Esther Klostermann, Helene Thamm. Date of birth .... DAS PERFEKTE PROMI
DINNER (Celebrity Come Dine with Me) -. X Factor Special (commentary) / VOX.
JOCHEN SCHROPP Represented by: Hosting/Commentary & PR
MANAGEMENT MODERATION & PR BWM COMMUNICATIONS Pipinstraße 7 50667 Köln TEL +49.221.59813606
Klostermann & Thamm Königstraße 32 22767 Hamburg Tel. +49.40.570.096.94 Fax +49.40.552.049.84
Contact: Nicole Wilms:
[email protected] Sebastian Buchinger:
[email protected] Viola Ferrarello:
[email protected]
[email protected] Contact: Esther Klostermann, Helene Thamm
Date of birth November 22, 1978 Height 187 cm, 6"2 Hair light brown Eyes brown Foreign languages English (very good, American English perfect), French German dialects Hessian, Bavarian, Swabian, Berlin dialect Driver´s license Automobile Special skills Classical voice training (Experience with musicals and the pop-music industry, demo-cd with 4 recorded & produced tracks), training in Streetdance and Modern Dance, ice skating, horseback riding and skiing
2010 2007
Radio Award SIEBEN from Radio 7 for The X Factor as best casting show German TV Award nomination as Best Entertainer Bavarian TV Award for The X Factor German TV Award nomination for The X Factor (Best Presenter) Grimme Award nomination for Zwei Engel für Amor (Amor’s Angels)
TRAINING 2005 2003
since April 2003 since Aug. 2002 2002 -2001 -1999
1997-1999 1995
Dubbing workshop with Joachim Kunzendorf, iSFF Berlin Editorial internship for "Blitz!", Sat.1 Advanced training with Klaus Maria Brandauer, international film school (ifs), Cologne Acting classes with Frank Betzelt, Berlin Acting classes with Ute Willing, Berlin Hollywood Acting Workshop Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA), BA Performing Arts (Hons) Hessischer Rundfunk (Hessen Public Radio) / Voice lessons with Anne Georgio Scream Factory / Singing lessons with Ilona Muller-Simon (trained opera- and broadway singer) Editorial internship for “logo”, ZDF
ROSAMUNDE PILCHER - DIE INDISCHE BRAUT (The Indian Bride) Leading Role: Andrew Christie / Directed by: Dieter Kehler / FFP NEW MEDIA GMBH / TV movie, ZDF
MARCEL ÜBER DEN DÄCHERN (Marcel Above the Roofs) – Jens / Directed by: Sebastian Stolz / peace of cake & Neoropa Filmproduktion
NOTRUF HAFENKANTE – DER LETZTE KUSS (Hamburg Dockland – The Last Kiss) Andi Becker / Directed by: Jörg Schneider / Studio Hamburg / series, ZDF POLIZEIRUF 110 - RAUBVÖGEL (Birds of Prey) Dr. Stabroth / Directed by: Esther Wenger / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD LINDBURGS FALL (Lindburg’s Case) Dennis Bsirske / Directed by: Franziska Meyer Price / ndF: / TV movie, ARD COUNTDOWN – DER BRUCH (The Crack) Thomas Enders / Directed by: Christian Theede / filmpool / series, RTL
POLIZEIRUF 110 - RISIKO (Risk) Dr. Stabroth / Directed by: Thorsten Schmidt / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD
THE BIG BLACK - News anchor Directed by: Oliver Kyr / red iguana pictures POLIZEIRUF 110 – SCHATTEN (Shadow) Dr. Stabroth / Directed by: Jorgo Papavassiliou / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD POLIZEIRUF 110 – TOD IM ATELIER (Death in the Studio) Dr. Stabroth / Directed by: Thorsten Näter / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD DER BERGDOKTOR – ZWISCHEN DEN STÜHLEN (Between two Chairs) Michael Funke / Directed by: Dirk Pientka / ndF: / Series, ZDF EINE FÜR ALLE – FRAUEN KÖNNEN’S BESSER (One for All – Women do it better) Guest role: Hermann Nehdorn / Directed by: Ralf Bridle, Micaela Zschieschow / Rubicon Filmproduktion GmbH & Bavaria Fernsehproduktion GmbH / Series, ARD
POLIZEIRUF 110 – FEHLSCHUSS (Miss) Dr. Stabroth / Directed by: Thorsten Näter / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD GROSSSTADTREVIER – DER HAFENPASTOR - DER SCHEIN TRÜGT - Holger Beutner / Directed by: Guido Pieters / Studio Hamburg / series, ARD KREUZFAHRT INS GLÜCK – FLORIDA (Cruise to Happiness – Florida) - Dennis Hoffmann / Directed by: Hans-Jürgen Tögel / Polyphon Film- und Fernseh GmbH / TV movie, ZDF ROSAMUNDE PILCHER – EINE LIEBE IM HERBST (Autumn Love)Leading role: Michael Spiers / Directed by: Dieter Kehler / FFP New Media GmbH / TV movie, ZDF POLIZEIRUF 110 – DER TOD UND DAS MÄDCHEN (Death and the Girl) - Dr. Stabroth / Directed by: Karola Hattop / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD MEINE WUNDERBARE FAMILIE (My Wonderful Family) Mr. Schönmeyer / Directed by Ariane Zeller / Grundy UFA / TV movie, ZDF HALLO ROBBIE! - STURZFLÜGE (Nosedives) – Niko Reuter Directed by: Christoph Klünker / Phoenix Film / series, ZDF POLIZEIRUF 110 - WOLFSMILCH (Wolf’s milk) - Dr. Stabroth Directed by: Hajo Gies / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD
INGA LINDSTRÖM – RASMUS & JOHANNA Leading role: Rasmus Johannsen / Directed by: Gunther Krää / Bavaria Fernsehproduktion GmbH / TV movie, ZDF 2007
POLIZEIRUF 110 – TAXIMORD (The Taxi Murderer) - Dr. Stabroth / Directed by: Mathias Luther / Saxonia Media / TV movie, ARD ROSAMUNDE PILCHER - SIEG DER LIEBE (VICTORY OF LOVE) – Leading role: Paul Harrington Directed by: Dieter Kehler / FFP New Media GmbH / TV movie, ZDF
SOKO LEIPZIG-MASKENBALL (CSI Leipzig - Masquerade) – Justin Hosemann. Directed by: Patrick Winczewski / UFA Fernsehproduktion GmbH / series, ZDF KEIN GELD DER WELT (No Money In The World) - Thorsten Directed by: Berno Kürten / Network Movie / TV movie, ZDF IN ALLER FREUNDSCHAFT (In All Friendship) - Ben Siemann Directed by: Jürgen Brauer / Saxonia Media / series, ARD ZWEI ENGEL FÜR AMOR (Amor’s Angels nominated for the Grimme Award 2007) - permanent role: Andi Directed by: Christoph Schnee, Arne Feldhusen / Studio Hamburg / series, ARD
AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH (Exceptional) - Constantin Schwarz Directed by: Barbara Stepansky / Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis Produktion ALPHATEAM – permanent role: Benjamin von Bode Directed by: Micaela Zschieschow, Heinz Dietz, Bodo Schwarz, John Delbridge, Wolfgang Münstermann, Norbert Schultze jr. / Multimedia Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH / series, Sat.1 LEONY'S UPFALL (Leony’s Upfall) Directed by: Dominik Bechtel / Dominik Bechtel Produktion
POPP DICH SCHLANK (The Sex Diet) - leading role: Paul Directed by: Christoph Schrewe / Studio Hamburg / TV movie, Pro 7 HOCHZEITSZONE (Wedding Zone) - Callboy Phil Directed by: Carolin Thummes / independent production SOKO WISMAR - Sebastian Schäfer Directed by: Axel Bock / cinecentrum Berlin / series, ZDF DER KLEINE MÖNCH (The Little Monk) -
leading role: Brother Sebastian. Directed by: Stephan Meyer, Sophie Allet-Coche / Pro GmbH / series, ZDF
DER FUSSFESSELMÖRDER (The Gyve-Killer) - David Connely Directed by Michael Karen / streamfilms / TV movie,Sat.1
KLEINER MATROSE (The Little Sailor) - Tom Directed by: Ron Markus / Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
WOZU FREUNDE?! (What Are Friends For?!) – leading role: Beni Directed by: Sophie Allet-Coche / rome film / pilot for a series, RTL
ABSCHNITT 40 (Precinct 40) - Mr. Wiegand Directed by: Andreas Senn / Typhoon Networks ag /series, RTL
STERNENFÄNGER (Starcatchers) leading role: Nico Kiesbach Directed by: Andreas Senn, Marcus Ulbricht, Michel Bielawa / teamworx / series, ARD
GRILL DEN HENSSLER - DIE NEUE KOCHARENA / Host / VOX DIE TIERISCHEN 10 / Host / VOX TALENT MEETS BERTELSMANN / Presenter BUNDESSTIFTUNG MAGNUS HIRSCHFELD GALA / Host / Waldorf Astoria, Berlin BUNTE NEW FACES AWARD / Host of the award ceremony / Tempodrom, Berlin GEWINNE EIN NEUES LEBEN – DIE AUSWANDERERSHOW (Win a new Life – The Expats Show) / Presenter / VOX TEDDY AWARDS / Host (English/German) of the award ceremony within the International Film Festival Berlin / ARTE/RBB FILMFESTIVAL MAX OPHÜLS AWARD / Host of the award ceremony / Saarbrücken PRIX DE BEAUTÉ / Host of the award ceremony for Cosmopolitan magazine / Wiesbaden 99 FIRE-FILMS AWARD / Host of the award ceremony / Admiralspalast / Berlin DIE TIERISCHEN 10 (The Animalistic 10) / Show with animal psychologist Martin Ruetter / Presenter / VOX RADIO 7 CHARITYNIGHT / Host of the award ceremony SIEBEN / Ulm PROMI KOCHARENA (Celebrity Cooking Arena) / VOX TALENT MEETS BERTELSMANN / Host of the presentations and
award ceremony / Berlin THE PERFECT MODEL / Presenter of the talent competition‘s finale / VOX THE X FACTOR / Presenter of the German music competition show / VOX EIN BUS VOLLER BRÄUTE (Babes on the Bus) / Dating-Reality / Presenter / VOX TEDDY AWARDS / Host (English/German) of the award ceremony within the International Film Festival Berlin / ARTE/ RBB TOP PARTY / Party of TOP Magazine Saarland / Host / Saarbruecken, Germany PRIX DE BEAUTÉ / Host of the award ceremony for Cosmopolitan magazine / Wiesbaden 2012/2011
BAMBI RED CARPET LIVE / Livestream with interviews of guests and the winners of the Bambi Award / Host / HUBERT BURDA MEDIA
JEDER STEIN ZÄHLT – DIE LEGO FAMILIENSHOW / (The Lego Family Show) / Presenter / SUPER RTL AIDS REMINDERS DAY GALA / host / Berlin WER IS(S)T BESSER? (Who Eats Better?) / Presenter / VOX MISS EARTH SWITZERLAND / hosting of the beauty pageant / STAR TV TALENT MEETS BERTELSMANN / hosting of the presentations and award ceremony / Berlin ONE TEAM, ONE TELEFÓNICA / Event hosting for Telefónica / Munich THE X FACTOR (Bavarian Television Award 2011 for “Best Entertainment”) / Presenter of the German music competition show / VOX DIE 10 (The 10) / various episodes (commentary) / RTL FILMFESTIVAL MAX OPHÜLS AWARD / Presentation of the award ceremony / Saarbrücken COSMOPOLITAN PRIX DE BEAUTÉ / Presentation of the award ceremony / Wiesbaden DEUTSCHER HÖRFILMPREIS (German Audio Movie Award) / Presentation of the award ceremony with Mareile Höppner / Berlin
DAS PERFEKTE PROMI DINNER (Celebrity Come Dine with Me) X Factor Special (commentary) / VOX DIE 10 (The 10) / various episodes (commentary) / RTL PROMI KOCHARENA (Celebrity Cooking Arena) / VOX GUTE NACHT, BIS MORGEN (Good night, see you tomorrow) / Presentation of the book premiere / Blumenbar publishing house, Berlin THE X FACTOR (nominated for a German Television Award 2010
for “Best Entertainment”) / Presenter of the German singing competition show / RTL and VOX BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL / Presentation “Kurzfilmbären”, Award for best short film (English) / Berlin FILMFESTIVAL MAX OPHÜLS AWARD / Presentation of the opening gala / Saarbrücken
PROMI KOCHDUELL (Celebrity Cook-Off) / VOX PROMI KOCHARENA (Celebrity Cooking Arena) / VOX DAS PERFEKTE PROMI DINNER – Spezial (Celebrity Come Dine with Me Special) / VOX DEINE CHANCE – DAS ULTIMATUM (Ultimatum) / Host / ProSieben O2 / Product Presentation / Bremen NUR EIN SOMMER / presentation of the movie premiere / Berlin BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL / Presentation “Kurzfilmbären”, Award for best short film (English) / Berlin FILMFESTIVAL MAX OPHÜLS AWARD / Presentation of the openening gala / Saarbrücken
KINDERSCHUTZENGEL CHARITY GALA / Appeal for Donations and Celebrity-Interviews / Berlin LUXITY.TV / Web TV / Presenter & Editor / TEC TO YOU / Youth Fair / Presentation for Phoenix Contact / Hannover
DAS PERFEKTE PROMI DINNER (Celebrity Come Dine with Me) / VOX 50 YEARS OF TRAINING / Event hosting for Phoenix Contact, Blomberg IFA / Consumer Electronics Unlimited / Presentation for Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) / Berlin SCRIPT AWARD CEREMONY SAAR07 / Saarbrücken TEC TO YOU / Youth Fair / Presentation for Phoenix Contact / Hannover
FILMFESTIVAL MAX-OPHÜLS-AWARD / film talks / Saarbrücken
DLR – German Space Center / Co-Host “Space-Tour”, Cologne LOVE PARADE – 2000 live / RTL II RADIO COMMENTARY
THEATRE (Selection)
Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
FOLLIES (Musical) Directed by: Nick Phillips SEVEN STORIES Directed by: Vanessa Sabourin ALL MY SONS Directed by: Iain Orsmby-Knox
DR. FAUSTUS Directed by: Jamie Lloyd WILD HONEY Directed by: Donna Soto-Morretini
The Keller Theater, Giessen
CAN-CAN (Musical) Directed by: David Turner A LITTLE MURDER NEVER HURT ANYBODY Directed by: D. Turner A CHRISTMAS CAROL Directed by: David Turner
miscellaneous theatre productions and professional choir performances during high-school-exchange-program in Visalia, California.
MISCELLANEOUS Commercials/Corporate Identity 2011/12 DASH (Testimonial) / Directed by: Thomas Schlagkamp / Leo Burnett GmbH & Doppelgängerfilm for P&G International Operations SA 2009 MEDIA MARKT / Directed by: Arne Feldhusen / brand clip / TV commercial 2007
QIMONDA / Imagefilm / 3 WÜNSCHE FILMPRODUKTION GMBH 2006/07 1&1 / TV commercial and print ads 2006
CELEBRATIONS / Masterfoods / TV commercial 1999
PUDDIS PUDDING / TV commercial Readings 2002
Voiceover 2004 2002
WINDRÄUBER (The Wind-Thieves) - Role: Zeno / Author: Christoph Fromm CLASH - Role: Niko, Authors: Sven Severin and Susanne Schmidt PERFEKTE WELT (Perfect World)- Role: Guido, Authors: Nils Brunkhorst and Andreas Potulski
DIE GEISTERVILLA (The Haunted Mansion) - computer game / several roles CROSSING JORDAN - television series / episode role: Lester