Jeff Lingwall CV 2017.pdf - Google Drive

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CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY. Ph.D., Economics and Public Policy, 2014. Dissertation: An Economic History of Compulsory At
JEFF LINGWALL 2108 Somerset Dr. Kirksville, MO 63501

[email protected] (660) 785-4375

POSITIONS TRUMAN STATE UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor of Business Administration. 2015 – Present. SHOOK, HARDY & BACON L.L.P. Associate, class action practice group. 2014 – 2015. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT Law clerk to the Honorable Duane Benton. 2013 – 2014.

BAR ADMISSION Western District of Missouri (2015) Missouri (2013)

EDUCATION YALE LAW SCHOOL J.D. 2013 Yale Law Journal, Editor Yale Law and Policy Review, Editor Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal, Executive Editor for Production Kauffman Foundation Summer Fellowship in Law, Economics, and Entrepreneurship Kauffman Foundation grant to develop property law casebook emphasizing economic growth Research Assistant to John Witt, for Pulitzer Prize Finalist Lincoln’s Code Research Assistant to Daniel Markovits, for Contract Law and Legal Methods CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Ph.D., Economics and Public Policy, 2014 Dissertation: An Economic History of Compulsory Attendance and Child Labor Laws in the United States, 1810-1926 M.S., Economics and Public Policy, 2010 M.S., Statistics, 2007 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY M.S., Statistics, 2006 Thesis:

Bayesian and PMF Approaches to Pollution Source Apportionment 1


Rothamsted Research Award (for excellence in graduate work in statistics) Commencement Address, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

B.S., Statistics, Business Analysis Emphasis, with University Honors, 2006 Minors: Management and Mathematics Honors: Magna cum laude Ellis R. Ott Scholarship in Applied Statistics and Quality Management Department of Statistics Undergraduate Mentoring Award National Merit Scholar Four-year tuition scholarship

PUBLICATIONS Fraudulent Aggregation: The Effect of Daimler and Walden on Mass Litigation, __ FLA. L. REV. __ (forthcoming 2017) (with Chris Wray), draft available at The Imitation Game: Structural Asymmetry in Multidistrict Litigation, __ MISS. L.J. ___ (forthcoming 2017) (with Isaac Ison and Chris Wray), draft available at Food Forensics in Class Actions: The Race Between Pleading Standards and Technology, __ TULSA L. REV. ___ (forthcoming 2017), draft available at Laws, Educational Outcomes, and Returns to Schooling: Evidence from the Full Count 1940 Census, (NBER Working Paper w22855) (with Karen Clay & Melvin Stephens, Jr.), available at, under review at AM. ECON. REV. Skeletons in the Database: An Early Analysis of CFPB Consumer Complaints, 19 FORDHAM J. CORP. & FIN. L. 343 (2014) (with Ian Ayres & Sonia Steinway), available at Education Clauses in Corporate Charters: How Child Welfare Law Confronted the Industrial Revolution, 43 J. L. & EDUC. 189 (2014), draft available at Do Schooling Laws Matter? Evidence from the Introduction of Compulsory Attendance Laws in the United States (NBER Working Paper w18477) (with Karen Clay & Melvin Stephens, Jr.), available at Review: The Global New Deal, by William F. Felice, 14 YALE HUMAN RIGHTS & DEVEL. L. J. 156 (2011), available at A Nonparametric Scan Statistic for Multivariate Disease Surveillance, Advances in Disease Surveillance, Volume 4: Abstracts from the 2007 Conference of the International Society for Disease Surveillance (with Daniel B. Neill), available at Dirichlet Based Bayesian Multivariate Receptor Modeling, 19 ENVIRONMETRICS 618 (2007) (with William F. Christensen & C. Shane Reese), available at


Pollution Source Apportionment Using A Priori Information and Positive Matrix Factorization, 87 CHEMOMETRICS & INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 281 (2007) (with William F. Christensen), available at Iterated Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Pollution Source Apportionment, 17 ENVIRONMETRICS 663 (2006) (with William F. Christensen & Jamie J. Schauer), available at

POPULAR PRESS The Satisfaction of a Refund, or Your Class Action Back, Law360 (2015) (with James P. Muehlberger) Plaintiffs Look Beyond Labels and Toward Product Testing, Law360 (2015) (with James P. Muehlberger) Get Ready for the 2nd Wave of Food Labeling Litigation, Law360 (2015) (with Ann Havelka),

SERVICE Truman State University • Student Conduct Board (2017-present) • University Assessment Committee (2016-present) School of Business, Truman State University • Strategic Planning Committee (2016-present) • Co-chair, Student Recruitment Committee (2016-present) • Advisor, Student Run Business Initiative (2016-present) • Member, Ad-hoc committee for Major’s Day (2016-present) J. Reuben Clark Law Society • Kansas City Chapter, board member (2014-2016)

PRESENTATIONS Gender, Juries, and Community Values: Qualified Immunity for Shackling Laboring Women, 21st Annual WGST Conference: Engendering Social Justice, Truman State University, 2017 (with Valerie Fortner) Food Forensics: How Lawyers are Literally Saving Your Life, Maybe, American Criminal Justice Association, Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Truman State University, 2016 Class Actions: Timeless and Timely Ways to Sue, American Criminal Justice Association, Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Truman State University, 2016 Paychecks and Prayers, Truman State University Interfaith Center, 2015 (with Chris Wray) Bayesian Pollution Source Apportionment Using Dirichlet Distributed Source Profiles and Lognormally Distributed Source Contributions, Meetings of the Western North American Region of the International Biometric Society, 2006 (with William F. Christensen)


The Performance and Optimization of PMF in Pollution Source Apportionment, Meetings of the Western North American Region of the International Biometric Society, 2005 (with William F. Christensen)


Create Series LLC for property management company

2015/16 Work with international non-profit to create U.S. based 501(c)(3) organization to aid fundraising 2015/16 Law and economics consulting with AmLaw 200 firm on state law product liability litigation ($100 million demand) 2012/13 Statistical consulting on education reform topics with Center for Public Research and Leadership at Columbia University (with Yale Law School public sector structural change course) 2008

Statistical consulting to study public health effects of sewage overflow in Allegheny County (with Karen Clay, Daniel Neill, and Joel Tarr)

TEACHING Classes Taught TRUMAN STATE UNIVERSITY Commercial Law • Graduate course on UCC Articles 2, 3, and 9, bankruptcy, securities regulation, and business organizations • Average student ratings of 4.80 and 4.79 (of 5) Data Science for Business (in development) • Graduate course on mining large datasets for business intelligence Legal Environment of Business • Undergraduate course on fundamentals of business law (contract, tort, employment, etc) • Average student ratings of 4.82, 4.80, 4.87, 4.71, 4.64, 4.78, 4.81 and 4.93 (of 5) • Selected as Professor of the Month by Beta Theta Pi. CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Fundamentals of Statistical Modeling • Undergraduate course introducing fundamental statistical concepts to business majors Regression Analysis • Undergraduate course on applied regression models MBA Quantitative Skills Review Program • Graduate calculus review program for MBA students

Selected Student Comments •

“Dr. Lingwall has probably been the best teacher I have had, not only in my Truman career but in my entire life.” 4

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“[B]y the end of the second week it was by far my favorite class of my college career.” “Dr. Lingwall has been one of the best professors/teachers I have ever had. His teaching style combined with how he gives feedback on assignments is fantastic. I loved this class.” “Favorite class I've taken at Truman. Dr. Lingwall is an incredible person, and teacher, and his passion for the subject is clear every class. The subject matter can be quite dry at times, yet everyone in the class is completely engaged due to Dr. Lingwall’s abilities as an effective communicator.” “This teacher is the best professor I have ever taken.” “I cannot say enough about how engaging and effective Dr. Lingwall is as a professor. Honestly, he is the best professor I've had during my time at Truman. His ability to make the course material engaging and understandable was unmatchable and his enthusiasm for it was palpable. This was the only class I've ever been in where not a single student spent the class on their computer or phone which speaks volumes about his classroom management and ability to encourage students to actively learn. Not only was his classroom presence excellent, his availability for students made it almost impossible not to succeed. His timely responses and availability made it possible to have a conversation about the law, rather than a nebulous understanding of how it functions. “Dr. Lingwall is easily the best professor I've had. He cares so much about his students and is willing to go above and beyond to help them succeed.” “I can honestly say in all my 120 undergrad hours I don’t think I've had a teacher who cared so much and went the extra mile.” “He was absolutely the best professor I've taken at Truman.” “Best professor I’ve ever had.” “Best teacher I have ever had.” “Probably the best professor I've had so far at Truman! Very passionate about the topics within the course making it easy to enjoy the class. Also very approachable and willing to help students.” “Dr. Lingwall was hands down the best professor that I've taken a course with yet. He cares about his students tremendously and is always available for questions ….” “I would recommend this professor to anyone. He really cares about his students both in the classroom and in their lives.” “Dr. Lingwall loves what he is teaching and it shows in the classroom.” “Business law taught by Dr. Jeff Lingwall is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”