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Mar 1, 2015 - Dynamic Demand Forecasting and Ticket Assignment for High Speed ... demonstration purposes, the proposed approach is applied to the HSR system ... different pricing strategies to satisfy different customer requirements. Under .... selection operator is to select the best individual to form a new population.
Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


Dynamic Demand Forecasting and Ticket Assignment for High Speed Rail Revenue Management in China Xiushan Jiang* (Corresponding author) Associate Professor School of Traffic and Transportation Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing, 100044, China Tel.: +86 10 51687144 Email: [email protected] Xiqun (Michael) Chen Research Associate Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1173 Glenn Martin Hall, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Tel: (301)318-2120 Email: [email protected] Lei Zhang Associate Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1173 Glenn Martin Hall, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Tel.: (301) 405-2881 Email: [email protected] Ruifeng Zhang Graduate Research Assistant School of Traffic and Transportation Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing, 100044, China Tel.: +861051687144 Email: [email protected] Submitted on March 1, 2015 Word count: 5,057words, 5 figures, 3 tables = 7,057 words

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


ABSTRACT Revenue management is widely practiced in the airline industry, yet rarely applied to high speed rail (HSR). In the history of the rail and HSR industry, passenger ticket assignment across all stations has been often employed to regulate the supply of seats and demand from rail passengers with profitability objectives. This paper proposes a systematic revenue management approach for HSR passenger ticket assignment with dynamic adjustments. A major advantage of the proposed approach is the integration of dynamic ticket assignment and rigorous short-term demand forecasting, which can effectively avoid the situation wherein passenger tickets are not sufficient at some stations while certain seats remain empty on the train. This novel methodology has three main components. First, it develops a shortterm passenger flow forecasting method to forecast dynamic travel demand. Second, it builds a passenger ticket assignment model to allocate passenger tickets during pre-sale periods. Finally, it incorporates a dynamic ticket adjustment mechanism to adjust previous passenger ticket assignments. For demonstration purposes, the proposed approach is applied to the HSR system in China. Results show that revenue increases by 13.48% when the existing ticket assignment method is improved by this enhanced revenue management method. Keywords: Dynamic Demand Forecasting, Ticket Assignment, Revenue Management, High Speed Rail, China

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


1. INTRODUCTION Passenger ticket assignment is effective to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of rail passenger and thus increase the total profit. A rational assignment of limited resources with the purpose of profit maximization belongs to the typical problems of revenue management. Originating from the U.S. domestic aviation industry, revenue management is an effective management method in dealing with various subjects such as marketing, operations research, decision theory, microeconomics and mathematical programming, etc. Revenue management aims to maximize profit through determining the appropriate sale strategy. Revenue management mainly includes four research fields: overbooking, demand forecasting, inventory control and pricing, which are the keys to maximizing earnings. The earliest method of revenue management implemented was overbooking, where more reservations existed than actual capacity in order to decrease potential lost revenue from cancellations and other events. Subsequently, after the benefits of revenue management in the aviation industry were realized, many other methods were rapidly developed, including demand forecasting, inventory control, and pricing control. The earliest application of revenue management in aviation industry achieved many benefits (1-2). Since then, revenue management had been developed rapidly in the aviation industry (3-4). To date, many specific methods were proposed in overbooking, such as the single-leg model (2), the multi-leg model (5-6), and dynamic programming model (7-8). Demand forecasting methods play a significant role in revenue management, such as non-homogeneous Poisson process (9), Poisson distribution (10), regression analysis method (11), neural network (12), and time series analysis (13). The key to inventory control is whether to accept a reservation request to achieve the maximum income. The methods of inventory control include the expected marginal seat revenue (5), adaptive algorithm (14), discrete-time dynamic programming (15), and probabilistic mathematical programming (16-17). Pricing was to perform different fare standards, according to the customer demand and the fare elasticity. Based on related theories and methods, more specific researches in aviation had been explored (18-20). Beyond that, revenue management had also been widely used in different service industries, such as hotel (21-23), broadcasting (24), automobile rental (25), internet service provision (26-27), liner service (28), and nonprofit sector (29). Due to intensified competition in the rail transportation market, some operators in the rail industry have applied revenue management in recent years (30-31). Rail authorities analyze near future market situations using short-term passenger flow forecasting models (32). In the passenger rail market, the idea of differential pricing was first proposed, supposing that

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customers could be divided into different levels (33). Some scholars built dynamic pricing models for forecasting rail passenger demand (34), and considered the sensitivity of passengers on the fare (35). Ticket assignment models were established using a linear programming method (36), and then used to analyze concerns of rail passengers based on statistical data (37-38). The application of these models could raise the occupation on the train. In China, many studies have focused on how different types of revenue management systems can affect the passenger rail market, such as differential pricing (39), group management (40) and seat control (41-42). Zhang and Lan (43) studied high speed rail (HSR) revenue management based on passengers’ choice, using dynamic pricing models for HSR tickets (44-45). However, more studies are needed on the applications of revenue management to HSR. Decision variables include the ticket fare and assignment time. The objective of revenue management can be maximizing revenue subject to capacity constraints. In previous studies, revenue management had been evaluated with two cases - floating fares and fixed fares (46). Under floating fares, revenue management focused on adopting different pricing strategies to satisfy different customer requirements. Under fixed fares, revenue management mainly considered capacity assignment, which could balance the limited market supply and changing demand. However, the rail transportation in China has not fully opened the fare policy at present. Therefore, the HSR revenue management approach mainly focuses on assigning tickets to multiple stations in the demand peak in China. This paper aims to solve the optimization problem of HSR tickets assignment and compare the optimal policy with the existing assignment policy in China. An approach of the passenger ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment is proposed based on revenue management. First, we incorporate a short-term passenger flow forecasting model to predict the passenger travel demand. To avoid large prediction errors that a large time interval may result in, we predict the passenger travel demand for multiple times including time intervals of 20 days, 10 days and 1 day in advance. Second, we develop a passenger ticket assignment model using the revenue management theory and propose a dynamic adjustment method according to the ticketing sale analysis. Third, we apply the genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the passenger assignment model and dynamic adjustment models. Compared with existing methods which forecast passenger demand based on historical data, the real-time assignment of passenger ticket based on the short-term passenger flow forecasting is demonstrated to be more accurate and dynamic. After multiple dynamic adjustments, the ticket assignment scheme can better meet the passenger travel demand and achieve more revenue. The approach can effectively relieve the unbalanced problem that passenger tickets are not sufficient at a station while some seats are empty on the train. For rail authorities, the proposed approach helps maximize revenue and provide

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adjustment and optimization of HSR operation plans. In total, the approach is easy to implement and not conflict with existing ticket pricing policies. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the improved forecasting model, the passenger assignment and dynamic adjustment model, and the solution algorithm, i.e., GA. Section 3 describes the data used in the model. Section 4 presents main results of this approach that is applied to a case study. Concluding remarks are provided in Section 5. 2. METHODOLOGY In this section, we propose a framework of integrating dynamic demand forecasting and ticket assignment for HSR revenue management. A dynamic adjustment mode based on the revenue management will be formulated. As illustrated in FIGURE 1, this approach includes three parts: demand forecasting, ticket assignment, and optimization. First, a short-term passenger flow forecasting approach is proposed, combining ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) with grey support vector machine (GSVM) according to the operating planning and pricing. Second, a passenger ticket assignment model is built using the revenue management theory, and a dynamic adjustment method is proposed according to the ticketing sale analysis. Third, GA is used to solve the passenger assignment model and dynamic adjustment models. We will further explain the details of each component in Sections 2.1 through 2.3. 2.1 EEMD-GSVM Forecasting of Short-Term Demand The short-term forecasting of HSR passenger flow provides the daily ridership estimation that accounts for day-to-day demand variations. The short-term demand forecasting is a critical basis of the passenger ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment. A hybrid short-term demand forecasting model proposed by Jiang et al. (32) was used to predict short-term passenger flows. 2.2 Passenger Assignment Models On the basis of short-term passenger flow forecasting results, we propose the HSR passenger assignment model. The principle assumptions of the assignment model are as follows:  All tickets of a train are allocated among all stations in the operation scope;  Each passenger only buys one ticket without any discounts;  The regularity and stability of passenger travel demand are strong and can be grasped by short-term forecasting.


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The maximum revenue can be achieved by improving the income and decreasing the cost. However, HSR operation costs are basically fixed and are not related to the seat occupancy rate, which is the ratio of the number of tickets to the number of seats on the train. Therefore, the maximum revenue of HSR is achieved by maximizing the passenger ticket income. Two passenger ticket assignment models are formulated for trains with enough capacity and inadequate capacity, respectively. For the former case, the passenger ticket assignment objective function is subject to meeting the demand of all stations. The model is given by:

(a) A Basic Model without Limited Stations m




max R   pijl xijlk


i 1 j 1 l 1 k 1






   x i 1 j i 1 l 1 k 1





0   xijlk  dijl


k 1

xijlk  Z



R = the total revenue;


= ticket fare of

l type seat between station i and station j ;

xijlk = decision variables, the number of allocated tickets of l type seat on the train

k between station i and station j ;

L = the number of seat types; K = the number of trains; n = section number;

m  n 1 ;

C = the number of seats offered by the train;


= the travel demand between station

type seat;

Z = the non-negative integer set.


and station j of



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(b) A Model with Limited Stations When the train capacity is not enough, we allocate tickets to satisfy longdistance demands with priority by restricting a number of stations. The restricted number of stations F can be directly determined by maximizing the total travel distance of all passengers. The model is given by F

F *  arg max D( F )  arg max  F


i 1 j  F +1 l 1


s.t. 1  F  n,


 d

F Z


Dij (5) (6)


D = the kilometer traveled by all passengers;

F = limited station number (decision variable); F * = the optimal limited station number; Dij = distance from station i to station j . Then we substitute

F* F*

max R   xijlk

to the revenue model given by: n



  p

i 1 j  F +1 l 1 k 1






ijl ijlk


   x i 1 j  F +1 l 1 k 1






0   xijlk  dijl


k 1

xijlk  Z


2.3 Dynamic Adjustment Model The default forecasting time interval for the HSR demand is 20 days, however, such a large interval inevitably produces large prediction errors. We refine the model by predicting 10-day and daily demands, respectively. Then the


Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang dynamic adjustment ticket assignment is given by m




 max R   pijl xijlk


i 1 j 1 l 1 k 1






   x i 1 j  m 1 l 1 k 1





  dijl 0   xijlk


x 'ijlk  Z


k 1


x 'ijlk = adjusted ticket number between station i and station j , l type seat, k train;

dijl = predicted travel demand after the adjustment.

2.4 Solution Algorithm Powell (47-49) resolved a number of dynamic vehicle allocation problems by establishing stochastic functions which lent themselves readily to the FrankWolfe algorithm. Compared to the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, GA has stronger adaptability, better robustness, and extensive applicability in seeking for global optimization. We apply GA to solve models proposed in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. It takes the number of passenger tickets predicted by EEMD-GSVM method as an initial population. The processes of GA consist of the following steps: Step 1: Create an initial set of potential solutions. Set the maximum genetic generation T  40 , population size of each generation 200. Use passenger tickets predicted by EEMD-GSVM as the initial group P(0) . Step 2: Calculate the fitness of each individual in group P(t ) of the iteration t to find out the best individual. The fitness values are the objective function values. The larger the fitness value, the more excellent the individual. Step 3: Genetic Operators. The genetic operators include selection operator, crossover operator and mutation operator. Among these, the

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selection operator is to select the best individual to form a new population from the old population according to the fitness value. The higher the fitness value is, the larger the probability of being selected. The crossover operator is to randomly select two individuals from the population, then exchange and combine partial genes between them with a crossover probability

pc  0.6 .

The mutation operator is to randomly select one individual from the population, then change the value of the individual gene with a mutation probability

pm  0.01 .

Thus, we get the group P(t  1) for the next

generation. Step 4: If the maximum number of generations is reached, i.e. t  T  40 , output the individual with the maximum objective function value as the near optimal solution, and terminate. Otherwise, return to Step 2. 3. DATA AND CASE STUDY The Beijing–Shanghai HSR is a 1,318-kilometer (819-mile) long line connecting two major economic zones in China, as shown in FIGURE 2. It is the world's longest HSR line ever constructed in a single phase and the first one designed for a maximum speed of 380 km/h in commercial operation. The travel time is expected to be 3 hours and 58 minutes, i.e. on average 329 km/h (204 mph). There are 24 stations along the line. HSR operates at two service speeds, i.e. 300 km/h G-trains and 250 km/h D-trains. The fastest 300 km/h G-trains only have one intermediate stop (Nanjing South), and take 4.8 hours for a trip. However, most G-trains have six or seven intermediate stops and take between 5.33 hours and 5.5 hours. Different trains have different intermediate stops while almost all 300 km/h trains will stop at Jinan and Nanjing stations. The D-trains have more intermediate stops and take between 7.86 hours and 9 hours to complete the full journey from Beijing to Shanghai. Beijing–Shanghai HSR is typical to test the passenger assignment and dynamic adjustment models. For short-term passenger flow forecasting, daily passenger volume data were collected through the Ticketing and Reservation System (TRS) during the period of July 1, 2011 and November 30, 2012 (519 days in total). There are 1,069,148 passengers in 2011 and 1,987,608 passengers in 2012. Through the comparison of the passenger flow between each OD, we selected 10 rail stations with the largest passenger flows, i.e. Beijing South (BJS), Cangzhou West (CZW), Dezhou East (DZE), Jinan West (JNW), Taian (TA), Xuzhou East (XZE), Nanjing South (NJS), Wuxi East (WXE), Suzhou North (SZN), and Shanghai Hongqiao (SHHQ). The spacing between stations and corresponding ticket fares of the 10 stations are shown in TABLE 1. The

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10 stations in a single direction mutually constituted 45 sections. Only southbound trains were analyzed, the northbound trains were not involved in this paper. So TABLE 1 is an upper right triangular matrix. 4. RESULTS 4.1 Results of Short Term Forecasting According to the data described in Section 3, we first merged the original data for the time period of 20 days, 10 days and 1 day, respectively. Three groups of two-dimensional data were obtained, followed by the corresponding matrices of 26×45, 52×45, 519×45. We forecasted three times for 20 days, 10 days and 1 day in advance, using the data of 519 days as the original data. Then the EEMD method was applied to decompose the preliminary processed data into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), which are classified and predicted with the GSVM model. Finally, the GSVM model was used again with the predicted values of each IMF as the test set, to achieve the predicted value of the original sequence after model reconstruction. FIGURE 3 shows the dayto-day HSR demand forecasting results of three representative OD pairs.

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After training the IMF in GSVM, the model reconstruction was conducted by applying the SVM to each section. TABLE 2 shows the training and prediction errors and goodness-of-fit of the model reconstruction process. The shorter the prediction period is, the higher prediction precision and smaller errors the results have. The day-by-day prediction can be more accurate and better describe demand fluctuations. We take the section of Beijing South to Shanghai Hongqiao as an example, and other sections are omitted due to the length limit. As is shown in TABLE 2, errors of the three groups increase successively while the correlation coefficients reduce, which means the prediction accuracy decreases. This phenomenon is mainly due to merging the data for 20 days or 10 days. It is equivalent to a simple irregular processing of the original data, resulting in the data more unstable and greater volatility. However, the rail passenger flow generally presents periodic fluctuations of 7 days. The HSR tickets are sold 20 days in advance. Taking these factors into account, the comparison results in TABLE 2 are reasonable. 4.2 Results of Ticket Assignment and Adjustment A flowchart of the adjustment procedures in FIGURE 4. The ticket assignment and adjustment contain the following two steps: Step 1: We make prediction of the merged data of 20 days as the constraints of the 10 days ticket assignment model, and apply GA to obtain the optimal 10 days ticket assignment scheme. Comparing the scheme with the prediction of the merged data of 10 days, the preliminary dynamic adjustment is conducted in the ticket assignment scheme. Step 2: In the same way, we make prediction of the merged data of 10 days as the constraints of the 1 day ticket assignment model to achieve the optimal 1-day ticket scheme. Comparing the scheme with the 1-day prediction results, we process the second dynamic adjustment. After the steps of forecasting and adjustment above, we obtain the final results. The average demand satisfaction rates of major stations along BeijingShanghai HSR in one day are shown in FIGURE 5. As is shown in FIGURE 5, the number of tickets is converted to normalized values as the y-axis, while the sections with large passenger flows are selected as the x-axis. Since the trend of the three lines is similar, which is not clear, so we choose lines between section 27 and 29 to enlarge, embedded in FIGURE 5. It can be seen that the forecasting data of tickets in one day is basically in accordance with the original data of tickets, which means the results of short-term forecasting model have a high accuracy. Through the ticket assignments and adjusting twice, the average demand satisfaction rates of stations along Beijing-Shanghai HSR are

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increased because the change trend of tickets assignment curve is in accordance with the change of original data of tickets. The ticket assignment and adjustment model is proven to better satisfy the demands of passengers. 4.3 Compare with Existing Ticket Assignment Method On the basis of the historical passenger flow, rail authorities forecast the passenger flow for different sections, and then assign the long-term planning tickets in each section. The fixed ticket policy can’t realistically reflect the passenger demand and does not make full use of rail resources, which eventually makes some stations’ tickets in short supply, and some stations’ tickets oversupply. In order to compare the ticket assignment results with the existing policy, we calculate the ticket revenue during the whole forecasting period. The comparison of revenue is shown in TABLE 3. Tickets Assignment Revenue means that the prediction of the merged data of 20 days as input of ticket assignment model to acquire the maximum return by genetic algorithm. Revenue After the First Adjustment means that the prediction of the merged data of 20 days as the constraints of the 10 days ticket assignment model to acquire the maximum return by it. Revenue After the Second Adjustment means that the prediction of the merged data of 10 days as the constraints of the 1 day ticket assignment model to acquire it with the same method. In the result of the initial assignment model (as shown in the 4th column of TABLE 3), the revenue of all stations increases by 5.98% in comparison with the existing ticket assignment. This paper makes full use of the dynamic adjustment to meet actual passenger ticket demand, thus the twice dynamic adjustments get the best result of passenger ticket assignment (as shown in the last column of TABLE 3). Although the revenue of some stations is reduced after the first adjustment, the total revenue increases by 9.01% than the existing ticket assignments. For example, the revenue of Beijing South to Jinan West (BJS-JNW) is reduced by 37.89 million RMB, the revenue of Xuzhou East to Nanjing South (XZE-NJS) is reduced by 8.53 million RMB. Though the revenue of some sections also decreases based on the second adjustment, e.g. BJS-SZN, JNWSHHQ, etc., the total return of the second adjustment increase by 13.48%. The increased revenue shows that the assignment results can better reflect actual passenger demand and reduce the waste of rail resources. Thus, the method that combines the short-term prediction of passenger flow, passenger ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment is feasible to the Beijing-Shanghai HSR in China. 5. CONCLUSIONS

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It is well-known that optimizing the passenger ticket assignment can significantly increase the revenue of rail authorities. In this paper, an approach of passenger ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment was proposed based on the revenue management theory and applied to HSR in China.

A forecasting approach integrating EEMD with GSVM is applied to predict short-term passenger flows for 20 days, 10 days and 1 day, respectively. Compared with the previous methods that forecasted passenger demand based on historical data, the real-time assignment of passenger ticket based on short-term passenger flow forecasting is shown more accurate and dynamic.

To obtain the maximum total revenue during the operating time, the revenue management model we proposed takes the ticket fare and passenger demand between the ODs into account. We took the merged short-term passenger flow predicted by EEMD-GSVM in advance of 20 days and 10 days as the constraint conditions to allocate passenger tickets in 10 days and 1 day respectively and adjusted twice through comparison with the merged predicted passenger flow in groups of 10 days and 1 day. This can make the passenger ticket assignment more accurate and effective, and have practical value to meet the requirements of actual situation. After the twice adjustments, the average demand satisfaction rates of stations along BeijingShanghai HSR are increased. It can be concluded that the ticket assignment and adjustment model this paper proposed can better satisfy the demand of passenger.

We applied the passenger ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment models based on the revenue management theory to the Beijing-Shanghai HSR in China. The total revenue comparison results show that, during the forecasting period of 519 days, from July 1st in 2011 to November 30th in 2012, the total revenue after applying our ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment increased by 13.48% compared with existing ticket assignment method. The ticket assignment and adjustment model could significantly improve the revenue. The case study demonstrates that the ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment models are applicable and effective in the revenue management of HSR in China.

We applied GA to solve the models proposed in this paper and get a

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satisfactory solution. This may because that GA principle is simple, and easy to implement. However, there may be other better solution algorithms to solve the problems in this paper. So, we will develop more advanced algorithm better than GA or design a new hybrid algorithm by combining GA with other optimization algorithms in a future report.

The results will provide a basis of adjustment and optimization of HSR operation plan, and maximize revenue for rail authorities.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is supported by the Center of Cooperative Innovation for Beijing Metropolitan Transportation in China and was completed while the lead author was a visiting scholar at the National Center for Strategic Transportation Policies, Investments and Decisions at the University of Maryland in the U.S. REFERENCES [1] Rothstein, M. An Airline Overbooking Model. Transportation Science, 1974, 5, pp. 180-192. [2] Curry, R. E. Optimal Airline Seat Allocation with Fare Classes Nested By Origins and Destinations. Transportation Science, 1990, 24(3), pp. 193-204. [3] Phillips, R. L. Pricing and Revenue Optimization. Stanford Business Books. 2005. [4] Wright, C. P., H. Groenevelt, and R. A. Shumsky. Dynamic Revenue Management in Airline Alliances. Transportation Science, 2010, 44(1), pp. 15-37. [5] Belobaba, P. Airline Yield Management: an Overview of Seat Inventory Control. Transportation Science, 1987, 21, pp. 63-73. [6] Weatherford, L., and S. Bodily. A Taxonomy and Research Overview of Perishable-Asset Revenue Management: Yield Management, Overbooking and Pricing. Operations Research, 1992, 40, pp. 831-844. [7] Subramanian, J., Jr. S. Stidham, and C. J. Lautenbacher. Airline Yield Management with Overbooking, Cancellations, and No-Shows. Transportation Science, 1999, 33(2), pp. 147-167. [8] Zhang, D, Adelman D. An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Network Revenue Management with Customer Choice. Transportation Science, 2009, 43(3), pp. 381-394. [9] Kimms, A., Müller-Bungart M. Simulation of Stochastic Demand Data Streams for Network Revenue Management Problems. Or Spectrum, 2007, 29(1), pp. 5-20. [10] Lee, T. C., and M. A. Hersh. A Model for Dynamic Airline Seat Inventory Control with Multiple Seat Bookings. Transportation Science, 1993, 27(3), pp. 252-265. [11] McGill, J. I., and G. J. Van Ryzin. Revenue Management: Research Overview and Prospects. Transportation science, 1999, 33(2), pp. 233-256 [12] Tsai, T. H., C. K. Lee, and C. H. Wei. Neural Network Based Temporal Feature Models for Short-Term Railway Passenger Demand Forecasting.

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LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 Station Distances and Ticket Fares of the Beijing–Shanghai HSR TABLE 2 Modal Reconstruction Error of Different Time Group TABLE 3 Comparison of the Results LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 Passenger ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment approach FIGURE 2 Beijing-Shanghai high speed rail FIGURE 3 Passenger flow forecasting results (day to day) FIGURE 4 Flowchart of the adjustment procedures FIGURE 5 The average demand satisfaction rates of major stations along Beijing-Shanghai HSR

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


TABLE 1 Station Distances and Ticket Fares of the Beijing–Shanghai HSR Distance (km) CZW DZE JNW TA XZE NJS WXE SZN Fare (RMB)



219 94.5

327 144.5

419 184.5

462 214

688 309

1018 443.5

1201 513.5

1227 523.5

1302 553



108 49.5

200 89.5

243 114.5

469 219

799 359

982 433.5

1008 443.5

1083 473.5




92 39.5

135 69.5

361 174.5

691 314

874 393.5

900 403.5

975 438.5





43 24.5

269 129.5

599 279

782 354

808 364

883 398






226 104.5

556 254

739 329

765 344

840 374







330 149.5

513 239

539 249

614 279








183 84.5

209 99.5

284 134.5









26 9.5

101 49.5










75 34.5

Note: exchange rate: $1 = RMB 6.19 (November 5, 2014).

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


TABLE 2 Time interval

Modal Reconstruction Error of Different Time Group


10 days

20 days





























Note: MSE - mean square error; R2 - square correlation coefficient; MAPE - mean absolute percentage error.

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang





Fare (RMB) 94.5 144.5 184.5 214 309 443.5 513.5 523.5 553 49.5 89.5 114.5 219 359 433.5 443.5 473.5

Comparison of the Results Tickets Existing Assignment Ticket Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue (million RMB) (million RMB) 73.90 68.76 103.31 107.50 486.95 491.90 159.93 185.42 303.83 309.17 953.84 950.76 237.98 263.42 305.81 292.91 1690.39 1959.58 1.04 1.06 4.54 4.60 2.11 2.38 7.19 6.46 22.18 23.96 8.77 10.26 5.10 4.65 37.49 38.00

Revenue after the First Adjustment Revenue (million RMB) 67.06 125.19 449.06 198.32 373.23 1017.42 244.34 316.22 1898.55 1.13 5.03 2.82 7.94 23.90 8.82 6.59 45.16

Revenue after The Second Adjustment Revenue (million RMB) 111.58 138.06 520.66 233.31 328.51 1077.07 297.38 413.70 1890.06 2.08 7.47 4.60 16.20 51.75 22.15 16.33 58.39

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


39.5 69.5 174.5 314 393.5 403.5 438.5 24.5 129.5 279 354 364 398.5 104.5 254 329 344 374 149.5 239 249 279 84.5


5.09 3.11 5.43 17.51 8.50 5.59 43.66 3.43 19.49 119.85 41.30 38.76 274.79 6.16 31.75 9.46 11.53 85.95 173.20 40.61 56.16 194.99 13.60

5.19 3.22 5.73 20.16 7.89 5.41 50.19 4.03 20.94 127.01 37.54 39.32 254.64 6.54 34.32 10.34 11.69 105.13 160.51 40.53 54.48 215.66 13.98

5.23 4.19 5.57 24.88 10.42 8.42 67.03 4.29 24.97 117.18 36.63 39.14 323.31 7.04 33.62 9.12 14.11 107.64 164.67 41.81 61.20 252.24 14.63

6.79 7.74 9.25 29.54 16.84 14.82 63.01 5.15 24.13 166.02 52.46 55.94 293.91 10.48 50.90 16.40 21.22 122.91 213.74 55.12 78.08 212.26 25.21

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang

NJS-SZN 99.5 20.83 NJS-SHHQ 134.5 294.25 WXE-SZN 9.5 0.25 WXE-SHHQ 49.5 11.25 SZN-SHHQ 34.5 7.47 Total Revenue 5948.32 (million RMB) Incremental rate of revenue compare with the existing tickets assignment


23.47 304.09 0.23 12.57 8.62

20.60 273.84 0.25 13.00 8.28

32.45 444.53 0.61 17.07 14.58







Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang

Demand forecasting


Ticket Assignment


Ticket assignment models


Ticket sales analysis

Short Term Forecasting Approach Dynamic adjustment models


Passenger ticket assignment and dynamic adjustment approach

Genetic algorithm

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang



Beijing-Shanghai high speed rail

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


The passenger flow of each section


Beijing South-Shanghai Hongqiao Jinan West-Shanghai Hongqiao Nanjing North-Shanghai Hongqiao






0 0








Time series/day to day


Passenger flow forecasting results (day to day)




Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


The preliminary dynamic adjustment

The second dynamic adjustment

The prediction of the merged data of 20 days

The prediction of the merged data of 1 day


The 10 days ticket assignment model

Compare The prediction of the merged data of 10 days FIGURE 4


The 1 day ticket assignment model

Constraints The prediction of the merged data of 10 days

Flowchart of the adjustment procedures

Jiang, Chen, Zhang and Zhang


Original ticket assignment Daily demand forecasting Forecasting ticket assignment

1 0.4 0.3

Normalized Tickets


0.2 0.6 0.1 0.4

0 27







0 0


















Main Section


The average demand satisfaction rates of major stations along Beijing-Shanghai HSR