Jan 6, 2018 - P4 Activities Calendar. P6 January ... Take a few moments every day to close your eyes, sit up ... Rome un
The Sunflower Times New Dawn Memory Care Newsletter — January 2018
2000 S. Blackhawk Street Aurora, CO 80014
Administrative Staff: Mandy Hager Executive Director
Christina Bakhour Community Relations Director
Ebony Sessions Resident Care Coordinator
Carl Briggs Dietary Director
Darius Marzette Maintenance Director
Donita Adolf Activities Director
Our mission is to create and sustain comfortable, caring environments for those who depend on us.
Contact us at:
Website: www.NewDawnAurora.com
P2 Unique Resolutions P2 History of New Year’s P3 Connect with Us! P4 Activities Calendar
P6 January Highlights P7 New Year’s Resolutions P7 Memories in the Making P8 Mission & Team
Unique New Year’s Resolutions We’ve all heard the popular
resolutions: “Lose weight,” “Get fit,” “Save money,” “Get organized,” “Take a vacation,” and “Live life to the fullest.” For 2018, we’re sharing some resolution ideas that are perhaps a bit less common, but just as rewarding.
Make a new friend This may sound easier said than done, but if you try being social and forming bonds, you will feel better inside and out.
Donate So many people need the things we no longer use or want. Consider donating to Goodwill or a local thrift shop.
Pay it forward The next time you’re in a drive-through, going through a toll, or even at the library (where many people have pesky late fees) consider treating the person behind you.
Become an active listener
Making Memories!
It can be quite the Is there a cause dear to your challenge getting heart or a group whose those ducks in a row! activities you admire? Why not join in and commit to helping them with their cause? Time requirements for volunteer opportunities vary. Check out volunteermatch.org for a starting point.
For this one, you do yourself a favor and the person with whom you’re conversing. Maintain eye contact, really hear what the other person is saying, and think before responding. Your conversations will become much more meaningful.
“ I enjoy decorating the tree ” -Buell, Resident
Take a Daily Walk Technically this can help with getting fit and losing weight, but for this resolution, consider doing it for overall health and wellbeing. A walk can be as simple as you want and may just brighten your day.
Go ahead and say “No.” People of all ages and of all walks of life can struggle with saying “No.” The next time you really want to say it, remember that you and your wishes are important.
Our New Year’s Resolutions “To cut down on caffeine” - Arely, Activity Assistant
“ To buy my first home ” - Samantha, Cook
Share Your Knowledge or a Skill People often have the resolution to learn a new skill, but how about teaching one? Everyone has their areas of expertise and what could be nicer than sharing them for free with those who would like to learn?!
Breathe Take a few moments every day to close your eyes, sit up straight, relax your body, and breathe in through your nose and out deeply through your mouth. You’ll feel the 2
“To learn better English” - Mirna, Caregiver
January Highlights — You’re Invited!
Article Title Goes Here History Of New Year’s
Winter Wonderland
New Year's Day, also called simply New Year's or New Year, is observed on January 1, the first day of the year on the modern Gregorian calendar as well as the Julian calendar. In pre-Christian Rome under the Julian calendar, the day was dedicated to Janus, god of gateways and beginnings, for whom January is also named.
Employee Appreciation Party DATE: Friday, January 5th Time: 7:00 PM Entertainment With Dave
Date: Thursday, January 11th Time: 2:30 PM Hot Cocoa Chats Every Sunday at 9:30 AM January Birthday Celebration Date: Friday, January 26th
Time: 2:30 PM
Have you connected with us online? Come take part in the fun!
“To be more organized ” Darius, Maintenance Director
“To lose weight & be healthier” - Javier LPN
Join our Facebook family at www.facebook.com/NewDawnAurora Read our blog of health and lifestyle posts at blog.radiantseniorliving.com Peek at our photos on Instagram at radiantsrliving & radiantvoices Check out our Tweets on Twitter at RadiantSrLiving Follow our Pinterest boards at www.pinterest.com/radiantsrliving Watch our videos on YouTube by searching “Radiant Senior Living” or using this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqdkyAwiJEnQ1e1NEq09WPg