Hal Leonard. Swing. Another Step Toward the Blues ... Hal Leonard. Swing.
Autumn Leaves arr. Peter Blair ... Hal Leonard. Waltz. One More Song. Ralf
Name A Minor Case of the Blues Another Step Toward the Blues A String of Pearls Autumn Leaves Avenue 'R' Basic Basie Been There Done That Birdland Blue and Sentimental Blue Flame Blues for a New Day Blues For Cat Blues Machine Blues Train Bop! Bossa Bonito Burritos To Go Caribbean Dance Celebration Cerulean Blue Chameleon Chili Pepper 101 Cotton Tail Crazy With The Blues Crusin' Along Dill Pickles Don't Get Around Much Anymore Filling In For The Count Final Drive Finding You Here Flip, Flop and Fly Fly Me to the Moon Frimmin' On the Jim‐Jam Fulvios at Eight Georgia On My Mind Get It On Go Daddy‐O Ghost Writer Here's That Rainy Day Hog Squealin', Rip Snortin', Belly‐Achin' Blues Hot Chocolate How High The Moon I'm A Believer In the Mood Instant Warm‐ups It's All About You Jammin' The Blues Jazz Builders Step One Jazz Police
Composer/Arranger Stitzel Fred Sturm M. Sweeney arr. Peter Blair Rob Vuono, Jr. Edmondson M. Sweeney Higgins Phillipe Murtha Steinel Rob Vuono, Jr. M. Sweeney arr. Paul Murtha Rob Vuono, Jr. Jon Phelps Lopez Victor Lopez arr. Dave Wople Gregory Yasinitsky Arr. M. Sweeney Doug Beach/George Shutack arr. Mark Taylor Rob Vuono, Jr. Victor Lopez Howard Rowe arr. M. Sweeney Doug Beach/George Shutack Doug Beach/George Shutack Erik Morales Berry arr. M. Sweeney Chris Sharp Rob Vuono, Jr. arr. M. Sweeney Jennings M. Sweeney George Shutack arr. John Edmondson M. Sweeney Lewis Edmondson arr. Paul Murtha arr. M. Sweeney M. Sweeney Erik Morales M. Sweeney Steve Owen Lewis
Publisher Hal Leonard Heritage Jazz Works Hal Leonard Hal Leonard The F.J.H Music Co. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Jenson Warner Bros. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard The F.J.H Music Co. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard The F.J.H Music Co. Kendor Music Hal Leonard Alfred Columbia Pictures Pub. Kendor Music Hal Leonard Kendor Music Hal Leonard The F.J.H Music Co. Belwin‐Mills C.L. Barnhouse Co Hal Leonard Kendor Music Kendor Music The F.J.H Music Co. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard The F.J.H Music Co. FJH Hal Leonard Jenson Hal Leonard Kendor Music Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Warner Bros. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Hal Leonard The F.J.H Music Co. Hal Leonard Matrix Publishing Co. Alfred
1.5 M 1.5 E M VE E E M 1.5 VE VE VE VE VE 1.5 E 1.5 1.5 E
Style Swing Rock Swing Swing Cha‐Cha Swing Swing funk Swing Swing Swing Swing Blues Warm up Swing Bossa Latin Somba Rock Ballad Funk Latin Swing Swing Bossa Nova Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Hip Hop Swing Ballad
Swing Swing Ballad Swing Swing Latin E Rock E Swing E Warm up 1 Swing Swing 1.5 Swing funk E E
Jump, Jive and Wail Jungle Boogie La Negra Tiene Tumbau Li'l Darlin Malaguena Mambo Hot Mercy, Mercy, Mercy Missed You Moanin' My Favorite Things Natalie's Song Norwegian Wood One More Song Opus in Chartreuese Opus One Phat Kat Pop Goes The Chilli Pepper Pshaw Ran, Kan, Kan Return of the Muggles Revenge of the Chili Peppers Riddle Swing Scooby ‐Doo Where Are You? Senor Banana Sentimental Journey September Shake, Rattle and Roll Smack Dab in the Middle Soft ‐n‐ Gentle Song For Andrea Southern Exposure Splanky St. Louis Blues St. Thomas Stompin' at The Savoy Street Dance String of Pearls Sway Sweet Georgia Brown Swing Happens Swing Shift Swing's The Thing Take The A Train Tastes Like Chicken Tenor Madness The Bari Thought of You The Judge The Way You Look Tonight Tuxedo Junction Until I Met You
Holmes Lopez Lopez arr. Roy Phillippe M. Sweeney Victor Lopez arr. Robert Woods Howard Rowe Bobby Timmons Holmes Mike Tomaro M. Sweeney Ralf Gingery Murtha Nowak Victor Lopez Doug Beach/George Shutack Ryan Fraley Stitzel Robert Woods Doug Beach/George Shutack Rob Vuono, Jr. arr. Mike Lewis Victor Lopez arr. Paul Murtha Blair Lowden Stitzel Sorenson Mike Tomaro M. Sweeney arr. Roy Phillippe M. Sweeney arr. M. Sweeney arr. John Berry Doug Beach/George Shutack arr. Mike Lewis Stitzel arr. Mike Lewis Les Sabina Carl Strommen Neeck arr. Vince Gassi Kris Berg arr. John Berry Peter Blair Cook Berry Edmondson arr. M. Sweeney
Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Warner Bros. Inc. Hal Leonard Belwin‐Mills Heritage Jazz Works C.L. Barnhouse Co Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Kendor Music Hal Leonard William Allen Music, Inc. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Belwin‐Mills Kendor Music The F.J.H Music Co. Hal Leonard Heritage Music Press Doug Beach Music The F.J.H Music Co. Warner Bros. Inc. Belwin‐Mills Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Hal Leonard KJOS Kendor Music Hal Leonard WB Music Corp. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Kendor Music Belwin Jazz Hal Leonard Warner Bros. Inc. Kendor Music Heritage Jazz Works Barnhouse Belwin Jazz Belwin‐Mills Hal Leonard Heritage Jazz Works Warner Bros. Hal Leonard Hal Leonard Hal Leonard
E M 2 ME E E
E 1.5 2 1.5
Swing funk Latin Swing Latin Latin Jazz Rock Rock Ballad Swing Waltz Rock Ballad Waltz Ballad Swing Swing Latin Latin Funk Rock Latin Swing Latin Swing Latin Groove Swing funk Swing Swing Ballad Bossa Nova Latin Swing Swing Latin Swing Rock Swing Latin Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Rock Swing Shuffle Swing Swing Swing Swing
Uptown Stomp Vehicle Watermelon Man Walkin' With Jackie What'd I Say
Larry Neeck Jennings Edmondson Rob Vuono, Jr. Berry
C.L. Barnhouse Co Jenson Hal Leonard The F.J.H Music Co. Hal Leonard