Jan 20 2017 CW eNews - Forest Hills Public Schools

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Jan 20, 2017 - encouraged to leave a note for a telephone conference or a request for a ... conferences, you are encoura
Friday eNews

We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
 We are #cwthinkers

Jan. 20, 2017

Dear CW Families, It is hard to believe that this week marks the 1/2 point in our school year. It is always so rewarding to see the growth of our students throughout the 1st semester. It is especially exciting to see our 5th grade students transform from new students learning their way at CW to confident young thinkers. In the coming months, we will start planting the seeds of leadership with our 5th grade students to start to think about their role as our school leaders next year. Our 6th grade has an important semester coming up. The skills they focus on this semester will springboard them to success in middle school! David 

CW News

• Warm Up with a S.T.E.A.M. Night! We need volunteers! - Join your students for a night of fun!  On February 16th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at Central Woodlands, there will be a variety of hands-on activities based around the principles of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) for families to engage in.  We will offer variety of hands-on activities for all Forest Hills families! We need volunteers to make this a success! If you are able to volunteer in a room, please sign-up at the link: bit.ly/fhsteamnights

• Student Growth Conferences: We will having our Student Growth Conferences on Feb. 8 and 9. Information and scheduling form was sent home today with students. Please return those back to your child’s home block teacher by Wednesday, Jan. 25th. A copy of that Conference letter/form is attached in case it doesn’t make it home with your student today.

• Variety Show Chair: The PTO is still looking for someone who wants to help lead this fun event! Please email Melissa Bunnell at [email protected] Bowling and the 
 • Permission Forms: Forms for our annual Valentine 5th grade field trip to the Gerald R. Ford Museum have gone home with our students. Copies are attached in case the hard copies were swallowed up by backpacks!

Tweets of the Week Bob Lenz @pblbob Adapting Curriculum to Make #PBL Accessible to All Students http://bit.ly/ 2hv1ov5  #EdChat #PBLchat

Vote for Katie! Our very own Katy Stevenson is a finalist for a KDL Writing competition! They chose 10 semifinalists for each age group category. Today, we found out she was chosen as one of the semifinalists in the YOUTH ENTRIES category. The link below will take you to the website where you can read her story and vote for her story for a chance to win the Reader’s Choice Award. They will have a Judge’s award as well. The maximum you can vote is once per day–the deadline for voting is 1/31/17. Good luck Katy! http:// writemichigan.org/vote.html


Monday, Jan. 23 Tuesday, Jan. 24 -Steam Club, A-2, 12:40 pm -Geskus Team & Group Photos, Media Center, 12:30-3:30 pm Wednesday, Jan. 25 Thursday, Jan.26 -Ski Club, Cannonsburg, 5-7:30 pm Friday, Jan. 27 -Sooper Yooper author, Mark Newman visit: Hanson/May, 9:00-10:00, Tkg Lab -Sooper Yooper author visit: Homrich/Peneycad & Koenigsknecht/Maloney, 10:10-11:10, Tkg Lab -Sooper Yooper author visit: Becker/Tolly & Elsholz/Jasperse, 11:20-12:20, Tkg Lab

CENTRAL WOODLANDS 5/6 Dr. David Simpson, Principal 400 Alta Dale SE, Ada, MI 49301

Phone: 616.493.8790

Fax: 616.493.8795

Friday, January 20, 2017 Dear CW Families, Student Growth Conferences are scheduled for Central Woodlands for Wednesday, February 8, 4:30-8:30 P.M. and Thursday, February 9, 4:30-8:00 P.M. Teachers will utilize this opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. Your participation is valued and important in helping to improve parent home communication while enhancing understanding about your child’s growth and development and academic achievement. One team member will represent the team in the student growth conference and will review a summary of your child’s current progress in language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, and reading. Families are also encouraged to meet Encore teachers (physical education, music, world language, and art), before or after their scheduled conference for a complete progress report. All teachers will meet within their individual classrooms. Our counselors, Mrs. Field and Mr. Kessel-Interim Counselor, are also available for you to conference with regarding your children. If you are unable to meet with them during their scheduled time periods, you are encouraged to leave a note for a telephone conference or a request for a personal conference. Please complete the attached form and return it to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, January 25th. Your immediate response is important to assure you of your preferred conference date. Teachers will coordinate conferences with siblings at Central Woodlands and confirm your date with a note sent home with your child on Wednesday, February 1st. Over 500 conferences will be scheduled; therefore we request you not seek a change unless an emergency exists. Teachers will schedule appointments with all parents/guardians who return a request form. If you are unable to attend conferences, you are encouraged to contact individual teachers. If you have any questions regarding the teacher conference process, please contact my office at 616-493-8790 or contact individual teachers. We look forward to having you in our building! Sincerely, David Simpson, Ph.D. Principal

Forest Hills Public Schools - Daniel Behm, Superintendent 6590 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546

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CENTRAL WOODLANDS CONFERENCE SCHEDULE The following shared staff members will be at conferences only at the times listed below on a first come, first serve basis:

Teacher’s Name Ms. Benjamin Mr. Ash Mrs. Boomers Mrs. DeJonge Mr. Engelsman Mrs. Schultz Mrs. Field Mrs. Fournier Mrs. Kessel, Interim Mr. Knudsen Mrs. Kriekard Mr. Pool Mrs. Rusche Mrs. St. Antoine Ms. Shavalier



February 8th 6th Grade Band & Choir February __ 5th Music Both evenings until 7:30 5th Music & 6th Orchestra By appt. only Psychologist February 9th until 6:00 5th Music February 8th Speech Both evenings 5th Grade Counselor Both evenings World Language Both evenings 6th Grade Counselor Both evenings P.E. February 9th 6th Choir February 8th 6th Orchestra February 9th Social Worker Both evenings Art Both evenings P.E.

Classroom Band II Vocal Band Office Vocal Office Office D-1 Office Gym Vocal Band Office Art Gym

PLEASE COMPLETE & RETURN BY Wednesday, January 25th Please have your child return this to his/her teacher by Wednesday, January 25th. Rank the session in order of preference 1-2 (1 being most preferred). Please do not request a specific time. Each team will schedule a time and teacher for your conference. Requests returned after the due date may require an alternate date. Your prompt response is important to the scheduling process. A confirmation notice will be sent home with your child on Wednesday, February 1st. PLEASE RANK 1-2 Wednesday, February 8th, 4:30-8:30 p.m. __________ Thursday, February 9th, 4:30-8:00 p.m. __________ I am unable to attend. Please call me at ________________________________________ Student’s Name: _______________________________ Teacher: ____________________ (Student’s first & last name) (Home block teacher) Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________ Phone Number ________________ Other children attending CW: Name_____________________________ Teacher _____________________ ***PLEASE RETURN ONE FORM PER STUDENT BY: JANUARY 25TH***

Forest Hills Public Schools - Daniel Behm, Superintendent 6590 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546

CENTRAL WOODLAND’S VALENTINE BOWLING OUTING With the help of our PTO, Central Woodlands will continue bowling outings in lieu of classroom Valentine parties. This fun event has been well received by kids and teachers in the past. A $5.00 fee includes bowling, non-caffeinated pop and a portion of the transportation cost. Our PTO provides the snack. Parent volunteers are needed for each bowling party. If you are interested in helping at Northfield Lanes, please e-mail Jennifer Lane [email protected] to receive the Sign Up Genius e-mail.

A schedule is listed below. Please sign the permission form and return it along with $5.00 (checks payable to Central Woodlands) one week prior to your child’s bowling date (see below). The times listed below include travel and bowling time. No child will be denied the opportunity due to financial concerns. Transportation to and from Northfield Lanes (Plainfield) will be on FHPS school buses.



Friday, February 3, 9:00-12:00

Bush/Lanning and Black/Smith

Friday, February 10, 9:00-12:00

Gillies/Ten Eyck and Gootjes/Klomparens

Friday, February 17, 9:00-12:00

Lillie/Turcotte and Hanson/May

Thursday, February 23, 9:00-12:00

Elsholz/Jasperse and Maloney/Koenigsknecht

Friday, February 24, 9:00-12:00

Homrich/Peneycad and Becker/Tolly

--------------------------------------Please keep top half for your calendar----------------------------------------------

Please return by the Monday of week your child will participate, thank you.

My child, _____________________________, has my permission to travel on FH school buses to Please Print Student’s Full Name Northfield Lanes for a Valentine Bowling Outing with their teacher and classmates. _____ I have enclosed $5.00 to cover my child’s bowling expense. _____ I have enclosed $5.00 to cover my child’s bowling expense & additional $’s to assist other students with scholarship assistance. _____ I am requesting scholarship assistance for my child, thank you. ________________________________________ __________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature

Homeblock Teacher

CENTRAL WOODLANDS 5/6 Dr. David Simpson, Principal 400 Alta Dale SE, Ada, MI 49301

Phone: 616.493.8790

Fax: 616.493.8795

CENTRAL WOODLANDS 5th Grade Field Trip Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum We are excited to have all of our CW 5th graders explore the renovated Gerald R. Ford Museum! Prior to going, our students will be watching the movie, Black and Blue, which tells the story of Gerald Ford, Willis Ward and the 1934 Michigan-Georgia Tech football game where Gerald Ford “Stood Up” for Willis Ward! Students will explore the character traits of President Ford in addition to learning more about government! There is NO COST to students for this field trip!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 Friday, February 10, 2017 Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Monday, February 27, 2017 Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Black/Smith Lillie/Turcotte Gillies/Ten Eyck Bush/Lanning Gootjes/Klomparens

Staff & students will board FHPS buses at 9:00 A.M. on the dates listed above. They will carry sack lunches and eat in a designated area of GRFM during their visit and return to CW by 1:30 P.M. Please complete the permission slip below, keeping top portion for your calendar.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CW 5th Grade Field Trip to Gerald R. Ford Museum My child, ____________________________, has my permission to travel on Please print your child’s name above.

FHPS buses to the Gerald R. Ford Museum with his/her teacher and classmates. I understand we will need to pack a sack lunch or order Chartwell’s sack lunch one week prior to our scheduled date (prepared in CW’s Cafeteria for pick-up the morning of their team’s trip). ______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

________________________________ Homeblock Teacher

Forest Hills Public Schools - Daniel Behm, Superintendent 6590 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546