Jaguar Production Crew General Membership Meeting Minutes

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Nov 11, 2013 ... Jaguar Production Crew General Membership Meeting Minutes ... Art. iii. 11:30 AM the Irish dancers will perform, 12:00 PM the Belly Dancer ...
Jaguar Production Crew General Membership Meeting Minutes Monday, November 11th at 5 PM Butler Meeting Room, 2nd Floor of JSAC

I. II.




Call to Order: ______ a. Denroy called the meeting to order. Attendance: a. Present: Alexis Perry, Denroy Bercier, Kenneth Holley, Jasmine Tate, Taylor Rodgriguez, Alisha Buggs, JoVawne Fletcher, Tyler Schumann, Shanece Price, Yesenia Castro, Amma Sarfo, Jessica Haskins, Danielle Schleifer, Ana Anderson, Vernon Blount, Ashley Crews, Candice Long, Octavia Kierce, Shermayne Reynolds, Katy Vasper, and Britney Jennings b. Tardy: Alvina Quinn and Michael Banks Introduction of CREW & Ice Breaker a. Story of my Name i. Denroy lead the group in story of my name activity where everyone informed the group the meaning behind their name. b. Around the World i. Wasn’t played due to time. Checklist Final Overview a. International Festival, JSAC Amphitheater (RL: Ballroom) i. Wednesday, November 13th at 11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. 1. Set-Up: 8:30 AM (report to Student Life & Engagement) 2. Attire: a. Board: CREW Polo Shirt & Khakis or Teal Bottoms b. Associates: All Black i. Shanece reviewed over International Festival checklist. ii. She informed the group that students must visit three tables to participate in Henna Tattoo or Sand Art. iii. 11:30 AM the Irish dancers will perform, 12:00 PM the Belly Dancer will perform, and 12:15 PM the Zumba will perform. iv. The event will be hosted by Brittany Hatcher. v. Participants who guess all 8 photos will be entered in a drawing for a camera. vi. A sign-up sheet was passed around to help pass out quarter sheets at UV at 7 PM. vii. The winner for the camera will be notified via email. viii. Associate members will assist with sand art table (8), P.F. Changs, Henna Tattoo, and MSO/Check-In Table. ix. The students will be responsible for making the sand art. x. Those assisting with the Henna and Sand Art table will be responsible for picking up table handout. xi. If associate members are coming late to the event, they will need to go to the MSO table to receive assignment. Event Committees Updates a. Family Fun i. Denroy introduced the new Family Fun Director (Taylor Rodriguez). ii. Taylor informed the group that parent night was cancelled. iii. For Holiday Extravaganza they will have Baja (Buddha) Day, Hanukah, and Christmas.

iv. Checklist will be completed at the end of the week. v. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 20th at 2:30 PM. vi. Tickets are on sale (1st two are $5 each, extra tickets are $10, student can receive one ticket for free) vii. Tickets can be purchased off website as well as at the box office. b. Special Event Committee i. Michael informed the group that the next committee meeting will take place December 4th at 3 PM. c. Live Entertainment Committee i. JoVawne informed the group that the committee met last Friday, November 8th at 10 AM. ii. Tyler led the previous meeting. iii. Committee discussed plans for LipSync. Tyler defined what LipSync consists of. iv. Tyler informed the group that LipSync will take place on Thursday of Homecoming. They discuss the entertainment and venue of the event. v. Next meeting will take place in the spring semester. d. Traditions Committee i. Amma informed the group that the committee met Monday at 3 PM. ii. They discussed the budget and possibly change venue to Julian Smith Casino. iii. They discussed looking into Mediterranean restaurants. The committee is trying to decide between light food or heavy food. iv. They discuss possibly having half American and half Mediterranean. v. The next meeting will take place on November 25th at 3 PM (Monday). VI. Liaison Introductions & Reports a. Athletes i. No report. b. East Georgia State College i. No report. c. Graduate i. Katy informed the board that she spoke with the graduate students about Arabian Night. She thinks it would be good idea to have a snake. ii. She shared that the bylaws and constitution will be worked on to accommodate the graduate students. d. Greek Life i. No report. e. Housing i. No report. VII. PR Report a. Flyers i. Kenneth informed the board to take down flyers from previous event when they post new event flyers. ii. They will have an update on Holiday Extravaganza flyer at the next meeting. iii. Next semester they will start posting flyers in Paine Hall. VIII. VP of Membership Report a. Denroy informed the board that he will start acknowledging the associate members by having Associate Member of the Month starting December. b. The winner will be announced at the general membership meeting. c. Following associate members were nominated: Ana Anderson (by Amma), Shermayne Reynolds (by JoVawne), Vernon Blount (by Shanece), and Octavia Kierce (by Kenneth). d. The executive board will narrow the choices down to three and the union board will vote next week meeting.

e. Each person who nominated an associate member will need share the reason they nominated that particular person. IX. VP of Administration Report a. Alvina informed the board to remember to clock-in and out. X. President’s Report a. Alexis informed the board why we have a East Georgia State College liaison. b. She announced that there will be a CREW outing on November 23rd at 7:30 PM. We will meet at the bowling alley on Washington Road. c. There will be 2 outing a month (1 as a whole group and 1 with individual teams). d. The associate members will be invited to the bowling outing. e. Each executive board announced who was in their group. Alexis (Taylor and Amma), Alvina (Tyler, Michael, and Shanece), Denroy (Jasmine and JoVawne), and Kenneth (Alisha and Yesenia). f. There will also be different competition among the groups. g. Alexis commended the group on their GOOD TEAM WORK! XI. Advisors Report a. No report. XII. Questions/Announcements a. Michael informed the group of the conference call between the Atlanta Hawk’s representative for the Atlanta Hawk Game trip. b. The group voted on the time for Ice Skating (either 10 PM- 12 AM or 7 PM- 11 PM). 7 PM- 11 PM won the majority vote. c. The group voted on either Atlanta Hawk Game or Ice Skating for GRU on the Move event. Ice Skating will be the GRU on the Move event for spring semester. XIII. Adjournment: 7:22 PM.

REMINDERS      

11/11- International Festival Checklist Final Overview 11/11- FFS Tickets Go On Sale 11/11- Holiday Extravaganza Post Deadline 11/18- Holiday Extravaganza Checklist Overview 12/02- Holiday Extravaganza Checklist Final Overview 12/05- CREW Holiday Dinner

“We have to build the framework in which we will execute the tasks.” ― LTG Christianson