improve thisarrangement,although, as hereinafter ex ments in Overhead-Track Apparatus; and we plained; the arrangement of the tracks, ‘within do hereby declare that the following is a full, certain limits, is entirely immaterial and non IO

clear, and exact description thereof.


Our invention relates to switches and hang ers for overhead tracks, and consists in cer tain- peculiarities of construction and combi nation of parts, as will befully set forth herein

_ ' I is a socket, secured to the ceiling D, as by ' {7


bolts it, and ‘provided with a screw-threaded central bore to receive the exteriorly-screwé threaded ‘upper end of the hollow switch post 65 J forming a- support for the switch frame de after and subsequently claimed. In the drawings: Figure 1 isa representa-' scribed below, the top of said post being pro tion, in side elevation, of our improved de vided with the slots or notches jj to receive ' vice, partly in section on the line 1-'—1 of ‘Fig. a cross-bar K which supports a swivel-rod k, > 2, and with portions broken away, and other to the lower end of which is secured the up 70 portions left solid on the section line, to bet ‘per end, of a spring L, which passes down through‘the hollow post J and is secured, at ,_ 20 ,ter illustrate details of construction. 3 Fig. 2 is an inverted plan view of the same with the ‘ operating handle in section on the line 2—2 of

its lower end, to the lock M. -

N represents the frame of the switch,icon- ~ Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a vertical section through sisting of a series of skeleton bars, and hav 75 one of thehangers- and track, on the line 3-3 ' ing a hub 72 surrounding the post J, and mov- ‘

. able thereon, between the collars O and P, Our device is especially designed for, use. ‘the collar‘ 0 being rigidlyand permanently in connection with slaughter and packing secured to said -post,?which latter- has lower houses, meat ‘markets, refrigerator cars, cold exterior screw-threads to engage with corre 80 storage establishments, and the like, although sponding screw-threads ‘in the bore of the capable of use wherever overhead tracking is lower collar P, after the hub 71. of the switch

25 of Fig; 1.



has been slipped to place. Guide-rods m m

Referring to the drawings, D represents the rise from the endsof the lock M and pass up ceiling of a room, and E E hangers secured through perforated lugs n’ a’ on the switch thereto, as by bolts d, the shape of said hang-_ frame, having nuts m'm’ on their upper ends 35 ers being best shown in Fig. 3, said'hang at some little distance above the upper per‘ ers terminating in shouldered or offset en forated lugs n’ so that the lock M, may be a larged ends e. ‘These hangers are preferably drawn down freely by its handle Q, against of cast‘iron, so far, and are each further pro the‘ force of the spring L, in the operation of 93 vided’with a track-holding plate f, preferably shifting the switch, as hereinafter described. The collar P is provided on its lower side, of steel so as to combine lightness with strength, secured to the said‘ enlarged end e, with as many sets of locking notches as there as by rivets g g, the space between the plate are to be separate track-s, three sets of these f and opposed portion of the hanger E being notches, and three tracks beingshown in the .95 preferably great enough to insure a loose ?t present illustration, where a a, b b, and c 0, to the track-section supported therein, a set represent the notches in said collar P (said ' 45. screw it passing through a screw-threaded notchesbein g continued through the adjacent perforation in said hanger, and impinging bottom edge of the post J) and A, B and 0, against the supported track-section, to force represent the. sections of track bolted or oth the said track-section against the plate f and erwise secured to the switch-frame N. The operation of our device-will be readily 50 keep it ?rmly in place,-as shown best in Fig. 3, while permitting the ready and instant re understood from the foregoing description of moval of said section when necessary. its construction, taken in connection with the





accompanying drawings. For the purpose B shown in dotted lines in Fig. 2, and the 45 of illustration we have shown, as stated, one

main track, and two branch or side tracks, the switch being set so that the track section

notches c 0 being cut to similarly register with the dotted position of the track-section

C on the switch-frame. When the track-sec A thereon comes in line with the adjacent tion is in the required position, it is only nec sections F F’ of the main track, with said essary to release the hold upon the handle Q, switch locked in this position. To accom and the spring L will instantly draw the lock


plish this result, wherethe main track is sup M up within the desired notches, and thus posed to be arranged along one side of a room, securely lock the switch in the required po ‘ the track-section A on the switch would be sition. straight, as shown, and the other track-sec ' ‘-Having now described our invention, what 55

tions, B and 0, carried by the switch-frame, we claim as new, and desire to secure byLet ' would be on arcs of circles, and of the proper ,ters Patent, is-

1. _The combination with the ‘main track length and curvature to fully occupy the space between the end of the main~track section F, and branch tracks of a support, a switch and the nearest ends of the sections G, H, of frame ‘provided with track ‘sections and so the side or branch tracks when the switch was .mounted on said support as to revolve there 20

swung around on the post J, at the required on, a lock permanently connected with said times. It will be understood that the switch switch frame/so as to revolve therewith and‘ frame may carry as many of these track~sec~ adapted to lock the frame in position when tions as is desirable, but we have found three said frame is either adjusted so as to connect 65 a convenient number, as our switch may be the main track with the adjacent section

duplicated anywhere along the line of any of thereof or with any one of the branch tracks, the tracks, it being desirable that however it substantially as set forth. 2. In an overhead track-system, the combi 25 is turned, it shall always move within a circle

(as indicated by the dotted circle R) which nation with the main and branch tracks of a suspended switch post having locking notches

circle marks the inward terminations of the stationary track-sections. In the position shown in the drawings, with the main track continuous the trolleys or travelers (which are not shown, being of ordinary construc tion) would travel along said main track, and


the branch tracks would be cut off. Now, if it is desired to switch a trolley (and its sus— pended contents, such as the body of a hog or beef) onto one of the branch tracks it is only necessary to pull down on the handle Q‘ and draw the lock M out of its locked posi

on its under side, a swivel and spring de pending from said post, a switch frame revo

luble on said post and carrying track sections, and a lock connected'to saidspring and mov 75 ably secured to said switch-frame for engage

ment with said locking notches,substantially as set forth.

In testimony that we claim the foregoing we

have hereunto set ourhands, at Milwaukee, in the county of Milwaukee and State of Wiscon sin, in the presence of two witnesses.

tion within the notches a a and‘ swing the

switch-frame around (on its swivel it) until the lock M is in line with the desired notches,“ the notches b b, for example, being cut to register (when the lock M is in line there with) with the position of the track-section

