Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology (JCEET) p-ISSN: 2349-8404 e-ISSN: 2349-879X Editor-in-Chief: Prof. (Dr.) D.P. Kothari Ph.D., FNAE, FNASc, Fellow-IEEE, LMISTE Former Director General, J B GROUP OF NSTITUTIONS, Hyderabad Former Director General, RGI, Nagpur Emeritus Director General, V.I.T.S, Indore Former Vice Chancellor, VIT, Vellore Former Director I/C, IIT Delhi Former Deputy Director (Admin) Former Prof & Head, Centre For Energy Studies, IIT, Delhi Former Principal, VRCE, Nagpur
Editorial Board Members: Dr. G. C. Mishra, Ph. D. Environmental Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering MVN University, Palwal, Haryana, India
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Published by: Krishi Sanskriti Publications E-47, Rajpur Khurd Extn., Post Office – I.G.N.O.U. (Maidangarhi) New Delhi-110068, INDIA Contact No. +91-8527006560 Website: http://www.krishisanskriti.org/jceet.html
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology (JCEET) Website: http://www.krishisanskriti.org/Publication.html Aims and Scope: Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology (JCEET) (Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349879X) is a quarterly international open access journal of the Krishi Sanskriti (http://www.krishisanskriti.org), a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under society registration act 1860 which is engaged in academic and economic development of the society with special emphasis on integrating industry and academia. The journal JCEET is devoted to publication of original research on various aspects of civil and environmental engineering including the technological leads in the formative stage which has a promise for a pragmatic application. The scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following fields: structure engineering, geotechnics, construction engineering, engineering mechanics, and engineering materials, environmental engineering, hydrotechnical engineering, earthquakes, water resources, hydraulic and hydraulic structures, construction management and material, environmental chemistry, environmental biology, ecology geoscience and environmental physics. Appropriate subjects include basic and applied research on atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments pollution control and abatement technology, environmental health study and toxicology, environmental quality assessment, environmental standards and criteria and so on. Publication is open to all researchers from all over the world. Manuscripts to be submitted to the Journal must represent original research reports and has not been submitted elsewhere prior to or after submission to this journal for publication. All the manuscripts submitted for consideration in JCEET is subject to peer-review for taking up final decision on acceptance for publication, and decision of the editorial team will be final. All papers will be reviewed by at least two referees who are peers in their field of research and by an Editor of the Journal or as appointed by the Editor-in-Chief to be responsible for editing the manuscript. The authors agree to automatically transfer the copyright to the publisher (Krishi Sanskriti Publications), if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. © 2014 Krishi Sanskriti Publications, India Printed in India No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owners. DISCLAIMER The authors are solely responsible for the contents of the papers compiled in this volume. The publishers or editors do not take any responsibility for the same in any manner. Errors, if any, are purely unintentional and readers are requested to communicate such errors to the editors or publishers to avoid discrepancies in future. The journal may publish supplements to the journal in the form of monographs etc. also, but all costs related to the production of supplements are to be paid by the orderer/author. The contacts in this regard may be made prior with the Editor-in-Chief or the editorial office. Supplements will be treated in the same way as other submissions. Submission of Manuscripts Please visit the journal’s home pages at http://www.krishisanskriti.org/jceet.html for details of aims and scope, readership, instruction to authors and publishing procedure and table of contents. Use website to order a subscription, reprints and individual articles.
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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology (JCEET) Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Contents Highway Safety Arun Kumar Singh1, Ramendra Pandey2 and Ashish Pandey3
Green Concrete Ashish Pandey1, Ramendra Pandey2 and Shweta Yadav3
Analysing Water Quality Parameters for Liquid Waste from Distillery Dravin KumarDev1, Ms.Sunayana2 and A.K. Mishra3
Soft Computing and Regression Models for Compressive Strength of BFS and SP Mixed Concrete Y K BIND1, Keshav Sharma2, N N Harry3 and Y K Kushwaha4
Time History Analysis of Irregular Reinforced Concrete High Rise Building with Shear Wall Keshav. K. Sharma1, S. K. Duggal2, R. K. Pandey3 and Sanjay Singh4
Retrofitting Methods for Unreinforced Masonry Structure Mahesh Yadav1 and Vinay Kumar Singh2
Analysis of Seismic Loads acting on Multistory Building as per IS: 1893-2002 and IS: 1893-2016 :- A comparative Study Ravikant Singh1 and Vinay Kumar Singh2
Geosynthetics: A Smart and Sustainable Material for Construction and Soil Improvement Shivani Verma1 and Vikas Kumar2
Fluoride Removal Techniques from Groundwater: A Review Shulbha Singh1, Athar Hussain2 and Mimansa Gulati3
Study of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water Quality of Indira Nagar, Gorakhpur Surya Pratap Singh1 and Sunayana2
Comparative Study of different Waste Materials as an Adsorbent for Fluoride Removal from Groundwater Anju Gulia1, Athar Hussain2 and Mimansa Gulati3
Anaerobic Co-digestion of Lignocellulosic Waste Co-Digested with Food Waste under Mesophillic Conditions Pushkar Adhikari1, Athar Hussain2 and Mimansa Gulati3
The Energy Potential of Rice Straw by the Thermal and Biological Method: A Comparative Study Suraj Negi1, Athar Hussain2 and Mimansa Gulati3
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017, pp. 382-383 © Krishi Sanskriti Publications http://www.krishisanskriti.org/Publication.html
Highway Safety Arun Kumar Singh1, Ramendra Pandey2 and Ashish Pandey3 1,2,3
P.G. Student Madan Mohan Malaviya university of Technology Gorakhpur 273010 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract—The construction of Structure and highway is very important for development of any nation. Major part of economy of nation depends on the highway because in India the transportation mainly depends on highway. There is a heavy loss occurs when accidents happened on the highway. The many goods like milk, milk products, fruits, vegetables etc. reach on their destination on a limited or fixed time. Due to accidents the jam held on the highway. For reduction of accidents and improvement in economy, the safety of highway is necessary. The main goal of this research paper is highway safety and the method used in highway safety. Highway safety depends on the factors mainly traffic volume, pavement design, crash factor, curve provided in highway, alignment of highway. The statistical method of analysis and application of GIS is used for highway safety assessment. Keywords: Highway safety assessment, Accident, Traffic volume, Pavement design, GIS
Introduction Road traffic accident responsible forbillions of death worldwide each year .It has largest contributors. Road traffic accident are often covered in the media simply as events—not as a leading killer of people and an enormous drain on a country’s human, health and financial resources. By formulating highway safetyas health and development story with in-depth information and data.Writter have chance to influence the way story are told conceivably. Traffic volumes on highways vary with both time and space. Temporal variation occurs with respect to hour, day and month of the year. The highway type, location and route choice behavior of road users cause spatial variation. Even if traffic streams are investigated for the same time and location, the variations of traffic volumes could differ substantially when each vehicle class travelling in the traffic stream is analyzed separately. Factor affecting highway safety
Types of highway Types of pavement Pavement design Traffic volume Highway alignment Curve on highway
Types of highway National highway State highway Major district road Other district road Village road Types of pavement Flexible pavement-Flexible pavement is define as the consisting of a mixture of asphaltic or bituminous material and aggregates placed on a bed of compacted granular material of proper quality in different layers of the subgrade. Water bound macadam roads surface and stabilized soil roads with or without asphaltic toppings are examples of flexible pavements Thus the strength of subgrade primarilyeffects the thickness of the flexible pavement.
Rigid pavement- A rigid pavement is constructed from cement concrete or reinforced concrete slabs. The design of rigid pavement is depend on providing a structural cement concrete slab of enough strength to resists the loads from traffic. The rigid pavement has rigidity and high modulus of elasticity to distribute the load over the soil.
Highway Safety
Traffic volume study-
(e) Designing for pedestrians and cyclists-
Traffic volume is a calculation of the total work done by a resource or facility, normally over 24 hours, and is measured in units of per lane per hours. It is defined as the product of the average traffic intensity and the time period of the study
Pedestrians and cyclists are among the most vulnerable road user and in some countries constitute over half of all road deaths. Interventions aimed at improving safety of nonmotorized users.
Several method is adopted for measuring traffic volume study
Design Sidewalks of suitable width for pedestrian traffic Pedestrian close to the desire line which allow pedestrians to cross roads safely.
Use Segregated pedestrian routes and cycle lanes away from the main highway.
Construct Overbridged (tend to be unpopular with pedestrians and cyclists due to additional distance and effort).
Make Underpasses (these can pose heightened risk from crime if not designed well, can work for cyclists in some cases).
Use Traffic calming and speed humps concept.
Low speed limits that are rigorously enforced, possibly by speed cameras.
Shared space schemes giving holding power of the road space and equal priority to all road users, regardless of mode of use.
Construct Pedestrian barriers to prevent pedestrians crossing dangerous locations
By Toll Plaza Ticketing Registration offices record Statistical Approach By Interviewing of each vehicle By Check posts on several place By using Modern Global Positioning Systems(GPS)
Importance of traffic volume study – Traffic volume study Increase the efficiency and life of road, Reduces traffic volume at a particular section, Provide better means for development of infrastructures. It Provide better means to utilize other roads in case of special events in the city, provide estimate of number of vehicles against number of persons Highway alignmentHighway alignment is define as The position or lay out of center line of the highway on the ground. It includes straight path, horizontal deviation and curves .once highway is constructed then not change in alignment so it is design carefully .some disadvantage of highway alignment asincrease maintenance cost. Increase in vehicle operation cost Increase accident. Factor for controlling alignment-Some special care in hill roads as Stability , Drainage , Geometric standards of hill roads ,Resisting length Obligatory points , Traffic ,Geometric design , Economics ,Other considerations Highway safety assessment. (a) Behavior Modification incorporates Aggressive Driving, Distracted Driving, Impaired Driving, and Ooccupant Protection. (b)Design and Operations incorporates Intersections and Roadway Departure. (c) System Management includes Vehicle Safety and Incident Management.
Conclusion From the above data it is concluded that these concept are helpful for highway safety and it helps for the movement of vehicle from one place to another place without any damage ,it also helps to improve the social and economic condition for the growth of any nation . REFERENCE[1] wikipedia.org-Road_traffic_safety [2] Crime in India. National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. 2007 [3] Sunken B, Edwards P, Roberts I, Green J. Walking, cycling and transport safety: an analysis of child road deaths. J R Sok Med 2006;99(8);402-405 [4] Bannon MJ, Carter YH, Mason KT. Causes of fatal childhood accidents in North Staffordshire 1980-1989. Arch Emerg Med 1992;9:357- and prevention of traffic injuries to urban children and adolescents. Pediatrics 1999;103(6):74 [5] Highway engineering by Khanna and justo. Figure from google.com/highway pavements
(d) Vulnerable Roadway Users has been updated to include High Risk Drivers, Motorcycles, and Non-Motorized Users
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017, pp. 384-387 © Krishi Sanskriti Publications http://www.krishisanskriti.org/Publication.html
Green Concrete Ashish Pandey1, Ramendra Pandey2 and Shweta Yadav3 1,2
P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, India 3Department of Civil Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, India E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract—Concrete is the most commonly used building material in the world. Pollution is becoming more and more serious with the increasing use of concrete in the world. It was observed that 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide is produced per tonne of cement production. By weight the cement composition is almost about 10% of the concrete. The reduction of emission of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is possible by using the green concrete towards the eco-friendly construction techniques. This paper gives an idea about the advantages and disadvantages about the green concrete. Some of the materials used in the manufacturing of green concrete are quarry rocks, crushed concrete marble sludge powder and fly ashes. It also helps in reducing the pollution in the atmosphere
1.1. Requirements of Green Concrete
Keywords: Green Concrete, Pollution, Recycled Materials, Ecofriendly construction, Geo-polymer concrete, Sustainable construction.
5. Their is no increase in cost.
To be called as “Green Concrete” the concrete should have the following requirement: 1. Requires the optimizes use of available materials. 2. It requires the better performance. 3. It enhanced cohesion workabiliry/consistency in the concrete. 4. It reduces shrinkage and creep in the concrete.
6. It reduces the carbon foot print. 7. Certification of LEED.
2. MATERIALS FOR GREEN CONCRETE In ‘Green Concrete’ the word ‘green’ doesn’t represent the colour of the concrete. Green concrete means that the concrete is eco-friendly. In other words, we can say that the concrete which is made from the concrete wastes which are ecofriendly are called as “Green Concrete”. It represent that the concrete requires less energy in its production and produces less carbon dioxide than the normal concrete. The concrete should not be confused by its colour. Due to the use of recycled material the green concrete is considered to be very cheap to produce. At present green concrete is a miracle and tool for future when the natural resources are demolishing
Fig 1: Green Mix Concrete
1. Fly Ash 2. Marble Sludge Powder 3. Quarry Rock Dust 4. Recycled Aggregate 5. Blast Furnace Slag 2.1. Fly Ash It has a number of advantages. It is used to improve the concrete performance in both fresh and hardened state. Fly ash helps in improving the workability of plastic concrete and strength and durability of hardened concrete. Fly ash is mainly available where there coal is being burned. Fly ash is less expensive as compared to the Portland Cement. We can make the best use of the fly ash by utilizing its cemmentitious properties.
Green Concrete
2.2. Marble Sludge Powder Since ancient times Marble is commonly used as a building material. The disposal of the waste materials coming from the marble industry, which consist of very fine powders, is one of the major environmental problems in the worldwide now a days. We can improve the properties of fresh and hardened mortar and concrete by using these waste materials which are successful and economical.
Fig 2: Fly Ash
Fig 5: Marble Sludge Waste
2.3. Quarry Rock Dust It is made by blasting, crushing and screening coarse aggregate. Due to better interlocking it gain in strength and quarry rock dust has rough, sharp and angular particles. As compare to the conventional concrete quarry dust concrete experiences the better sulphate and acid resistance and its permeability is less. Fig 3: Fly Ash Block
Fig 4: Source of Fly Ash
Fig 6: Quarry Rock Dust
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Ashish Pandey, Ramendra Pandey and Shweta Yadav
Fig 9: Recycled Aggregate
2.5. Blast Furnace Slag
Fig 7: Dust Chemical Quarry
It is another excellent cementitious material. In recent year the use of blast furnace slag in concrete is increasing considering and this trend is expected to continue.
2.4. Recycled Aggregate The aggregates which are obtained by crushing the concrete collected from the demolition site called as “Recycled Aggregate”. These types of concretes are previously used in landfills by disposing at the site. It helps in reducing the mining of gravel for making concrete.
Fig 10: Blast Furnace Slag
STRUCTURES 1. It helps in reducing the dead weight of the structure. 2. It reduces the 30% of the emission of carbon dioxide from the concrete industry. 3. Concrete industry increases the 20% use of the waste products. 4. It requires less maintenance and repairs. 5. It helps in sustainable development and reduces the environmental pollution. 6. It helps in reducing the crane age load, allow handling and lifting flexibility with lighter weight. Fig 8: Recycled Aggregates
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Green Concrete
5. It requires less maintenance and repairs.
Following are the application of green concrete:
6. It has good thermal and acid resistance.
1. Widely used in the construction of building.
7. Environmental pollution is reduced.
2. In constructing the columns.
8. By the use of light weight aggregates we can reduce the self weight of the structure.
3. In mass concrete projects.
9. By the use of recycled aggregates it reduces the green mining.
4. Used in bridge construction.
10. As compare to the conventional concrete much change is not required in the preparation of green concrete.
5. In high density radiation shielding.
6. DISADVANTAGES 1. Higher water absorption capacity. 2. In green concrete flexural strength is less. 3. As compare to the conventional concrete shrinkage and creep is high.
7. CONCLUSION In this paper we concluded that there are various means to get the sustainable construction and one of the better means is by Green Concrete. Now a days, construction industry is using Green Concrete technology to get the sustainable construction without affecting the environment. Green concrete helps in decreasing the demand of natural resources. With the help of green concrete technology we can save the natural materials for the future generation. REFERENCES Fig 11: Application of Green Concrete
5. ADVANTAGES 1. It reduces the overall consumption of cement. 2. As compare to conventional concrete it is economical. 3. As compare to conventional concrete it has better compressive and split tensile strength.
[1] Chirag Garg and Aakash Jain (2014), “Green Concrete: Efficient and Eco-Friendly Construction Materials”. [2] Abhijeet Baikerikar (2014), “AReview On Green Concrete”. [3] Https://Theconstrucor.Org/Concrete/Green-Concrete/5566/ (Online). [4] D.B. Desai, A.K. Gupta and Pradeep Kumar (2013), “Green Concrete: Need Of Environment”. [5] Bambang Suhendro (2014), “Toward Green Concrete For Better Sustainable Environment”.
4. It helps in reduction of creep and shrinkage.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017, pp. 388-390 © Krishi Sanskriti Publications http://www.krishisanskriti.org/Publication.html
Analysing Water Quality Parameters for Liquid Waste from Distillery Dravin KumarDev1, Ms.Sunayana2 and A.K. Mishra3 1
M.Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering MMMUT Gorakhpur 2,3 Department of Civil Engineering MMMUT Gorakhpur E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract—The effluent that are originated from distillery are very harmful in nature. Many distillery effluent are dispose into the river or stream without proper treatment which cause change in physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of river/stream. The effluent generated from the distillery is also known as spent wash lead to more water pollution .Industrial waste create a variety of water pollution which is more difficult in treating and more costly the present study is under take to assess the level of physical chemical parameter of distillery spent wash. The parameter is compare with Bureau of Indian standard. Untreated effluent have high BOD rate but low DO rate. The untreated effluent have more harmful to plant so it is no permissible to irrigation the treated effluent is under permissible limit and less toxic and it is use as irrigation purpose. This study was conducted to know the physical and chemical characteristics of distillery waste water like Biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, turbidity, pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solid, Total suspended solid, total solid, chloride. The average values of pH, Turbidity, Acidity, Chloride, Hardness, Total Solid, BOD, DO, Alkalinity are found out. Distillery industries in India pose a very serious threat to the environment because of the large volume of wastewater they generate which contains significant amount of recalcitrant compounds. Distillery spent wash has very high COD and BOD with low pH and dark brown color. The treatment of spent wash using various treatment technologies and reactor configurations has been widely explored.
50000 mg/l and the typical value of chemical oxygen demand (COD) are 100000-1500000 mg/l. all different industries have set there norms for effluent discharges. Due to increasing industrialization the no of pollution is increase like air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution. The increasing level of water pollution is more dangerous to environment and living things. Most of the industries discharge the waste water in the stream without proper treatment which causes more water pollution. Around the industrial area soil and underground water is polluted and due to soil pollution by nearly industries the crop growth rate decreases. Water pollution also increases due to standard of living being, high profile person have high rate of demand of water supply per day. The demand of water supply increases per year due to this led to scarcity of water in the world. . In the world various standards are laid down by agency after analyzing the water quality for different use such as (WHO) world health organization, U.S Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) etc.
1. INTRODUCTION Large amount of dissolved organic matter is present in effluent of distillery. With the help of biological action organic matter is readily decompose, consequently its causes serious damage to aquatic life when distillery effluent is discharge into the stream. In India there are about 145 distilleries, a state wise producing ethyl alcohol by fermentation of molasses and subsequent distillation of the fermented wash. The fermentation is carried out by yeast, which convert the sugar present in the molasses into alcohol while the sludge settle down at the end of the process. The color of the waste water of distillery is dark brown instead of color the spent wash of distillery have high biological oxygen demand, high chemical oxygen demand, high suspended solid, and inorganic solid but low value of ph. The typical range of biological oxygen demand (BOD) 35000-
Fig 1 Map of Study Area
Analysing Water Quality Parameters for Liquid Waste from Distillery For existance of life on the earth water is one of the most important components. For all human being in the world fresh and clean drinking water is needed for survival on the earth, but sadly millions of people are deprived by fresh water in the world. Today in the entire world all the living (being) flora and fauna need water for survival.
Water samples were analyzed for various parameters in the Environmental Laboratory Engineering, Madan Mohan Malviya University, Gorakhpur, various physical and chemical parameters like Temperature, pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS) Hardness, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), disourced oxygen (DO), fluoride, alkalinity have been monitored for the waste water of different places. Plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters with a stopper were used to collect samples. Each The bottle was washed with 2% nitric acid and was washed three times with distilled water. This The bottles were then preserved in a clean place. The bottles were filled with no air space, and So the bottle was stopped to stop any leakage. Each container was clearly marked with Name and date of the sample. 2.2 Physical and Chemical methods of analysis for distillery industry wastewater Table 1: Analytical Methods adopted for Distillery Industry Wastewater Analysis s.no
1 2
pH BOD5 @ 20○C
4 5
Method used
Gravity metric method
Gooch Crucible and electronic Balance, Burner
Experiment used
Dilution method
Volumetric glassware’s, BOD Bottles, Incubator
Open reflux method
COD apparatus, Round Bottom Flask
Gravity metric method
Gooch Crucible and electronic Balance, Burner
Gravity metric method
Gooch Crucible and electronic Balance, Burner
3.1. pH VALUE The pH is measure the alkalinity or acidity and hydrogen ion concentration of the sample. The low pH below 4 indicates acidity and above 7 indicates alkalinity. In the present study the pH value varies from 2.2 to 3.8. According to B.I.S 1998 the pH value is 5.5 to 9.0 when they are discharge into the stream or on land for irrigation purpose. 3.2. BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND VALUE BOD means the total oxygen require of bacteria to decompose the organic matter under aerobic condition. In this study the BOD value is varies from 1419.15 to 1763.89mg/l. The average values according to B.I.S 1998 of biochemical oxygen demand are 30000mg/l to 70000mg/l. But according to CPCB the BOD of discharge spent wash for irrigation purpose on land are 100 mg/l and 30 mg/l for disposal into inland surface. 3.3. COD VALUE The oxygen require to oxidize the organic matter present in given waste water. But in this study chemical oxygen demand of the waste water varies from 2617.53 to 3512.90 mg/l. But the average value of chemical oxygen demand of spent wash is 70000 mg/l to 98000mg/l. According to average value of COD is 500 mg/l after dilution. 3.4. Dissolved Oxygen The determination of DO is very important before discharging the waste into the stream. The 4ppm DO is sufficient for aquatic life in the stream, otherwise it have adverse effect on fish. In this paper the value of Dissolved Oxygen is 2.2 to 3.8 mg/l. According to CPCB the value of dissolved oxygen in spent wash which are discharge on land surface for irrigation purpose are from 4ppm to 6ppm. 3.5. TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLOD In the study area the total dissolved solid is varies from 361mg/l to 461mg/l. The average value of TDS of distillery waste is 58000mg/l to 76000mg/l and 2100mg/l on land disposal after treatment. 3.6. TOTAL SOLID Total amount of solid may be defined as evaporating the sample and weighing the left material. The mass of left material is divided by the total volume of the sample and it is denoted in mg/l. the sample of waste water is evaporated at 105OC in the ballast furnish. According to B.I.S 1998 TS
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Dravin KumarDev, Ms.Sunayana and A.K. Mishra
390 range from 80000 mg/l to 90000mg/l and 2200 mg/l on land disposal after treatment. 3.7. TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLID Suspended solid may be define as those solid which are retain by passing the sample through 1µm pores and therefore also called as non filterable solid. In this project the TSS varies from 199mg/l to 318mg/l. But the TSS is 100 mg/l after treatment by CPCB.
REFERENCE (1). Agrawal, C.S., Pandey, G.S., Soil pollution by spent wash discharge: Depletion of manganese (II) and impairment of its oxidation. J. Environ. 1994. (2). Beauro of Indian standard 1998. (3). CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). Pollution Control Acts, Rules, Notifications issued there under, vol. I.
(4). G.N Pandey and G.C Carney, Environmental Engineering.
In this project the average value of chloride is range from 78 mg/l to 99 mg/l. But according to CPCB the chloride range of spent wash is 5000 mg/l to 6000 mg/l. The treated spent wash of distillery waste which is dispose on land is in range from 50 mg/l to 100 mg/l.
4. CONCLUSION The main objective of this project was analyse the physical and chemical characteristics parameter of distillery waste water. The pH range from 6 to 6.5. According to CPCB distillery effluent standard prescribed limit for irrigation purpose is 5.5 to 9. The Turbidity, TDS and TSS ranged from 145 to 182 NTU, 261 to 361 mg/l and 199 to 318 mg/l respectively. The value of Turbidity was found to be within the prescribe limit. The DO and BOD were in the range of 2.2 to 3.8 mg/l and 1419.33 to 1763.89 mg/l. The prescribe value DO for irrigation purpose according to CPCB are 2ppm to 5ppm .But the prescribed value of BOD of distillery effluent for irrigation purpose 100mg/l in this project the BOD value is above the prescribe value.
Dr.Ahmad Technology.
(6). Management of distillery waste water resource recycling series RERES/4/2001-2002. (7). Goetz, C.A. and R.C. Smith, (1959). Evaluation of various methods and reagents for total hardness and calcium hardness in water. Lowa State J.Sci. 34:81. (8).
Schwarzenbach, G.and H. Flaschika, (1969). Complexometric Titrations, 2nd Ed., Barnes and Noble, Inc., New York, N.Y.
(9). Sawyer Clair N., Perry Z. McCarty, Gener F. Parkin. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering, 4th Edition. (10). C PCB document stating the guidelines values for various water bodies. Rationalization and Optimisation of Water Quality Monitoring Network, CPCB, MINARS, IS-2001-2001. (11). American Society for Testing and Materials, (1195). Standard Methods for Chemical Oxygen Demand (Dichromate Oxygen Demand of Water D1252-95, ASTM Annual Book of Standard, American Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.
Rise in BOD value due to presence of organic matter that are not oxidise during the treatment process
(12). Howard, C.S., (1933). Determination of total dissolved solids in water analysis. Ind. Engg. Chem. Anal. Ed., 5:4.
The COD and Alkalinity were in the range of 2617.53mg/l to 3512.90mg/l and 283mg/l to 340mg/l respectively. The parameters studied resemble the distillery effluent waste water quality.
(13). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA, AWWA and WEF, 21st Edition, 2005
High COD value may occur because of the presence of inorganic substance with which the dichromate can react.
(14). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater; APHA, AWWA and WEF, 21st Edition, 2000.
In addition agricultural, industrial, waste water discharge to surface water are a source of chloride.
(15). Peavey, S. and Rowe, R. Environmental Engineering, Mc- Graw-HILL International.
Alkalinity in waste water result from the presence of hydroxide , carbonate and bicarbonate of element such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and ammonia.
(16). Rajor, A. Kalia, P and Mathur, R, P., Research Journal Chemistry Environment, 2003, 7(2) 59-75. (17). Joshi, H. C., Pathak, H., Choudhary, A., Kalro, N., Problems and prospects fertilizer News. 1996, 41: 41-47.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017, pp. 391-395 © Krishi Sanskriti Publications http://www.krishisanskriti.org/Publication.html
Soft Computing and Regression Models for Compressive Strength of BFS and SP Mixed Concrete Y K BIND1, Keshav Sharma2, N N Harry3 and Y K Kushwaha4 1,2,3,4
[email protected],
[email protected], 3
[email protected],
[email protected] 1
Abstract-–This research is prepared with a notion that it will encourage the use of soft computing methods in the field of concrete technology since these methods are being extensively used in many field of engineering now a days. Concrete mix design calculation was carried out for blast furnace slag and super plasticizer mixed concrete. Compressive strength was determined by casting cubes in the laboratory. Hence, the mix design calculations and experimental set up yielded set of variables viz. cement content, water content, super plasticizer, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and curing period. Using these variables as inputs and compressive strength as target, two different soft computing methods, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) were employed to understand the nonlinear pattern between concrete mix design data and corresponding compressive strength. Later on, multiple linear and nonlinear regression analysis was also carried out for comparative performance. Compressive strength was satisfactorily modeled with given set of variables using ANN technique. Keywords -Blast Furnace Slag, Super Plasticizer, Artificial Neural Network, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, Regression Analysis.
1. INTRODUCTION A suitable value of compressive strength of concrete is the primary and most important requirement of hardened concrete to ensure satisfactory performance under service load. However, binding capacity, strength and workability of conventional concrete is often below expectations. To overcome this problemuse of admixtures in concrete are encouraged. Mineral admixtures increases the binding capacity of concrete (Huang et. al, 2013 and Nath&Sarker, 2011). In addition, chemical admixture are used to increase the workability of concrete (Elsageer et. al., 2009 andJatale et. al., 2013). Hence, this study takes into account the use of Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) and Super Plasticizer (SP) into concrete mix. Variation in behavior of conventional concrete materials and admixturein different places, vagueness in design
parameters like workability, shrinkage of cement and shape of aggregate causes substantial imprecision in the design strength even though quite a lot of care had taken in the calculation of design mixes and subsequent preparation of laboratory samples. Casted cubes takes several days in curing. Soft computing methods can offer a ground to overcome the difficulties involved in standard design mix process and save time involved in curing. This research paper is prepared to examine the feasibilityArtificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in determining the concrete compressive strength. Two regression analysis were also carried out to compare the results of ANN and ANFIS models with the regression models.
2. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK A large number of interconnected processing units (also called as neuron) working on the principle of biological neuronal cell is called as Artificial Neural Network (Goh, 2002).Function and structural aspects of ANN is same as a bunch of biological neurons. ANN is advanced and standard tools to find solutions to a wide variety of non-linear statistical data complications (Hanna et. al., 2007).Interconnections among neurons are established by weights. The ANNs are arranged in three or more layers (depending on number of hidden layers). The very first layer is input layer, second layer is hidden layers and last layer is target layer. Each layer of neurons has connections to all the neurons in next layer. Each neuron receives an input signals from the previous neuron. Each of these connections has numeric weights associated with it. Figure 1 shows the simplest form of ANN.
Y K BIND, Keshav Sharma, N N Harry and Y K Kushwaha
bias bk Activation Function ∑xiwki
Φ(. )
Figure 1 simplest form of ANN
Where x 1 , x 2 , …,x m are input signals; w k1 , w k2 , …., w km are synaptic weights of neuron k; u k is the linear combiner output; b k is the bias ;φ (.) is the activation function; v k is the induced local field or activation potential; and y k is the output signal (Haykin, 2006).
3. NEUROFUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM There are various categories of neurofuzzy system which is essentially an integration of ANN and Fuzzy logic. However Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) which was originally proposed by Jhang, 1993 is frequently used due to its simplicity and vast applicability. Fuzzy inference systems are mainly composed of a rule base, a database and a decision making unit(Habibagahi, 2002). The steps of FIS consist of fuzzification, allotment of membership grade, rule base development by employing if, then reasoning and finally defuzzification i.e. fuzzy set into crisp set. This is how an input variable x is fuzzified to be a partial member of the fuzzy set A by transforming it into a degree of membership of function µ A (x) of interval (0, 1)(Shahin et.Al., 2003). A typical ANFIS structure containing zero order and first order Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) model are shown below (Figure 2 & 3).
Figure 2: Sugeno method of fuzzy inference system
Figure 3 Architecture of ANFIS model in conjunction with Sugeno FIS
A typical rule in a Sugeno fuzzy model has the form, if input x = A 1 and input y = B 1 , then output is given as f 1 = p 1 x + q 1 y+ r 1. For a zero-order Sugeno model, the output level f 1 is a constant (p 1 = q 1 =0).Likewise,If input x = A 2 and input y = B 2 , then output is given as f 2 = p 2 x + q 2 y+ r 1. For a zeroorder Sugeno model, the output level f 2 is a constant (p 2 = q 2 =0). Butif outputf 1 ,f 2 are linear then we have first order TSK fuzzy inference system. The output level f i of each rule is weighted by the firing strength w i of the rule. For example, for an AND rule with input x = A i and input y = B i , the firing strength is w i = And Method {µ A i (x), µ B i (y)}, i=1,2 (8) Where, µ A i (.) and µ B i (.) are the membership functions for inputs 1 and 2. The final output of the system is the weighted average of all rule outputs, computed as shown in Equation 1 below Overall output = ∑𝑖𝑖 𝑤𝑤̅𝑖𝑖 𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑖 =
∑𝑖𝑖 𝑤𝑤 𝑖𝑖 𝑓𝑓 𝑖𝑖 ∑𝑖𝑖 𝑤𝑤 𝑖𝑖
4. DEVELOPMENT OF CONCRETE MIX DESIGN DATA The concrete mix data used in this research paper was developed in laboratory by casting cubes of Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) and Super Plasticizer (SP) mix concrete. BFS and SP were used as partial replacement of cement and water respectively. Total 170 samples of cubes were casted to carry out compression test. The discussion on properties of BFS and design mix calculations are avoided here due to limitation of space. The compression testing machine was used to break the casted cubes of concrete for curing period of 3, 7, 28, 56, and 91 days. In this manner,seven variable data matrix was prepared from BFS and SP mixed concrete. These variables were cement content (CC), water content (w), coarse aggregate (CA), fine aggregate (FA), BFS, SP and curing period (CP).These seven variable were taken as input in both soft computing methods. The concrete compressive strength (CCS) obtained from compression test was taken as target parameter in both methods.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Soft Computing and Regression Models for Compressive Strength of BFS and SP Mixed Concrete
A typical representationof above discussed variables is given in Table 1. Serial no. 1 – 6 in this table illustrates the ranges of each components of concrete in Kilograms in one m3 mixture of concrete.Serial no. 7 (curing periods) and 8 (Concrete Compressive Strength) are in days and MPa respectively. 145 datasets were used to develop the soft computing and regression models and remaining 25 datasets were reserved to validate the models. Table1-Range of input and target parameters Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Input Parameters
Cement Content (CC) Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) Water content (w) Super Plasticizer (SP) Coarse Aggregate (CA) Fine Aggregate (FA) Curing Period (CP) Concrete Compressive Strength (CCS)
133.00 50.00 126.60 2.00 811.00 605.00 3.00 18.28
475.00 282.80 214.00 32.20 1134.30 992.60 91.00 82.60
Figure 4 ANN network architecture
6. ANFIS ATTRIBUTES Subtractive clustering was used with hybrid optimization to generate ANFIS models. Hybrid optimization is a combination of least-squares and back propagation gradient descent method. Training was carried out for fifty iterations only since more iterations results over-fitting in training output and FIS out.
7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The best validation performance was obtained at MSE of 0.0043939 at second number of cycle(Figure 5).
5. ANN ATTRIBUTE AND ARCHITECTURE As discussed in previous articlesback-propagation neural network (BPNN) was employed for all kind of operations. Training in BPNN is carried out through the minimization of the defined error function using the gradient descent approach (Chua and Goh, 2003). There exists many ways to improve the rate of convergence one of them is normalization, therefore datasets were normalized using following equation (Rafiq et. Al., 2001,Kayadelen, 2008 and, Gunaydım, 2009). 𝑈𝑈𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 =
𝑈𝑈 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 −𝑈𝑈𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑈𝑈𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 −𝑈𝑈𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
(10) Figure 5 MSE plot from ANN model
The ANN toolbox inMATLAB (R2010a)computer added software was utilized to perform the necessary computation in which learning rate (LR) and momentum term kept constant whereas connection weights kept adjustable for all the models. ANN network architecture with a hidden layer (ten number of neurons in hidden layer) is shown in Figure 4. It describes the way the network was treated from given set of input and target parameters.
Figure6 shows continuously decreasing trend of mean squared error in ANFIS model. Error was decreased to a value of 0.0182393 which is highercompared to ANN. This indicates improper training and it may yield in poor predictability. Total sixteen number of fuzzy rules were developed after minimization of error.
N1 N2 N3
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Y K BIND, Keshav Sharma, N N Harry and Y K Kushwaha
Figure 8a & b shows coefficient of determination obtained fromANN and ANFIS models respectively. The R2 was 0.8275 for ANN model. Contrary to ANN models, the performance of ANFIS model got declined giving R2 = 0.4886. The higher performance of ANN model may be attributed to higher number of inputs. However, same could be the cause of underperformance of ANFIS that is it don’t work well with higher number of inputs. Poor predictability also depends on several other factors also like nature of input and validation data, optimization of fuzzy rule bases and training parameters.
Predicted Compressive Strength (MPa)
Figure 6Training error in concrete ANFIS model
90 80 y = 0.738x + 12.91 R² = 0.488 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0
Actual Compressive Strength (MPa)
Concrete compressive strength (CCS) of BFS and SP mixed concrete was selected as dependent variable in multiple linear regression (MLR) and multiple nonlinear regression (MNR) analysis. Dependent variables were same as input in case of soft computing models. The SPSS 20 statistical software was used for developing regression models. The multiple linear equation obtained from MLR analysis is gives as: CCS = 0.696+ (0.439cc) + (0.296BFS) - (0.636w) (0.375SP) - (0.378CA) - (0.434FA) + (0.499CP) (11)
Figure 8b ANFIS Prediction for BFS & SP Mixed Concrete The values of gradients and intercept obtained from regression analysis are shown in above equation. The R2 obtained from compressive strength yielded by this multiple linear equation and actual compressive strength was 0.5885 (Figure 9a). Multivariate power equation was adopted for MNR analysis. Same set of independent and dependent variable yielded following multivariate power function CCS = 2.032895cc 0.864565 BFS 0.476152 w CA -0.1991FA -0.048406CP 0.215445(12)
– 72.328
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
This MNR model yielded R2 = 0.7354 (Figure 9b) which is higher than R2 obtained from MLR analysis. It shows that multivariate power equation can model concrete compressive strength better than multiple linear equation. Overall it can be observed that soft computing method may satisfactorily model concrete compressive strength by offering favorable conditions to them.
y = 0.835x + 8.181 R² = 0.827
Actual Compressive Strength (MPa)
Figure 8a ANN Prediction for BFS & SP Mixed Concrete
Predicted Copressive Stength (MPa)
Predicted Compressive Strength (MPa)
90 80 y = 0.645x + 19.97 R² = 0.588
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0
Actual compressive Strength (MPa)
Figure 9a MLR Prediction for BFS & SP Mixed Concrete
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Predicted Compressive Strength (MPa)
Soft Computing and Regression Models for Compressive Strength of BFS and SP Mixed Concrete
90 80
70 y = 0.748x + 13.32 R² = 0.735 60
50 [5]
40 30 20
10 0 0
Actual Compressive Strength (MPa)
Figure 9b MNR Prediction for BFS & SP Mixed Concrete
The study was carried out to test the ability of soft computing methods in determining concrete compressive strength. Based on obtained results it was concluded that higher number of inputs decreased training error considerably in ANN modeling. Hence, ANN models with seven input variables gave good performance evaluation measure. Contrary to ANN model, performance of ANFIS was severely affected due to higher number of inputs. Hence, ANFIS model can be further examined when number of inputs are less. Another important conclusion drawn from regression analysis is that multivariate power regression equations have far greater ability to work with higher number of data matrix. However, multiple linear regression was not found suitable for modeling compressive strength.
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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017, pp. 396-400 © Krishi Sanskriti Publications http://www.krishisanskriti.org/Publication.html
Time History Analysis of Irregular Reinforced Concrete High Rise Building with Shear Wall Keshav. K. Sharma1, S. K. Duggal2, R. K. Pandey3 and Sanjay Singh4 1,3,4
Department of Civil Engineering, SHUATS, Allahabad 2Department of Civil Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad
Abstract—In this research work effect of plan and vertical irregularities of a 20 story high rise building located in zone-V have been studied. An attempt has been made to investigate the responses of the buildings forreal seismic event that took place in LomaPrieta.To investigate the seismic responses of the building, modelling and analysis has been carried out in STAAD.Pro.V8i (ss6).The building has been modelled with and without shear walls, and ideal positions of shear walls have been identified in the building. Time history analysis (incorporating Loma Gilroy acceleration-time history) has been carried out as perIS: 1893-2002. The results showa higher base shear, lateral displacement and acceleration in case of the building with vertical irregularitiesthan that with plan irregularities. Keywords: Dynamic analyses, Time-history analyses, Shear walls, Loma Prieta.
1. INTRODUCTION Due to high population growth rate, rapid urbanization is taking place resulting in high rise structures to conserve the urban land for other useful puposes. To beautify the cities, large number of new buildings with unique design of structureshave adopted innovative aesthetics views like Icon Hotel in Dubai (Berahman, 2010), China Pavilion in Shanghai (Yang et al., 2011) and BurjKhalifa in Dubai.Appealingly good structures usually have setbacks in plan or vertical or both. The discontinuity, setbacks which leads to reduced lateral stiffness and high stress concentration due to sudden change in geometry. Setbacks also results in non-uniform distribution of mass, which may have significant effect on seismic responses of structure (Lu et al., 2011). Determining seismic responses of structures with setbacks are quite complex since large number of variables are involved (Humar et al., 1977). Therefore, in becomes important to knowseismic behaviour of these special structures when subjected to dynamic loading. Many researchers in the past have studied seismic behaviour of asymmetric structures. Aranda (1984) compared the regular and setback structures in terms of ductility demand and observed that ductility demand of setback structures are higher. Khoury et al., (2005) performed the nonlinear dynamic analysis on 49 storey asymmetric frame structure and conclude that higher modes, specially the
torsional modes have great influence on seismic responses. In this study time history analyses of buildings irregularities in plan and elevation is attempted using real time earthquake event of Loma Prieta 1989 recorded at Loma Gilroy station is attempted. In this paper lateral deflection, base shearand acceleration are discussed.
2. MODELLING AND ANALYSIS 20 storey high rise building with structural height 62 m has been modelled in STAAD.Pro.V8i (SS6).Two types of base structures are considered viz., plan irregular and vertical irregular. Plan dimensions of vertical irregular building at ground floor is 24.5 × 24.5 mwhereas plan irregular building is in T-shape throughout the height. Each storey height of 3 m and framing plan grid of 3.5 × 3.5 m is considered in both cases.In vertical irregular building, vertical irregularity starts at 29.0 m from foundation level with continuous setbacks of 3.5 m at each storey up to roof level. T-shape building has flange width of 24.5 m, flange thickness of 7.0 m, web length of 17.5 m and web thickness of 10.5 m.Fig. 1 (a-b) shows the isometric view of plan irregular and vertical irregular buildings. Further, shear walls are also modelled as lateral load resisting system in both types of buildings. Shear walls of panel size (3.5 × 3.0 m) are modelled as surface element with fine meshing continuing throughout the height of building. Many configurations have been modelledto optimize location of shear walls in each type of building. Optimum locations of shear walls are shown in Fig. 2 (a-b). Materials and geometry of various structural members considered are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Geometry and material properties of structural members
Structural Member Beam Slab Shear Wall Foundation level to 5th floor
Thickness (m) 0.3×0.5 0.15 0.25 0.5 ×0.5
Grade of concrete M30 M30 M40 M40
Grade of Steel Fe500 Fe500 Fe500 Fe500
Time History Analysis of Irregular Reinforced Concrete High Rise Building with Shear Wall
o l u m n
6th to 10th floor 11th to 15th floor 16th to 20th floor
0.45 ×.45 0.4 ×0.4
0.35 ×.35
M40 M40
Fe500 Fe500
acceleration-time history recorded atLomagilroy station of Loma Prieta earthquake is used. Loma Prieta earthquake is one of the great seismic event in earthquake history that has occurred in 1989 in San Francisco, California along San Andreas Fault. Its magnitude was 6.9 on Richter scale and Maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). It was the disastrous earthquake which took 63 lives, 3757 injuries and caused 4000 landslides resulting in large damage to life and property. Severe ground shaking occurred in Santa Cruz Mountains where buildings collapsed and destroyed by ground shaking and land sliding. Liquefaction occurred on poorly consolidated deposits or man-made fill area at San Francisco Bay area where many buildings collapsed. Recorded Timehistory at Lomagilroy station is shown in Fig. 3, which shows the maximum peak ground acceleration of 0.36 g.
Fig. 3: Acceleration-time history of Loma Prieta earthquke recorded at Lomagilroy Fig. 1. Vertical and plan irregular building
Dynamic analysis is performed as suggested by IS: 18932002 since height of both types of building is 62 m (> 12 m) and have irregularities. 5.0 % critical damping is used as target buildings are of reinforced cement concrete. Design base shear ��� (𝑉𝑉𝐵𝐵 ) is compared with base shear (𝑉𝑉 𝐵𝐵 ) based on fundamental ��� time period, for the case of 𝑉𝑉𝐵𝐵 permissible limit
1-4 mg/lt
> 4 mg/lt / 12 mg/day
4. 5.
> 1 mg/lt( range – 4 to 21 mg/lt) 50 mg/lt
Health effects Effects neuro development in children Skeletal fluorosis and fractures Kidney injury due to dehydration and polyuria Dental fluorosis Suppresses endocrine glands like thyroid
3. FLUORIDE MEASUREMENT Addition of fluoride is certainly effective, but too much fluoride can be harmful; therefore, it is important to have a convenient Method for monitoring fluoride levels. Fluoride presence in water is odourless, tasteless and colourless; therefore the use of instrumentation is must for identifying its concentration in water. Fluoride selective electrode is considered to be the most reliable way of testing water for fluoride, though this method is difficult to do outside of a lab setting. Fluoride selective electrode consists of a lanthanum fluoride crystal (LaF6) which in the presence of fluoride ions, experiences an electro-potential. Several methods have been developed, out of which most of them are colorimetric tests by which fluoride interacts with dyes and chemicals such as SPADNS method, where fluoride determination involves the reaction of fluoride with a red zirconium-dye solution. The fluoride combines with part of the zirconium to form a colourless complex, thus bleaching the red colour in an amount proportional to the fluoride concentration. Though these are less accurate than an electrode method, they can be used in order to evaluate if a body of water is safe to consume.
4. TECHNIQUES FOR FLUORIDE REMOVAL Excessive fluoride level in drinking water in developing countries poses to be a serious problem and its detection demands laboratory equipment, skills and analytical grade chemicals. Preventing fluorosis through management is a tough task as it requires various favourable conditions. Several water treatment techniques are known to be used in order to remove fluoride from the water however, many of these techniques have failed to meet the requirements. In order to select an appropriate method of defluoridation to achieve a sustainable solution for fluorosis problem, the provision for safe, low fluoride water from alternate sources, either as an alternative source or for blending, should be investigated as the very first option. In cases where alternate sources are not available, then defluoridation is the only technique to prevent fluorosis.
This paper attempts to characterize the basics of removal techniques of fluoride from water, followed by discussing the most promising defluoridation techniques; bone char, activated alumina, Nalgonda and finally these methods are compared using indicators, which may be appropriate in developing countries.
5. DEFLUORIDATION TECHNIQUES Defluoridation refers to methods of water treatment that reduce the concentration of fluoride in the water, normally, in order to make it safe for human consumption. The objective of Defluoridation is to prevent or to mitigate endemic fluorosis. Defluoridation technology has to be simple, affordable, reliable and operational. Defluoridation is defined as, “The downward adjustment of level of fluoride in drinking water to the optimal level.” Various techniques of defluoridation can be categorized into four: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Adsorption technique Precipitation technique Ion-exchange technique Other techniques, which includes reverse osmosis, electro- dialysis
Table2. Materials used in different defluoridation techniques Adsorption Carbon materials, Activated Alumina, Magnesia, Tricalcium phosphate, Calcite, Hydroxy apatite, Wood, Lignite, Activated char coal, Fish bone char, Processed bone, Nut shells, Avaram bark, Tea waste, Coir pitch, Fly ash, Bauxite, Serpentine
precipitation Anion exchange resins: NCL poly anion resin, Tulsion A27, Lewatit-MIH59, Amberlite IRA-400, Deacedodite FFIP, Polystyrene. Cation exchange resins: Defluoron-1, Defluoron- 2, Carbion.
Ion exchange Lime, Alum, Lime & Alum (Nalgonda technique), Alum flock blanket method, Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC), Poly Aluminium Hydroxy Sulphate (PAHS), Brushite.
others Electrochemi cal method (Aluminium electrode), Electro dialysis, Electrolysis, Reverse Osmosis.
5.1 conventional techniques 5.1.1 Nalgonda technique Adsorption technique functions on the adsorption of fluoride ions onto the surface of an active agent. Activated alumina, activated carbon and bone char were among the highly tested
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 4, Issue 5; July-September, 2017
Shulbha Singh, S Athar Hussain H and Mim mansa Gulati
adssorbing agentss. After extenssive testing off these materiaals; NE EERI, Nagpur has evolved a simple and economical methhod forr removal of fluoride thatt is referred to as Nalgonnda tecchnique in the year 1975 in response to fluuorosis concerrns. Thhe methods are a based on n the additioon of chemiccals (cooagulants andd aids) and the subsequennt formation of inssoluble fluoridde precipitatess. Its involvess the addition of lim me, bleaching powder p and alu uminum salts followed f by raapid mixing, flocculattion sedimentaation, filtration and disinfectiion. Aluuminum salt is i responsible for removal of fluoride frrom waater. Merits and Demerits Merits:: Reggeneration of media m is not reqquired.
Noo handling of caaustic acids andd alkalis.
Thee chemicals reequired are readdily available and a are used in conventional c m municipal waterr treatment.
Addaptable to dom mestic use.
Cann be used too treat waterr in large quuantities for com mmunity usagee.
Appplicable in battch as well as in continuous operation to suitt needs.
Sim mplicity of maaintenance.
Figure2. Op perational diagrram of nalgond da technique
Operation off Nalgonda tecchnique starts with w the selecttion of either aluminnium sulphate or aluminium m chloride whhich deppends upon suulphate and chlloride contentss of raw waterr to avooid them exceed the permisssible limits. Thhe test water and a thee required dosee of aluminium m sulphate is thhen mixed rapidly forr a period of 30 3 to 60 secon nds with a speeed of 10-20 rppm. Lim me facilitates formation f of dense d flocs for the rapid settling of insoluble fluooride salts, haaving the dosse as empiricaally 1/220th of that off aluminium salt s dose. Bleaaching powderr is addded in a dose of o 3mg/lt to faacilitate disinfeection. Also alum is required in approximate doses to obtain water with w accceptable limit of o fluoride (