Jan 2, 2014 ... Please see Calendar at www.mtacsantaclara.org ... meldridge@mtacsantaclara.
org ..... and mandolin tab available to print directly from.
Santa Clara County Branch
January 2015
7 - Branch Board Meeting Lincoln Glen Church, @ 9:30 AM
Scholarship foundation will add new awards to the following students meeting the requirements. The persons who are the finalists perform on the state convention in VOCE, YAG, YCG, SOLO, CONCERTO are going to receive $100 each. If it is an ensemble, $50 will be issued for each performer in the ensemble. The finalists should also study with the teacher of MTAC Santa Clara Branch for at least 2-3 years to be eligible to the awards.
*For all other info. & Future Meetings & Deadlines Please see Calendar at www.mtacsantaclara.org
In This Issue
Submitted by Katie Tang
Recitals are held on Sundays from 3:00 PM -7:00 PM @ Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto 505 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306 January 18, 2015 February 15, 2015
Please note that all teachers who have students participating in these recitals are expected to assist the recital chairperson when they are asked. Tasks may include hosting a particular hour, passing out programs or serving as greeters. Submitted by Natalya Karamyan
15 - Deadline for articles & ads for February Newsletter Barbara Cook, via mail (see directory for address) email (preferred):
[email protected] No phone requests please
Solo Piano Competition
State Logo Use Guidelines
Junior Recital Information
Concerto/Ensemble Music Festival
Volunteers & Scrapbook
ASCAP Compliance
Convention Page Alert
Convention Page Availability Form
Music Village Advertisement
Advertizing rates & policy
MTAC Newsletter January 2015
Volume XXXXV, Number 7
Online Application Form & Payment 2015 Online registration opens January 15 and closes March 1 at 11:59 p.m. The Northern Regional Piano Concerto/Solo competition will be held on Saturday, March 28, at Santa Clara University. The online application period will be January 15 through March 1. The application fee will be $85 per student and the payment will be made online. Any questions about the application process may be sent to the North Chair, Anna Lin at:
[email protected]
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MTAC Newsletter January 2015
Volume XXXXV, Number 7
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The Santa Clara Branch offers a recital opportunity for students who are just beginning to develop experience performing in public. This is designed for students who may have played in teachers' studio recitals, but do not have the level of experience expected at our Branch Student Recitals at Petit Trianon. The Branch Junior Recitals will be held in a more relaxed setting, memorization is not required, and students in elementary levels are welcome to play. Repertoire should range from beginning pieces up to early Sonatinas.
Recital Dates Junior Recitals will be scheduled each month, usually on the fourth Saturday or Sunday. If you would like to apply for some of your students to play on this recital:
Registration Guidelines You must be a member of MTAC Santa Clara to enroll students in the recital. Teachers may submit applications for three students. More applications may be considered if there is room on the recital program. Submit an online application for each student. Telephone and mail applications cannot be accepted. Applications must be received by the 20th of the month before the recital. There is a $10 fee for participation. The time limit for a performance is 3 minutes.
Dress Code & Recital Guidelines Female performers should wear knee-length skirts or dresses, or dressy slacks with blouses. ( No exposed midriff. ) Male performers should wear dress slacks and dress shirt. Ties and jackets are optional. Dress shoes are required for all performers. Please, no athletic shoes or back-less sandals. Students should arrive 15 minutes early. All recitals will start on time. Violin students should tune their violins before recital. All students and accompanists should sit in a front row. Teachers, please advise students and parents of recital etiquette, e.g. bowing before and after the performance, staying quietly seated during a performance, staying for the entire program, etc. Flash photography is not permitted during a recital. Video cameras may be used provided they are set up in the rear of the recital hall and kept clear of the aisles. No program changes will be made once programs are on the website
Volume XXXXV, Number 7
MTAC Newsletter January 2015
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Mission The mission of the MTAC Santa Clara Branch Concerto/ Ensemble Music Festival is to provide a formal stage with competition atmosphere to gifted young musicians who are participating in the State Concerto Competitions or VOCE Competitions, as well as to all junior ensemble performers who want to show their music talent in a team. It is a good opportunity to participate in a smaller festival in preparation for other music competitions in the following months of 2015.
Description of Activities When: Friday, January 23, 2015, 7:00pm Where: Santa Clara University Recital Hall Registration: the 2015 Festival is open to students playing at a level comparable to Certificate of Merit Level V and up. Students must be enrolled by their teachers. Register online http://www.mtacsantaclara.org/ Fees: Concerto: $65 Duet: $110 Ensembles of 3 or more: $45 per performer (excluding accompanist) Awards: all participants will receive certificates signed by MTAC Santa Clara Branch President and Piano Concerto/ Ensemble Music Festival Committee. One or two students from each category will be awarded “Best Performer of 2015 Festival” and will receive a cash prize. Age Requirements: all musical performers must be aged 24 or younger. Repertoire Length: no more than 12 minutes. Four Categories: Piano Concerto, Other Concerto, Duet and Ensemble or Vocal Ensemble
We encourage teachers who enroll their students to work as volunteers on the event day. Space is limited. First come, first served. For more information please contact: Evert Coordinator: Lin Pan (408) 931931-1339
MTAC Newsletter January 2015
Volume XXXXV, Number 7
We need programs from branch events, studio recitals, musical soirees, etc. for our branch scrapbook. Please send hard copies to my address as listed in the directory & electronic copy (jpg/pdf format) to my email address listed on the first page of this newsletter.
I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. Albert Einstein
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We need someone that can take pictures of branch events: monthly programs, luncheons, recitals, etc. so we can include them in our branch scrapbook. Please email files in jpg or gif format to Barbara Cook.
Our branch will host the 2015 MTAC Convention in San Jose. This means we will need to provide pages for various events during the convention. There are several perks for those who volunteer as pages including access to events and community service hours. High school aged and older are needed.
Please send your studio recital programs to Shirley Webb. This is a State mandate in compliance with ASCAP requirements for public performance of pieces they publish. www.mtacsantaclara.org
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Volume XXXXV, Number 7
MTAC Newsletter January 2015
2015 MTAC CONVENTION PAGE AVAILABILITY FORM We look forward to having you serve as a Page at the 2015 MTAC Convention in San Jose. MTAC is a registered 501(C)3 charity and as such we are pleased to sign a community service affidavit for your hours of volunteer service for MTAC event. Your responsibility, alertness and courtesy will help make the convention a success. Please fill out one form for each person who wishes to serve as a page. After our Page Chair is announced you will need to scan, and e-mail this form back to the Page Chair for MTAC Santa Clara County Branch. (If you are not able to scan this form, you are welcome to compose an email which includes the same personal information asked for on the form, and your available times.)
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Your Name ___________________________________________________________________Age_________ Your Home Ph. _________________Cell__________________ E-mail address__________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s name_____________________________________ MTAC Branch___________________________ Name of page partner (if any)___________________________________________________ Age___________ Partner’s Phone _______________Cell_________________ E-mail address____________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Please check your calendar to avoid conflicts with other activities you or your page partner may have scheduled. Changing schedules and re -assigning page times is extremely difficult. Check www.mtac.org for the schedule of daily Convention events that will be of interest to you. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences, but we cannot make any guarantees. Please note that if you are assigned to a concert, master class or lecture you may be required to sit OUTSIDE the door to control late arrival during the program. You may therefore wish to be a page at a time which does not pose a conflict with an event that you wish to attend. There will be an Orientation Meeting on Thursday evening, July 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Fairmont Hotel, San Jose. If you cannot attend, you will need to arrive 20 minutes before your shift starts to find out what your job entails. Below please mark all of the dates and times you will be available to serve as a page. Mark those shifts you strongly prefer with a plus (+). Day
Morning 8AM-12:00 PM
Mid Day 12:00PM-4:00PM
Early Evening
Friday, July 3
Saturday, July 4
Sunday, July 5
Monday, July 6
Tuesday, July 7 __________ What is the total number of shifts (3 to 4 hours) you would like to serve? _____________ If you have some specific preferences (like specific hours, type of page duty, etc.), let us know. We’ll do our best to consider them Thank you so much. We truly appreciate your help at the Convention. www.mtacsantaclara.org
MTAC Newsletter January 2015
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Volume XXXXV, Number 7
MTAC Santa Clara Newsletter Advertising Policy Musical Instruments Music Supplies Printed Music Books Music Lessons Sales Rent to Own Repairs Serving the Bay Area for over 42 years! 2971 Union Ave. (at Foxworthy Ave.) San Jose 408 377-2504 5885 Santa Teresa Blvd (at Snell Ave.) San Jose 408 629-1812 http://www.musvil.com/
Attention Current Members:
Teachers with active, student, or contributor membership in the Santa Clara Branch of the Music Teachers Association of California may use the email group maintained by the Branch to post a nonrepeating advertisement for a piano for sale. Students of MTAC Santa Clara Branch teachers may not post directly, but a member teacher may post an advertisement on behalf of a student. Other items for sale may also be advertised at the discretion of the Board of the Santa Clara Branch. This policy is designed for individual advertising, not for business use. The Board of the Santa Clara Branch reserves the option of moderating and removing any advertisements sent through the email group. Please send check (payable to MTAC) to the editor: Barbara Cook at the address listed in the branch directory
In order to receive up-to-date MTAC information, newsletters, referrals, please notify us if there are any changes in your studio information via our email:
[email protected]
Newsletter Ad Rates per issue $10/business card size $20/quarter page $40/half page $80/full page
MTAC NEWSLETTER 3265 Woodmont Dr. San Jose, CA 95118