Aug 2, 2013 ... Jaguar Tracks is published monthly by the San Diego Jag- uar Club as a ..... First.
99.97. Charlie Hallums. 1996. XJ6. Sedan. BRG. C13. JOCLA. First. 99.97 ... and
receive a 20 percent discount on virtually all in-stock parts. Saturday Night: ....
1997 XK8 Jaguar - Racing Green - $7,995 (Pacific Beach). This.
SDJC Concours, a Smashing Success! SDJC Dealership Display Here Comes the Judge and much much more
Presidential Perspective Once again, thanks to Dan Jensen, Concours Chairman, and Paul Novak, Chief Judge, our 49th Concours was held without a hitch. I received many compliments from members of other clubs regarding the parking, schedule, and, yes, the venue doesn’t hurt matters any. Of course when I get these compliments, I do what any good leader would do; I take full credit. Thank all of you volunteers who step up to the plate and help make our event the most popular in the Southwest Region. Not braggin’, just fact. Please see the article beginning on page 8.
Inside This Issue Presidential Perspective Reservations Required Club Calendar of Events Out & About in Your Jag Member Showcase SDJC Concours d’Elegance Here Comes the Judge Rearview Mirror Minutes Dealership Display Classified Advertisements Officers & Committees
Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8 Page 12 Page 16 Page 23 Page 24 Page 27 Page 31
Jim Hallameyer has volunteered to be our Dealership Representative. He acts as a liaison between our Club and Jaguar San Diego which has been a staunch supporter of us since they set up shop. One of Jim’s tasks is to provide a vintage Jag from the Club each month to be on display in the dealership showroom. He has taken that responsibility up a notch by providing transportation home when you drop your car off, and taking you to the dealership when it comes time to pick your Jag up again. He hand made high quality protective stanchions to provide a barrier, a savings of hundreds of dollars for the Club. We are very grateful to Jim for volunteering for this important position. Please see the article on page 24. We lost a dear friend and loyal member of our Club in July. Rex Ryan passed away after a brief but courageous battle with cancer. His shoes will be impossible to fill and he will be deeply missed. You’ll find a beautifully written Rearview Mirror on page 16. It was written by a friend of his from the Secret Car Club. I am looking forward to the Concours Afterglow dinner. It’s always a fun event and the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club is one of my favorite venues for the event. I will try to put together a glorious PowerPoint presentation recapping the event. Remember, it doesn’t matter whether you attended the Concours or not, the event is for all Club members. I look forward to seeing all of you there. Tata!
Stick August 2013
Harvey and Tolly Williamson’s XK8 on the Concours field Fine Print Jaguar Tracks is published monthly by the San Diego Jaguar Club as a membership benefit. Please send change of address information to the Membership Chair. This includes street address, e-mail address, or telephone number. The editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted. Reproduction of articles from other publications requires proper credit, as do articles from the Jaguar Tracks into other publications. All articles, photographs, ads, for inclusion into the Jaguar Tracks must be received by the newsletter editor by the 15th of the preceding month of publication. SDJC Newsletter Editor 10050 Lemon Ave La Mesa, CA 91941
[email protected]
Jaguar Tracks 2
Reser vations Required CONCOURS AFTERGLOW Sunday, August 11
Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club
Classic Showcase
Jaguar Jamboree, BBQ & Car Show Sunday, September 8th
5827 Via de la Cumbre, Rancho Santa Fe
Hosted by Barbara Bray 11:00-12:00 Check-in/Social Hour Noon Lunch Choice of Entree: Chicken Piccatta with Lemon Caper Sauce, Wild Mushroom Couscous and Seasonal Vegetables or Classic Caesar Entree Salad with Grilled Steak or Quadrefiore Pasta with Baby Fennel, Roasted Leeks, Grilled Eggplant and Charred Tomatoes in a Lemon Basil Sauce and Rolls and Butter Dessert: Trio of Mini Tarts Coffee and Tea Service
$35.00/person Wine and Beer tickets available for $10 (includes tax and service) RSVP by Tuesday, August 6th with your entree selection to:
Jay or Ann Stamets at stamets@sbcglobal. net or 760 745-9850
Members from the Southern California San Diego Jaguar Club, Inland Empire Jaguar Club, and the Jaguar Owners Club of LA are invited to join together and enjoy a day of fun, BBQ, fellowship and the showing of their Driven Jaguars of various model and years. The Tri-clubs of Southern California will caravan independently to Classic Showcase located in Oceanside. There will be a guided tour of the facility followed by a smoking BBQ on Classic Showcase’s patio. After the BBQ we will hold the car show. During this event we will share stories and enjoy each other’s camaraderie. For those that wish to participate in the car show, there will be judging with prizes for those cars that are the most unique drivers, the most fun drivers, the oldest drivers, and the barn finds that are still drivable. All vehicles must be driven to qualify for entry, and all prizes will be awarded after the BBQ. This will be a fun, but informal car show encouraging members to enjoy and drive their Jaguars. We invite all Jaguar club members to come and join in the festivities.
10:30 am - 11 am 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm - 1 pm 2 pm
Check-in Tour & Social Hour BBQ Lunch Awards Ceremony
Please RSVP by August 30th or sooner to management@ with how many will attend in your group. Cost is $12.50 per person for the BBQ lunch catered by our local BBQ restaurant. There is no entry fee for the car show.
Please mail your check in advance to: Classic Showcase, Inc. 2640 Vista Pacific Drive Oceanside, CA 92056
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (760) 758-6100
Cancellations after August 6th and no-shows will still be responsible for payment. August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 3
Club Calendar of Event s SDJC NAME TAGS
Sunday, August 11th COUNOURS AFTERGLOW LUNCH Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club (see page 3)
New members ordering name tags and those ordering replacement name tags: Please order directly through Nedra Rummell. A check for $15 per tag should be made out to SDJC and mailed to: Nedra Rummell 8009 Avenida Secreto Carlsbad, CA 92009
Sunday, September 8th CLASSIC SHOWCASE JAGUAR JAMBOREE Oceanside (see page 3) October 12 and 13 BRITISH CAR DAY Embarcadero North (Seaport Village)
Radio Shows
Saturday, November 9 ELECTION DINNER The Butcher Shop Steakhouse
You Auto Know - Dave Stall
7 - 9 pm Sat, 7 - 10 pm Sun KCBQ-AM 1170 Call-in (888) 344-1170
Saturday, Dec 14th SDJC HOLIDAY PARTY The Marriot Del Mar
The Car Show - Art Gould and Dave Kunz 9 - 10 am Saturdays KPFK-FM 90.7 Call-in (818) 985-5736
RPM Today - Dave Stall
1 - 3 pm Sundays ESPN-AM 800 Call-in (866) 377-6800
SDJC Dinner Meetings and Drives
SDJC Business Meetings
Monthly social events are generally held on the first or second weekend of the of each month. Event information will be included in issues of the newsletter and on the Club website at: www.sdjag. com. Please contact Jay Stamets at (760) 745-9850 if you would like to host a Club event.
San Diego Jaguar Club Business meetings are held monthly no later than the second Wednesday of each calendar month at a place and a time set by the President. The schedule published below is tentative and may be changed by the President.
Reservations are required for all social events. Please RSVP to the host prior to the cut-off date. Remember, SDJC must guarantee payment for all meals reserved. “No-shows” will be billed if they do not cancel their reservations via phone or e-mail by the posted cut-off date.
2013 Meeting Schedule
August 2013
Jan Feb Mar Apr
9 13 13 10
May Jun Jul Aug
8 12 10 14
Sep 11 Oct 9 Nov 13 Jaguar Tracks 4
Out & About In Your Jag Locally
August 4, Sunday Automobile heritage Day National City
Selected Wednesdays through December Cajon Classic Cruise El Cajon Visit for more info.
September 21-22 Coronado Speed Fest North Island Naval Air Station
Every Saturday, CBad Cars South end of Premium Outlets lot (7 - 9 am)
September 28-29 British Motors at Fairbrook Fairbrook Ranch
Each Thursday of the Month June-August La Mesa Car Show La Mesa Village, La Mesa 50s cars along La Mesa Blvd
October 13, Sunday IEJC Concours Idyllwild December TBA San Diego International Car Show Convention Center
Every Friday April through September Crusin’ Grand Escondido
On The Road August 7-21 Pebble Beach Concours Pebble Beach
September 12-20 Jaguar Factory Tour & Goodwood Revival Susan McCool
[email protected] or830 837-1558 October 26 Saturday JCSA Concours (Tucson) Tucson, AZ Dan Eklund 520 250-8209 August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 5
The Jensen’s 2007 XK S H O W C A S E
Here we go again! The Jensens have raised the bar. Dan writes, “Jorgene and I have been looking at XKs for a number of months to expand our “pride” of Jaguars. We looked at cars in several different colors, but have always thought Jaguar Racing Green (JRG) looked exceptional, as we have seen on several fellow SDJC-member XKs and XK8/Rs. While recently trolling the Internet, I came across an ’07 XK in JRG with Luxury Sport interior. As near as we could tell from the photos, the car looked terrific. What made this car a bit unique for me was that it was for sale near Portland, OR, about 5 miles from where I spent several summers during college working in my dad’s automotive front-end alignment shop. Since my brother still lives in Portland and is a car guy, I asked him to swing by and give it a test drive. He confirmed that the car was as cosmetically near flawless as it looked in the dealer photos. A check of the Carfax maintenance records showed that it had been serviced by the local Jaguar dealer for all of its 50K miles. Based on this input, we purchased the car and had it transported to San Diego by Jaguar Tracks advertiser, Nationwide Transport (highly recommended). The car arrived in an enclosed van three days later and, as hoped, looked as good as expected. Now that the car has been given a closer inspection, thanks to Coventry Motors, another Jaguar Tracks advertiser, and we have driven it, we are very happy with the purchase. Perhaps it will be sitting beside other SDJC JRG XKs at an upcoming concours. In reviewing the Jaguar owner manuals in the glove box, I came across the name and address of the original owner (we are the third owner). In another unique twist of fate, he lived in the same building that my mother lived in for many years, about three floors above her. I wonder if she ever met him in the elevator or saw his car in the parking garage. Mom passed away a couple of years ago, but I know she would have gotten a real chuckle about the coincidence!“
Websites You May Enjoy
Welcome New Members! by Nedra Rummell
Club Information San Diego Jaguar Club San Diego Auto Museum Jaguar Clubs of North America
Car Information Interactive Jaguar Car care Chat forum Classic Car eBulletin Database ad classified system Jaguar information sites Jaguar USA
If you are planning a trip, be sure to check the JCNA web page. Look for events you can attend on the road. August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 6
B R I T I S H M OTO RC A R S S E RV I C E · R E PA I R S · WA R R A N T I E S S M O G · R E S T O R AT I O N S · P A I N T & B O D Y R E P A I R S
Located in the heart of downtown Carlsbad Village, Independently Family Owned - Carlsbad British Motorcars has been a member of the community for the last 19 years. Collectively, we bring 50 years of British expertise and experience to our customers. Being trained in England and the United States by factory personnel, our experience is well acknowledged in San Diego by our loyal Jaguar owners. Our expertise however, is not limited to only Jaguar. Tyrone and his technicians are also skilled in servicing and repairing Range Rover, Mini Cooper, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin and Bentley, just to name a few British Icons.
2598 State Street | Carlsbad, CA 92008
(760) 434-2485 Independent Facility
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 7
San Diego Jaguar Club 49th Annual CONCOURS d’ELEGANCE at Spanish Landing Park
article by Stick Holmes
he San Diego Jaguar Club held another highly successful Concours July 14th at Spanish Landing Park. We had an excellent turnout with 27 Champion, 14 Driven, and 23 Jags on display. Participants came from as far away as San Francisco and Arizona. To make it even more fun, entries dated from 1948 to 2014! As you will see in the photos, there were many rare Jaguars entered this year, far more than usual. Concours Chairman Dan Jensen and his staff began preparations for the event almost a year ago. All that planning paid off in spades. It was a fantastic show. Enjoy the photos.
Mitch and Parvin Cohen had the newest car on the field with their brand new 2014 F-Type
Paul Novak’s 1990 XJ12 VDP August 2013
J Craig Venter’s 1948 MK IV was the oldest Jag present. It took 1st Place in its category and Best of Show!
Steve Card’s 1954 XK120 SE ready for judging
Jaguar Tracks 8
This is Steve Hawley’s latest addition, a very rare XJ-S Cabriolet
Jim Hallameyer stands by his new 2012 XK
Jaguar San Diego was our primary sponsor, with a generous monetary donation, three beautiful new Jaguars for an on-site display and many door prizes. They remain a consistent supporter of our Club. Other sponsors included Jaguar USA, a major contributor; Classic Showcase; XKs Unlimited; Welsh Enterprises; and Meguiar’s. The support of our sponsors was extremely important for the success of our event. Thank you sponsors!
Three beautiful new Jags from Jaguar San Diego
Colin and Nancy Seid’s 1952 XK120 August 2013
The Turners with their beautiful 1967 3.8 S
Jaguar Tracks 9
The Penniman’s very rare 2007 X-Type Estate Wagon
Chief Judge Paul Novak and his team of judges and scorers juggled 41 cars. Judges from four different clubs helped us as well. We can’t thank them enough for helping out. We’d also like to thank all the volunteers who manned the booths, helped set up and break down, and assisted entrants in parking their cars in their assigned location. Successful events like these could not be accomplished without your support. Thank you all for volunteering!
Robert Harrison’s 1991 XJ-S Coupe. That’s his black convertible in the background too, a car I once owned! Robert plans to become an SDJC member.
August 2013
Al Steele with his 1968 one-owner E-Type!
Bill Woolley’s super-rare 2002 XKR 100
My incredibly elegant 1960 MK IX parked in the shade. It’s good to be the King!
Jaguar Tracks 10
Rob Cohen’s super-hot 2012 XKR Coupe!
Ken and Ann Smith’s 1961 XK150
Pete Pickslay’s 1990 XJ6 Debbie Woolley’s 2002 XK8
Don Harrington’s 92 XJ-S
Tom Krefetz’s unrestored 1965 E-Type
Photos provided by Roger McDonald, Haley and Stick Holmes
August 2013
Continued on page 18
Jaguar Tracks 11
By Paul Novak, Chief Judge, San Diego Jaguar Club This article provides information about the Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA) Concours d’Elegance to help you understand more about this interesting aspect of Jaguar ownership. If you are a seasoned concours Entrant, I hope this will help you enjoy it more. If you have never participated, I hope this will encourage you to join in the fun.
2013 SDJC Concours d’Elegance Quick Look Report Our 49th Annual SDJC Concours was held on 14 July at Spanish Landing Park. It was a beautiful day, a spectacular venue, and there were a total of 64 beautiful Jaguars present. Here is a Quick Look Report about the concours and some of the facts about it. Entrants: There were 38 Entrants. Most Entrants brought one Entry, four Entrants brought two Entries and one really dedicated Entrant brought three Entries to be judged. Judges: There were 22 Judges from five clubs involved in the judging, including 13 Judges from the SDJC, 6 Judges from the Jaguar Owners Club of Los Angeles, and one Judge each from the Inland Empire Jaguar Club, the Jaguar Club of Southern Arizona and the Jaguar Associates Group of San Francisco. Eleven of the Judges were also Entrants and they brought a total 15 Entries to be judged (Judges are prohibited from judging their own Entries as well as any other Entries in the same class). Due to the large number of Entries, it would have been impossible for us to complete this year’s concours on schedule without the help of Judges from the other clubs. We also had two Apprentice Judges in training participate in this year’s judging as a necessary step towards their Judge Certification. Entries: We had a total of 42 Entries registered in 28 different judging classes, but only 41 Entries were judged. One Entry was unable to make it to its assigned judging spot under its own power and was thus disqualified. This was an unfortunate situation for the Entrant, Judges and spectators. The applicable section out of the Rule Book reads: “The Chief Judge or his designees must confirm that all Entries are driven, under their own power, to their assigned parking positions in the judging area – the objective is to simply prove/observe that the Entry runs and is drivable, i.e., entries shall not be trailered directly to their assigned parking positions and off-loaded. Entries not meeting this rule are ineligible for the day’s Concours Competition and shall not be judged.” Score Sheets: I have a total of 150 pages of score sheets to review, four for each Champion Division Entry and three for each Driven Division Entry. Per the JCNA Concours Rule Book, Chapter III “The Chief Judge MUST send the ORIGINAL score sheets to the Entrants, as soon as practical but not later than 21 calendar days following the Concours.” During the next two weeks I will review all the score sheets at least twice for accuracy and compliance with the 2013 JCNA Concours Rule Book, contact Judges regarding any questions I may have regarding their score sheet entries, contact Entrants if necessary, and then submit both the Entrant/Entry/Score information and the detailed Judges Report to JCNA for posting on their website. So for all those who are anxious to get your score sheets back, especially those who already contacted me the day after the concours requesting their score sheets, please be patient. The concours may be over for you, but the Chief Judge’s work continues until everything is complete and correct. You deserve nothing less for your efforts. For all the Entrants reading this, you should already have received your original Score Sheets in the mail. Protests: Those Entrants who question the manner in which their Entry was judged and/or the deductions made during the judging, you can file a formal protest. Per Chapter IV of the Concours Rule Book, “An Entrant’s protest must be filed with the JCNA Protest Committee Chair within 30 days of receipt of the score sheets or the protest will not be considered.” If you have any questions about this article or JCNA Concours d’Elegance participation, please contact me by email at P.M.Novak7@ August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 12
all parts and service to
.com 2 | www.Jag uarS anD iego O FFIC E (888 ) 377 -968 92111 DIEG O, C ALIF ORN IA AN S | T TREE S OY 452 5 C ONV
on new and pre-owned cars for mem anDie O FFICE (888) 377-96 82 | www.J aguarS , C ALIFOR NIA 92111 4525 C ONVOY S TREET | S AN DIEGO
Proof of Jaguar membership is required. Cannot be combined with any other offer.
O FFICE (888) 377-9682 | 4525 C ONVOY S TREET | S AN DIEGO, C ALIFORNIA 92111
D oS
t ble s a e ay ize clud p s r in ck he all fo not call C C oes g ke d in Ma ice hipp r s P
SDJC LOGOWEAR Contact our Logo Czars
Dick and Francine Kearney 619 692-3363 or
[email protected] or mail request to: P O Box 600111 San Diego, CA 92160 Sew-On Patch 2
X 21/2”
Baseball Cap
SDJC Car Blanket 6’X4’
Rosewood Pen
Grille Badge
Lapel Pin
Windshield Decal
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 13
ELECTRICAL THEORY BY JOSEPH LUCAS Lifted from the forum page of Sideways Technologies
ositive ground depends on proper circuit functioning, which is the transmission of negative ions by retention of the visible spectral manifestation known as “smoke”. Smoke is the thing that makes electrical circuits work. We know this to be true because every time one lets the smoke out of an electrical circuit, it stops working. This can be verified repeatedly through empirical testing.
For example, if one places a copper bar across the terminals of a battery, prodigious quantities of smoke are liberated and the battery shortly ceases to function. In addition, if one observes smoke escaping from an electrical component such as a Lucas voltage regulator, it will also be observed that the component no longer functions. The logic is elementary and inescapable! The function of the wiring harness is to conduct the smoke from one device to another. When the wiring springs a leak and lets all the smoke out of the system, nothing works afterward. Starter motors were considered unsuitable for British motorcycles for some time largely because they consumed large quantities of smoke, requiring very unsightly large wires. It has been reported that Lucas electrical components are possibly more prone to electrical leakage than their Bosch, Japanese or American counterparts. Experts point out that this is because Lucas is British, and all things British leak. British engines leak oil, British shock absorbers, hydraulic forks and disk brake systems leak fluid, British tires leak air and British Intelligence leaks national defense secrets. Therefore, it follows that British electrical systems must leak smoke. Once again, the logic is clear and inescapable. In conclusion, the basic concept of transmission of electrical energy in the form of smoke provides a logical explanation of the mysteries of electrical components especially British units manufactured by Joseph Lucas, Ltd.
And remember: “A gentleman does not motor about after dark.”
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 14
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 15
Rex Ryan Born 4-18-1935 Passing 7-1-2013 It is impossible to capture all that Rex Ryan was in this lifetime. Here is a short tribute to a phenomenal individual. We will honor and salute the man that we all knew and loved. Rex was born at Hollywood Hospital in Los Angeles to Fred and Thelma Ryan. Fred was a school teacher and Principal here at various schools in San Diego. Thelma was a homemaker. He was raised in La Jolla, matriculating from La Jolla High School and attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, earning a degree in Architecture. Rex served in the United States Army and was stationed in Germany. There he acquired his first Porsche. He drove it around Europe during his stay there and brought it back to the US on his return. (He recently brought the Porsche to the Secret Car Club after he had it restored for us to admire a couple of years ago). He worked for several large firms in San Diego, assisting in the design of some prominent structures, notably one Star Dust Hotel here in Mission Valley (when there was very little there). Becoming disgruntled with the architectural field, he made a career change. Rex started selling automobiles here in San Diego. He proved his worth as he was an excellent salesman, making a name for himself and rising to sales manager position for the dealerships that he worked for. In 1967, with his good friend Dick Kramer, Rex was instrumental in the start up of Ivac. They produced the first digital thermometer that was used in the local hospitals and later went nationwide with sales. Various business and sales positions came his way and he finally settled at Ridgewood Capital in the early eighties, rising to the Sales Manager for the Western United States. He met his wife, Julie, when he lived in Laguna Beach. They moved to Bankers Hill in San Diego in 2004. Rex semi retired from Ridgewood three years ago, but was still involved with the firm. He was planning to return as he relished selling and working. From his past positions as President of the San Diego Jaguar Club, and membership in the MG Club and the Secret Car Club, there were few that had the encyclopedic memory of the Jaguar and many, many other marques that Rex possessed. Ask him a question and he, on most occasions, had the answer. Rex was involved in many facets of the car hobby and had a very nice collection of beautiful cars. We were hosted by him at the Park Avenue garage and had the opportunity to hear him recant the particulars of the automobiles in his collection. We really appreciated the opportunity to view his cars and see him in his element, that of a story teller weaving the intricacies of each car and how and when he acquired it. For those of us who attended the La Jolla Motor Car Classics, the British Car Days at Liberty Station, and various meets and rallies, his was the smiling, familiar face that made the day more enjoyable by his presence. Rex is survived by his wife, Julie, his three children, Jeff, Meleen and Jenifer, and his gradchildren, Nick, Daniel, Matthew, Nathan and Shauna. To any and all that knew Rex, a large hole has been left in our hearts. We loved and will miss him greatly. Rest in peace dear friend.
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 16
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 17
Tom Krefetz’s 1967 420 is Pastel Blue Vic Chang’s 2007 Winter Gold XK
I included a photo of every SDJC member’s Jag that was judged and a few displays. I’m sorry I didn’t have room for the beautiful entries belonging to our friends at other clubs. The presentation on our website ( will be much more comprehensive. Dan, Paul and I thank all of you who took the time and effort to participate in our event. We know how much effort it takes! We had professional photographer Doug Gates take a photo of each entry as it arrived on site. Please check it out at www.gatesphotography. com and find your Jag with a stunning backdrop.
J Craig Venter’s super rare 1950 XK120 Alloy
August 2013
William Prassas’ 1968 Pale Primrose Yellow E-Type
Mark Hodges’ 2009 Frost Blue XF
Jaguar Tracks 18
J Craig Venter’s 1963 E-Type
My 2001 Titanium XK8
Brian Ellis’ 1999 XJ8 VDP
Tom Wright’s 2006 X-Type
Hal Michaels’ Golden Sand 1964 E-Type Al and Kathleen Steele’s 2007 S-Type R
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 19
49th Annual San Diego Jaguar Club Concours d'Elegance Provisional Scores as of 16 July 2013 Name Craig Venter Steven Card Colin and Nancy Seid Steve Kirby Philip Monego Ken & Ann Smith Hal Michaels Randall Smalley Steve Kirby Tom Krefetz Craig & Sue Turner Mike Zavos Paul Novak Charlie Hallums Brian Ellis Art & Jackie Guzman Robert Harrison Jennifer Hanson Stick and Karen Holmes Bill Woolley Rob Cohen Doug Klapstein Dorian Paul Tom Wright Tom Krefetz Don Harrington Mitch Cohen Craig Venter William Prassas Stick & Karen Holmes Mel Friedman Pete Pickslay David and Jocelyn Kelley Paul Petach Mark Burkhart Charles Whitney Debbie Woolley Victor Chang Jim Hallameyer George Penniman Mark Hodges
Year 1948 1954 1952 1958 1960 1961 1964 1962 1965 1967 1967 1972 1990 1996 1999 1989 1991 1992 2001 2002 2012 2007 2007 2006 1965 1992 2014 1963 1968 1960 1987 1990 1995 1995 1999 1998 2002 2007 2012 2007 2009
Body 3.5L MK IV XK120SE XK120 XK150 XK150SE XK150 E-Type E-Type Mark 10 420 3.8 S Type XJ6 XJ12 XJ6 XJ8 VDP XJS XJS XJS XK8 XKR-100 XKR XKR XK X-Type E-Type XJS F-Type E-Type E-Type MK IX XJ6 XJ6 VdP XJS XJS XK8 XK8 XK8 XK XK X-Type XF
Model Saloon OTS FHC OTS FHC DHC OTS OTS Saloon Sedan Saloon Saloon VDP Sedan Saloon Conv. Coupe Conv. Conv. Coupe Coupe Conv. Conv. Sedan OTS Coupe Conv. OTS OTS Saloon Saloon Saloon Conv. Conv. Conv. Conv. Coupe Coupe Coupe Estate Saloon
Color Sherwood Green Pastel Blue Cream Red Cream Imperial Maroon Golden Sand Opalescent Bronze Black Pastel Blue/Dark Blue Burgundy Regency Red Jaguar Racing Green BRG Alpine Green White Red Solent Blue Titanium Anthracite Rhodium Silver Salsa Red White White Op. Silver Blue/Drk Blue Ivory Salsa Red Black Pale Primrose Yellow Black/Mist Grey Crimson Diamond Blue Topaz White Alpine Green White Black Winter Gold Taiga Green Liquid Silver Metalic Frost Blue
First First Second Second Third First Second First First First Second First First First First First Second First First Second First Second Third First First First First First First First First First Second First First Third Second First Second First First
99.90 98.11 94.97 98.59 98.16 99.47 97.79 99.50 99.94 99.34 94.43 99.72 99.97 99.97 99.88 100.00 98.09 99.95 99.94 99.84 99.98 99.82 99.39 99.71 98.82 97.33 100.00 9.689 9.602 9.788 9.986 9.990 9.991 9.992 9.987 9.930 9.981 9.997 9.995 9.904 9.996
Posted above are the Provisional scores. They are not official or final until approved by JCNA. Spanish Landing Park was in excellent condition, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect, and the field was filled with beautiful Jags. To add frosting to the cake, Dick and Francine Kearney reported that sales of our logo items were up over 200% vs. previous years. Ka ching! The Club truly appreciates the hard work and planning by Dan Jensen and his entire staff. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next year for our 50th Annual Concours!
See you next year for our 50th! August 2013
The Proctor’s 1969 E-Type
Jaguar Tracks 20
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 21
XKs Unlimited Turns 40!
We invite you to join in our Open House Celebration October 3-6 in beautiful San Luis Obispo, California. This will be an event to remember and the response has already been fantastic. Weekend highlights include: Thursday Night: Self-guided tour of the San Luis Obispo Farmers Market and Street Fair Friday Night: Meet and Greet at the host hotel with hors d’oeuvres and no-host cocktails Saturday: XKs Unlimited Open House. 9:00 to 3:00. Tour our restoration department, talk to our technicians and sales team and receive a 20 percent discount on virtually all in-stock parts Saturday Night: Banquet dinner and “Casino Royale” style gaming night. Our guest speaker will be internationally known Jaguar author and historian Philip Porter who has graciously agreed to join us from England Sunday: Fun-run-style car rallye and an all-makes car show The economy is on the rebound, people are dusting off their collector cars and this is an excellent opportunity to get away for a relaxing weekend on the Central Coast. Join us October 3-6, 2013. Visit and use the Open House link for complete details. August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 22
San Diego Jaguar Club Board Meeting Minutes July 10, 2013 The meeting was called to order at Jaguar San Diego at 6:30PM by President, Stick Holmes. The following board members were present: Nedra Rummell, Grant Rummell, George Klein, Jay Stamets, Robert Proctor, and Dannie McLaughlin. Also present were Dan Jensen, Concours Chair, Paul Novak, Chief Judge, and Vic Chang, Director Emeritus. Secretary’s Report. The minutes of the June meeting were unanimously approved via e-mail by the Board prior to the meeting. Treasurer’s Report. The financial report was unanimously approved. Grant pointed out that the Club’s bottom line is $4,000 less than this time last year, but the Club has underwritten a couple of events which the Board members felt was appropriate as there are still adequate funds in the Club’s account. First Vice President’s Activities Report. Events Review: 6/14-15 – those attending the introduction of the new F-Type at Jaguar San Diego said both the cocktail party on Friday and the test drive on Saturday were outstanding; 6/22 Paul reported the judges’ training was successful with all judges completing the required annual refresher course; 6/27 – seven Jaguars turned out for SDJC at the Fair. Events Preview: 7/14 – the 49th annual SDJC Concours is on track; 8/11 – the Concours Afterglow which will be held at the Rancho Santa Fe Country Club is a go; 9/8 – Classic Showcase Tour, lunch and car show for combined JOC LA/IEJC/SDJC is being organized by Tom Krefetz; 10/12-13 – British Car Day will be held at the Embarcadero. Katherine Partain will organize the Club participation and make arrangements with George to get a tent and the Club banner; 10/13 IEJC Concours – Stick is organizing this event; 11/9 – Election Dinner will be at the Butcher Shop with social hour at 6:00 and dinner at 7:00 at a cost of $35 per person. Jay mentioned to Grant that he will need $200 to hold this reservation; 12/14 – the Holiday Party will be at the Marriott in Del Mar with Nedra organizing this event. Drives and lunches to Pechanga and/or the Grand Tradition in Fallbrook for 2014 were briefly discussed. As always, details will be available on the Club’s website and in the newsletter closer to the date of each event. Membership Report. Nedra presented the following prospective members to the board for approval: Elana & Glen Hobson. Upon a motion by Grant and seconded by George, the Hobsons were unanimously approved. After brief discussion it was decided that the Roster will be printed using the same program and format as was used last year. Dannie offered to assist Nedra with proofing. . Newsletter Editor’s Report. Stick informed the Board that he will be leaving San Diego at the end of the year and the Club will need to find a new Newsletter Editor. Stick will approach Jim Hallameyer about taking this position. Functional Chair Reports. BCCC – In Craig’s absence, Dannie reported that things are moving along for British Car Day. Website – Stick reported there are lots of new classified ads. Stick said that he could possibly maintain the website for a while, but that the Club will need to find his replacement in the near future. He suggested that Mike Smith might be interested in this position. Advertising – Dan reported that all advertisers have paid. Concours – Dan is finalizing the layout for the cars. He, George, and Stick will meet at the field on 7/13 at 11:00AM to do the layout. So far there are 64 cars entered. Dan has room for an additional three. Paul is finalizing the judging schedule and tightening up the judging process to be in compliance with JCNA Concours rules. He told the Board that he had to recruit judges from other Clubs to ensure all cars are judged in a timely manner. Paul has gone to great lengths to prepare a schedule that will let every entrant know the exact time their car will be judged. Stick will get the program containing this information to the printer. Dick Cavicke has donated 14 Concours trophies which will represent a savings of around $600 to the Club. Stick has a first aid kit that he is donating to the Club and will have it at the Concours. Jaguar San Diego is bringing four cars to the Concours with one probably an F-Type, however, the Club is still awaiting their sponsorship money and gifts. Nedra presented the Best of Show trophy to the Board and it was decided that only those individuals either being judged or displaying cars will be eligible to vote for this award. Old Business – 1) The logo shirts are in. The Board decided to charge $25 for each shirt; 2) Stick reported that categories for British Car Day have been decided and he will present them at the next meeting. New Business – 1) The display stand is in and looks great, however Stick reported there was a small scratch. After informing the company about this, they refunded the Club $52.71; 2) Jim Hallameyer built two stanchions for the dealership display and Stick gave Jim’s receipts to Grant for reimbursement; 3) Craig McLaughlin will take over as the Club’s BCCC representative; 4) There was discussion about the Club’s Facebook page and unauthorized people posting to it. Stick asked the Board if they thought the page should be closed. Bob suggested that Ali might be interested in administering the page. If she is not interested, Stick will send out a mass e-mail to see if someone would like to take this over; 4) Dannie said that she had received the annual e-mail from the Coronado Speed Fest about car corral passes. After discussion, it was agreed that she will request six passes. Stick will put an item in the newsletter that members should contact Dannie if they would like a pass. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35PM. The next board meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. at Jaguar San Diego. Respectfully submitted by Dannie McLaughlin, Secretary August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 23
San Diego Jaguar Club Display at Jaguar San Diego
The San Diego Jaguar Club has a member who acts as Dealer Representative from our club to Jaguar San Diego. Jim Hallameyer has recently assumed those duties. Our relationship with Jaguar San Diego is strong and built on a common love of the Jaguar automobile. They are real ‘car guys’ who have proven to be a valuable sponsor to our club. We reciprocate in this relationship with loyalty to the Jaguar brand and by providing an ongoing display of our classic Jaguars on the showroom floor of their beautiful new dealership. The display is changed monthly and gives our members an opportunity to showcase their cars and promote our club. Recent cars on display have included Rex Ryan’s Mark II, Stick Holmes’ Mark IX and Dick Cavicke’s XK 120 SE. August will see Wright Benson’s E-Type 2+2 coupe. Members who have show quality Jaguars are encouraged to participate in this endeavor. Show quality doesn’t mean only championship class cars, but also driven and display cars which will present well on the showroom floor at Jaguar San Diego. Our goal is to convey a sense of pride and history of the Jaguar automobile and promote our club. As you can see in the photo accompanying this article, in addition to the featured car, we have a display case with trophies and memorabilia, a stand to provide visitors with details about the vehicle currently displayed, some literature on how to join our club and a simple set of stanchions cordoning off the vehicle to let viewers know they should look with their eyes only. Please consider participating in our dealer display effort by volunteering your Jaguar. By doing so, you will help ensure an ongoing relationship with our dealer sponsor, Jaguar San Diego, and assist in the promotion of our San Diego Jaguar Club. Jim will be happy to assist you with all of the logistics for set up including transportation. He can be contacted via email at
[email protected] or by telephone at 619-440-7893.
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 24
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COVENTRY CARS of SAN DIEGO Bill O’Brien and Trace Luckett, servicing Jaguars in San Diego for over 30 years
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Jaguar Repair & Service is Our Only Business 5097 Santa Fe Street San Diego, CA 92109 August 2013
Discounts for Jaguar Club Members
Jaguar Tracks 25
Celebrity Jags
Jo Morrow with a Jaguar MK IX (she has excellent taste)
August 2013
Jaguar Tracks 26
Jaguar Caravela alloy wheels w/ tires: two front wheels @ 8.5J x 19 with 245/40 R19 Dunlop SP Sport 01 Js and two rear wheels @ 9.5J x 19 with 275/35 R19 Dunlop SP Sport 01 Js. Standard from the factory on my ‘12 Jaguar XK coupe. 5,270 easy miles. Very slight scrape on one front wheel, otherwise, these wheels are unblemished, genuine Jaguar wheels, NOT after market reproductions. $1,450 for all four. Jim Hallameyer, 619-440-7893 More photos and info at (Classifieds)
1997 XK8 Jaguar - Racing Green - $7,995 (Pacific Beach). This Jaguar comes from a single owner, and has been garaged most of her life! Owner has put in approximately $2500.00 worth of work in the past few months. Here are some details: New secondary timing chain sensors (2), new battery, new cam covers and seals (L&R) Michelin tires, fairly new. Very low mileage --> 54K in 16 years!!! Andrya Feinberg
[email protected]
1969 E-Type OTS - Primrose with black interior. Only 25K documented original miles. SoCal car. Many more photos & much more info on our site: (Classifieds) $69,500. Contact Jim Hallameyer 619 440-7893
1994 XJ12 - Morocco Red Pearl Clear Coat with Cream interior. This Jag has had only one owner. No accidents. Has been extremely well maintained. All service records. Garaged its entire life, no rust. No leaks. Driven regularly but not far. Everything is operational including the clock! $6,100. More photos available on request. Conctact Bruce Holley 818 618-9300
Full sets of tools for the MK 2, MK 10, 420G, Mk VII, MK III, MK IX. Many extra tools for these and other models including XKs and E-Types. All tools are authentic and proper tools for show. Let me know if you need anything. Even if you’re not sure what you need, maybe I can help you find what is proper for your box/roll/kit.
[email protected] or 619 698-6868 August 2013
2006 XK8 Coupe. Superb Condition. 47,000 miles. Black with black leather interior + Burl dash. 4.2 Liter V-8 w/ 6-speed Automatic / 19” Alloys with low-mile (