Jan 27, 2017 - Michigan Blood Drive sponsored by the C.R.E.W. Team ... Tickets can be purchased at the Fine Arts Center
Friday eNews
We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
We are #cwthinkers
Jan. 27, 2017
Dear CW Families, This week has been a difficult week for me as I have been battling pneumonia. Unfortunately, I have not been at CW for most of the week while I try to get my energy back. This has given me a lot of time to be reflective in terms of my life at CW. I have truly missed your kids. Being away from them has been really hard! I have missed the morning high fives…the smiles in the halls…the quick conversations. I can't wait to be back full time with your kids! Having not been here with them this week has been really sad and hard for me. I truly love spending my day with your kids! David
CW News
• 6th Grade Challenge Course Letters: These went home with all of our 6th grade students. Please take time to read this as it impacts opportunities for Challenge Courses at the middle school. There are firm deadlines in the letter. A copy of the letter has been attached as well!
• Student Growth Conferences: Expect to have your conference slips brought home on Monday, Jan. 30th. Please send in the confirmation back with your child by Wednesday. If you missed signing up, please email your child’s home block teacher.
• Variety Show Chair: The PTO is still looking for someone who wants to help lead this fun event! Please email Melissa Bunnell at
[email protected]
• CW Blood Drive: Our next student-sponsored blood drive is on Thursday, Feb. 2nd! Please consider signing up to give at
https://donate.miblood.org/donor/schedules/ drive_schedule/91829
Tweets of the Week Central Woodlands @cwthinkers Congrats to our students, staff, and families on being named a REWARD school! We were one of the highest ranked schools in the state!
STEAM I am assigning homework to all of our families for the weekend! This was the first week of STEAM for our CW Thinkers. They have been having so much fun with our hands on learning approach with Mrs. St. Antoine! Please ask your child: 1. What does STEAM stand for? 2. What are they most excited about for STEAM during the 2nd Semester? 3. If they could create anything this semester, what would it be?
Monday, Jan. 30 Tuesday, Jan. 31 Steam Club, A-2, 12:40 pm Wednesday, Feb. 1 Black/Smith to G.R. Ford Museum; board bus 9:00 am with sack lunch & approximate return 1:30 pm Thursday, Feb.2 Reader RecogniKon, Cafeteria, 8:45-9:15 am Michigan Blood Drive sponsored by the C.R.E.W. Team (Black/Smith), 9:00 am-3:00 pm, D-2 Ski Club, Cannonsburg, 5-7:30 pm STEAM Night at Pine Ridge Elementary, 6-8 pm Friday, Feb.3 Black/Smith & Bush/Lanning ValenKne Bowling; board bus 9:00 am & return 11:45 am Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp presentaKons/audiKons (rescheduled from 1/17 Snow Day)
_________________________________________________________________________________ FOREST HILLS EASTERN HIGH SCHOOL presents
Forest Hills Eastern High School will present CINDERELLA on February 2, 3 & 4 at the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center at 7:00 p.m. and February 4 at 3:00 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased at the Fine Arts Center by calling 493-8966 or online at www.fhetheatre.com Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella is the new Broadway adaptation of the classic musical. This contemporary take on the classic tale features Rodgers & Hammerstien’s most beloved songs including, “In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible/It’s Possible” and “Ten Minutes Ago,” along side a hilarious and romantic libretto by Tony Award Nominee Douglas Carter Beane as well as some new characters, and surprising twists.
This cast/crew/pit of approximately 90+ students from Forest Hills Eastern High School will surely entertain the WHOLE FAMILY with this classic fairy tale.
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
(616) 493-8808
Fax (616) 493-8815
January 27, 2017
Dear Sixth Grade Families: At Forest Hills Public Schools, we strive to increase the opportunities for students with high levels of motivation, academic potential, and demonstrated academic achievement by offering Challenge Classes in language arts, math, science, and social studies at the middle school level. Challenge Classes take the place of core classes and occur within the normal hours of instruction. Challenge Classes are distinguished from “regular” classes by an increase in pace, breadth, and depth of instruction. They are geared for students who are “willing to engage” and exhibit high levels of commitment and achievement in a targeted content area. Students selected for these classes should have excellent study skills and the time to devote to significantly more homework. Interested parents/guardians and students should take time to consider the independent work habits, level of motivation and interest in the subject area, and current activity load. A student must meet specific criteria to qualify for entrance into Challenge Classes. The criteria include high academic performance and demonstrated potential from the following data points: Learning Behaviors from the report card Test scores from Northwest Evaluation Association Measure of Academic Progress (MAP®) Lexile® from Northwest Evaluation Association Measure of Academic Progress (MAP®) Scores from an abilities assessment Student self-evaluation Parent/guardian recommendations Teacher Survey Please discuss these opportunities with your child. If you wish to have your child considered for Challenge Classes, it is essential that you complete a Challenge Class Application 2017-18. This form will open Monday, January 30, at 9:00 a.m. and is located on the district’s website at fhps.net. Under “Academics,” access the drop-down menu to “Gifted Education Services,” and scroll down to “Sixth Grade Information for Challenge Classes,” and click on the link to the form, or access the form directly at https://goo.gl/forms/fe11thW8wkFhKT5s1. To ensure reliable and valid testing conditions and results, the firm deadline for completing the application is February 13, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. Adhering to the deadline is critical. If you have any technical difficulties, please contact Christina Mendoza by e-mail (
[email protected]) or phone 616-493-8575. The Challenge Class identification process is as follows: Parent/Guardian completes Challenge Class Application by 9:00 a.m. on February 13, 2017. Student completes additional testing in March. District conducts Qualifying Data Review. District informs the student’s families of qualification status in June. Sincerely, Christina Mendoza Coordinator of Differentiated Learning and G.A.T.E.Ways, K-8
[email protected] 616-493-8575 Central Middle School Glenn Mitcham, Principal Brenda Schwind, Counselor
Eastern Middle School David Washburn, Principal Amy Pavelka, Couselor
Northern Hills Middle School Nancy Susterka, Principal Becky Telzerow, Counselor