Jazz Guitar Improvisation I [Course Syllabus] part of the Az Samad guitar course
series | Oct 24 2013 Syllabus Version 1.0. Class ... Bebop Changes. Etude.
Jazz Guitar Improvisation I [Course Syllabus] part of the Az Samad guitar course series | Oct 24 2013 Syllabus Version 1.0
Scales: Major Scales (Eb Major & Db Major) Minor Pentatonic (E minor) Major Scale (G Major) Major Pentatonic (Eb Major) Blues Scales (C minor)
1: Understanding Arpeggios
Blue Bossa
Blue Monk
Blues Scales (Bb minor)
min7b5 for dom7 & altered
Beautiful Love
Lydian b7
Altered Scales One octave Scales Major Pentatonic (Db Major) C Major, G Major, Ab Major, E Major
2: Lyrical Guide Tone Soloing Autumn Leaves 3: The jazz ballad (I): Soloing based on Melody Misty 4: Motivic Soloing over static harmony Footprints
5: Jazz Blues (I) 6: Introduction to Melodic Minor (I)
7: Introduction to Melodic Minor (II) 8: Jazz Blues (II): Bebop Blues 9: The jazz ballad (II): Soloing using chord forms 10: Up-tempo Swing & Bebop Soloing
Blues For Alice
Body and Soul All The Things You Are
Minor 7, minor7b5, Dom7, Maj7
Technique: Lyrical idiomatic embelishments for arpeggios
One octave arps for Single String legato all chords in song embelishments Approach Notes (I): Maj7 arpeggios for Half Step Below for minor7th chords Major Triads Major Triad Pairs
Improv Concept:
II-V Lines
Write a 2-chorus solo, write & record
Guide Tone Soloing
Write a 2-chorus solo, write & record.
Soloing based on melody Motivic Soloing (I)
4 note cells Partial Arpeggios based on chord shapes
Approach Notes (II): Scale Above for Major Triads Motivic Soloing (II) Combining Melody & Legato scale playing Fills Approach Notes (III): Half Step Below & Scale Above for minor triads Bebop Lines (I) Bebop Changes Etude Guide Tone Soloing (II) Embelishments using hammer-ons and Soloing using Chord pull-offs Shapes
Diminished 7th Arpeggios
Developing control for long flowing lines Bebop Lines (II)
© 2013 Az Samad. All rights reserved. Syllabus & fees subject to changes. Please contact me for the latest version of the course. www.azsamad.com/contact
Write a 1-chorus solo, write & record. Write a 2-chorus solo, write & record. Write a 2-chorus solo, write & record. Write a 1-chorus solo, write & record.
Write a 2-chorus solo, write & record. Write a 2-chorus solo, write & record. Write a 1-chorus solo, write & record. Write a 1-chorus solo, write & record.
Jazz Guitar Improvisation I [Course Syllabus] part of the Az Samad guitar course series | Oct 24 2013 Syllabus Version 1.0
About the course: The main course is a 5-month program 10 classes, 2 hours each class, 20 hours of private lessons in total. If you choose this, your options are: Complete payment: RM3,000 (Save RM500) 2 installments: RM1,600 (Save RM300) 5 installments: RM700/per month (Total fees: RM3,500)
If you are not ready for the full program, you can take the starter course which is the first 4 classes: Option: The Improvisation Starter Course (Class 1-4 ONLY) RM1,400 Fixed Fee Upgrade to complete course for RM2,000 (Save RM100 of total course fee)
For participants who would also like to develop their duo playing skills, you can take an add-on guitar duo class. These can be one-off classes or for epic development, you can take 2-hours each month of duo coaching. You will need to find your own guitar duo partner for this & are responsible to coordinate your schedules together. You will learn to develop your ensemble skills with the same repertoire in the main course. Optional Class: 2-hour duo guitar coaching class: RM350 (RM175/per person) RM1,750 (10 hour duo coaching) - RM875 per person
© 2013 Az Samad. All rights reserved. Syllabus & fees subject to changes. Please contact me for the latest version of the course. www.azsamad.com/contact