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Journal ofResearch, SKUAST-J, VoL9, No.1,pp 27-40 (2010)

EFFECT OF GROWTH REGULATORS AND KN0 3 ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF SOYBEAN (Glycine max L.) ABHA CHOHAN and S.K RAINA Department of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-Ld l 004

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ABSTRACT Pot experiment was conducted in the Kharif, 2004 to assess the effect offoliar application ofgrowthregulatorsNAA (10, 20, 30ppm) and 2, 4-D(IO, 20, 30ppm)andnutrientKNO (100, 200, j

300 ppm) on growth and yield ofsoybean. These growth regulators were applied at bud initiation stage and 50 per centjlowering ofthe crop. Among the physiologicalparameters, maximum grain yield (24.83 g/plant), biologicalyield (50.60 g/plant), test weight (172.67 g/plant) and leafarea, dry matter accumulation, RGR, NAR, CGR were recorded in NAA 20 ppm concentration. Correlation analysis revealed that grain yield was positively correlated with all the physiologicalparameters at different stages ofcrop.

Keywords: Soybean, growth regulators, NAA, 2, 4-D, KN0 3 , physiological parameters

INTRODUCTION Soybean (Glycine max L.) is the leading oil seed crop ofthe world in terms ofboth area and production. In the recent years, soybean has become an important crop in India since it yields oil, protein and many other industrial products. Growth regulators are reported to have an effect on growth parameters and yield ofsoybean [1]. Yield potential of pulses is greatly affected by non-leaf synchronous habit, flower drop, nodule disintegration at the time offlowering, heavy senescence at the time of pod development, excessive vegetative growth in response to excessive irrigation and less fruit setting in lower branches of the plant [2]. Plant growth regulators are found to enhance growth and physiological activity ofthe plant [3].

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Exogenous application of growth regulators is one approach to improve crop productivity [4]. Plant growth regulators play an important role in circumventing limitation to improve production. The yield of soybean can be enhanced through physiological growth manipulation by way of foliar application of growth regulators like NAAandnutrients like KN0 3 and Znsr), [5]. The foliar application of nutrients and hormones to certain extent can help in making available the required nutrients to crop for optimum growth and productivity under adverse conditions of soil. The pulse and oil seed crop yields are very poor and this

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discourages their wide cultivation. The plant normally produces large number of flowers but most ofthem abscise and fruit setting is controlled by many factors. So the use of growth regulators proved better to increase the yield. In the present experiment the effect of growth regulators NAA, 2, 4-D and nutrient KN0 3 on growth and yield ofsoybean crop was investigated.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Pot experiment was conducted in the Department of Plant Physiology, College of Basic Sciences, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur (India) during Kharif, 2004 to assess the effect of foliar application of growth regulators (NAA and 2, 4-D) and nutrient KN0 3 on soybean in completely randomized block design (CRBD) with three replications and ten treatments. The treatments comprised of three concentrations (10, 20 and 30 ppm) each ofNAA (Naphthalene acid acetic) and 2,4- D (2-4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and three concentrations (100, 200 and 300 ppm) ofKN03 (Potassium nitrate) and control (without any treatment). The seeds ofsoybean (c.v. Harit Soya) were sown in 30 em th

diameter pots on 9 July 2004. The growth regulators and KN0 3 were sprayed at bud initiation and 50 per cent flowering stage of crop. Leaf area, dry matter accumulation, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and crop growth rate (CGR) were recorded at 45,60, 75, 90 days after sowing (DAS) and at

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HI = Economic yield

Biological yield X 100

Table 1: Effect of growth regulators and KNO3 on leaf area in soybean.

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Treatment T1 (Control) T2 (NAA 10 ppm) T3 (NAA 20 ppm) T4 (NAA 30 ppm) T5 (2, 4-D 10 ppm) T6 (2, 4-D 20 ppm) T7 (2, 4-D 30 ppm) T8 (KNO3 100 ppm) T9 (KNO3 200 ppm) T10 (KNO3 300 ppm) CD (5%)

45 156.20 157.60 158.00 156.82 156.59 156.80 156.75 156.50 156.50 156.45 NS

Leaf area plant-1 (cm2) Days after sowing 60 75 90 290.10 509.20 295.53 356.23 582.50 321.57 375.34 592.73 327.31 354.63 576.15 315.70 350.53 560.63 312.89 354.74 562.73 315.27 345.45 558.66 310.04 341.44 542.87 306.30 342.16 545.09 308.13 340.28 541.06 302.60 3.7 3.2 1.15

At harvest 170.87 210.37 213.16 206.00 202.99 205.81 195.03 185.00 187.63 181.29 3.71

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Treatment T1 (Control) T2 (NAA 10 ppm) T3 (NAA 20 ppm) T4 (NAA 30 ppm) T5 (2, 4-D 10 ppm) T6 (2, 4-D 20 ppm) T7 (2, 4-D 30 ppm) T8 (KNO3 100 ppm) T9 (KNO3 200 ppm) T10 (KNO3 300 ppm) CD (5%)

45 4.63 4.99 5.30 4.95 4.88 4.96 4.85 4.86 4.90 4.81 NS

Dry matter (g plant-1) Days after sowing 60 75 90 9.65 12.65 15.70 12.97 16.57 17.35 13.15 17.15 17.76 12.82 16.20 17.24 12.52 15.90 16.93 12.71 16.11 17.22 12.30 15.56 16.56 11.37 15.25 16.30 11.89 15.37 16.40 11.11 15.03 16.26 0.39 0.47 0.37

At harvest 15.75 17.42 18.26 17.36 17.13 17.26 16.70 16.38 16.49 16.32 0.35

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T 1 (Control) T 2 (NAA 10 ppm) T 3 (NAA 20 ppm) T 4 (NAA 30 ppm) T 5 (2, 4-D 10 ppm) T 6 (2, 4-D 20 ppm) T 7 (2, 4-D 30 ppm) T 8 (KNO 3 100 ppm) T 9 (KNO 3 200 ppm) T 10 (KNO 3 300 ppm) CD (5%)

RGR (g day -1 ) Days after sowing 45-60 0.0395 0.0634 0.0642 0.0632 0.0626 0.0627 0.0606 0.0566 0.0577 0.0558 0.0002

60-75 0.0105 0.0330 0.0349 0.0310 0.0242 0.0256 0.0241 0.0231 0.0240 0.0224 0.0005

75-90 0.0080 0.0300 0.0320 0.0298 0.0208 0.0215 0.0205 0.0195 0.0202 0.0187 0.0003

At harvest 0.00098 0.00185 0.00200 0.00180 0.00137 0.00141 0.00133 0.00120 0.00125 0.00115 0.00002

NAR (g cm -2 day -1 )

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Treatment T 1 (Control) T 2 (NAA 10 ppm) T 3 (NAA 20 ppm) T 4 (NAA 30 ppm) T 5 (2, 4-D 10 ppm) T 6 (2, 4-D 20 ppm) T 7 (2, 4-D 30 ppm) T 8 (KNO 3 100 ppm) T 9 (KNO 3 200 ppm) T 10 (KNO 3 300 ppm) CD (5%)

Days after sowing 45-60 60-75 75-90 0.00154 0.00080 0.00036 0.00224 0.00142 0.00092 0.00229 0.00146 0.00095 0.00210 0.00130 0.00080 0.00203 0.00125 0.00077 0.00209 0.00129 0.00079 0.00200 0.00121 0.00074 0.00183 0.00106 0.00059 0.00188 0.00110 0.00065 0.00177 0.00101 0.00055 0.00004 0.00003 0.00002


Treatment T1 (Control) T2 (NAA 10 ppm) T3 (NAA 20 ppm) T4 (NAA 30 ppm) T5 (2, 4-D 10 ppm) T6 (2, 4-D 20 ppm) T7 (2, 4-D 30 ppm) T8 (KNO3 100 ppm) T9 (KNO3 200 ppm) T10 (KNO3 300 ppm) CD (5%)


At harvest 0.000058 0.000089 0.000091 0.000088 0.000063 0.000070 0.000060 0.000054 0.000059 0.000053 0.000004

CGR (g cm day ) Days after sowing 45-60 60-75 75-90 At harvest 0.332 0.313 0.259 0.207 0.345 0.334 0.278 0.217 0.356 0.345 0.285 0.219 0.343 0.330 0.277 0.216 0.340 0.322 0.275 0.215 0.342 0.327 0.278 0.216 0.340 0.321 0.273 0.214 0.338 0.318 0.266 0.212 0.339 0.320 0.270 0.213 0.337 0.317 0.265 0.211 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003

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NAA treatment with 20 ppm concentration followed by other concentrations of NAA of 10 and 30 ppm and minimum in control at all stages of development. Maske et. al. [14] observed similar beneficial effect ofseed application ofNAA (50 ppm) and reported that CGR increased significantly during 30-45 DAS and 45-60 DAS with increasing concentration ofNAA upto 50 ppm. Crop growth rate (CGR) increased due to increase in dry matter production.

Yield contributing characters Number ofpodsperplant Downloaded From IP - on dated 10-Jul-2011

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All the treatments increased pod setting significantly in a positive manner as compared to control (Table 6). At maturity stage, highest number of pods per plant was recorded in the pots treated with 20 ppm NAA followed by 10 ppm and 30 ppm NAA, respectively. Application of2, 4-D - 30 ppm was at par with 2, 4-D -10 ppm. Lowest number ofpods per plant was recorded in control.

Average seedsperpod There was marked improvement in average seeds per pod due to effect of various growth regulators and KN0 3 (Table 6). The significantly higher number of seeds per pod was recorded in NAA - 20 ppm. All treatments ofNAA (20, 10 and 30 ppm) showed higher number of seeds per pods followed by 2, 4-D (20, 10 and 30 ppm) and KN0 3 (200, 100 and 300 ppm) treatments respectively. The significantly lowest number of seeds per plant was recorded in control as comparison to other treatments.

Podlength Length ofpods increased significantly due to use ofvarious concentrations of growth regulators in comparison to control (Table 6). The maximum length of pods (4.80 em) was observed in NAA - 20 ppm followed by its 10 ppm (4.64 em) and 30 ppm (4.62 em) concentrations. Treatments 2, 4-D - 10 ppm, 30 ppm were at par with each other but among the 2, 4-D treatments 20 ppm concentration was best.

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Pods/ Average Pod Test Grain Biological Harvest Plants seed/pod length weight yield yield index (cm) (g/plant) (g/plant) (g/plant) (%) T1 (Control) 39.30 2.05 4.17 128.21 12.01 35.61 33.73 T2 (NAA 10 ppm) 55.15 2.85 4.64 164.81 22.68 48.30 46.96 T3 (NAA 20 ppm) 59.02 2.96 4.80 172.67 24.83 50.60 49.09 T4 (NAA 30 ppm) 55.09 2.82 4.62 162.40 21.68 45.20 47.96 T5 (2, 4-D 10 ppm) 50.20 2.77 4.59 160.47 20.36 42.90 47.46 T6 (2, 4-D 20 ppm) 54.05 2.81 4.61 161.10 21.09 45.10 46.66 T7 (2, 4-D 30 ppm) 49.29 2.75 4.54 158.33 19.30 41.40 46.62 T8 (KNO3 100 ppm) 45.10 2.64 4.30 142.60 15.60 40.66 38.37 T9 (KNO3 200 ppm) 48.24 2.68 4.34 145.68 18.60 42.80 42.46 T10 (KNO3 300ppm) 44.92 2.59 4.27 140.54 14.30 38.40 37.24 CD (5%) 1.87 0.09 0.06 1.54 0.42 0.49 1.12

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Biological yield It is evident from the mean values that marked improvement in biological

yield was with the treatment of growth regulators and KN0 3 (Table 6). Maximum biological yield (50.60 g/plant) was obtained in pots treated with 20 ppm NAA followed by 10 and 30 ppm NAA20, 10 and 30 ppm 2, 4-D and 200,100 and 300 ppm KN0 3, respectively. Minimum biological yield (35.61 g/plant) was observed in control. Harvest index Downloaded From IP - on dated 10-Jul-2011

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The highest harvest index (49.09 %) was recorded in NAA20 ppm followed by 10 and 30 ppm NAAand 20, 10 and 30 ppm 2, 4-D, and 200, 100 and 300 ppm KN0 3 treatments, respectively. Lowest harvest index (33.73 %) was recorded in

control. The overall growth and development of the crop is reflected in the development of yield contributing parameters which affect the final yield of the crop as these parameters are positively correlated to seed yield. Yield is synthesis and outcome of physiological and biochemical processes. Application of growth regulators and KN0 3 significantly affected yield components and finally the yield, 20 ppm NAA being the best. Among all yield components, the number ofpods per plant was most responsive especially to NAA application. Average seeds per pod, test weight and biological yield were also increased significantly by various treatments. The increase in yield might be due to increase in number of pods, test weight and increased duration ofseed filling, The nutrients like KN0 3 may promote translocation of assimilates to the economic yield and there by increased sink size. These results are supported by those observed by [15] in pigeon pea. The increase in yield was due to the increase in number of flowers per plant and high fertility coefficient imparted by the foliar application of growth regulators and nutrient chemicals [16]. The results are also supported by [17] and [18] who observed that application ofgrowth regulators like NAA in soybean and pigeonpea, at flowering

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S. No.



Yield v/s Leaf area

2 3 4 5 6

Yield v/s Dry matter accumulation Yield v/s Relative growth rate Yield v/s Net assimilation rate Yield v/s Crop growth rate Yield v/s Yield attributes a. Pods per plant b. Test weight c. Average seeds per pod d. Pod length e. Biological yield f. Harvest Index

At 60 DAS At 75 DAS At harvest 60-75 DAS 60-75 DAS 60-75 DAS

Correlation coefficient 0.86* 0.81* 0.86* 0.71* 0.82* 0.89*

At harvest At harvest At harvest At harvest At harvest At harvest

0.92* 0.90* 0.83* 0.89* 0.65* 0.87*


Journal ofResearch, SKUAST-J

Correlation among different parameters showed that grain yield is positively correlated with dry matter accumulation, leaf area, RGR, CGR and NAR [19; 20]. NAA increased longevity of functional leaves, promoted the elongation of cells, significantly enhanced the leaf weight and leaf area of groundnut which finally increased the yield [8]. These findings also corroborate with the findings of [21] in soybean. Total dry matter is the integral of crop growth rate over the entire growth period, and is related to grain yield. [16] reported that increase in yield was positively correlated with dry matter production. This is due to the efficient

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assimilate translocation to the developing sink leading to the increased number of clusters and flowers per plant that ultimately resulted in higher grain yield. Crop growth rate is positively correlated with yield because as the dry matter production increases, CGR also increases and ultimately it increases the yield. Growth regulators play important role in increasing CGR. The observations are in conformity with [14]. Net assimilation rate denotes increase in plant dry weight per unit leaf area of assimilatory tissue per unit time, also correlated positively with yield. NAR increases and ultimately increases the yield. Growth regulators play important role in enhancing NAR. Similarly RGR is positively correlated with yield.


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14. Maske VG, Deotale RD, Sorte NY, Goranangar HB, Chore CN 1998. Influence of GA 3 and NAA on growth and yield contributing parameters of soybean. J Soils Crops 8: 20-22. 15. ReddyPJ,SubbaRDV,RamaRG,MahalakshmiBK2000.Effectofpotassium nitrate and naphthalene acetic acid on growth and yield ofpigeon pea. Madras AgrilJ87: 61-66. 16. Chandrasekhar CN, Bangarusamy U 2003. Maximizing the yield of mung bean by foliar application of growth regulating chemicals and nutrients. Downloaded From IP - on dated 10-Jul-2011

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MadrasAgrilJ90: 142-145. 17. Kamal M, Takashashi H, Mikoshiba H, Ota Y 1995. Analysis ofsoybean yield components as affected by plant growth regulators applied at flowering stages. JapaneseJTropicalAgric39: 184-189. 18. Parkasa, RJS, Narayanan A 1997. Effect of water and light stress and foliar application of auxins on flower abscission and seed yield of pigeon pea. Madras AgriclJ 84: 127-129. 19. Kumar S, Bajpai GC 1992. Association analysis for grain yield and some quantitative traits in Lentil over seasons. Indian J Pulse Res 5: 128-131. 20. Sahoo NC, Guru SK 1998. Physiological basis of yield variation in short duration cultivars ofrice. Indian J Plant Physiol3: 36-41. 21. PatraAK, Tripathi SK, Samaui 1995. Effect ofpresoaking seed treatment with growth regulators on growth and yield ofground nut. Thesis submitted to Dr. PDKV,Akota (India) pp. 34-65.

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