Current data push perception - drive towards a data pull - Need to move from the data to information derived from the data – more value – as the uptake of information increases – usage of data increases. Key to bring in the end users – and look to integrate the information products derived from EO into their day-to-day life. EO data (and Copernicus) is only a part of the information answer – integrate with other sources of data space and non space and look at as part of fully integrated observing ecosystem including high altitude platforms. Evolve current information services and develop new information services derived (in part from) Copernicus data – new requirements analysis – requirements evolve. 11 October 2016
Where to focus : future H2020 WP topics Analytics – turning data into “clever” information with value for use by the three categories of user. Different requirements, different financial sustainability mechanisms/business models. Look at new ways to create “value” out of the data.
Technologies to manipulate large volumes of data , e.g. data cubes etc New business models for information services using EO data. Integrated monitoring systems – Copernicus currently uses only satellite based Earth Observation – look at synergies and complementarity with other systems e.g. High altitude platforms. Examine the successes and “failures” of the current Copernicus services and look to evolve with evolving user requirements. Undertake user requirements analysis of other potential Copernicus services – keeping in mind not to distort commercial markets.
Key element for projects should be the “sustainability” of the information services going forward – not just one off demonstrations of services – end user byin throughout project mandatory – end user should be looking to procure/integrate the service post project. Coordinate the use of EO with the other H2020 work programmes i.e. societal challenges