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Kannada — ¥s仩罄 社i罄z ¥s靛懲 /font> .... This book reveals the powerful key to bring .... Napoleon Hill's classic The Essence of Law of Success will help.
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THE LEADER WHO HAD NO TITLE A modern fable on real success in business & in life

For more than 15 years, Robin Sharma has been quietly sharing with Fortune 500 companies and many of the superrich a success formula that has made him one of the most sought-after leadership advisers in the world. Now, for the first time, Sharma makes his proprietary process available to you, so that you can get to your absolute best while helping your organization break through to a dramatically new level of winning.

J-2026 ` 195 216p ISBN 978-81-8495-119-6


One of the world’s most highly respected leadership experts ROBIN SHARMA is devoted to the mission of helping organizations develop people who Lead Without a Title. His clients include Microsoft, GE, FedEx, IBM, Nike, NASA, and Yale University. Sharma’s books, such as The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The Greatness Guide, have topped bestseller lists across the globe and have sold millions of copies in more than 70 languages.

THE GREATNESS GUIDE CD Edition J-1751 CD ` 250 240p ISBN 978-81-7992-815-8 Standard Edition J-1545 ` 195 240p ISBN 81-7992-576-5

THE GREATNESS GUIDE 2 Includes audio

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Includes audio

Includes audio

Extraordinary Leadership

How to Craft a World-Class LifeTM

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THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI A fable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life.

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ISBN 81-7992-230-8

THE ROBIN SHARMA PACK—9 VOLUMES New Collector’s Edition has Robin Sharma’s nine bestsellers in one pack. Includes FREE The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari audiobook read by the author. J-1910 ` 1,595 ISBN 978-81-7992-982-7




Assamese — Œ Ù ¬ 1 ± ø 1 ø ¬ ı S ê œ fl ¡ ø 1 ø  √˚ ˛± ¸ i ß… ± ¸ œ Ê √Ú

J-1545G ISBN 978-81-8495-161-5 Forthcoming

l p _ s p _ p d p N Æv $i ÆL Gujarati — d

J-1228A ` 125 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-806-6

Hindi — _ h m Z V m H $ m _ m J ©X e ©H $

Bengali —


J-1228B ` 150 208p ISBN 978-81-7992-693-2

Gujarati — k fi k p k u S > °d Z °` p °s p _ u k Ñ` r — h ¢Q u _ p M u J-1228G ` 150 204p ISBN 81-7992-673-7

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J-1275K ` 135 272p ISBN 978-81-8495-109-7

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∞ h + ≤Q Í r q O z = ∞ ~ °} Ï x fl [ ~ Ú O K «∞ Telugu — =

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= ° ‚ ¬ì Ù # ß ` Çr = # O

à^mdr ZoV¥ÎderbVm

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ECKHART TOLLE THE ART OF PRESENCE SPOKEN-WORD AUDIO On The Art of Presence, Eckhart Tolle invites you to a six-session audio retreat to teach you how to deepen the moment-to-moment realization of your essential nature – the unified consciousness that lives all things. With his one-of-a-kind instruction, he shows how to ground yourself in the vibrancy of your “inner body” while simultaneously breaking free from the illusion of separation from the outside world; how to connect to “the perceiver” of all your experiences to realize the wisdom of spiritual surrender; and much more. Forthcoming

Spiritual teacher and author ECKHART TOLLE was born in Germany and educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. Eckhart Tolle is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Power of Now (translated into 33 languages) and A New Earth.

THE PRESENCE PROCESS MICHAEL BROWN, a music journalist, developed an acutely painful neurological condition for which conventional medicine had neither cure nor relief. This caused him to set out on what became a 9-year odyssey of self-healing. The outcome is an evolutionary new healing procedure called The Presence Process.



The Presence Process invites us to experience present moment awareness as a way of life, a daily approach to living on this planet. The Presence Process makes it possible for anyone to experience Presence and present moment awareness without having to take the long, challenging path most of us usually take.

MARCUS BUCKINGHAM FIND YOUR STRONGEST LIFE In the past four decades, we have secured better job prospects, greater acknowledgement for achievement, wider influence, and higher salaries. And yet, recent studies reveal that we have gradually become less happy. This book reveals the powerful key to bring fulfillment, peace, and control into your life. Buckingham shares his research on how to identify our strengths and “strong life” patterns in order to make the best choices for the future.

J-2084 ` 250 284p ISBN 978-81-8495-197-4

MARCUS BUCKINGHAM, founder of The Marcus Buckingham Company, is a bestselling author with more than 3.7 million copies sold. Buckingham graduated from Cambridge University in 1987 with a master’s degree in Social and Political Science.

THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU Want to know what you are supposed to do with your life? The Truth About You is an experience to unlock life’s toughest questions. The process this revolutionary toolkit teaches will create higher satisfaction and performance in life and work.

J-2047 ` 195 140p ISBN 978-81-8495-141-7



RYUHO OKAWA THE REBIRTH OF BUDDHA “I have always cherished the lotus flower... Their pure stems reach out from the surface of the muddy water, And their flowers bloom in colors of rare beauty... Realize that your calling is also here. This world and all that is found within it, May appear to be full of dirt. However, you must not avoid these surroundings... You must bloom like a beautiful lotus. This is the reason why you have been born in this present life...” — Ryuho Okawa

Includes DVD J-2030 DVD


` 250 264p ISBN 978-81-8495-124-0


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RYUHO OKAWA is a spiritual leader, contemporary visionary and founder of ‘Happy Science’. He has devoted his life to the Truth and ways to happiness. Born in 1956 in Japan, Okawa studied law in Tokyo and then international finance in New York. In 1986 he renounced his business career at a major Japanese trading house in New York, and established Happy Science. In 1987, he established the IRH Press Co., Ltd. Since then, Okawa has published over 500 books which have combined sales of over 20 million copies.



Throughout history, Great Guiding Spirits of Light have been present on Earth in both the East and the West at crucial points in human history to further our spiritual development. Among them were Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius, Socrates, Krishna and Mohammed. The Golden Laws reveals how Buddha’s Plan has been unfolding on Earth, and outlines five thousand years of the secret history of humankind.

In this enlightening book, author and religious leader Ryuho Okawa reveals the multidimensional aspects of the Other World, describing its dimensions, its characteristics, and its governing laws. The Laws of Eternity fully explains why it is essential for us to understand the structure and history of the spirit world, for now is the time to give proper motivation to our lives – to prepare for the Golden Age which awaits us.

Includes DVD

Includes DVD

J-2031 DVD ISBN 978-81-8495-125-7 Forthcoming

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Translations available Hindi:


` 135


ISBN 978-81-8495-038-0



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ISBN 978-81-8495-068-7



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ISBN 978-81-8495-095-3



` 125


ISBN 978-81-8495-093-9



NAPOLEON HILL GOOD AS GOLD The material in this book is pure, unadulterated gold. Whether you are a student, a businessman, an entrepreneur, or a teacher, you will glean much information from the shared material in this volume. By using the shared secrets uncovered during his lifetime of research and practice, Dr. Hill guides you step by step in becoming the person you were meant to be.

J-2076 ` 195 244p ISBN 978-81-8495-186-8

NAPOLEON HILL had a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. Hill established the Napoleon Hill Foundation as a non-profit educational institution.


THREE FEET FROM GOLD This remarkable business allegory tells a fascinating story, and presents key principles of Napoleon Hill’s revolutionary bestseller Think & Grow Rich. You’ll find encouragement and motivation to believe in yourself, and discover your own Personal Success EquationTM. SHARON LECHTER is the co-author of the international bestselling book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Sharon is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, educator and a speaker.

THE ESSENCE OF LAW OF SUCCESS INCLUDES LAW OF SUCCESS AUDIOBOOK Napoleon Hill’s classic The Essence of Law of Success will help you achieve dreams and personal success you may never have thought possible. Discover the incredible amount of useful information brought together for you in this one magnificent volume.

GREG S. REID is a #1 best-selling author, filmmaker and motivational speaker.

J-2022 ` 225 256p ISBN 978-81-8495-108-0

J-2003 CD ` 195 184p

ISBN 978-81-8495-085-4



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ROBERT H. SCHULLER 8 POSITIVE ATTITUDES Life can be tough in this high-powered, fast-paced world. So how can we do more than merely survive? How can we create rich and abundant lives that are fulfilling for us and a blessing to those around us? How can we make our dreams come true and find real happiness in spite of disappointments, tough times, and our own weaknesses?

J-2027 ` 195 216p ISBN 978-81-8495-120-2

ROBERT H. SCHULLER is founder and senior minister of the famed Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. His telecast, The Hour of Power, is one of the most widely viewed programs in television history. He is the author of more than 20 books, including Turning Hurts Into Halos.

GETTING THROUGH WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH This book offers ten principles to help break down the barriers to healing, including selfpity, guilt, fear, and the inability to forgive and help you “get through” your difficult times. Above all, Getting Through What You Are Going Through proves the healing power of faith and prayer. J-1974 ` 250 216p ISBN 978-81-8495-055-7

ROBERT A. SCHULLER has written 12 books, including the bestseller Dump Your Hang-Ups Without Dumping Them On Others.



GARY CHAPMAN THE FOUR SEASONS OF MARRIAGE Marriages are in a perpetual state of transition, continually moving from one season to another – perhaps not annually, as in nature, but just as certainly and consistently. Sometimes we find ourselves in winter: distant, discouraged and dissatisfied; other times, we experience springtime: a time of hope, filled with openness and anticipation. On other occasions, we bask in the warmth of summer: satisfied and comfortable, simply enjoying life together. And, in times of fall, negligence and uncertainty creep in, leaving us feeling unsettled and apprehensive.

J-2016 CD ` 295 236p ISBN 978-81-8495-101-1

DR. GARY CHAPMAN, the New York Times bestselling author of books on marriage and family. He is the director of Marriage & Family Life Consultants, Inc., and an internationally known speaker.



ANGER J-2062

ISBN 978-81-8495-169-1 Forthcoming



ISBN 978-81-7992-826-4


` 195


ISBN 978-81-7992-863-9


` 250


ISBN 978-81-7992-961-2


` 295


ISBN 978-81-7992-957-5



BOB PROCTOR BECOME A MAGNET TO MONEY This book goes deeper than you may have ever experienced before. If you only knew the Omnipotent Power that you can plug into... your life would not only be wealthier, it would be breathtaking... Here in this book the authors teach us how to attract wealth and raise consciousness. BOB PROCTOR is a world-renowned speaker and motivator. He is author of the international bestseller You Were Born Rich and was featured in the blockbuster hit, The Secret. MICHELE BLOOD is a bestselling author of over 50 success and transformational books and programs.

J-2064 CD ` 250 196p ISBN 978-81-8495-172-1

MAX LUCADO FEARLESS Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less. This book does exactly that! MAX LUCADO is a bestselling author and minister of writing and preaching at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. He has written more than 50 books, and has been featured on The Fox News Channel, NBC Nightly News, Larry King Live, and USA Today.

J-2065 ` 225 236p ISBN 978-81-8495-173-8



M.N. RAJU TWO BILLION HEART BEATS Do you want to achieve something worthwhile? Believe in yourself and burn your fear in the fire of your inner energy. You will be successful. There is a wonderful mantra that can help you become successful. This mantra is nothing but the powerful words ‘I can’. In this book, you will be led through incidents that offer several valuable experiences, inspired by the life of a man, who has achieved great success.

J-2061 ` 195 212p ISBN 978-81-8495-168-4 World Rights Available

M.N. RAJU, Chairman of MNR Educational Group, is a successful teacher of millions of students through his vast network of educational institutions.



PATRICIA SPADARO HONOR YOURSELF Honor Yourself skillfully guides us through one of the key paradoxes – and stressors – of our time: how to balance what others need with what we need, how to give and to receive. While modern society is ill-equipped to bring us back into balance, the sages of East and West are experts, and Honor Yourself explores their practical, and surprising, advice. When you honor yourself, you are respecting, appreciating, and giving birth to your best self so that you can give creatively and abundantly in ways that honor others. PATRICIA SPADARO is an award-winning writer and the coauthor of six popular books on personal growth and practical spirituality. Her books have been translated into 18 languages and are available in over 25 countries worldwide.

J-2021 ` 250 240p ISBN 978-81-8495-106-6

CAMI WALKER 29 GIFTS At age 35, Cami Walker was burdened by an intensified struggle with multiple sclerosis, a chronic neurological disease that left her debilitated and depressed. Then she received an uncommon ‘prescription’ from South African healer Mbali Creazzo: Give away 29 gifts in 29 days. By Day 29, not only had Walker’s health and happiness improved, but she had created a worldwide giving movement. 29 Gifts is the insightful story of the author’s life change as she embraces and reflects on the naturally reciprocal process of giving. CAMI WALKER was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2006. Two years later she created the 29-Day Giving Challenge community. She has continued her own giving cycle every month since.

J-2077 ` 250 256p ISBN 978-81-8495-187-5




WHAT EVER YOU’RE INTO There are 52 Timeless Winning Truths jam packed in this easy to read yet powerful book. Learn and apply and sooner than you know it, your inner winner will emerge out of the horizon. What Ever You’re Into (as the book states), you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from the content of this book, if you are serious about winning of course. KEVIN ABDULRAHMAN is ‘The Man Inspiring Millions’. He is the author of THE BOOK series. A keynote speaker, mind nutrition expert, world class mind coach to the elite and an in-demand trainer Kevin helps organizations and individuals create breakthrough results.

J-2080 ` 250 248p ISBN 978-81-8495-190-5

JIM STOVALL TODAY’S THE DAY In this inspiring and uplifting book, Jim Stovall shares easy-to-read, easyto-put-to-work nuggets of wisdom. Each persuasive chapter gives you a practical, and powerful insight that can help you successfully negotiate every situation in your life. JIM STOVALL has enjoyed success as an author, athlete, investment broker, and entrepreneur while dealing with the challenge of blindness. In addition to his personal achievements, Jim was honored as the 2000 International Humanitarian of the Year, joining Jimmy Carter, Nancy Reagan, and Mother Teresa as a recipient of this prestigious award.

J-1787 ` 195 188p ISBN 978-81-7992-853-0




K. AJAYAKUMAR TIGER IN THE TOILET The easiest and best medicine available in this world for a long and happy life is ‘laughter’. This book gives plenty of this medicine to its readers along with a lot of wisdom. Tiger in the Toilet is a unique book. It educates the reader while entertaining him. Every page contains a life-changing message. K. AJAYAKUMAR is an Engineer turned HR Professional based in Mumbai. He has authored many books, which have been published in India and abroad. He has written screenplays for Hollywood and Bollywood movies as well.


` 195 208p ISBN 978-81-8495-137-0 World Rights Available Self-Help



Smile for No Good Reason

The 10 Commitments

Lee L. Jampolsky, Ph.D.

David Simon, M.D.

J-2019 ISBN 978-81-8495-104-2 Forthcoming

J-1772 ` 250 214p ISBN 978-81-7992-836-3

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10 Strategies for Winning at Life: The Big Game

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Scott MacMillan

Ann Nichols Roulac

J-1673 ` 225 202p ISBN 978-81-7992-725-0

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Richard Bach

Richard Bach

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52 Ways to Live Success


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J-1891 ` 195 228p ISBN 978-81-7992-958-2 World Rights Available

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101 Inspiring Stories

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J-1954 ` 250 204p ISBN 978-81-8495-028-1 World Rights Available

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G. Francis Xavier

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James Lee Valentine

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