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Journal of Dental Research

Effect of Age on Immunoglobulin Content and Volume of Human Labial Gland Saliva D.J. Smith, K. Joshipura, R. Kent and M.A. Taubman J DENT RES 1992 71: 1891 DOI: 10.1177/00220345920710120701 The online version of this article can be found at:

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Effect ofAge on Immunoglobulin Content and Volume of Human Labial Gland Saliva D.J. SMITH, K. JOSHIPURA', R. KENT', and M.A. TAUBMAN Departments ofImmunology and 'Biostatistics, Forsyth Dental Center, 140 The Fenway, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

Stimulated lower labial (LLGF) and parotid salivary volumes and IgG, IgA, and IgM concentrations were measured in 264 subjects Materials and methods. whose ages ranged from 17 to 76 years. A significant (p 90 years of age). Taken together, these observations suggest that the quality of mucosal immunity may become compromised with aging, despite apparently "normal" quantities of IgA.

Acknowledgments. The authors acknowledge the skillful technical assistance of Mary Ritchie and Pia Ali-Salaam for sample collection and Ig analysis, and the efficient scheduling of subjects by Peggy Resker. REFERENCES Baum BJ (1981). Evaluation of stimulated parotid salivary flow rate in different age groups. J Dent Res 60:1292-1296. Brandtzaeg P (1977). Immunohistochemical studies on various aspects of glandular immunoglobulin transport in man. Histochem J 9:553-572. Brandtzaeg P, Valnes K, Scott H, Rognum TO, Bjerke K, Baklien K (1985). The human gastrointestinal secretary immune system in health and disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 114:17-38. ChaunceyHH, Borkan GA, WaylerAH, FellerRP, Kapur KK(1981). Parotid fluid composition in healthy aging males. Adv Physiol Sci 28:323-328. Crawford JM, Taubman MA, Smith DJ (1975). Minor salivary glands as a major source of secretary immunoglobulin A in the human oral cavity. Science 190:1206-1209. Czerkinsky C, Quiding M, Nordstrom I, Ahlfors E, Friman W, Svennerholm A-M, et al. (1990). Lymphoid cell population dynamics and the mucosal immune response in humans. In: MacDonald TT, Challacombe SJ, Bland PW, Stokes CR, Heatley RV, Mowat AA, editors. Advances in mucosal immunology. Dordrecht (The Netherlands): Kluwer Academic Publishers, 326-331. Dawes C, Wood CM (1973). The composition of human lip mucous gland secretions. Arch Oral Biol 18:343-350. Drummond JR, Chisholm DM (1984). A qualitative and quantitative study of the ageing human labial salivary glands. Arch Oral Biol 29:151-155. Heft M, Baum BJ (1984). Unstimulated and stimulated parotid salivary gland flow rate in individuals ofdifferent ages. JDent Res 63:1182-1185. Kaaber S (1977). Sodium and potassium content in human palatine fluid secretion. Arch Oral Biol 22:529-535. Kawanishi H, Ajitsu S, Mirabella S (1990). Impaired humoral immune responses to mycobacterial antigen in aged murine gut-associated lymphoid tissues. Mech Ageing & Devel 54:143-161. Kawanishi H, Senda S, Ajitsu S (1989). Aging-associated intrinsic defects in IgAproduction by murine Peyer's patch B cells stimulated by autoreactive Peyer's patch T cell hybridoma-derived B cell stimulatory factors (BSF). Mech Ageing & Devel 49:61-78. Moro I, Umemura S, Crago SS, Mestecky J (1985). Immunohistological distribution of immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and lysozyme in human minor salivary glands. J Oral Pathol 13:97-104.

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