January Menues 2012 - Van Buren Community Schools

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Lunch & Breakfast Menu. January. V a n B u r e n S c h o o l s. Lunch & Breakfast Menu. January. Milk is served with all meals. Menu's are Subject to Change.
January January

Van Buren Schools

Lunch & Breakfast Menu

Milk is served with all meals. meals

Menu'ss are Subject to Change Menu

Fresh Fruit / Vegetable are

Milk and Juice are served with all breakfasts. breakfasts

"This This institution is an equal q opportunity pp y provider" provider p

served when available

M d Monday

T d Tuesday January 3

W d d Wednesday January 4

Th d Thursday January 5

F id Friday January 6

Cereal & Smokie

Breakfast Bites & Toast

Scrambled Eggs gg & Cinnamon Roll

Sausage g Gravyy & Biscuit

Chicken C c e Strips S ps

Breakd ea d Pork o Patty a y on o Bun u

Macaroni aca o & Cheese C eese


Rice Green Beans

Glazed Carrots Pears

Peas Peaches

Corn Fresh Fruit

Pineapple Muffin


PB & Jelly Sandwich


January 9

January 10

January 11

January 12

January 13

B kf t Pizza Breakfast Pi andd Yogurt Y t

P Pancake k & Sausage S Patty P tt

B kf t Sandwich Breakfast S d i h & Orange O

C Creamed d Chicken Chi k

S h tti Spaghetti

P Popcorn Chicken Chi k

B it Burrito

Mashed Potatoes Corn

Garden Salad Pears

Broccoli Salad Peas

Spanish p Rice Green Beans

F i Crisp Fruit Ci Biscuit Bi i

Ch Cheese Bread B d Stick Si k

Pi Pineapple l Brread B d

Mi d Fruit Mixed F i Brread B d

J January 16

J January 17

J January 18

J January 19

J January 20

Apple/PB pp & Cereal

Egg gg Pattyy on Biscuit

Waffles & Sausage g Pattyy

Breakfast Sandich & Yogurt g

Breakfast Pizza and Banana

Mandarin Orange g Chicken


Tomato Soupp

BBQ Pork onBun

Taco on Shell

Ri Rice Mixed Mi d Veggie V i

C l l Coleslaw Cherries Ch i

B b Carrots Baby C t Baked B k d Apples A l

B k d Beans Baked B Peaches P h

Li Beans Lima B Fruit F it Salad S l d

Pineapple pp Egg gg Roll


Pepperoni pp Bread Stix



Januaryy 23

Januaryy 24

Januaryy 25

Januaryy 26

Januaryy 27

L Long John J h & Cereal C l

E Omelet Egg O l t on Biscuit Bi it

B kf t Casserole Breakfast C l & Toast T t

B kf t Cookie Breakfast C ki & Yogurt Y t

C k's Choice Cook's Cook Ch i

Chi k Noodle Chicken N dl Soup S

C ti i Cavatini

Ch k Patty Chcken P tt on Bun B

C k's Choice Cook's Cook Ch i

M d Rite Made Rit on Bun B

Green Bean Casserole Pears

Garden Salad Strawberries

Harvard Beets Mandarin Oranges

Sweet Potato Fries

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

French Bread

Pumpkin Bar

Fresh Fruit Pudding

January 30

January 31

Pancake & Sausage g Pattyy

Breakfast Wrapp & Toast

Crispito p

Lasagna g

C Cottage Cheese C Green G Peans

G Garden Salad S Rosy Applesauce

Cherries Bread

Cheese Bread Stick

E Omelet Egg O l t & Toast T t

No S h l School