Jan 1, 2011 ... Bondoux, Anne-Laure. A Time of Miracles. Booraem, Ellen. Small Persons with
Wings. Bow, Erin. Plain Kate. Card, Orson Scott. Pathfinder.
January 2011 New Book List Middle School Collection Author
Arts and Crafts Caney, Steven Greenberg, Jan and Jordan, Sandra Hill, Laban Carrick Krezel, Cindy Mattern, Joanne Serres, Alain
The Ultimate Building Book Ballet for Martha: Making of appalchian Spring Dave the Potter: Artists, Poet, Slave Kids' Container Gardening Recipe and Craft Guide to China And Picasso Painted Guernica
History Adler, David A. Aronson, Marc and Budhos, Marina Atwood, Karthryn J. Bartoletti, Susan Campbell Bausum, Ann Bertozz, Nick Capek, Michael DeLambilly, Elizabeth Jacobson, Sid and Colon, Ernie O'Connor, Jane Yamashita, Michael
Language and Literature
Frederick Douglass: A Noble Life Sugar Changed the World women Heroes of World War II They Called Themselves the KKK Unraveling Freedom: The Battle for Democracy on the Home Front During World War I Lewis and Clark* Emperor Qin's Terra Cotta Army Ghandi: His Life, His Struggles, His Words Anne Frank:The Anne Frank House Authorized Graphic Biography The Emperor's Silent Army: Terracotta Warriors of Ancient China The Great Wall: From Begiinning to End *Graphic Work
Bacigalupi, Paolo Bondoux, Anne-Laure Booraem, Ellen Bow, Erin Card, Orson Scott Condie, Ally Dashner, James Frazier, Sundee T. Jiang, Ji Li Katcher, Brian Maccoli, Michaela Mulligan, Andy Myers, Walter Dean Nye, Naomi, Sinar Portis, Charles Practchet, Terry Riordan, Rick Riordan, Rick and Venditi, Robert Shepard, Aaron Vanderpool, Clare Williams-Garcia, Rita
Ship Breaker A Time of Miracles Small Persons with Wings Plain Kate Pathfinder Matched The Maze Runner The Other Half of My Heart The Magical Monkey King: Mischief in Heaven Almost Perfect Prisoners in the Palace Trash Lockdown Time You Let Me In True Grit Wintersmith The Red Pyramid The Lightning Thief* The Monkey King: A Superhero Tale of China Moon Over Manifest One Crazy Summer *Graphic Novel
Science Turner, Pamela S. Johnson, Jan Cullerton Lourie, Peter Yoder, Eric and Yoder, Natalie
Project Seahorse Seeds of Change Whaling Season: A Year in the Life of an Arctic Whale Scientist 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science