Jan 22, 2014 - The digital version of your thoughts will also be put into cloud storage, in hopes that it will be availa
Westminster Presbyterian Church January 22, 2014
Friends and fellow disciples, It’s a new year and things are moving here at WPC! One thing I think about a lot is the balance between the ways disciples are fed, nourished, and supported here, and the ways we go out and answer the call to serve. Mission, service, tending to our brothers and sisters in need – these things are at the heart of this place. Always have been; always will be. Show me a church that stops serving, and I will show you a church that has lost its reason for being. This newsletter is chock-full of opportunities to serve. Some are in Durham – the shelter meal at Urban Ministries, Wheels4Hope’s request for donations. There are also some exciting opportunities throughout God’s world. Right now, we have a mission team down in Mexico that I hope you will keep in your prayers (go to page 3 to see who’s on the trip and find out what they’re up to this week). You can learn about new opportunities for discipleship in Haiti and in Nicaragua inside as well. God has given us so much, and we must give of those same gifts for the world. But giving only goes so far if the well is dry. Service must be done in partnership with worship, nurture, and education. Sunday school, Bible studies, the Women’s Retreat, and Youth Group are among the many opportunities in our common life to know and be known. Tending to our spirit and our relationships leads to service that is deep and longlasting. We can’t do one without the other. As you browse through this newsletter, I challenge you to think about that balance in your own life. Too many of us around here (myself included) end up in a whirlwind of activity. Life is fast and busy and full. But even Christ, in the midst of his preaching, teaching, and healing, took time to pray. Let’s work on that together.
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“...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
In t al sic •
Westminster Presbyterian Church Durham, North Carolina 1963 - 2013
In this Issue Concerns & Celebrations 2 Trip to Nicaragua 2 January Shelter Meal Volunteers 2 Pillowcase Dresses for Haiti 2 Call for Nominations 3 Mexico Mission Trip Team 3 Nursery Coordinator Transition 3 Contribute to the Time Capsule 3 Monday Morning Bible Study 4 Save the Date for VCS! 4 Westminster School for Children 4 Spring Women's Retreat 4 Youth Ministry 5 2014 Men's Basketball Schedule 5 Community Opportunities 5 Preaching Schedule 6 Congregational Responsibilities 6
SPICES spotlight In celebration of our 50th anniversary, we created a space for you to share examples of how WPC feeds the hungers on a bulletin board outside the Mission Center.
Blessings on these days.
Chris Thank you to everyone who shared their memories and experiences. Our bulletin board will come down soon, but our celebration of this momentous milestone continues. We'll mark the remaining months of our 50th year with two special events and the reveal of the total amount you've given toward our anniversary gift for the Food Bank and Montreat. Stay tuned for details!
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
January 22, 2014
~ Concerns & Celebrations ~
Please remember the following in your prayers this week. The death of David Anderson's sister Leah Anderson's father Dennis Enberg's sister Michael Feiler's uncle and godfather Brian Hanczaryk's father Ashley & Keegan Hart
Jeff Laufenberg's father The birth of Mari & Scott McLean's son Becca Owensby The death of Lynn Leubuscher & Chris McLaughlin's neighbor; their friend's mother The Westminster mission trip team in Mexico
Volunteer Opportunities & More at Westminster and Beyond
Volunteers are still needed to prepare and serve a shelter meal at Urban Ministries on Tuesday, January 28! We need 3 more folks to prepare the meal Tuesday between 3:30-5:45pm; and 3 more to serve the meal at the shelter between 6-7:30pm.
Trip to Nicaragua: Westminster is sponsoring an
exploratory trip to Nicaragua April 8-11 to see the work of the Rainbow Network, a nonprofit organization working to enable Nicaraguan citizens to better manage healthcare, education, and other needs. Contact Betty Berghaus if you’re interested in going on the trip (
[email protected]) and learn more about the Rainbow Network at www.rainbownetwork.org.
No experience (or culinary talent) is necessary! This is a great way to get directly involved in local missions. Children ages 8 and over are welcome. Sign-up at www.bit.ly/myWPCserve or contact Judd Staples (
[email protected]).
Pillowcase Dresses for Haiti from Pat Gunter: Last year I was very fortunate to go on a mission trip to Haiti with a group from University Presbyterian Church. I'm excited to be heading back in April, and this time I hope to take a trunk full of pillowcase dresses with me for the little girls there. I would love to have some help from the talented folks here at Westminster to make that happen.There are several ways you can contribute: 1. Donate the following items (they can be given to me or placed in the yellow collection bin in the Mission Center): • New or gently used pillow cases (standard or king; cotton/cotton blend; preferably bright colors, checks, small prints, and florals) • Double fold bias tape (bright colors and pastels) • ½ or 3/8 inch wide elastic • Rickrack, trims, bright buttons, or appliqués for decoration • Remnants of fabric (same characteristics as pillowcases; ¾ yard of 40+ inch width can make a whole dress, and other pieces can be used for pockets or ruffles)
• Flat sheets (any size; same characteristics as pillowcases) • Coupons for Jo-Ann Fabrics or Hancock Fabrics 2. Bring your portable sewing machine (and scissors, thread, pins, etc.) to an old-fashioned sewing bee in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, February 15. Come any time between 10am-4pm, and have some lunch while you create these dresses and enjoy the fellowship of your friends. Pillowcases will be provided, or you may bring your own. Please let us know if you are coming so we can plan properly. You can contact me directly (
[email protected] or 919-724-9459) or sign up online via myWPC at www.bit.ly/myWPCserve. 3. Make dresses on your own: They are very easy and I can provide the instructions. A pillowcase forms the body of the dress; a quick run of elastic around the neck and a little binding for some armholes, and they're done! 4. Make a note on your calendar to pray for the group from April 11-19 (Holy Week). That would be the best support of all! -2-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Call for Nominations •
Nursery Coordinator Transition
The 2014 Nominating Committee is pleased to call for nominations to elect a new class of officers who will train this summer and take office in September. Seven new deacons and four new elders take office each year, serving three-year terms.
A warm welcome... As of this month, Melissa Katrincic will be taking over as the Nursery Volunteer Coordinator. In this role, she will recruit and coordinate volunteers to serve in three nursery rooms each Sunday. Please take a moment to thank Melissa for taking on this role and support her by volunteering as part of this important ministry!
You may submit nominations to the box on Barb Schmidt’s desk in the Mission Center or to any member of the Nominating Committee: Chick Palermo (chair), John Graham, Sarah High, Chris McLaughlin, Kevin Rosemond, Helen Tharrington, Bill Whitt, and Chris Tuttle (ex-officio). Please do this within the next month, submitting names no later than Monday, March 3.
... and a big thank you All of the families with nursery-age children and all of the nursery volunteers would like to give Cindy Soloe a HUGE thank you. For the past several years, she has served as Nursery Volunteer Coordinator, managing snacks, schedules, and volunteers in order to give all Westminster children and guests a safe place to experience God's love through fellowship and play (and goldfish!). Thank you, Cindy, for living your baptismal covenant so beautifully and cheerfully!
Please do not ask those you nominate about their willingness to serve; the Nominating Committee will do that at the appropriate time.
About the Session & Diaconate The Session is the main governing body in the Presbyterian Church, responsible for worship, programs, finances, and facilities. They work in partnership with the staff to discern the guiding vision of this place, and to provide spiritual leadership as we seek to follow Christ together. They serve on committees such as Worship, Christian Education, Personnel, Stewardship, and Ways & Means. Deacons find their roots in scripture in Acts 6, when the first disciples empower a separate group of leaders to serve in areas of service and fellowship. The word diaconate comes from the Greek "diakonia" which means servant/service. The deacons guide our mission life, as well as the ways we care for each other.
How would you like to speak to Westminster members living in 2064, and tell them about the WPC of today? What advice would you give to your grandchildren, who may be the elders of Westminster fifty years from now?
See www.bit.ly/wpcLeadership for a current list of elders and deacons.
The Time Capsule Committee is soliciting one-page essays from current members about what the Westminster experience is like now, and why so many people are attracted to this congregation. Along with the essay, you are welcome to pass along any advice you have gained from your experience as a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Mexico Misson Trip Team Early on Saturday, January 18, a Westminster mission trip team of six – Dorene & Chick Palermo, Stephanie Gardner, Eileen McAvoy , Dottie Bartholomay, Judy & Ashley Everly – departed from RDU for Merida, Mexico.
Simply put your thoughts and advice into a one-page email, and send it to
[email protected]. The committee will make sure your essay is printed on acid-free paper, so it will last until the Time Capsule is opened in 2064 – Westminster's 100th anniversary.
Some of the proposed projects they'll take on include: tiling a floor, painting, and plumbing and electrical repairs. A few members of the group will teach some English classes. The team will also host two nights of Bible study for children at a local church.
The digital version of your thoughts will also be put into cloud storage, in hopes that it will be available to future parishioners no matter what changes in media take place over the next halfcentury.
The group will be back this week, and we look forward to the photos and stories they'll share upon return. Until then, our prayers are with this mission trip team – may your travels be safe, and your encounters with the Holy Spirit deep!
We look forward to hearing from you! Time Capsule Committee
January 22, 2014
Christian Education news
Spring Women's Retreat:
Monday Morning Bible Study
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Encounters with Jesus: An Exploration in the Gospel of John
March 21-23 | Cost: $200 at The Blockade Runner in Wilmington, NC
Mondays, February 3 – May 5 10am-12pm in Room 105 Led by Heather Ferguson
Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" At the spring retreat, we will explore this question for ourselves via prayer, scriptures, and various spiritual practices. Our retreat leader, Carol Hassell, is an ordained minister who currently serves as the chaplain at a continuing care retirement community. She has a spiritual direction practice, co-directs and teaches at the Charlotte Spirituality Center, and leads retreats.
If studying the Bible a bit more is on your list of New Year’s resolutions, then this opportunity is for you. In her book, Encounters with Jesus, Frances Taylor Gench uses solid scholarship, wise clarity, and her keen sense of humor to guide readers through the Gospel of John. We will meet on a weekly basis to cover thirteen chapters beginning February 3. (We will not meet on February 10.)
Prime your spirit for engaging with the scriptures with these books! All will be used as resources for the retreat. One isn't any better than another… just read the titles, and let the title pick you. • Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality • Joan Chittister, The Psalms: Meditations for Every Day of the Year • Cynthia Bourgeault, The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart • M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. and Marjorie Thompson, Companions in Christ series, The Way of Scripture • Thelma Hall, Too Deep For Words: Rediscovering Lectio Divina • William Barry, Seek My Face: Prayer as Personal Relationship in Scripture
Sign up online via myWPC at www.bit.ly/wpcJohnStudy or in the Mission Center. Books will be available in the church office on Sunday, January 26, for $12.
Save the date with a big red marker for...
Sign up for the retreat online via myWPC at www.bit.ly/wpcSpringWRetreat or pick up a registration form from the Mission Center and complete/return it by Monday, March 3.
June 16-20, 2014 Registration forms will be available by the end of February. Don’t miss this amazing week of summer fun, growing in faith, and building friendships for children age 4 - 5th grade. We'll be looking for lots of youth and adult volunteers!
to maintain and improve our playground and to enhance our classroom resources. We invite you to contribute to the success of this event by purchasing breakfast tickets (adult $6/child $4) and/or by purchasing basket raffle tickets. Each classroom has created a fabulous themed basket, and you’ll want a chance to take one home! There will also be some extra-special items offered for a Silent Auction. Tickets will be on sale soon.
Celebrate With Us! Pancakes for the Playground on Saturday, February 22 It's time to mark your calendar for Westminster School's Annual Pancake Breakfast and Basket Raffle or "Pancakes for the Playground"! Plan to join us in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, February 22, from 8:30-10:30am for all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice, and coffee. Lots of games and creative activities are planned for the children. This year we will sell tickets for the games, which will be held in the school classrooms. This is both a social event and a fundraiser for the school. Pancakes for the Playground proceeds will be used
Plan to join us on February 22 for some great food, fellowship, and fundraising! Your continued support of this school really makes a difference. Kathy Stickley Director -4-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
youth ministry news
Support the WPC Men's Basketball Teams! Come out and cheer for Westminster's Men’s Basketball Teams! All games are played at the Hope Valley Baptist Church Gym, located at 6900 Garrett Rd in Durham. (Gym entrance is in the back of the church, through the glass double doors.)
A Reflection: Youth Bible Study by Emma Duling
Every Wednesday night from 6:30-8pm, the WPC Youth Bible study meets at Panera Bread. During the Bible study, we examine different biblical texts – usually ones that will be preached about on the following Sunday. I love going to Bible study because it’s a wonderful break for me during the week and it helps me to get reconnected with God. It’s hard to make time for God during my busy week with school and work, so having Bible study every Wednesday helps me to make time for God. A different youth sponsor leads every week, and we have a variety of ages ranging from sixth to twelfth grade. Anyone in middle and high school is welcome to come.
YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR 1/26 Youth Group Bowling @ Mardi Gras – Meet at Mardi Gras at 5:30pm; pick-up at Amante Pizza at 7:30pm 2/2 Souper Bowl Soup Lunch: 12-1pm, Fellowship Hall (No Youth Group that night)
Community Opportunities 2 Hour School Delay… You Have No Car… What Do You Do? Chance of snow? Ice? School systems go into a delay mode to protect the safety of children. It’s an inconvenience for all. But for some, an inconvenience turns into a crisis. Without a car, how do you cope? Cars change lives! Through the ministry of Wheels4Hope, hard working, low-wage earners in our community are blessed with an affordable, reliable car. In 2013, Wheels4Hope changed the lives of 149 families in this way. Danisha was referred to Wheels4Hope through Interact; she is now a proud owner of a 2000 Oldsmobile Intrigue. "This vehicle from Wheels4Hope means to me reliability. I will be able to travel at safer and realistic times with my children instead of traveling at 4-5am to catch a 6am bus. This will be a blessing for my kids and I to get back and forth from work and school."
Durham Congregations in Action Annual Meeting and Dinner Tuesday, January 28, at 6pm Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
Join us for an inspiring evening! Our keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Eboni Marshall Turman, the new Director of the Office of Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School, and Assistant Professor of Black Church Studies. We also will present community service organizations with 2013 funding awards for hunger and human service programs, and install officers and board members for 2014.
Donate your old car to Wheels4Hope and help change lives, one car at a time. Learn more at www.wheels4hope.org or by calling 919-832-1941. -5-
Dinner is $14 per plate; call 919-688-2036 or email
[email protected] by January 22 to RSVP.
January 22, 2014
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Feed the Hungers
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Westminster Presbyterian Church Durham, North Carolina 1963 - 2013
Westminster Presbyterian Church 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: 919.489.4974 Fax: 919.493.4553 www.wpcdurham.org www.facebook.com/wpcdurham
[email protected]
The next WPC newsletter will be published on February 5. The deadline to submit material is January 29. To submit material for publication, contact Communications Coordinator Kara Pearce at
[email protected] or 919-489-4974, ext. 101. The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Kara Pearce.
Preaching Schedule January 26 - Birthday Sunday Preaching: Chris Tuttle February 2 - Communion Sunday Preaching: Chris Tuttle February 9 Preaching: Chris Tuttle February 16 Preaching: Betty Berghaus
Congregational Responsibilities for January 26, February 2, 9, and 16 ACOLYTES 1/26 Charles & Liza Stanley 2/2 Logan McElroy 2/9 Thomas & Eleanor Hill 2/16 Catherine & Allison Laufenberg
USHERS 1/26 8:30 Adella & Christina Boxberger, and Jill & Michelle Nelson 11:00 Shelley Bainter, Laurel & Jeremy Trantham, and Rayner England 2/2 8:30 Kenzie Brannon, Lois Bender, and David & Lily Duling 11:00 Jonathan Thornhill & Bethany Jillson-Thornhill, and Volunteers Needed 2/9 8:30 Bill McAvoy, Perry Tharrington, and Bonnie & Dailey Derr LECTORS 11:00 Mike & Kay Rosenmarkle, Walt Beckwith, and Volunteers Needed 1/26 8:30 Lee Murphy 11:00 Judy Lamon 2/16 8:30 David, Kathleen, David, and Carter Lapp 2/2 8:30 Dorene Palermo 11:00 Jeremy Trantham 11:00 Christopher, Katherine, Charles & Liza Stanley, and Lynn & Logan Toms 2/9 8:30 Jim Ketch 11:00 Mark Hill 2/16 8:30 Linda Van Gombos 11:00 Jack Walker NURSERY Monthly Coordinator: January - Jennifer Feiler; February - Rachel Meyen OFFERING COUNTERS Every Sun. Infants- Thoko Manzini Toddlers- Claire Leadbetter/Marketa Dickinson 1/26 8:30 John High & Bill Whitt 1/26 8:30 2-5 Rayner England and Erica Hill 11:00 Beth Eagen and Gloria Kanoy 11:00 2-3 Jennifer & Michael Feiler 4-5 Katie & Brian Hanczaryk 2/2 8:30 Mike Meyen and Shan Wiley 2/2 8:30 2-5 Angie Bolz and Katherine Harper 11:00 John Caccavale and Phil Whitaker 11:00 2-3 Jenny Whitman & Carolyn Holmes 4-5 Quinn & Billy McFall 2/9 8:30 Dottie Bartholomay and Sharon Barnes 2/9 8:30 2-5 Melissa & Lee Katrincic 11:00 Harriette Frank and Tali Benignus 11:00 2-3 Eva Welch & Mari McLean 4-5 Margaret Williams and Betsy Gilmour 2/16 8:30 Ann Kline and Lois Bender 2/16 8:30 2-5 Cameron & Jeremy Chason 11:00 John Caccavale and Phil Whitaker 11:00 2-3 Amy & Fritz Simonson 4-5 Emily & Lee Corey SOUND TECHNICIAN January 8:30 Bobby Bosworth 11:00 Blair Chesnut February 8:30 Derek Leadbetter 11:00 Lee Katrincic
FLOWERS January - Jean Eberdt and Dean Lanier February - Betsy Mangum and Barbara Walker
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).