James Cooper. Curriculum Vitae. November 2013. Department of Mathematics.
Rice University, MS 136. 6100 Main St. Houston, TX 77005. Phone : (512) 554- ...
James Cooper Curriculum Vitae November 2013 Department of Mathematics Rice University, MS 136 6100 Main St. Houston, TX 77005 Education 2009– 2008 2008 Awards 2008 2008
Phone : (512) 554-3682 http://www.math.rice.edu/~jmc10/
[email protected]
Rice University, Houston, TX Doctoral Candidate in Mathematics (advisor : Andrew Putman) University of Texas, Austin, TX B.S. in Applied Mathematics University of Texas, Austin, TX B.A. in Religious Studies Chairman’s Honored Graduate for B.S. in Applied Mathematics Kate J. Decherd Bible Scholarship
Papers 1. Two mod-p Johnson filtrations 2013 - Preprint Talks 11.2013 10.2013 09.2013 02.2013 02.2013 10.2012 04.2012 03.2012
11.2011 04.2011 10.2010
Rice University - VIGRE Stable commutator length on mapping class groups by Bestvina, Bromberg, and Fujiwara Rice University - Current Math Seminar The Robertson-Seymour theorem and some open problems Rice University - Topology Seminar Two mod-p Johnson filtrations Rice University - Current Math Seminar The Nielsen-Thurston trichotomy and statements of generecity of psuedo-Anosov elements Rice University - VIGRE The abelianization of odd level congruence subgroups of the mapping class group Rice University - VIGRE A survey of the work of Fox, Magnus, and Zassenhaus on the study of free groups Rice University - Current Math Seminar Magical Mathematics Rice University - VIGRE The lower central series and pseudo-Anosov dilatations by Benson Farb, Chris Leininger, and Dan Margalit Rice University - VIGRE The theory of motion groups by Deborah L. Goldsmith Rice University - VIGRE The arc complex and finite presentability of the mapping class group Rice University - Current Math Seminar An introduction to spectral sequences
Teaching Rice - Primary Instructor 2013, Summer Math 212 : Multivariable Calculus 2011, Fall Math 211 : Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 1
Curriculum Vitae for James Cooper
Rice - TA 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2009, Fall
Math 368 : Math 540 : Math 355 : Math 382 : Math 212 : Math 102 : Math 211 : Math 211 :
Topics in Combinatorics Algebraic Topology Linear Algebra Complex Analysis Multivariable Calculus Single Variable Calculus II Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra