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Aug 9, 2016 - Applications are invited online from UNMARRIED MALE Engineering ... RECRUITING DIRECTORATE WEBSITE:

RECRUITING DIRECTORATE WEBSITE: TWENTY SEVENTH UNIVERSITY ENTRY SCHEME PRE- FINAL YEAR (27TH UES) (PERMANENT COMMISSION) (JULY 2018) 1. Applications are invited online from UNMARRIED MALE Engineering Degree students studying in Pre-Final Year (III Year) in academic session 2016-17 for grant of Permanent Commission in the Army. 2. ELIGIBILITY: (a) Nationality: For details, go through the detailed notification for 27th University Entry Scheme (Jul 2018) Course on our official website (b) Age Limit: – 18 to 24 years as on 01 Jul 2018. (Candidates born between 1994 and 01 Jul 2000 both dates inclusive).

02 Jul

(c) Educational Qualification: Candidates studying in the Pre-Final year (in academic session 2016-17) of the Engineering Course in recognized Universities/Institution/Colleges in the subjects mention in para 3 below will be eligible to apply for 27th University Entry Scheme (Jul 2018) Couse. (d) Army HQ reserves the right to short list applications and fix cut off percentage engineering stream wise, for preliminary screening and SSB interview, based on aggregate percentage marks scored by the candidates in the first two years/four semesters of the engineering degree course. 3. Discipline wise vacancies are as given below:Engineering S treams Civil Mechanical Electrical/Electrical & Electronics Computer Sc & Engg/Computer Technology/Info Tech/M.Sc (Computer S c) Electronics & Telecommunication/Tele communication/Electronics & Communication/ Satellite Communication Electronics Metallurgical

Equivalent Stream Civil Engg, Civil Engg(Structural Engg), Structural Engg Mechanical Engg, Mechanical (Mechatronics) Engg, Mechanical & Automation Engg Electrical Engg, Electrical Engg (Electronics & Power), Power System Engg, Electri cal & Electronics Engg Computer Engg, Computer Science, Computer Science Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Information Science & Engg Electronics & Telecommunication Engg, Telecommunication Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Electronics & Electrical Communication Engg Power Electronics & Drives Metallurgical Engg, Metallurgy & Materi al Technology, Metallurgy & Material Engg, Metallurgy & Engg & Materi al Science, Metallurgy and Explosives

V acancies 07 03 04

Engineering S treams E lectro nics & Instr umentation/Instrument ation

E quivalent S tream A pplied El ectron ics & Instrumentation Eng g, E lectron ics & In strumentation En gg, E lectron ics & In strumentation & Control Eng g,, Instru mentati on & Con tro l E ngg, Instru mentati on Techn ology

V acancies

Micro Electronics & Microwave Total


02 30

NOTE : In case the engineering stream of the candidate is not listed above and candidates desire to claim equivalence, they may produce equivalence certificate for the Engineering Degree from the concerned universities for the purpose. 4. HOW TO APPLY: Applic ations will ONLY be acc epted ONLINE on webs ite “”. Click on “Officers Entry Apply/Login” and then click ‘Registration’. Fill the online registration form after reading the Instructions carefully. After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’. A page ‘Officers Selection – Eligibility’ will open. Then click ‘Apply’ shown against University Entry Scheme. A page ‘’Application Form’’ will open. Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details as required under various segments, Personal informations, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB. ‘Save & Continue’ each time before you go to the next segment. After filling details on the last segment, you will move to a page ‘Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made. Click on ‘’Submit now’’ only after carefully ascertaining that the correct details have been filled in. After submitting, click on ‘’PDF’’ and take two copies of the application form having Roll No and other details generated by the system. NOTE 1: Details once submitted will NOT be changed under any circumstance, and NO representation in this regard shall be entertained. 5. SELECTION PROCEDURE : For details refer




6. Documents to be carried to the Selection centre by the Candidate. Candidates must carry documents as mentioned in the detailed notification on the official website for the SSB interview Note : Any embiguity/false information/concealment of information detected in the Certificates/documents will result in cancellation of the candidature at any stage of selection. Important Note : This is an encrypted version of notification to this entry. Aspirants are requested to visit official website for detailed notification about this entry before taking a final decision to apply.


AND WILL BE CLOSED ON 08 SEP 2016 AT 1700 HRS davp 10601/11/0023/1617