Joint Summer School in the frame of BlueGenics and CoreShell Projects Rovinj, September 16th – 22nd, 2014 BLUEGENICS (EU FP7 Blue Biotechnology Programme; Grant No.: 311848, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. W.E.G. Müller) University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-‐University Mainz (Germany) ManRos Therapeutics (France) NanotecMARIN Gmbh (Germany) Seabyli EHF (Iceland) Prokazyme EHF (Iceland) Fidelta d.o.o. za istraživanje i razvoj (Croatia) Biotrend S.A. (Portugal) Matis OHF (Iceland) Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy) University of St Andrews (Scotland UK) Ruđer Bošković Institute (Croatia) University Juraj Dobrila (Pula) Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland) Museum National d'Historie Naturalle (France) Uppsala Universitet (Sweden) National Research Center for Geoanalysis, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (China)
CORESHELL (EU FP7 Marie Curie Actions Programme; Grant No.: 286059, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. X.H. Wang) University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-‐University Mainz (Germany) NanotecMARIN Gmbh (Germany) Ruđer Bošković Institute (Croatia)
CONTACTS: Prof. Dr. Werner E. G. Müller (UMC-‐Mainz) +49-‐6131-‐3925910 wmueller@uni-‐ Prof. Dr. Xiaohong WANG (UMC-‐Mainz) +49-‐6131-‐3924541 wang013@uni-‐
Prof. Dr. Renato Batel (RBI-‐Rovinj) +385 52 804 701 / 99 2728468
[email protected] Dr. Maria Blažina (Mainz-‐Rovinj) +385 98 255 221
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Center for Marine Research Ruđer Bošković Institute Giordano Paliaga 5 HR-‐52 210 Rovinj, Croatia
Local organizer: Prof. Dr. Renato Batel
Prof. Dr. Werner E. G. Müller (Mainz-‐Germany) Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinz C. Schröder (Mainz-‐Germany) Prof. Dr. Xiaohong Wang (Mainz-‐Germany) Dr. Bärbel Diehl Seifert (Mainz-‐Germany) Dr. Maria Blažina (Mainz-‐Germany) Dr. Klaus Kropf (Mainz-‐Germany) Eike Thorben Rogall (Mainz-‐Germany) Msc. Dayane S. B. Rodriguez (Mainz-‐Germany) Prof. Dr. Renato Batel (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Dr. Bojan Hamer (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Msc. Ana Baričević (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Msc. Ines Kovačić (Pula-‐Croatia) Msc. Paolo Paliaga (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Dr. Johan Gardères (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Dr. Emina Pustijanac (Pula-‐Croatia) Msc. Shungfeng Wang (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Dr. Martin Pfannkuchen (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Msc Petra Burić (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Dr. Andrej Jaklin (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Msc. Mirta Smodlaka Tanković (Rovinj-‐Croatia) Dr. Vesna Eraković Haber (Zagreb-‐Croatia) Dr. Laurent Meijer (Roscoff-‐France) Prof. Dr. Alfonso Mangoni (Napoli-‐Italy) Prof. Dr. Orazio Tagliatela-‐Scafati (Napoli-‐Italy) Dr. Valeria Costantino (Napoli-‐Italy) Dr. Caterina Fattorusso (Napoli-‐Italy) Dr. Ragnar Johannsson (Reykjavik-‐Iceland) Dr. Jakob K. Kristjansson (Reykjavik-‐Iceland) Dr. Asgeir Gudnason (Vogar-‐Iceland) Dr. Viggo Thor Marteinsson (Reykjavik-‐Iceland) Dr. Rene Groben (Reykjavik-‐Iceland) Prof. Dr. Rebecca J.M. Goss (St Andrews-‐United Kingdom) Dr. Sabine Grüschow (St Andrews-‐United Kingdom) Dr. Bruno Sommer Ferreira (Cantanhede-‐Portugal) Prof. Dr. Lars Bohlin (Uppsala-‐Sweden) Dr. Anders Backlund (Uppsala-‐Sweden) 2 / 6
Thuesday, 16th September 2014
Day 1
Arrival 18:00 Get together -‐ Participant welcome (R. Batel, Local organizer; W.E.G. Müller, Coordinator) Venue: Center for Marine Research, Rovinj
Wednesday, 17th September 2014
Day 2
08:30-‐13:00 Presentation and discussion in the frame of the BlueGenics project Organizer: W.E.G. Müller 08:30-‐09:00 R. Batel (RBI-‐Rovinj): Welcome address 09:00-‐10:30 W.E.G. Müller (UMC-‐Mainz): Overview of BlueGenics project 10:30-‐11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-‐12:30 H.C. Schröder (NTM): How to write a patent/how to save intellectual property 13:00 Lunch 14:00-‐16:00 Presentation and discussion in the frame of CoreShell project Organizer: W.E.G. Müller 14:00-‐15:00 X.H. Wang & W.E.G. Müller (UMC-‐Mainz): Overview of CoreShell project 15:30-‐16:00 RBI-‐Rovinj (M. Smodlaka-‐Tanković) & UMC-‐Mainz (W.E.G. Müller): How to write a scientific paper 16:00-‐17:30 Field study training course Organizer: R. Batel Sampling with a boat around an island and in the Limski Canal. 18:00-‐21:00 Public Lecture “Treasures of the Adriatic Sea: Towards Sustainable and Innovative Bio-‐Economy”, W. E. G. Müller
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Thursday, 18th September 2014
Day 3 08:30-‐13:00 Presentation and discussion (cont.) Organizer: W.E.G. Müller 08:30-‐09:00 B. Sommer Ferreira (BIOTREND) 09:00-‐09:30 R. Gross & S. Grüschow & C. Fattorusso (UEA) 09:30-‐10:00 V. Eraković Haber (FIDELTA) 10:00-‐10:30 A. Mangoni & C. Fattorusso (UNINA) 10:30-‐11:00 Coffee break/Group photo 11:00-‐11:30 N. N. (MNHN) 11:30-‐12:00 A. Gudnason (SAEBYLI) 12:00-‐12:30 N. N. (ETH) 12:30-‐13:00 L. Meijer (MANROS) 13:00 Lunch 14:00-‐17:00 Field study training course Organizer: M. Blažina Sampling of the microorganisms and nanoparticles by a RV in the water column at the open sea Lectures and demonstration aboard: M. Pfannkuchen (RBI) P. Burić (RBI) M. Blažina (NanotecMARIN) P. Paliaga (RBI) 17:00-‐18:30 Presentation and discussion Organizer: H.C. Schröder 17:30-‐18:30 H.C. Schröder (NTM), M. Smodlaka Tanković (RBI-‐Rovinj) and W.E.G. Müller (UMC-‐Mainz): How to write a project proposal 20:00 Dinner
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Friday, 19th September 2014
Day 4 07:15-‐21:00 Field study in the Karst region of Istria Organizer: R. Batel 07:15 Gathering at the BUS-‐station 21:00 Expected return to Rovinj
Saturday, 20th September 2014
Day 5 08:30-‐10:00 Presentation and discussion Organizer: R. Batel 08:30-‐09:15 B. Hamer (RBI) 09:15-‐10:00 A. Jaklin (RBI) 10:00-‐10:30 Coffee break 10:30-‐12:45 Experimental Course Organizer: B. Hamer Laboratory study training course 13:00 Lunch 14:00-‐14:30 E. Pustijanac (UNIPU) 14:30-‐15:00 J. Gardères (RBI) 16:00-‐18:00 Questions and Discussion Organizer: R. Batel The meeting is intended to allow the fellows to discuss with the lecturers and coordinators about their experiences within the projects. By summarizing the output of the CoreShell and Bluegenics projects, the participants are supposed to identify research areas for future exploitation. 20:00 Dinner
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Sunday, 21st September 2014
Day 6 8:30-‐12:30
Practical course Sampling of the microorganisms and nanoparticles in the water column at the open sea with a RV Organizer: M. Blažina Sampling with a boat, dredging around an island and in the Limski Canal Organizer: B. Hamer
Lectures and demonstration aboard: M. Pfannkuchen (RBI) P. Burić (RBI) M. Blažina (NanotecMARIN) P. Paliaga (RBI) 13:00 Lunch 15:00-‐18:30 Kayak excursion around the Rovinj coast, swimming and snorkeling (or free afternoon) 19:30 Dinner / R. Batel closing word
Monday, 22 September 2014 nd
Day 7 Departure of all the participants
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