Jan 6 2017 CW eNews - Forest Hills Public Schools

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Jan 6, 2017 - What does a "modern" classroom look like? Read 4 thoughtful perspectives http://ow.ly/rtIr307n2ki #edtech
Friday eNews

We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
 We are #cwthinkers

Jan. 6, 2017

Dear CW Families, It was so great seeing everyone back in the school! From talking with our students this week, it was apparent that our students had a great time on their break. What really impressed me was how quickly they were able to get back into the routine of school and have great thinking opportunities in their classes. It is always the best part of my day when I see students get excited about their thinking! David Simpson

CW News Warm Up with a S.T.E.A.M. Night!      Join your students for a night of fun!  On February 16th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at Central Woodlands, there will be a variety of hands-on activities based around the principles of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) for families to engage in.  We will offer variety of hands-on activities for all Forest Hills families! We need volunteers to make this a success! If you are able to volunteer in a room, please sign-up at the link: bit.ly/fhsteamnights

• Summer STEM Camp for Girls: The Padnos College at GVSU is now 16th

accepting applications for the annual Science Technology & Engineering Preview Summer (STEPS) Camp for Girls. STEPS is an aviation-themed day camp introduction to technology and engineering. Participants in the camp will design, build, and fly a radio controlled airplane. Please go to https://www.gvsu.edu/rmsc/interchange/2016december-steps-1202.htm for more information!

• NWEA Map Testing: Beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 17th, we will begin our winter assessment using the NWEA Map test. Students will test in math, reading, and language usage. The testing window closes on Feb. 10th. Students do not need to study for this. It is a tool we use to help to individualize instruction for all students. 

• Girls On The Run: Sign up ends Jan. 11th! See the attached flyer for more information

Tweets of the Week New Tech Network @newtechnetwork What does a "modern" classroom look like? Read 4 thoughtful perspectives http://ow.ly/rtIr307n2ki  #edtech #edchat

Upcoming Schedule During the month of January, there are a number of days with an altered schedule. Please mark these in your calendar! Jan. 16 - No School (MLK Day) Jan. 19 - 1/2 Day Dismissal at 11:55 a.m. Jan. 20 - 1/2 Day Dismissal at 11:55 a.m. CW Video Club Many of our students have been spending their lunch/recess with Mr. Knudsen and Mrs. Bouley making PSA videos! It is fun seeing their excitement during this time as they manage all aspects of the project! Please take time to visit our Video Club website at h#ps://sites.google.com/1ps.net/ cwvideocrew/home

CENTRAL WOODLANDS WEEKLY CALENDAR January 9 - 13, 2017 Monday, Jan. 9 Tuesday, Jan. 10 Geo Bee Top 10 Finals, Thinking Lab, 4:00 pm Wednesday, Jan. 11 H.I.T. Team MeeFng, 3:45-4:45 pm Thursday, Jan. 12 Ski Club, Cannonsburg, 5-7:30 pm Friday, Jan. 13

HIT Spirit Day: Pajama Day

Saturday, Jan. 14 Hoop Shoot District Finals, Mona Shores, MI. Good luck to Jacob K. & Sarah D.

December 1, 2016 January 11, 2017

Central Woodlands, Practice starts March 6, 2017, Grades 5/6 Tues/Thurs 4:00-5:15 Kathy Marvin [email protected] or 616-490-1008 January 11, 2017