January 2014- Xpressions News Magazine

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Welcome to the January 2014 issue of Xpressions E-News Magazine. Greetings ... The play was a tribute to Dr. King and the ... Ms. Ebony Reed. Ms. Tania Blankenship. Mr. Terry Griffin. Dr. Michael Brooks ... Mrs. Markgetta Jackson Langford.

News Magazine JULY 2017 EDITION


The Founders’ Frontier Welcome to the July issue of Xpressions E-News Magazine. Greetings,

The community we grow up in often influences us later in life. Community is defined by Merriam- Webster  as a unified body of individuals with common  interests living in a particular area.  Community may consist of neighbors, friends, church members, government officials, and classmates. These factors all play a role in shaping the people we become. Some people are fortunate to have a very strong sense of community. A strong sense of community frequently leads to a strong sense of self. How one perceives themselves influences their actions and decisions. Here at the Dannon Project, many of our participants did not grow up with a strong sense of community. They have faced numerous life challenges to get to where they are today. Regardless of their situations prior to arriving, The Dannon Project strives to build a sense of community the moment a participant walks through our doors. Immediately they are surrounded by counselors, case managers, classmates, mentors, and staff. They are welcomed with open arms into a community that was created just for them, with the goal of helping them achieve their dreams. One small word of encouragement has the power to changes lives. It is in those moments that seeds  are planted and take root. The Dannon Project desires to cultivate those roots in our participants. We love for our participants to share their stories in hopes that their stories will inspire greatness in others. Our community grows daily and we are thankful. It is because of our partners, both in Alabama and South Carolina, that that we are able to do what we do. Thank you for being a part of our community and I hope you enjoy the July edition of our Xpressions News Magazine. Thank you for your interest in our programs and our progress. We value you as a friend and a supporter of our vision - to be the change that makes a real difference. The Dannon Project, Inc. since 1999 Jeh-Jeh and Kerri Pruitt, founders

Kerri Pruitt, MBA

Co-founder & Executive Director of The Dannon Project

TABLE of CONTENTS Founders’ Frontier Cover Page —TDP Executive Director talks about programs, goals and hope

Keeping It Real: For Real Page 1-2 —Crime Prevention Initiative gets real

RDP Turning the Corner Page 3-4 — TDP’s young adult re-entry program goes full speed ahead at these sites

The Spotlight: Participants

Birmingham native, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Quarterback tells his story for Dannon Project participants and community youth

Page 5-6 — Two participants stand in the spotlight after overcoming barriers and set backs

Partner Spotlight Page 7 — TDP recognizes a participant who has become a partner

Mentoring in Motion Page 8 — Meet a mentor and participant moving in the right direction

Re-entry Graduation Page 9 — Participants celebrate at graduation ceremony

Influence on Youth Page 10 — A town takes the approach of a village

Back Page Upcoming Event: Get ready to ‘tee off’ at TDP’s benefit Golf Tournament August 28th The Soulful Sounds of June Tunes Youth band gives a performance at TDP to kick off the summer Make A Difference: Be a Partner: Find out how you can help The Dannon Project promote 2nd Chances


THE DANNON PROJECT A not for profit 501(c) 3 organization providing reentry services to non-violent returning citizens, their families as well as crime prevention services to at-risk youth in Jefferson, Clarke and Calhoun Counties in Alabama and in Florence, South Carolina

Visit our website at: http//www.dannonproject.org or email us at

The Dannon Project offers life-changing resources for youth and adults in Birmingham, Alabama and in its programs in Calhoun and Clarke Counties in Alabama and in Florence, South Carolina. Our programs focus strongly on enrichment and education, career training and certifications, job placement, case management and retention services. These programs are structured to give participants alternatives and strategies for reducing crime and its negative affects. One way we promote efforts to prevent crime is through our ‘For Real’ Crime Prevention Initiative. Through this effort, we encourage community leaders, athletes, mentors and participants to share their personal stories of change, transformation and success with participants. On June 30, 2017, NFL Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback, Jameis Winston visited The Dannon Project to speak to the community about motivation, chasing your dreams, and overcoming obstacles.


Dream Forever Initiative What made Jameis Winston’s visit so special, is the fact that Jameis was born and raised in Bessemer, Alabama, right here in our backyard. He has encountered many obstacles, much like the challenges our participants face on a day to day basis. Jameis chose what was best for him and his future. He is doing what he loves and giving back to the community through his Dream Forever initiative. The initiative focuses on Jameis traveling across the United States as a motivational speaker and community partner. Over 100 participants, community youth from several neighborhoods and school districts were able to see a product of their reality in a promising light. So often our participants are only exposed to the negative aspects of the Birmingham community and never the positive. Jameis made time for each person who wanted to talk to him. He shook every hand and gave out hugs. He made everyone feel like a star. Sometimes, all someone needs is a little encouragement from an outside source. Jameis spoke to their dreams and aspirations. He spoke to the go-getter on the inside of each of them and called out their inner greatness as well. This sparked a new fire in everyone. His affirming talk gave all a new sense of hope and reality.

Energizing - Inspiring - Motivating [2]

Re-entry Demonstration Program


Transforming young adults through education, career and skills training, mentoring and job placement Participants enrolled in the Re-entry Demonstration Program (RDP) have had a few setbacks and some barriers that have taken them on an unimaginable journey. Today, these young men and women have put on the brakes from past experiences and are locked in gear to reach their full potential. The program model expands across two states, Alabama and South Carolina; and three counties, Jefferson and Calhoun Counties in Alabama and Florence County in South Carolina.

Young adults are gaining employable resources to make this a journey that’s worth the ride. [3]


JEFFERSON COUNTY, AL SITE 1 Every week, we welcome a new class of RDP candidates to The Dannon Project in hopes of helping them bounce back from their mistakes and move forward in life. One way we begin to break down barriers and get potential participants engaged is through, “The Human Chain,” our favorite Mental Toughness icebreaker. In this activity, participants are in a circle and are linked together by grabbing the hand of a person standing across from them. Participants then have to work together to untangle themselves without “breaking the chain” by letting go of each other’s hands. As this activity is timed, each class takes pride in trying to beat the time set by the previous class. We’ve seen this activity help participants drop their guard and speed up the “getting to know you” process. Almost immediately camaraderie is fostered through a shared sense of responsibility to help their fel low classmates succeed in the RDP program. Teamwork is necessary in order for each participant to successfully complete program. Teamwork makes the dream work!

CALHOUN COUNTY, AL SITE 2 Frederick has an award winning smile and a personality to match. This fall, he will begin his final year of high school. Throughout his school years, Fredrick has struggled with maintaining good grades in math along with some challenges in reading. His TABE scores were evident of this when he enrolled in the Reentry Demonstration Program. To h e l p h i m g e t o n t r a c k academically, he was immediately assigned to enroll in the program’s daytime tutoring classes. Everyday you can find Fredrick sitting in class with the class instructor reading, writing and solving math problems. He is totally excited about attending math and reading remediation. When he discovers something new, his eyes lights up and he showcases a beaming smile on his face. Fredrick remarked, “I enjoy attending the math and reading classes. I didn’t think I would learn as much as I’ve learned so far. I believe I will be a better student this school year and prepare me for greater success when I graduate with the class of 2018.” Success in education is important!

FLORENCE, SC SITE 3 Brandon enrolled into the RDP program with his mind well-made up it was time for a change! He admits along with his family that, “He just basically got caught up with the wrong crowd." Brandon put his best foot forward to learn new skills once he enrolled in the Reentry Demonstration Program . He came into the program ready to take advantage of everything the program offered. His attitude was all about improving his options and making better choices. Brandon completed the program with his ACT Certificate, a Forklift Certification and a new job! He started out as temporary employee act a local business and worked his way up to a full-time position in a few short months. This speaks volumes to his character and work ethics. Brandon continues to apply the financial and life principles he has learned while attending the ‘Pathways Out of Poverty’ classes. He opened a bank savings account and is savings towards purchasing an engagement ring for his girlfriend. Change is possible!



Reentry Participant




Program Enrollment: May 2017 I Certified Forklift Operator “The Dannon Project is like family. I knew when I was in prison that this was the kind of program that could help me put some positive things in my life. They have helped me every step of the way and I’m a better person because of that”

Andre Smith was born in Chicago, Illinois where he lived with his mother, his two sisters, and brother. His mother moved their family to Atlanta, Georgia to get away from the high crime in Chicago. She thought it would be a positive environment for her family. However, as the family was settling into the city, Andre’s mother had to make a decision to send her young sons back to Chicago to live with other family members. This was at the time a high number of young boys went missing in Atlanta and their mother feared for their lives. Through all the challenges the family experienced with Andre stayed focused on his school work and graduated from high school in Chicago. Soon afterward, he then decided to move back to Atlanta, Georgia, to live with his mother. Andre was glad to be reunited with his family, but times had changed. “I began to go down the wrong path and eventually was caught by the law,” said Andre. While incarcerated, Andre often thought about what he would do differently if he could go back in time. He thought of the time away from his family and the many lost holidays. He thought often of how he would put his life together again with a criminal record attached to him. Although Andre was not able to change his past, he found a second chance to build a better future. Andre enrolled and began Pre-release in the adult re-entry Training to Work program while he was incarcerated. The training he received in the mobile Success Center and meeting regularly with his Case Manager gave Mr. Smith the hope he needed. When he was released from prison, he continued post-release training in Birmingham in the Success Center. The reentry team put the needed resources, supportive services, and trainings in place to help him adjust to returning home. He earned a Forklift Certification and was placed in the Skills Training Program (STP) which provided him hands on job training and additional job skills. Mr. Smith completed the STP after the Job Development team helped him land a full-time job as a construction worker where his fork lift skills will be put to great use. Making a comeback is an awesome thing. Congratulations Andre Smith! We’re proud of you!

Reentry Program


Enroll new participants each week. Orientations are conducted Tuesday - Thursday Call (205) 202-4072 for more program information.

The Dannon Project Reentry Employment Opportunities/ Training To Work program is funded



Youth Participant



Program Enrollment: August 2016 I Certified Patient Care Technician “ The Dannon Project has truly impacted my life. I am so thankful for the opportunity to obtain a certification and gain stable employment to support my family and fulfill my dreams.”

Like most youth, Reanna Walker dreamed of having a wonderful life after high school. After all, it’s the time graduates look forward to whee all of their dreams will be fulfilled and their years of growing and learning has prepared them for college and ultimately adulthood. Reanna grew up in a Birmingham, Alabama, and lived in several neighborhoods. She changed schools often and had to make several adjustments making new friends and leaving old friends each time her family moved. Despite the many transitions, Reanna was sure to win every award at the schools’ student award ceremonies. She graduated from Huffman High School with the expectation of going to college. Shortly after her high school graduation, Reanna life took an unexpected turn. She had to make some immediate choices to prepare for the impending birth of her first child. Consequently,, many of her friends began to leave town headed to college while Reanna had to stay in town and settle for low paying jobs to try to make ends meet. Reanna had very little family support. Three years after high school, she admits that her greatest accomplishments is being a mother to her two children. With her children in mind Ms. Walker realized that she needed more job security to fully nurture and support her children. She heard about the Dannon Project’s program to offer career opportunities for youth. She knew this could be a great opportunity for her to pursue her dream of receiving a post-secondary degree and working in the medical field. Ms. Walker began training at the Dannon Project on August 1, 2016. She stepped right into the life skills and occupational training classes with vigor. The job development team made it a priority to assist her with developing her career goals and completing various career assessments. She also worked diligently with her case manager to discuss her strengths and weaknesses as well as her short-term and long-term goals. We are proud to report that, Reanna has now received her Patient Care Technician certification and is working at a local rehabilitation center. She enjoys her job and for the first time is finally earning a suitable income. Congratulations Reanna Walker! You proved that success is attainable and dreams can become a reality.

The Dannon Project Youth Careers Training program is funded by the Department of Labor and the Jefferson County WIOA

Youth Careers Program

Conduct a new class enrollment every month. Next class begins in August Call us today at (205) 202-4072 to apply!


The Dannon Project’s

PA R T N E R S P O T L I G H T Shines on a New Collaborative Partner Emily Thornton

is a dedicated participant in the Thomasville Dannon Project dance and exercise program. She is such a bright, outgoing, and generous person. She is always enthusiastic about the programs and services we provide in Clarke County. Emily is a Desert Storm veteran and has been diagnosed with neuropathy. She deals with constant shooting pain in her legs. It was difficult for her at first, but now Emily never misses a dance class. When she first joined the dance class she came a few times, thought it was a bit too much, and simply quit coming. She received a call from a Dannon Project Certified Community Worker who inquired if anyone or anything had deterred her from coming to class and encouraged her to return. “The genuine concern shown towards me inspired me to give it another try,” Emily said. Prior to joining TDP dance class, Emily devoted half an hour, few days each week, to the local gym. She worked out on the treadmill and the exercise bike, but lacked motivation and drive exercising alone and often skipped the gym. Emily now exercises at the dance classes four time a week for more than an hour and a half! She even gets her workouts in on the weekends at home. Emily describes her experience at TDP dance classes as fun-filled, invigorating, and refreshing. She enjoys the fellowship with the other participants and feels like she is part of a team. Emily stated, “I was never much of a dancer before, but now I enjoy dancing at family functions and other events because I know the new dances.” She credits that to the dance instructors. She has lost a great deal of weight, but more importantly, she has a renewed sense of motivation to keep pushing forward. Her level of self-confidence is much higher. Though her appearance has changed drastically she says her most rewarding experience was when her sons came home to a brand-new mom. They each hugged her, told her she looked beautiful and that they were so proud of her. She attributes her success to the outreach services provided by TDP in the Clarke County community Emily is also a highly devoted TDP volunteer. She volunteers her time and donates toiletries, clothing and shoes for TDP participants served at LifeTech Transitional Facility. She brings water and other necessary items for the dance and exercise classes. She encourages others in the community to participate in our programs. Emily is always helping us reach out to members of the community and promoting The Dannon Project’s outreach services. Emily is the kind of person anyone would want involved in and promoting their program. She is committed to bettering her community in any way she can. She has a charitable spirit and wants to see everyone healthy, happy, and successful. Emily is an amazing advocate and The Dannon Project is very blessed to have a person of her caliber in our corner.


MENTORING MENTOR: DENEVA T. BARNES Deneva Barnes is a citizen of Hobson City, Alabama. Ms. Barnes worked at the Anniston Army Depot, where she retired after 38 years of service. She has served as a city council member for the past eight years in the town of Hobson City. She is an active mentor in the Reentry Demonstration Project (RDP) young adult re-entry program and volunteers at St. Michael’s Clinic in Anniston, AL.  Ms. Barnes past personal experiences gives her a special understanding of the young people she encounters who lack listening and communication skills and have had few positive role models in their lives.  Ms. Barnes has a compassion to see people healed, delivered and set free with a good quality of life. This is what has motivated  her to get connected as a mentor with The Dannon Project programs.


MENTOR & MENTEE She has been matched with Kaneshia, a participant enrolled in the Re-entry Demonstration Program. Their shared goal is to make sure Kaneshia, successfully accomplishes her short and long-term goals. Ms. Barnes dedicates at least three hours each month to ensure Kaneshia is successful and stays on the right track. "I am really glad that I was introduced to The Dannon Project,” Kaneshia stated. “This program has taught me a lot, it really was a blessing to have a personal mentor.” Kaneshia knows she can reach out to her mentor anytime. When asked how she feels about her mento, Kaneshia said, “Ms. Barnes is truly a blessing to me sent from God, she always speaks the right things at the right time. Thank you, Dannon Project for making a difference in my life!” The Dannon Project aims to make an impact in the community. It is because of mentors like Ms. Barnes that we are able to do just that!


Smiles, clapping, hearts filled with excitement and even some happy tears transformed the solemn pomp and circumstance processional march for 30 Training To Work participants into a celebratory ceremony at the Spring Graduation Ceremony on June 10th. The Dannon Project saluted these re-entry participants who undoubtedly made great strides through the re-entry program after the set back of incarceration. These participants were just as eager and excited to be sitting in seats of honor, as they were when they achieved the attainment of career readiness training, career certifications and credentials; and job placement. Some participants enrolled in the program while incarcerated for prerelease training while others found the post release services available to them upon their release. Regardless of the path that led them to The Dannon Project’s doorways, on this day, they received recognition of honor and certificates of completion for accomplishing the objectives outlined for the reentry program. Not only were their families proudly cheering for them, the re-entry team and staff joined in to celebrate their accomplishments too. It was after the commencement ceremony’s guest speaker, Ms. Meredith Lily, Esq. Senior Advisor at General Service Administration President Obama’s Appointment delivered a riveting speech on seconds chances and finding success that these program graduates began to cheer for themselves and each other. It was a remarkable celebration.

The Dannon Project entire staff, Board of Directors, partners and friends salute these graduates.

Re-entry participants listen to speakers, share their personal stories and give comments about the impact of the program to change lives


June 2017 adult re-entry program graduates





neighbors and the community are intentional about raising their youth and take the commitment seriously, change happens. Last spring in the Thomasville community, neighbors expressed concern about two youth who they thought had great potential, but spent most of their time being idle, playing video games and just hanging out. Their mother worked long hours and if someone didn’t step in and provide some guidance, they feared the young teens would find their way into some sort of trouble or simply not live up to what they were capable of becoming. A Dannon Project Community Liaison in the small town reached out to the teens and invited them to participate in the 2016 Healthy Living Summer Youth Camp. Of course the teens were not interested, but the idea was presented to their mother who insisted they participate. The younger of the two brothers, who we call Ralph, required a good deal of attention to encourage him to get involved in the camp’s daily activities. The older brother Kenny, on the other hand, was a bit more challenging to engage in the program. He required constant attention to put forth the slightest effort and often seemed angry and unconcerned. It was evident that neither of the brothers wanted to be at camp. The six-week long camp offered youth healthy living skills through education, nutrition and exercise, career exploration and readiness skills, financial literacy, and training leading to a state certification (CPR). The camp helps guide students in making healthy choices. It teaches youth about career opportunities and teaches them how to develop action plans to achieve their career goals. Kenny and Ralph’s mother needed a helping hand in steering her sons in the right direction. They began to make new friends as they settled into the camp experience. Ralph starts to enjoy camp so much that he was the only camper to receive perfect attendance that year. The brothers soon found a friend with another camper named, Matthew. During the school year the three teens continued to spend time with each other. They would do their homework, shoot basketball, play video games, and spend time with Matthew’s family doing family activities. Before long Kenny and Ralph had become like part of the family. They learned a lot about behavior, doing chores, taking responsibility, making good choices and setting goals. Fast forward to Summer Camp 2017, both Kenny and Ralph were excited about returning to camp this summer. They convinced many of their friends to go to camp with them. Kenny returned to camp as a Thomasville High School graduate. He has plans to attend a technical college in Birmingham in the fall of 2017. Ralph missed one day of camp due to illness and he was in tears about it. Their friend, Matthew had perfect attendance; Kenny, on the other hand, had perfect behavior and perfect attendance for the 2017 Healthy Matthew King Kenny & Ralph Living Summer Youth Camp. One morning during camp, the young men Fuller did not have transportation. They called to inform the camp staff that they did not have a ride, by the time The Dannon Project camp counselor got to their house to pick them up, they had already left walking towards camp from the other side of town.



The Dannon Project

Golf Tournament

11:00 a.m. Lunch 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start $250 per player

Greystone Golf And Country Club

Prizes  |  Refreshments  |  Gift bags

August 28th, 2017

4100 Greystone Dr., Birmingham, AL 3524

Contact Kimberly Braden for more info: [email protected] Phone: (205) 451-5188

It’s tee time! There’s nothing more beautiful. JUNE TUNES

        A SOULFUL SOUND Birmingham City Schools’ Band Boot Camp is comprised of approximately 50 elementary, middle school and high school band students from ages 7-18 plus a few Junes Tunes college-aged alumni The Boot Camp Band performs throughout the city during the summer to serenade audiences with old school and new school songs, Rest assured all ages will enjoy the soulful performance of these aspiring youth.

The Dannon Project showcased June Tunes for the second year to kick off the summer and to delight participants and staff with the soulful sounds of melody.



Second Chances Happen Every Day!

Commit to Change!

You too can make a difference in the lives of youth and juveniles faced with barriers and adults returning from incarceration by partnering with The Dannon Project.  

Please take a moment to consider our purpose and discover how you can get involved to support the work that The Dannon Project does in uplifting lives throughout the Birmingham/Jefferson, Clarke and Calhoun counties in Alabama; and in Florence, South Carolina.

We invite you to partner and support The Dannon Project to build new success stories together with us by: Going ‘Green’ with us to support our Green Ribbon Campaign to bring awareness to reentry Donating funds, gas gift cards and in-kind services to help us expand our transportation services to transport participants to work


Volunteering your professional services to be a motivational speaker or mock interview coach to groups to prepare for job interviews Serving as a mentor to one of our youth or adult participants

Supporting our 'Helping Hands' program by donating funds to provide support to  participants  that require  assistance with ID  restoration, utility assistance and other needs Follow us.


THE DANNON PROJECT 2324 Fifth Avenue North Birmingham, Alabama 35203