Jessica Emily Moyer - Jessica E. Moyer

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"Book Review: Kris Longknife, Redoubtable by Mike Shepherd." Booklist Online. November 17, 2010. "Book Review: Prey of Patmos by Jeffrey Siger." Booklist ...
Jessica Emily Moyer 2509 Ridgewood Circle, Menomonie WI 54751

ph: 715 308 7075

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Education University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. 2007-2011 Doctoral candidate, Curriculum and Instruction, Literacy Education. GPA 3.7 Dissertation Title: "Teens Today Don't Read Books Anymore": A study of differences in interest and comprehension based on reading modalities University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2003 –2004 Certificate of Advanced Study, Library and Information Science, December 2004 Project Title: “Learning From Leisure Reading: Recreational and Educational Outcomes of Leisure Reading: A Study of Adult Public Library Patrons.” GPA 3.7 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2001 –2003 Master of Science, Library and Information Science, May 2003. GPA 3.7 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2000 –2001 Bachelor of Arts, August 2001. Major: European History. GPA 3.7 Honors • University of Minnesota Doctoral Dissertation Fellow, 2010-2011 • 2010 Alumni Leadership Award, University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science • College of Education and Human Development, 2009 Summer Block Grant Fellowship • Member Epsilon Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, 2009-present • Library Journal Mover and Shaker, 2008 • College of Education and Human Development Fellow, 2007-2008 • ALA EBSCO Conference Sponsorship Award, 2007 • Highly Commended Award, Emerald Publishing, 2004 Teaching Experience Adjunct Faculty, School of Library and Information Science, San Jose State University, January 2011 – May 2011. LIS 285, Research Methods • Created and taught one section of the required research methods course, LIS 285, with a focus on reading research and reader response theory • Students will be introduced to qualitative and quantitative research methods used in reading research, and to reader response theory through the writings of Rosenblatt • To prepare for teaching a fully online course, attended several hours of online training about best practices in online teaching and learning, and use of D2L and Elluminate

Jessica Emily Moyer


Curriculum and Instruction 5452, Reading in the Content Areas, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Teaching Assistant August 2007-May 2009, August 2009 – May 2010. Course Coordinator, June 2008 - May 2009, August 2009 – May 2010. • • • •

An online course required for all teacher licensure candidates in Minnesota. Responsible for evaluating assignments and moderating online discussions Work with other teaching assistants and faculty advisor to update course as needed. Course Coordinator responsibilities include setting up and maintaining course website, organizing course sections and discussion groups, assisting students with registration, coordinating work of teaching assistants, and posting final grades.

Adjunct Faculty, Information Management/MLIS, University of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MN. August 2007 – Present. • Instructor, LIS 7040, Reference and Information Services, Winter 2008, Summer 2008, Summer 2009, Summer 2010. As instructor of one section of LIS 7040, I worked together with other instructors to create the syllabus and assignments. I was responsible for evaluating all student work, both oral and written. Using lecture, discussion, small group work, and other activities, facilitated student learning of course material. • Instructor, LIS 7630, Readers’ Advisory, Summer 2008, Summer 2009, Summer 2010. As instructor, I chose all the texts and readings for the course, developed the syllabus and assignments. I was responsible for evaluating all student work. Using lecture, discussion, small group work, and other activities, facilitated student learning. • Instructor, Information Management 3100, Information Sources, Fall 2007 (Weekend College) and Spring 2009 (online). As instructor, I created the syllabus and assignments, and evaluated all student work, written and oral. Using lecture, discussion, small group work, and other activities, facilitated student learning of course material. Created and taught the first ever fully online course. Library and Information Science Work Experience Details available at: Reference and Instruction Librarian (Senior Assistant Librarian), Milne Library, State University of New York College at Oneonta. August 2006 - June 2007. Director of Academic Resources, Kitty Lindsay Learning Resources Center, Richland Community College, Decatur, Illinois. September 2004 – June 2006. Graduate Student Librarian. ACDIS Library, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. May 2002 – June 2004.) Research Assistant. Dr. Terry Weech. Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. September 2003 – May 2004.

Jessica Emily Moyer


Practicum. Supervisor, Janice Del Negro. Center for Children’s Books, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Spring 2003. Reference and Supervision Graduate Assistant. Undergraduate Library, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. August 2001 – May 2002 Peer-Reviewed Articles and Presentations Moyer, Jessica E. "Teens Today Don't Read Books Anymore": A study of differences in interest and comprehension based on reading modalities" Proposed presentation, Library Research Round Table 4 Star Research, American Library Association, 2011. Moyer, Jessica E. “Audiobooks and Ebooks: A Literature Review and Discussion of Implications for Library Services.” Under review, Reference and User Services Quarterly, November 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. and Terry L. Weech. "Teaching Reference and Reader Services in a Web 2.0 World." Under review, Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. Moyer, Jessica E. "Teens Today Don't Read Books Anymore": A study of differences in interest and comprehension based on reading modalities" Poster and presentation, 2011 iConference and Doctoral Colloquium, Seattle Washington, February 8-11, 2011. Moyer, Jessica E. "Teens Today Don't Read Books Anymore": A study of differences in interest and comprehension based on reading modalities: Introduction, Background and Methodologies. Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, Vol 1, No. 1 (Fall 2010) Moyer, Jessica E. and Terry L. Weech. “Teaching Reference and Reader Services in a Web 2.0 World.” Sofia 2008 Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria, November 11-15, 2008. Moyer, Jessica E. “Research Based Readers’ Advisory for Teens.” Young Adult Library Services Association, First Biannual Symposium. Nashville, Tennessee, November 7-9, 2008. Moyer, Jessica E. and Christy Donaldson. “Leisure Reading, Viewing, Listening and Gaming in Academic Libraries: A Literature Review and 4 Case Studies.” Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association and Southwest/Texas American Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, N.M. February 14-17, 2007. Moyer, Jessica E. “Learning From Leisure Reading: A Study of Adult Public Library Patrons.” Reference and User Services Quarterly, vol. 46, no. 4 (2007).

Jessica Emily Moyer


Moyer, Jessica E. “Learning From Leisure Reading: A Study of Adult Public Library Patrons.” Presentation, Library Research Roundtable, 4 Star Research Forum. American Library Association Annual Conference, June 26, 2005, Chicago, Illinois. Moyer, Jessica E. “Reference and Instruction Services at a Community College Learning Resources Center: A Continuing Education and Training Program for Paraprofessional Staff.” Poster, American Library Association Annual Conference, June 27, 2005, Chicago, Illinois. Moyer, Jessica E. “Adult Fiction Reading: A Literature Review of Readers’ Advisory Services, Adult Fiction Librarianship and Fiction Readers.” Reference and User Services Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 3 (Spring 2005): 220-231. Moyer, Jessica E. and Terry L. Weech. “The Education of Public Librarians to Serve Leisure Readers.” New Library World, vol. 106, no. 1 (2005): 67-79. Moyer, Jessica E. and Terry L. Weech. “Readers’ Advisory Education in North America and Europe.” In BOBCATSSS Conference Proceedings, January 24-26, 2004, Riga, Latvia. Boras College, Sweden. 2004. Moyer, Jessica E. and Terry L. Weech. “Readers’ Advisory Education in North America and Europe.” BOBCATSSS Conference 2004 in Riga, Latvia, January 24-26, 2004. Rudasill, Lynne and Jessica E. Moyer. “Cyber-Security, Cyber-Attack and the Development of Governmental Response: The Librarians’ View.” New Library World, vol. 105, no. 1202/1203 (2004): 248-255. Awarded one of three 2004 Highly Commendable Awards. Rudasill, Lynne, and Jessica E. Moyer. “The Globalization of Threat: Cyber-Security in a Shared Environment.” In BOBCATSSS Conference Proceedings, February 3-5 2003, Turin, Poland. Hogeschool, Amsterdam. 2003. Rudasill, Lynne, and Jessica E. Moyer. ‘The Globalization of Threat: Cyber-Security in a Shared Environment." BOBCATSSS Conference, Turin, Poland. February 3-5, 2003. Books and Chapters Moyer, Jessica E., ed. Integrated Advisory Services: Breaking Through the Book Boundary to Better Serve Library Users. Libraries Unlimited, September 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. and Gary W. Neibuhr. “Chapter 1: Crime” in Integrated Advisory Services: Breaking Through the Book Boundary to Better Serve Library Users, Jessica E. Moyer, ed. Libraries Unlimited, September 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. and Christy Donaldson. “Chapter 7: Science Fiction” in Integrated Advisory Services: Breaking Through the Book Boundary to Better Serve Library Users, Jessica E. Moyer, ed. Libraries Unlimited, September 2010.

Jessica Emily Moyer


Moyer, Jessica E., and Kaite Mediatore Stover, eds. Readers’ Advisory Handbook. ALA Editions, 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Chapter 1: How to read a book in 10 minutes." Jessica E. Moyer and Kaite Mediatore Stover, eds. Readers' Advisory Handbook, ALA Editions 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Chapter 9: Reviewing Reference Sources for Readers' Advisory." Jessica E. Moyer and Kaite Mediatore Stover, eds. Readers' Advisory Handbook, ALA Editions 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Chapter 21: Adult Books for Teen Readers." Jessica E. Moyer and Kaite Mediatore Stover, eds. Readers' Advisory Handbook, ALA Editions 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. Research-Based Readers’ Advisory. ALA Editions. April 2008. Grants McKay, Zanna, Jessica E. Moyer, and Christopher A. Moyer. “Using Da Ali Gi Show, Simpsons, Family Guy and Other Popular Television Programs to Teach Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Education: A Student/Faculty Collaboration” Student Research Grant Program for Creative and Research Activity, SUNY Oneonta. 2007. Professional Writing and Presentations Moyer, Jessica E. “Integrated Advisory and Science Fiction.” Guest Speaker, LIBR 220, Dr. Joni Bodart, San Jose State University, December 1, 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. “Ebooks Readers: A Primer for Public Services Staff.” Webinar, Northeast Ohio Regional Library System, December 8 and 9, 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Science Fiction 101: Guest Post" Will Unwound. November 19, 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Ebook Readers: Guest Post" Will Unwound. November 18, 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. “LIS Education and Integrated Advisory.” Libraries Unlimited Readers’ Advisor Newsletter, Fall 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Audiobooks and Ebooks: New literacies for the 21st Century: Professional Development Seminar" Illinois School Library Media Association Annual Conference, October 28, 2010. St Charles, Illinois. Moyer, Jessica E. "Readers Advisory and the School Library Media Specialist: Professional Development Seminar" Illinois School Library Media Association Annual Conference, October 28, 2010. St Charles, Illinois.

Jessica Emily Moyer


Moyer, Jessica E. "Integrated Advisory: Guest Post #12" Will Unwound, Moyer, Jessica E. "Audiobooks and Listeners' Advisory." Back to the Book XI, Northeast Ohio Regional Library System. October 7, 2010. Twinsburg, Ohio. Moyer, Jessica E. "E-books and E-Book Readers." Back to the Book XI, Northeast Ohio Regional Library System. October 7, 2010. Twinsburg, Ohio. Moyer, Jessica E. "Teen Readers' Advisory." Online Workshop, Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Continuing Education. August 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Research Based Readers' Advisory." Professional Development Workshop, Metropolitan Library System. April 2010, Chicago, Illinois. Moyer, Jessica E. (moderator), Kim Harrison, Brandon Sanderson, Diana Tixier Herald, and Kaite Mediatore Stover. “Crossover Advisory.” Public Library Association Conference. March 24, 2010, Portland, Oregon. Moyer, Jessica E. "Tough Chicks in Space: Science Fiction with Strong Female Characters." Novelist. 2010. Moyer, Jessica E. "Introduction to Science Fiction for Adult and Teen Readers." Novelist. September 2009 Moyer, Jessica E. "Research Overview for New Phd Students." Roundtable for 2009 Curriculum and Instruction PhD student orientation. August 29, 2009. Moyer, Jessica E. "Research Based Readers' Advisory." Professional Development Workshop, Metropolitan Library System. February 2010, Chicago, Illinois. Moyer, Jessica E. “Science Fiction and Fantasy: for Readers’ Advisors.” Presentation to LIS 590KK Adult Popular Literature, University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science. July 27, 2009, July 18 2010 Moyer, Jessica E. What to read after Twilight for adult readers. Novelist. July 2009. Moyer, Jessica E., Kelly Fann, David Perotta and Kaite Mediatore Stover. "PreConference: Listening to the Future of Reading: Readers' Advisory and Audiobooks." Kansas Library Association and Mountain Plains Library Association 2009 Annual Conference. April 1, 2009, Wichita, Kansas. Moyer, Jessica. "Audiobooks." Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians 2009 Annual Conference. May 8, 2009, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Moyer, Jessica E. "Terry Brooks, Author Readalike" Novelist. January 2, 2009.

Jessica Emily Moyer


Moyer, Jessica E. "Henning Mankell, Author Readalike" Novelist. December 11, 2008. Moyer, Jessica E. “Historical Fantasy: A Hot New Trend in Speculative Fiction.” Readers’ Advisors News, Libraries Unlimited. October 2008. Moyer, Jessica E. “Electronic Tools for Readers’ Advisors.” Booklist. July 1, 2008. Moyer, Jessica E. “Top Ten Science Fiction and Fantasy Audiobooks, 2003-2008.” Booklist. May 15, 2008. Moyer, Jessica E. “Talking to Teens About Leisure Reading: For Reading Specialists.” Presentation to CI 5433, May 7, 2008. University of Minnesota. Moyer, Jessica E. “Interview of Vivian Mortenson.” Readers’ Advisors News, Libraries Unlimited. January 2008. Neil Hollands and Jessica E. Moyer. “It’s not just about books anymore…. The Future of Readers’ Advisory.” Table Talk, March 27th, 2008. Public Library Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Moyer, Jessica E. “Reference Update: Emerging Technologies and Web 2.0.” Reference Update, Milne Library, SUNY Oneonta. April 18, 2007. Moyer, Jessica E. “New Leisure Reading to be Found at Milne Library.” State Times, March 21, 2007. Moyer, Jessica E. “New Books at Milne Library.” In Milne Library News, Spring 2007. Moyer, Jessica E. and Christy Donaldson. “Leisure Materials in Academic Libraries – Really !?!” Presentation and poster, SUNY Oneonta 7th Annual Faculty Research Show, March 14, 2007. Moyer, Jessica E. “New Books at Milne Library.” In Milne Library News, Fall 2006. Moyer, Jessica E. “Readers’ Advisory: The most important class for new librarians.” Footnotes, Newsletter of the New Members Round Table, American Library Association, Vol. 36, no. 2 (November 2006) Available online at: 6.htm Moyer, Jessica E. “Reference Update: EBSCO Academic Search Premier.” Reference Update, Milne Library, SUNY Oneonta. October 14, 2006. Moyer, Jessica E. “Audiobooks, Libraries and iPods: Comments and a Call to Action.” Readers’ Advisor News, Libraries Unlimited. October 2006. Available online at:

Jessica Emily Moyer


Moyer, Jessica E. “Bringing Research Into Readers’ Advisory Practice: the Case of Fiction Classification.” Readers’ Advisor News, Libraries Unlimited. March 2006. Available online at: Moyer, Jessica E. ACDIS Library Policy and Procedures Manual. 1st ed. Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2002, Rev. ed. 2004. Moyer, Jessica E., Jeremy Nelson, Tatiana Rassokhina and Andrea Witthoft. Evaluation of the Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security Library. Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. 2003. Reviews Reviews published in 2009 and older available online at: "Book Review: Counterfeit Magic by Kelley Armstrong." Booklist. December 1, 2010. "Book Review: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness." Booklist. December 1, 2010. "Book Review: Hell’s Horizon by Darren Shan." Booklist. December 1, 2010. "Book Review: The Kensei by Jon Merz." Booklist. December 1, 2010. "Book Review: Sweet and Deadly by Charlaine Harris." Booklist. December 1, 2010. "Book Review: Kris Longknife, Redoubtable by Mike Shepherd." Booklist Online. November 17, 2010. "Book Review: Prey of Patmos by Jeffrey Siger." Booklist Online. November 16, 2010. "Book Review: Spirit Rebellion by Rachel Aaron." Booklist Online. November 17, 2010. "Book Review: Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron." Booklist Online. November 16, 2010. "Book Review: Dean Man’s Chest by Kerry Greenwood." Booklist. November 15, 2010. "Book Review: Icons of Mystery and Crime Detection: From Sleuths to Superheroes." Booklist. November 15, 2010. "Book Review: Bone Palace by Amanda Downum." Booklist. November 1, 2010. "Book Review: Cat Coming Home by Shirley Rosseau Murphy." Booklist. November 1, 2010.

Jessica Emily Moyer "Book Review: Ghost Town by Rachel Caine." Booklist. November 1, 2010. "Book Review: Northern Queen by Kim Vandervort." Booklist. November 1, 2010. "Book Review: Vortex: Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi by Troy Denning." Booklist. November 1, 2010. "Book Review: Pale Demon by Kim Harrison." Booklist. October 15, 2010. "Book Review: Peril at Somner House by Joanna Challis." Booklist. October 15, 2010. "Book Review: Rise Again by Ben Tripp." Booklist. October 15, 2010. "Book Review: Walking Wisdom: Three Generations, Two Dogs, and the Search for a Happy Life by Gotham Chopra and Deepak Chopra." Booklist Online. October 7, 2010. "Audio Book Review: Dust by Joan Frances Turner, read by Eva Amurri." Booklist Online. October 11, 2010. "Audio Book Review: The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman, read by Ariadne Meyers." Booklist. October 1, 2010. "Book Review: Coronets and Steel by Sherwood Smith." Booklist. September 15, 2010. "Book Review: Half-Made World by Felix Gilman." Booklist. September 15, 2010. "Book Review: Dog Walks Man by John Zeaman." Booklist. September 1, 2010. "Book Review: Lady Lazarus by Michele Lang." Booklist. September 1, 2010. "Book Review: Cat in an Ultramarine Scheme by Carole Nelson Douglas." Booklist Online. August 2, 2010. "Book Review: Forbidden Fruit by Kerry Greenwood." Booklist Online. July 27, 2010. "Book Review: Poison by Sara Poole." Booklist. July, 2010. "Book Review: Templar by P. C. Doherty." Booklist Online. June 18, 2010. "Book Review: Dark and Stormy Knights by P. N. Elrod, ed." Booklist. June 1, 2010. "Book Review: Running Dark by Jamie Freveletti." Booklist. June 1, 2010. "Book Review: Murder on Lexington Avenue by Victoria Thompson." Booklist Online. May 25, 2010.


Jessica Emily Moyer


"Book Review: Serving Boys Through Readers' Advisory by Michael Sullivan." Booklist Online. May 25, 2010. "Book Review: Kraken by China Mieville." Booklist. May 15, 2010. "Audio Book Review: Thereby Hangs A Tail by Spencer Quinn, read by Jim Frangione." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Audio Book Review: Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup, read by Lyndam Gregory." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Allies: Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi by Christie Golden." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Blood Law by Jeannie Holmes." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Blood Oath by Christoper Farnsworth." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Dog Park Club by Cynthia Robinson." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Ghosts and Echoes by Lyn Benedict." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Gunshot Road by Adrian Hyland." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Ice Princess by Camilla Lackberg." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: The Lie by Petra Hammesfahr." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review:Nights of Vjallmur by Mark Charan Newton." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: No Going Back by Stacey Lyndon." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Rock Paper Tiger by Lisa Brackman." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Taroko Gorge by Jakob Ritari." Booklist. May 1, 2010. "Book Review: Iron Khan by Liz Williams." Booklist Online. April 22, 2010. "Book Review: Procession of the Dead by Darren Shan." Booklist Online. April 20, 2010. "Audio Book Review: La's Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith, read by Emily Gray." Booklist. April 15, 2010. "Book Review: A Dog Named Slugger by Leigh Brill." Booklist. April 15, 2010.

Jessica Emily Moyer


"Book Review: Random Violence by Jassy Mackenzie." Booklist. April 1, 2010. "Book Review: Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris." Booklist. April 1, 2010. "Book Review: Cat of the Century by Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown." Booklist. March 15, 2010. "Book Review: Looking for a Love Story by Louise Shaffer." Booklist. March 15, 2010. "Book Review: Werewolf Smackdown by Mario Acevedo." Booklist. March 15, 2010. "Book Review: Changes by Jim Butcher." Booklist. March 1, 2010. "Book Review: Dawn of the Dreadfuls: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Steve Hockensmith." Booklist. March 1, 2010. "Book Review: Last Fix by K. O. Dahl." Booklist. March 1, 2010. "Book Review: Last Illusion by Rhys Bowen." Booklist. March 1, 2010. "Book Review: Mapping of Love and Death by Jacqueline Winspear." Booklist. March 1, 2010. "Book Review: The Moses Expedition by Juan Gomez-Jurado." Booklist. March 1, 2010. "Book Review: Unforgivable by Phillipe Djian." Booklist. March 1, 2010. "Audio Book Review: Dracula the Undead by Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt, read by Simon Prebble." Booklist. February 15, 2010. "Audio Book Review: The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti, read by William Dufris." Booklist. February 15, 2010. "Book Review: A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire." Booklist. February 15, 2010. "Book Review: Mexico City Noir." Booklist. February 15, 2010. "Book Review: Poacher’s Son by Paul Doiron." Booklist. February 15, 2010. "Book Review: Ragtime Fool by Larry Karp." Booklist. February 15, 2010. "Book Review: Vienna Secrets by Frank Tallis." Booklist. February 15, 2010. "Book Review: Freedom by Daniel Suarez." Booklist. February 1, 2010. "Book Review: Freeze Frame by Peter May." Booklist. February 1, 2010.

Jessica Emily Moyer


"Book Review: Grey Matters by Simon Clea." Booklist. February 1, 2010. "Book Review: Libraries in the Information Age: An Introduction and Career Exploration." Booklist. February 1, 2010. "Book Review: One Good Dog by Susan Wilson." Booklist. February 1, 2010. "Book Review: Stealth: Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit by Karen Miller." Booklist. February 1, 2010. "Book Review: Devil's Star by Jo Nesbo." Library Journal. February 1, 2010. "Book Review: A Murderous Procession." Booklist Online. January 26, 2010. "Book Review: Blood Hina by Naomi Hirahara." Booklist Online. January 12, 2010. "Book Review: Death by the Book by Lenny Bartulin." Booklist. January 1, 2010. "Book Review: The Last Ember by Daniel Levin." Booklist. January 1, 2010. "Book Review: Raining Cat Sitters and Dogs." Booklist. January 1, 2010. "Book Review: Spellbent by Lucy Snyder." Booklist. January 1, 2010. "Book Review: Tattoo by Manuel Vazquez Montalban." Booklist. January 1, 2010.

Websites Websites prior to 2008 are available online: Moyer, Jessica E. “Jessica E. Moyer.” Moyer, Jessica E. “Research Based Readers’ Advisory.” Moyer, Jessica E. “LIS7630Summer2008 Class Wiki.” College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2008. Restricted to instructors and registered students, access available upon request. Moyer, Jessica E. “LIS7040MoyerWinter2008 Class Wiki.” College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2008. Restricted to instructors and registered students, access available upon request.

Jessica Emily Moyer


American Library Association Memberships and Professional Activities Booklist, Reference, Fiction and Audiobooks Reviewer, 2006-Present Booklist Reference Books Bulletin, Editorial Board, 2007-2009, 2009-2011. Library and Information Technology Association, Imagineering Interest Group Library Research Roundtable New Members Roundtable • Mentor, 2007 Annual Conference • 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Committee, 2007-2008 Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) • Reference Services Section (RSS) Representative to RUSA Conference Coordinating Committee, 2008-2012 • Awards Committee, 2007-2008 (chair), 2009-2010 (chair) • RSS, Services to Adults Committee, 2005-2007 (chair) • RSS, Dual Assignments Discussion Group, 2006-2008 (co-chair) • Collection Development and Evaluation Section, Readers’ Advisory, 2006-2007 • President’s Program Planning Committee, 2006-2007, 2009-2010 • Reference and User Services Quarterly Editorial Board, 2006-2009, 2009-2012 Young Adult Library Services Association • Member Editor, Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 2010 • Publications Committee, 2008-2010 • Readers’ Advisory Interest Group Other Professional Memberships and Activities Menomonie Public Library Crime Book Group founder and discusssion leader. 2010Library Journal, Reviewer, Fiction, 2006-Present Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, Editorial Advisor, 2006-2008 International Committee Chair, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign American Library Association Student Chapter. September 2003 – August 2004 Vice President, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Special Libraries Association Student Group. September 2002 - August 2004 Certificate of Advanced Study Student Representative. August 2003 – May 2004 Graduate School of Library and Information Science Young Adult Book Group for Adult Readers. September 2002 - May 2004. Founder and discussion leader.