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Dear Family, I’d like to introduce myself to you all before the semester really gets underway, as I will have the pleasure of teaching your child this semester. My name is Mr. John Cooper and I prefer to be respectfully addressed as JJ. My wife, Kerry, our 2 year old son, Roland, and our 9 year old dog, Beemer reside in Sigourney where I am the head varsity wrestling coach. I received my bachelor’s degree in Geography with an emphasis in Geographic Information Science from the University of Iowa and later returned to studies at William Penn University in order to obtain my teaching licensure for Industrial Technology. Chip Fritz was kind enough to take me into his classroom at English Valley Schools while I complete my student teaching. I’m thrilled to be teaching Industrial Technology skills to your student and am certain that they will be excited to share what they are learning this year with all of you as well. When families have open communication with their child and with the teacher, it provides a positive environment for the child to learn in during school and at home. Please feel free to contact me via email . I would enjoy hearing from you whether you are curious what the students are working on, or have questions about an assignment or classroom procedure. This is going to be a great semester! Regards, John J. Cooper, Jr.