Join John Scott on a four-day exploration to unravel the secrets of Guruji's Yoga
Mala. Find the secret key, which closes the door to 'conditioned practice', and ...
Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with JOHN SCOTT At Mysore Yoga Paris September 27th-30th 2013
A Transcendental Practice Join John Scott on a four-day exploration to unravel the secrets of Guruji’s Yoga Mala. Find the secret key, which closes the door to ‘conditioned practice’, and unlocks the door to ‘Dharana – yogic concentration’ bringing together Body, Breath and Mind as ONE, resulting in a Transcendental Practice. Shri K Pattabhi Jois uses the metaphor of a mala to describe the Practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Guruji’s ‘Yoga Mala’ is as sacred as a prayer, as beautiful as a garland of flowers, and as graceful as the dance of Shiva. Each vinyasa (Choreographed Breath/Movement) is like a sacred bead to be counted and meditated on, and each asana is like a sacred flower to be held steady, still and comfortable, also to be counted and meditated on. Just as a japamala adorns the neck and a pushpamala adorns the gods, so too does Guruji’s garland of yoga, when practiced with dedication will adorn our entire being with health, radiance, peace and ultimately Self-knowledge. JOHN SCOTT For 25 years, a dedicated, direct and certified student of Shri K Pattabhi Jois, is still practicing and exploring the techniques passed directly to him and is continually discovering new meanings to the gems of wisdom that Guruji left for his students to pass on. His highly individual, analytical and sensitive approach touches deeply the students who work with him. During the past 27 years of his yoga study, John’s experience has amounted to illustrating the Primary, Intermediate & Advanced Series. Writing ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ – The essential step-by-step guide to dynamic yoga and also producing a DVD of the ‘Ashtanga Yoga Primary series’. John also teaches the ‘Counted Vinyasa’ in 6 different languages.
We are very excited to welcome John for the first time to teach in Paris. Don´t miss this opportunity to study under his transformational and inspirational guidance! Mysore Yoga Paris -
MYSORE ASSISTED SELF-PRACTICE FRIDAY & MONDAY 7.00 – 10.30am at Mysore Yoga Paris Shala Two groups of 12 students. Start time First group: 7.30am / Second group: 9.00am Guided Self-Practice with John means: to come to class with an open mind, to practice un-conditionally with extended awareness embracing the 5 external limbs of Ashtanga Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara). To ignite the 5th limb, Pratyahara (focusing the senses inward on the breath), John will begin each group practicing as ‘One body’ through the vinyasa count, once the practice focus is achieved, the group will be set free to flow as individuals in dynamic movement inquiry, contemplation and meditation. John will assist and guide each student’s practice, with verbal and physical adjustments, enhancing foundation, structure and alignment of certain vinyasa and asana. John will also endeavour to inspire working towards an individual transformative practice. YOGA MALA – ’Counted Method’ Shri K Pattabhi Jois FRIDAY 4.30 – 7.00pm at Dojo Saint-Ambroise Technique / Practice Class Guruji also called his garland of yoga ‘Counted Method’. John notes: ‘For 60 years Guruji counted vinyasa – if the counted vinyasa wasn’t effective then I’m sure he would have dropped the ‘Count’ many years ago’. In this class John will begin the process of passing on the ‘Count’ in the same manor as passing on Mantra. The group will come together as one voice working and growing together and hence beginning the process of the individual student becoming an independent practitioner.
STRUCTURE – Know the root, to know the Blossom SATURDAY 2.00 – 4.00pm at Dojo Saint-Ambroise Theory / Technique / Practice Class It is John’s view that all asana are advanced, whether the asana is from the Primary, Intermediate or Advanced Series, every vinyasa and asana must first start with understanding the foundation, where the hands and feet go, how the arms and legs support the spine, and how all five limbs must align to support and steady the final posture, creating a comfortable space for the breath to be smooth, even and free. This principle of structure is known as ‘Chikitsa’ looking at balancing the skeletal frame, left and right sides, optimizing joint mobility and range of motion. Similar to the Bauhaus Design mantra – ‘Form Follows Function’ – in yoga asana, the resultant asana is governed by the function of the Joints, that is: limited joint movement results in limited asana OR Free Moving Joints Equals Free Moving Forms. In this class John will take a step back in time to look at the development of bandha, fundamental foundations and patterns of movement, back to a time of formative memory, pre-associations, assumptions and projections. This class will open up a new awareness to transitions, the most important yoga of life: to be aware of transitions – ‘mind the gap’ FLOW – ‘Mind The Gap’. When we are truly mindful of the spaces between – both in moments and objects – then we are better able to honor what has just come and to be open and conscious for what is to come. PRATYAHARA - Turning the Outward Seeking Mind inward = INSIGHTS SATURDAY 5.00 – 7.00pm at Dojo Saint-Ambroise Theory / Technique / Practice Class In the system of yoga, it is considered we are not just our body, we are a makeup of many layers or Kosha all operating as one field or one whole body; therefore by working on foundation and alignment of the Structural Layer (Anamayakosha), we are also simultaneously aligning the Energy Layer (Pranamayakosha). Through the heat and sweat produced by the focus of practicing Chikitsa, the physical body begins the process of detoxifying or cleansing, thus setting up the conditions for the Breath to become smooth, even and free. When the continuous sound and flow of the breath comes to the fore focus, the process of ‘Nadisodana’ begins. Nadisodana is the detoxifying or cleansing of the energy channels, allowing swara or free flowing of the breath within the breath - prana. Guruji gave three simple words to describe the yoga process; they were 1 Posture, 2 Free-breathing, and 3 Looking-place. When the prana begins to flow the looking place or drishti becomes steady and focused allowing the 5th limb of Ashtanga Yoga – Pratyahara to develop. In this class John will focus on developing group pratyahara preparing the way for the development of Dharana – Yogic Concentration. Mysore Yoga Paris -
GRACE – Vinyasa Dhyana, flowing as one Consciousness SUNDAY 9.30am – 12.00pm at Dojo Saint-Ambroise Theory / Technique / Practice Class Sthirabaga – When structure and flow all come in to alignment, the conditions are then present for the fruits of the practice to arise, the individual self drops away leaving clarity; it is in this state that practitioner and practice merge as one. In this class John will bring the group together as One Body, One Breath, One Mind flowing together as one dynamic consciousness. Eclipsing – Journeying to the inner light of Wisdom. John feels that the ultimate journey is a journey that arrives at the core of ones being. THE ULTIMATE JOURNEY - Returning Home SUNDAY 2.00 – 4.00pm at Dojo Saint-Ambroise Theory / Technique / Practice Class To the unaware, today’s life is forever being caught in the process and patterns of conditioned existence, with the five senses continually journeying outward, each for instant gratification, only to result in a distracted and fragmented state of mind causing in the end great suffering. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a tool, a practice discipline, to turn the outward seeking mind in on itself, to defragment, to become a whole functioning unified field of consciousness. In this final class John will continue with the ultimate journey exploring the theory of the five kosha providing a simple concept of how the ordinary thinking mind works. Techniques discussed will once again be put into practice returning the group to the practice of: 1 Posture, 2 Free-breathing, and 3 Looking-place. LOCATION Friday and Monday's Mysore Classes will be held at MYSORE YOGA PARIS c/o Centre Shambhala de Paris, 17 rue Eugène Varlin, 75010 Paris. Metro: Gare de l´Est or Chateau-Landon Workshop Classes Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday, will be held at DOJO SAINT-AMBROISE 6 rue de la Folie-Méricourt, 75011 Paris, Metro: Saint-Ambroise PAYMENT & REGISTRATION Early Registration (50% deposit payed before 15/7) All 7 sessions: 195 € / 5 sessions: 150 € / 4 sessions: 125€ / 3 sessions: 100€ / 1 session: 35 € Late Registration All 7 sessions: 225 € / 5 sessions: 170 € / 4 sessions: 145€ / 3 sessions: 110€ / 1 session: 40 € PAYMENTS BY CHECK & CASH Please complete Registration Form and mail with 50% deposit (checks payable to Studio Naddermier): The remaining 50% can be paid in cash at the workshop or by check before April 15th. Postal Adress for Checks (payable to Studio Naddermier) + Registration Form: Studio Naddermier, c/o Kia Naddermier 87, rue de Crimée, 75019 Paris Visiting Adress for Checks, Cash + Registration Form: Mysore Yoga Paris, c/o Centre Shambhala de Paris 17, rue Eugène Varlin, 75010 Paris PAYMENTS BY BANK TRANSFER Please complete the Registration form and e-mail with banktransfer verification to:
[email protected] Crédit du Nord, Paris Haussmann 59, bd Haussmann, 75361 Paris Cedex 08 Titulare du compte: Studio Naddermier SARL / Naddermier Yoga IBAN FR76 3007 6020 1974 9627 0020 143 BIC NORDFRPP
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PLEASE MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO STUDIO NADDERMIER Please state your NAME + mark your payment ‘JOHN SCOTT’ on your bank transfer.
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _____________________________________________________________ Please indicate below what dates & classes you are registering for and the amount you are enclosing. If making bank transfer please e-mail Registration + Bank transfer verification to
[email protected]
All 7 sessions (including Mysore Classes) Early Registrations (by 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Late Registration (after 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ 5 workshop sessions (not including Mysore Classes) Early Registrations (by 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Late Registration (after 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ 4 workshop sessions (not including Mysore Classes) Early Registrations (by 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Late Registration (after 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Please indicate which dates & classes: ________________________________________ 3 workshop sessions (not including Mysore Classes) Early Registrations (by 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Late Registration (after 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Please indicate which dates & classes: ________________________________________ 1 or 2 individual workshop sessions (not including Mysore Classes) Early Registrations (by 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Late Registration (after 15th of July), enclosed / transferred Amount: _____ Please indicate which dates & classes: ________________________________________ Only half of the deposit will be returned 21 days before the workshop. Deposit non-refundable 14 days before workshop. An admin fee (about 10 euros depending on the country) will be deducted for return of payments made by bank transfer. For any questions contact Agathe Philbé:
[email protected]
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