DOWN. 1 A special code used at checkout to apply a discount (6,4). 2 The process of completing and delivering a customer
The language of
Ecommerce Are you an ecommerce expert? Complete the crossword to see how many terms you know 2
1 3 4
5 6
11 12
DOWN 1 A special code used at checkout to apply a discount (6,4) 2 The process of completing and delivering a customer order (11) 3 A unique identifier given to individual products (5,7,4) 4 The process of creating an account with an online retailer (12) 6 Metric showing the average amount spent per customer order (7,5,5) 7 An account a retailer holds with an institution e.g. a bank or payment gateway provider (8,7) 9 A statement that explains when and how a customer may send products back (6,6) 10 A statement that explains what personal data a retailer collects and how they use it (7,6) 11 A method of fulfilling orders where items are shipped directly from the supplier (4,4)
13 A complete list of a seller’s current stock (9) 14 The process of completing a transaction (8)
ACROSS 3 Site functionality that allows visitors to select multiple products for eventual purchase (8,4) 5 A file that contains a current list of product inventory and product details (7,4) 8 A program or application that lets businesses sell online (9,8) 12 A fee that must be collected as part of an order, per local laws and policies (3) 15 The displaying of products to entice a customer (13) 16 A file that encrypts sensitive information and lets consumers know a site is secure (3,11) 17 A group of products on an ecommerce site (8) 18 A process where the customer makes a purchase without creating an account (9,8)
Didn’t know some of these terms? Check out the full ecommerce jargon buster » Answers: DOWN: 1 Coupon code 2 Fulfillment 3 Stock keeping unit 4 Registration 6 Average order value 7 Merchant account 9 Return policy 10 Privacy policy 11 Drop ship 13 Inventory 14 Checkout ACROSS:3 Shopping cart 5 Product feed 8 Ecommerce platform 12 Tax 15 Merchandis-ing 16 SSL certificate 17 Category 18 Anonymous checkout