Mainly based on Locke's model of Value-Percept Fit (1969; 1976). ⢠We suggest to make the distinction between : o Needs o Expectations o Desires (Values in ...
Vincent ANGEL
Catholic University of Louvain (B)
University of Picardie Jules Verne (Fr)
Small Group Meeting Opening New Frontiers in Person – Environment Fit Research Amsterdam – 15/16 Oct 2014
Introduction : P-E Fit and Job Satisfaction = unresolved issues
Numerous studies on PE Fit predicting Job Satisfaction Needs-Supplies Fit = Main determinants (Kristof-Brown et al., 2005) But…
Needs include indeed biological and psychological requirements as well as desires, motives, goals or expectations (Dawis & Lofquist, 1984; French et al., 1982)
Introduction : P-E Fit and Job Satisfaction = unresolved issues
Definition and measurement of Needs-Supplies Fit remain vague
Conceptual clarification is needed in order to build a strong PE Fit theory of Job Satisfaction (Edwards, 2008) Define boundaries as well… And relationships between types of PE Fit too.
The precise nature of Person and Environment Dimensions involved in Job Satisfaction
First purpose of the paper : Provide a conceptual clarification of the Needs-Supplies Fit Mainly based on Locke’s model of Value-Percept Fit (1969; 1976) We suggest to make the distinction between : o Needs o Expectations
o Desires (Values in Locke’s Model)
The precise nature of Person and Environment Dimensions involved in Job Satisfaction
Needs : What a person wants ≠ What a person needs for his/her
physical, mental and social integrity (health, quality of life) (Locke, 1976)
Needs through an example with the « pay amount » :
« I need at least a pay amount of 2500€ per month » (in order to pay for food, house, and all those duties in order to live in Paris)
The precise nature of Person and Environment Dimensions involved in Job Satisfaction
Values in Locke’s Model : « desires, wants or seeks to attain » (Locke,
1969) ≠ Values in « values congruence » = Desires
Desires through an example with the « pay amount » : « I desire a pay amount of 3500€ per month »
(because I received this amount in my previous position in Switzerland)
The precise nature of Person and Environment Dimensions involved in Job Satisfaction
Expectactions :
believes or perceived probability about the future (Edwards, 2008; Locke, 1976) Expectations-percept misfit lead to surprise (like being fired..) Expectations through an example with the « pay amount » : « I expect a pay amount of 2000€ per month »
(because of wage range at university in France)
Needs-Supplies Fit
prop1 Desires-Percept Fit
Job Satisfaction
Desire Intensity
prop2 Expectations-Percept Fit
Health & Objective Quality of Life
Needs-Supplies Fit
Rice, McFarlin & Bennett, 1989
Desires-Percept Fit
Job Satisfaction
Desire Intensity
Expectations-Percept Fit
Mcfarlin & Rice, 1992 ; Rice, Gentile et McFarlin, 1991
Job realistic preview : Wanous, 1973; Nicholson, 1984; DePolo et al., 1994…
Determinants of the Person and Environment Dimensions
Studying determinants of the Person and Environment Dimensions involved in Fit remain one of the most important research perspective Regarding the Desires-Percept type of fit…
We identify several potential determinants of Desires and Perception
Determinants of the Person and Environment Dimensions
Studying determinants of the Person and Environment Dimensions involved in Fit remain one of the most important research perspective Regarding the Desires-Percept type of fit…
We identify several potential determinants of Desires and Perception
Determinants of Desires -Goals -Needs -Expectations -Values -Equity perceptions -Social comparison processes -Past job experiences -Job position -Personal requirements -Job satisfaction
Determinants of Perceptions -Actual job characteristics -Expectations -Equity perceptions -Social comparison processes -Past job experiences -Job position -Company’s communication -Job satisfaction
Desires-Percept Fit
Determinants of Desires -Goals -Needs -Expectations -Values -Equity perceptions -Social comparison processes -Past job experiences -Job position -Personal requirements -Job satisfaction
Desires-Percept Fit Determinants of Perceptions -Actual job characteristics -Expectations -Equity perceptions -Social comparison processes -Past job experiences -Job position -Company’s communication -Job satisfaction
Determinants of Desires -Goals -Needs -Expectations -Values -Equity perceptions -Social comparison processes -Past job experiences -Job position -Personal requirements -Job satisfaction
Needs-Supplies Fit
-Actual job characteristics -Expectations -Equity perceptions -Social comparison processes -Past job experiences -Job position -Company’s communication -Job satisfaction
Desires-Percept Fit Determinants of Perceptions
Job Satisfaction Desire Intensity
ExpectationsPercept Fit
Surprise prop2
Relationships between types of Fit and boundaries
Regarding perspectives on PE Fit Research, studying relationships between DesiresPercept Fit and the 3 major types is crucial It’s crucial in understanding Job Satisfaction (Edwards & Shipp, 2007)
Relationships between types of Fit and boundaries
Needs-Supplies Fit is supposed to influence Job Satisfaction through Desires-Percept Fit (Locke, 1969, 1976)… Depending on the convergence of the desires’ content with needs (Locke, 1969, 1976)…
Needs-Supplies Fit
Desires-Percept Fit
NeedsDesires Congruence
Job Satisfaction Desire Intensity
Relationships between types of Fit and boundaries
Demands-Abilities Fit may influence Job Satisfaction through Desires-Percept Fit
DA Fit influence performance which in turn influence Desires-Percept Fit through feedbacks and rewards (French, Caplan, &
Harrison, 1982; Edwards & Shipp, 2007)
NeedsSupplies Fit prop6
Job Performance
NeedsDesires Congruence
prop7 Demands-Abilities Fit
Desires-Percept Fit
Job Satisfaction
Desire Intensity
Relationships between types of Fit and boundaries
Values Congruence may influence Job Satisfaction directly (Cable & Edwards, 2004; Edwards & Cable, 2009) and indirectly through Desires-Percept Fit (Edwards & Shipp, 2007) Depending on motivation to share values with others :
perceived importance of values congruence (Edwards & Shipp, 2007)
NeedsSupplies Fit prop6
Job Performance
NeedsDesires Congruence
prop7 prop7
DemandsAbilities Fit
Desires-Percept Fit
Job Satisfaction
Desire Intensity
Perceived Importance prop8 of VC Values Congruence (VC)
Relationships between types of Fit and boundaries
Values Congruence may influence Demands-Abilities Fit (Cable & Edwards, 2004; Edwards & Cable, 2009) … Through communication and coordination (Adkins et al., 1996) fostering feedback seeking (Morrison, 1991, 1993; Motowidlo, 2003) But depending on the nature of task (Schneider et al., 1997)
NeedsSupplies Fit prop6
Job Performance
NeedsDesires Congruence
prop7 prop7
Demands-Abilities Fit prop8
Job Satisfaction
Desire Intensity
Nature of Tasks prop8
Values Congruence (VC)
Desires-Percept Fit
Perceived Importance prop8 of VC
Methodological Issues
Objective Measures of Dimensions o Needs-Supplies = objective approach ? o Demands-Supplies = objective measure (see topic in this SGM) Measures Approach (Atomistic, Molecular, Molar: Edwards et al., 2006) … And type of relationships : linear, curvilinear, etc.. ?
Conceptual Issues
Job satisfaction as a determinant of PE Fit ?
Interaction between types of PE Fit rather than Mediation path ? What about Misfit as a distinct process of Fit?
Over Job Satisfaction, what about motivation and selfregulation process ? What about a dynamic approach of Job Satisfaction through a PE Fit Model ?