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Jamestown lndustry Tiial and Error The Vrginia Compang established a colong at Jamestown in
16O7-The original settlers ofJamestown ihcluded not onlg gentlemen members ofthe Council, but also carpenters, blaeksmiths, bricklagers, masons, and laborers. The goal was to turn North America's natural resources into products that could be exported to England. The settlers and investors also hoped that raw materials, including lumber and minerals, could be sent to England. The colonists looked during the flrst seven gears for precious metals such as gold and silver. These resources were not discovered, and the colonists turned to lumber as a possible export. Lumber was used in the colong and also exported to England for use in ship building, fLrniture manufhcturing,.and house building. In 1608, the Wrginia Compang send Polish and German glass production. This venture was not successful. A salt works was started in 7614, but could not make enough salt to meet the colong's needs, let alone enough to e>qeort. Around this time, in 1619, the colong began to plant grao,e vines for wine production, but this industry did not flourish either. ln 1621, the colong established an ironworks which was later destroged bg the Powhatan Indians. Fur trade did turn a profit in Vrginia. Starting as earlg as 16II, colonists were trading ftrrs with Native Americans on the Potomac, and later in the 17l;h centurg, the fur trade became even more profltable. The colonies' "gold" was actuallg the tobacco crop, and tobacco flbrming and trade started as earlg as 1610. . There were three main reasons industry fbilea in Wrginia. First, some tradesmen needed for these industries returned to England or died. Second, the raw materials in Vrginia were similar to, but not exactlg the ones needed to adequatelg produce exports. And finallg, perhaps most importantlg, the management ofJamestown was disorganized.There were mang changes in leadership, which caused issues that hindered the colong's success and its industrialization efPorts-
Jamestown lndustrg
Your small group was given a picture of an industry ofJamestown. ldentif! what that industry was and how it could make moneg (pro#it). Write gour answers in the space below.
2. Which of all the industries do gou think made the greatest profit and wh9?
3. As gou read Jamestown lndustry Trial and Error, write a timeline of the events below.You mag need to add more dates and their events.
162r later 17t.h Centurg
4. Wlrich industry proved to be most profitable. How do gou knouP
5. Whg did a lot of the industries in Jamestown fbil C[here are 3 reasons)?