Jan 13 2017 CW eNews - Forest Hills Public Schools

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Jan 13, 2017 - visit our Video Club website at .... Check here to have book signed by author Mark Newman: autograph only
Friday eNews

We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
 We are #cwthinkers

Jan. 13, 2017

Dear CW Families, On Monday, we celebrate an important day in our country by honoring the legacy and work of Dr. Martin Luther King. More importantly, we have a chance to educate our students on the importance of Dr. King’s impact on our country...and for that matter...the world. Dr. King saw the possibilities of a world that could be different…a world and country that could embrace one another no matter their differences. I thank our students, staff, and families for living out the philosophy of Dr. King every day in our school. All of our students have been or will be engaged in class activities help to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Dr. King and the tremendous impact he has made! David

CW News • Warm Up with a S.T.E.A.M. Night! We need volunteers! - Join your students for a night of fun!  On February 16th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at Central Woodlands, there will be a variety of hands-on activities based around the principles of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) for families to engage in.  We will offer variety of hands-on activities for all Forest Hills families! We need volunteers to make this a success! If you are able to volunteer in a room, please sign-up at the link: bit.ly/fhsteamnights

• 6th Grade News: Central Woodlands is excited to bring author, Mark Newman, to 6th grade students on Friday, January 27.  Autographed

copies of the Sooper Yooper: Environmental Defender and Mark Newman's newest book Sooper Yooper: The Quest of the Blue Crew are available for order. See the attached document for details.

• Vote for Katie!: Our very own Katy Stevenson is a finalist for a KDL Writing competition! They chose 10 semifinalists for each age group category.  Today, we found out she was chosen as one of the semifinalists in the YOUTH ENTRIES category.  The link below will take you to the website where you can read her story and vote for her story for a chance to win the Reader’s Choice Award.  They will have a Judge’s award as well. The maximum you can vote is once per day–the deadline for voting is 1/31/17. Good luck Katy! http://writemichigan.org/vote.html

Tweets of the Week Bob Lenz @pblbob 5 Emerging Trends in Project-Based Learning http://bit.ly/2hrb4Er  #EdChat #PBLchat #PBL

Upcoming Schedule During the month of January, there are a number of days with an altered schedule. Please mark these in your calendar! Jan. 16 - No School (MLK Day) Jan. 19 - 1/2 Day Dismissal at 11:55 a.m. Jan. 20 - 1/2 Day Dismissal at 11:55 a.m. CW Video Club Many of our students have been spending their lunch/recess with Mr. Knudsen and Mrs. Bouley making PSA videos! It is fun seeing their excitement during this time as they manage all aspects of the project! Please take time to visit our Video Club website at h#ps://sites.google.com/1ps.net/ cwvideocrew/home


Monday, Jan. 16 NO School for Students; MLK Day - Staff PD -FHPS Board of EducaAon Mtg, Collins Elementary, 7 pm Tuesday, Jan. 17 -Steam Club, A-2, 12:40 pm -Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp presentaAons/audiAons during 6th grade music classes -Geo Bee Top 10 Finals, Thinking Lab, 4:00 pm (rescheduled from 1/10 Snow Day) Wednesday, Jan. 18 K-6 Students Full Day of School -Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp presentaAons/audiAons during 6th grade music classes Thursday, Jan. 19 K-12 Students ½ day for 7-12 Exams and K-12 Teacher Record Marking - Student Half-day Dismissal, 11:55 am -Ski Club, Cannonsburg, 5-7:30 pm Friday, Jan. 20 K-12 Students ½ day for 7-12 Exams and K-12 Teacher Record Marking -Student Half-day Dismissal, 11:55 am

Mark Newman, author of Sooper Yooper: Environmental Defender, is excited that its sequel, Sooper Yooper: The Quest of the Blue Crew, continues to win fans among all ages, so he is now working on his third book in the series (due in the fall 2016). His books coincide with his interactive Great Lakes school program, which has been presented to more than 111,600 students at 436 schools throughout the Midwest during the past five years. Newman’s latest book continues the adventures of Billy Cooper, the environmental superhero who lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and does everything in his power to protect the Great Lakes from sea lampreys, zebra mussels, Asian carp and other invasive species. With so many invaders and so little time, Cooper assembles an environmental CSI team to help him in his quest. Inspired by the effort of real-life scientific superheroes, Sooper Yooper: The Quest of the Blue Crew is a witty, whirlwind look at the men and women who guard our Great Lakes every day. We are pleased to offer autographed copies at the special school price of $15. If you are interested in ordering the Sooper Yooper books, please have your student return the form below with payment (cash or check) to class. For more information, visit SooperYooper.com. ---------------------------------------------------------------


# Copies

Sooper Yooper: The Quest of the Blue Crew ______ Both books (Sooper Yooper: Environmental Defender

+ Sooper Yooper: The Quest Of The Blue Crew*) ______

Price x x

Total Cost


= ______


= ______

Payment Options: Payment in full must be received with your order. ___ Cash ___ Check (made payable to Sooper Enterprises) Student Name __________________________________________ School/Teacher ______________________________________ Check here to have book signed by author Mark Newman: autograph only [ ] with personalization [ ] Personalize to : ____________________________________________________ *Due to limited availability, Sooper Yooper: Environmental Defender is only sold in combination.

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