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Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement). Finance in a nutshell. Idees vol vrees. Kalahari Water Price List. Kalahari Water Kommentaar. West Nest Lodge (Advertisement).
Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara West Nest Lodge Testimonials (Advertisement) Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees Kalahari Water Price List Kalahari Water Kommentaar West Nest Lodge (Advertisement) Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional Make-up Artist (Advertisement) Paradosdokians Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month

Editor’s Note Contents Another month has passed, Valentine’s Day is already

Water vir die siel

forgotten and it is the beginning of Autumn. All clocks

Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) 3

and watches in Namibia will soon be changed to “Winter time” and you have to concentrate not to miss your favourite program on television. Although it is not yet quite the time to exchange your sandals for boots, you might consider getting out those long scarves and a light sweater. Leaves are turning into warm colours of yellow, red, burnt orange and dark brown, falling slowly to the ground. And, like all the others seasons, Autumn has


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Finance in a nutshell


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Kalahari Water Price List


its own beauty. Do not think about the leaves that

Kalahari Water Kommentaar


needs to be picked up or the chill in the air, but rather

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enjoy the change of the season and seek out the positive in each situation. Blessings!

Creativity comes standard



Paradosdokians 12 Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake


Quote of the Month


Kalahari Water is an interactive electronic magazine, designed to bring positive news to Namibia. Kindly brought to you by:

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Editor: Jo-Monique van der Westhuizen We respect your privacy, so if you would not like to receive Kalahari Water monthly, please let us know by emailing the word ‘Stop’ to [email protected]

Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara West Nest Lodge Testimonials (Advertisement) Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees Kalahari Water Price List Kalahari Water Kommentaar West Nest Lodge (Advertisement) Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional Make-up Artist (Advertisement) Paradosdokians Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month

Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara West Nest Lodge Testimonials (Advertisement) Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees

Wees jy vandag die een wat


Die Eenjaarboodskap met oordenkings

“As daar een reël is waarvolgens julle moet lewe, is dit die volgende: vra julle af hoe julle wil hê ander mense teenoor julle moet optree. Spring hulle dan voor: gaan tree eerste so teenoor hulle op.” Lukas 6:31 Daar is ‘n spreuk wat sê as jy jou vyand wil terugkry, moet jy hom vergewe. Hy wil jou mos juis seermaak, en as hy sien hy kry dit reg, sal hy net soveel lekkerder daaroor voel. As sy plan om jou te probeer seermaak egter elke keer misluk, sal hy die een wees wat gefrustreerd raak. Jesus praat dieselfde taal (v.27-29). Christene is bouers, nie afbrekers nie. Christene wil opbou en heelmaak, nie afbreek en seermaak nie. Dit vat twee om te baklei;

Jan van der Watt

Kalahari Water Price List Kalahari Water Kommentaar West Nest Lodge (Advertisement)

Sleutelvers: Lukas 6:27-36

twee om ‘n kwaaivriendskap te begin; twee om te stry of te skinder. Dit vat egter net een om te vergewe; net een om die angel uit te trek; net een om nie terug te baklei nie. Die Here wil hê die Christen moet daardie een wees. Dit is nie altyd maklik nie. Om die wilde perd van jou emosies in toom te hou lyk soms onmoontlik. Tog moet ons probeer en ons sal dit inderdaad ook regkry, want dit kan die hele verskil maak. Dit kan verhoudings herstel en vriendskappe red. Om negatief te reageer in ‘n negatiewe situasie blus lewe. Om positief te reageer in ‘n negatiewe situasie skep lewe. Christene kies altyd vir die lewe.

Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional Make-up Artist (Advertisement) Paradosdokians Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month

remarkably similar substance for his sister Maybel. Later in 1917, T. L. Williams started a mail-order business from the product that grew to become the company Maybelline, a combination of the names Maybel and Vaseline. The increased demand for mascara led to the development of the many formulas seen in the current market. Despite the many variations, all formulas contain the same basic elements: pigmentation, oils, and waxes. The pigmentation for black mascara is similar to the pigmentation used by the Egyptians and Victorian women. Carbon black, instead of soot or ash, is used. Tar and coal derivatives are strictly prohibited by the FDA. Brown mascaras typically color by use of iron oxides though the specific compounds are unique to each brand. In some mascaras, an additional pigment of ultramarine blue is added.

Mascara is a cosmetic commonly used to enhance the eyes. It may darken, thicken, lengthen, and/or define the eyelashes. Mascara can be documented in ancient Egypt and records from around 4000 BC refer to a substance called kohl that was used to darken eyelashes, eyes, and eyebrows. Kohl was used to mask the eyes, warding off evil spirits and protecting the soul, by both men and women. Make-up was considered unsightly and uncouth in Western culture until the Victorian era. During the Victorian era, social opinion shifted radically towards the promotion of cosmetics, and women were known to spend a majority of their day occupied with beauty regimens. Great efforts were made to create the illusion of long, dark eyelashes. Attempting this, Victorian women made a type of mascara in their own homes. They would heat a mixture of ash or lampblack and elderberry juice on a plate and apply the heated mixture to their eyelashes. The product that people would recognize as mascara today did not develop until the nineteenth century. A chemist named Eugene Rimmel developed a cosmetic using the newly invented petroleum jelly. The name Rimmel became synonymous with the substance and still translates to “mascara” in the Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Turkish, Romanian, and Persian languages today. Across the Atlantic Ocean and at roughly the same time, in 1913, a man named T. L. Williams created a

There is a great deal more leeway and variety among the oils used. Different mineral oils, linseed oil, castor oil, eucalyptus oil, lanolin, and oil of turpentine can be found most frequently among the many formulas. Sesame oil is also commonly used. Waxes usually found in mascara are paraffin, carnauba wax, and beeswax. In western cultures shown to demonstrate the idolization of youth, the maintenance of a youthful appearance becomes a societal priority. The typical characteristics of children—soft cheeks, a round face, soft skin, large eyes, upturned nose, and a short chin—are often seen as ideal facial characteristics for women. The use of mascara helps to mimic neoteny, namely large eyes. Mascara pulls away the eyelash from the rim of the eye creating a doe-like illusion of larger, more open eyes. Wide eyes are culturally equated with youth, and may be subconsciously associated with innocence. Innocence and youth can prompt protective instincts as well as feelings of attraction.

Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara West Nest Lodge Testimonials (Advertisement) Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees Kalahari Water Price List Kalahari Water Kommentaar West Nest Lodge (Advertisement) Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional Make-up Artist (Advertisement) Paradosdokians Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month

Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara West Nest Lodge Testimonials (Advertisement)

Baie dankie vir die gasvryheid en lekker kos. Bianka & Dries Kotze, Windhoek Ein traumhafter rgCseamltepin.ngplatz & sehr net e HerbeFriedrichs, Germany Mad & Richter

! Rump steak excellent Dankie. Baie lekker gekuier! Windhoek Rita & Cor Beuke,

l Thanks for a lovely stay in such a beautifu place. Sabina Eisenhaus, Germany

Fantastiese plek. Heerlike pad hiernatoe. Lekker atmosfeer! Wynand Louw, Durbanville, RSA

Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees Kalahari Water Price List Kalahari Water Kommentaar West Nest Lodge (Advertisement) Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional Make-up Artist (Advertisement) Paradosdokians Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month

Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Death, trauma and disability are risks that are even more uncertain than old age. Although we know that we are going to pass away one day, we are unaware of when the man in the long black coat will strike. Even more uncertain, is if and when you may become disabled or suffer a traumatic event. It is also true that we cannot prevent these risks from taking place by taking out an insurance policy. However, taking out a policy against these risks is a step forward in planning for them and easing the financial predicament that could result in case they occurred. Don’t wait until it’s too late; contact your advisor or Awie van der Westhuizen at 081 122 0091 today.


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Kalahari Water offers the most affordable advertising rates in Namibia. All businesses, guesthouses, shops and more have the opportunity to advertise in the monthly e-magazine which gets sent out to approximately 8000 email addresses.

Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees


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Full Page ................... N$ 800-00

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Half Page ................... N$ 450-00 Third Page ................. N$ 350-00 Qrtr Page ................... N$ 250-00 Prices valid until 30 June 2013

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Receive 10% discount if you decide to advertise for the following six months.

Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake

For more information, or to receive your Kalahari Water application form, contact Jo-Monique on 081 295 5809 or email: [email protected]

Quote of the Month

Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara

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Indrukwekkend, insiggewend en tersaaklik. Hennie vd Westhuizen Baie dankie vir die boek wat jy elke maand so getrou stuur, dis so lekker om dit te lees. Caroline Jooste

Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell

Easter Edition

Idees vol vrees Kalahari Water Price List Kalahari Water Kommentaar West Nest Lodge (Advertisement)

Kan sien daar gaan baie passie in die ‘mag’ in. Ina van Zyl

Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional Make-up Artist (Advertisement) Paradosdokians

We want to hear your feedback. Send us your comments on how to improve our electronic magazine by emailing our editor at [email protected].

Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month

Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara West Nest Lodge Testimonials (Advertisement) Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees


s o r p a r a


s n a i k o d

of a art er p pected; t t a l nex the or u ich n wh rprising i h ' su eec ing, f sp rase is Even es o ood figur ce or ph urous. G ' o en with n't. sent ntly hum ews ng n hy it is ue i q n e e r f was e ev l you w n th id I begi d to tel I sa y , e t h e T e faul 1.  proc your then was t ure. i so s say not dn't u. m i ' d I  w yo 2. I . No ing sive blam deci e. n i to b o be used ed t t s i u it's ow. but what 3. I , t s ne n ' r n s elde to find o ia i y g m l a t ost spec r for me 4. N o re ed t nd harde s o p sup er a 'm hard 5. I ing gett

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ingredients: method:

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• 8 pork sausages • 2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce • 1 small/medium butternut squash, peeled and chopped into 2cm chunks • 2 small red onions, peeled and quartered • 12 cherry tomatoes • 2 tbsp olive oil • 1 small handful coriander, leaves picked and chopped

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1. Heat the oven to 200C. Put the sausages in a bowl with the sweet chilli sauce and shake around until the bangers are fully coated. Tip them into a large roasting dish. 2. Toss the butternut squash and red onion in with the sausages. 3. Nestle the cherry tomatoes around the dish and then drizzle the lot with the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and roast for 30 minutes, or until the sausages are golden brown and the vegetables tender. 4. Scatter with chopped coriander and serve in the centre of the table, with crusty bread to mop up the juices.

Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional

Paradosdokians Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month

Quote of the month Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. - Thomas Jefferson

Contents Water vir die siel Namibia Rubber Stamps and Engraving (Advertisement) Mascara West Nest Lodge Testimonials (Advertisement) Go 2 Namibia (Advertisement) Finance in a nutshell Idees vol vrees Kalahari Water Price List Kalahari Water Kommentaar WestMedia TDP Nest Lodge (Advertisement) (Advertisement) Marelie vd Westhuizen Professional Make-up Artist (Advertisement) Paradosdokians Sweet Chilli Sausage Bake Quote of the Month