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Journal of Freshwater Ecology
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Diel Diet Composition and Feeding Activity of Round Goby in the Nearshore Region of Lake Ontario
James H. Johnsona; James E. McKenna Jr.a; Christopher C. Nacka; Marc A. Chalupnickia a Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science Great Lakes Science Center, US Geological Survey, Cortland, New York, USA Online publication date: 06 January 2011
To cite this Article Johnson, James H. , McKenna Jr., James E. , Nack, Christopher C. and Chalupnicki, Marc A.(2008) 'Diel
Diet Composition and Feeding Activity of Round Goby in the Nearshore Region of Lake Ontario', Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 23: 4, 607 — 612 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2008.9664248 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02705060.2008.9664248
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Diel Diet Composition and Feeding Activity of Round Goby in the Nearshore Region of Lake Ontario James H. Johnson, James E. McKenna, Jr., Christopher C. Nack, and Marc A. Chalupnicki
Downloaded By: [Chalupnicki, Marc][U.S. Geological Survey Library] At: 10:46 18 March 2011
Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science Great Lakes Science Center, US Geological Survey 3075 Gracie Road, Cortland, New York 13045 USA E-mail: jhjohnson @ usgs.gov
ABSTRACT Expansion of the invasive round goby Apollonia melanostoma (=Neogobius melanostomus) throughout the Great Lakes drainage has created considerable concern among fisheries management agencies. These concerns have led to several studies on the biology and impact of the goby in the basin. However, little information exists on diel patterns in food consumption of the round goby. We examined the diets of 300 round gobies collected during crepuscular, diurnal, and nocturnal periods in Lake Ontario. There was little variation in the die1 diet composition of the goby, as chironomid larvae were the major prey consumed during each period. Feeding intensity of the round goby was significantly (P