Journal of Nippon Medical School Vol.73 No.6

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Oct 30, 2006 - Background: Bronchopleural fistula is a poentioally fatal complication of pulmonary resections, especially pneumonectomy. Methods: ...

Analysis of Risk Factors for Postpneumonectomy Bronchopleural Fistulas in Patients with Lung Cancer Shuji Haraguchi1,2, Kiyoshi Koizumi2, Masafumi Hioki1, Tomomi Hirata2, Kyoji Hirai2, Iwao Mikami2, Hirotoshi Kubokura2, Yutaka Enomoto2, Hiroyasu Kinoshita1,2 and Kazuo Shimizu2 1

Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital


Division of Respiratory Surgery, Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School

Abstract Background: Bronchopleural fistula is a poentioally fatal complication of pulmonary resections, especially pneumonectomy. Methods: Univariate and multivariate analyses of the development of bronchopleural fistula were performed in 12 patients with bronchopleural fistula and 102 patients without bronchopleural fistula who had undergone pneumonectomy from January 1983 through December 2005. Results: Bronchopleural fistula developed after pneumonecotomy in 12 patients (8.5%). Seven (58.7%) of the 12 patients died of bronchopleural fistula. Univariate analysis showed that preoperative infection, right pneumonectomy, and pathological N2, 3 disease significantly contributed to the development of postpneumonectomy bronchopleural fistula (p=0.0002, p= 0.0043, and p=0.0387, respectively). Multivariate analysis also showed that preoperative infection, right pneumonectomy, and pathological N2, 3 disease were significant risk factors for postpneumonectomy bronchopleural fistula. Conclusions: Bronchopleural fistula is strongly associated with preoperative infection, right pneumonectomy, and pathological N2, 3 disease. Bronchial stump coverage with pedicled tissue flaps and preservation of the bronchial arteries during mediastinal lymphnode dissection are recommended to maintain the blood supply to the bronchial stump in patients at risk. (J Nippon Med Sch 2006; 73: 314―319) Key words: lung cancer, bronchopleural fistula, pneumonecotmy

postpneumonectomy BPF is important to properly Introduction

manage patients at risk and to prevent development of postpneumonectomy BPF. In 1996, we analyzed

Postpneumonectomy bronchopleural fistula (BPF) is a potentially fatal complication of respiratory surgery

1 ― 9







76 patients with lung cancer and found that right pneumonectomy,




metastasis to a subcarinal lymph node were risk

Correspondence to Shuji Haraguchi, MD, Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital, 1―396 Kosugi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 211―8533, Japan E-mail: [email protected] Journal Website (http:! !! jnms! ) 314

J Nippon Med Sch 2006; 73 (6)

Postpneumonectomy Bronchopleural Fistulas

Ta bl e1 Cl i ni c a lc ha r a c t e r i s t i c so ft he1 2pa t i e nt swi t hbr o nc ho pl e ur a lf i s t ul a s Pa t i e nt Age /Si deo ft he Ppo FEV1 . 0 Pa c kPa t ho l o gi c a l Tr e a t me nt Sur vi va l Pa t ho l o gy St a ge I nf e c t i o n Ons e t No . Se x t ho r a x ( L) ye a r s   TN ( da y) ( da y) 1 .

6 9 M

Ri ght

0 . 6 6

7 0


pT3 N2



2 . 3 .

7 4 N 5 2 M

Le f t Ri ght

1 . 3 9 1 . 3 3

1 0 0 4 5

Sq Sq

pT4 N2 pT2 N2


― ―

7 1 6

4 .

6 2 M

Le f t

0 . 9 4

1 4 1


pT2 N2



1 2

5 .

4 7 M

Ri ght

1 . 4 6

4 0


pT3 N2



1 0

6 .

5 7 M

Ri ght

1 . 1 0

3 8


pT4 N2

I I I Pyo t ho r a x 1 8

7 .

5 9 M

Ri ght

1 . 1 6

3 4


pT2 N2


1 0

8 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 2 .

5 6 M 5 9 M 7 2 M 5 3 F 3 4 M

Ri ght Ri ght Le f t Le f t Ri ght

1 . 1 3 1 . 3 7 1 . 3 4 0 . 9 5 1 . 0 5

5 0 6 3 1 0 5 0 8 0

Sq Ad Sq Ad Ot he r

pT2 N2 pN2 N0 pT4 N2 pT4 N1 pT4 N2


― ― ― Abs c e s s Abs c e s s

4 5 1 7 1 4 2 0 1 0

BSC( I CMF) +TP CTD BSC( OMF) a f t e rF BSC( OMF) a f t e rF BSC( LDF) a f t e rF BSC( PMF) a f t e rF BSC( PMF) a f t e rF CTD CTD F CTD F

8 7 D 1 0 D 7 5 D 5 8 2 D 3 0 5 D 3 7 D 9 6 D 3 3 4 D 3 7 8 A 2 4 D 1 2 2 D 1 0 D

Ppo FEV1 . 0 =pr e di c t e d po s t o pe r a t i ve f o r c e d e xpi r a t o r y vo l ume i n 1s e c o nd, Sq=s qua mo us c e l lc a r c i no ma , s pi r a t i o n pne umo ni a ,POP=po s t o bs t r uc t i ve pne umo ni a ,CTD=c he s tt ube dr a i na ge , Ad=Ade no c a r c i no ma ,AP=a c o s t a lmus c l ef l a p,TP=t ho r a c o pl a s t y,OMF=o me nt a lf l a p,LDF= l a t i s s i musdo r s if l a p, F=f e ne s t r a t i o n,I CMF=i nt e r D=de a d, A=a l i ve . PMF=pe c t o r a l i smus c l ef l a p,

factors for postpneumonectomy BPF3. Since then,

Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School

additional risk factors have been identified: previous

Musashi Kosugi Hospital. Twenty-eight patients

ipsilateral thoracotomy4, preoperative chemotherapy

without BPF were excluded due to the lack of



or radiotherapy or both , right pneumonectomy , 5,7


detailed data. Therefore, 114 patients including 12


patients with BPF and 102 patients without BPF

preoperative forced expiratory volume in 1 second

were subjected to univariate and multivariate


ventilation ,


disease ,


(FEV1.0) , diffusion capacity of lung to carbon monoxide6, lower preoperative serum hemoglobin6, bronchial







analyses. The postoperative pulmonary functions were predicted according to a simplified system, which we


developed using plain chest roentgenograms of


increased intravenous fluid in the first 12 hours ,

patients with primary lung cancer9. The predicted

blood transfusions6, predicted postpneumonectomy

postoperative FEV1.0 (ppoFEV1.0) is (42-R)! (42-T)

FEV1.07, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease7, and

preoperative FEV1.0, where R is the number of

pneumonectomy , timing of chest tube removal ,


length of the resection margin . Therefore, we

subsegments scheduled for lung resection and T is

reanalyzed risk factors for postpneumonectomy BPF

the number of tumor-related subsegments. T is

in a larger series, adding some risk factors reported

determined as follows: a) if a tumor is located in the


periphery of the lung, the T factor is equal to 1 in the case of a tumor 3 cm or less in its largest dimension and equal to 2 in the case of a tumor

Materials and Methods

more than 3 cm in its largest dimension; and b) if a From January 1983 through December 2005, 142

tumor obstructs large airways, the T factor is equal

patients underwent pneumonectomy for lung cancer

to the number of subsegments showing atelectasis

at the Division of Respiratory Surgery, Department

or postobstructive pneumonia9.





J Nippon Med Sch 2006; 73 (6)




The lung cancers of all patients were staged 315

S. Haraguchi, et al

Ta bl e2 Cha r a c t e r i s t i c so fpa t i e nt swi t hbr o nc ho pl e ur a lf i s t ul a( BPF)a ndno nBPF

Numbe ro fpa t i e nt s Age Se x Ma l e Fe ma l e Smo ke ra ndExs mo ke r No ns mo ke r Numbe ro fc i ga r e t t epa c kye a r s Al bumi n He mo gl o bi n Di a be t e sme l l i t us Ppo FEV1 . 0 Pr e o pe r a t i vet r e a t me nt Pr e o pe r a t i vei nf e c t i o n Af f e c t e ds i deo ft het ho r a x  Ri ght  Le f t Ope r a t i vet i me Vo l umeo fbl o o dl o s s Me t ho do fbr o nc hi a lc l o s ur e  Ha nss ut ur e  Me c ha ni c a l Co mbi ne dr e s e c t i o n Pa t ho l o gi c a ls t a geo fl ungc a nc e re xc l udi ngMPLC I , I I I I I , I V Pa t ho l o gi c a lT f a c t o r T1 , 2 T3 , 4 Pa t ho l o gi c a lN f a c t o r N0 , 1 N2 , 3 Hi s t o l o gi c a lt ypeo fl ungc a nc e re xc l udi ngMPLC  Squa mo usc e l lc a r c i no ma  Ade no c a r c i no ma  Ot he r s Re s i dua lt umo ra ts t ump


no nBPF

1 2 5 8 ±1 1 1 1( 9 2 ) 1( 8 ) 1 0( 8 3 ) 2( 1 7 ) 6 4 ±3 8 3 . 6 ±0 . 6 1 2 . 6 ±2 . 0 1( 8 ) 1 . 2 ±0 . 2 0( 0 ) 5( 4 2 )

1 0 2 6 0 ±1 1 8 1( 7 9 ) 2 1( 2 1 ) 8 1( 7 9 ) 2 1( 2 1 ) 4 5 ±3 4 3 . 8 ±0 . 5 1 2 . 5 ±1 . 8 1 0( 1 0 ) 1 . 3 ±0 . 4 1 2( 1 2 ) 7( 7 )

8( 6 7 ) 4( 3 3 ) 3 2 5 ±7 6 1 , 1 0 4 ±9 6 7

2 7( 2 6 ) 7 5( 7 4 ) 3 4 6 ±1 2 4 1 , 0 0 5 ±9 9 2

Pva l ue 0 . 5 8 8 3 0 . 3 0 8 9 0 . 7 4 8 8 0 . 0 7 1 7 0 . 1 1 0 5 0 . 8 5 8 5 0 . 8 7 0 4 0 . 2 9 7 7 0 . 1 8 8 9 0 . 0 0 0 2*

0 . 0 0 4 3* 0 . 5 7 1 8 0 . 7 4 5 2

8( 6 7 ) 4( 3 3 ) 5( 4 2 )

6 4( 6 3 ) 3 8( 3 7 ) 4 1( 4 0 )

0 . 7 8 9 9 0 . 9 2 1 8

1( 8 ) 1 1( 9 2 )

2 8( 2 7 ) 7 4( 7 5 )

0 . 1 5 0 3

5( 4 2 ) 7( 5 8 )

4 6( 4 5 ) 5 6( 5 5 )

0 . 8 2 1 1

2( 1 7 ) 1 0( 8 3 )

4 9( 4 8 ) 5 3( 5 2 )

0 . 0 3 8 7*

9( 7 5 ) 2( 1 7 ) 1( 8 ) 1( 8 )

5 8( 5 7 ) 3 0( 2 9 ) 1 4( 1 4 ) 4( 4 )

0 . 4 8 2 0 0 . 4 8 0 2

Ppo FEV1 . 0 =pr e di c t e dpo s t o pe r a t i vef o r c e de xpi r a t o r yvo l umei n1s e c o nd,aDa t aa r es ho wna s * a t i s t i c a ls i gni f i c a nc e me a n±s t a nda r dde vi a t i o n; pe r c e nt a gegi ve ni npa r e nt he s e s , St

pathologically according to the International Union 10

included in the statistical analyses. Preoperative

Against Cancer system . Stapling devices we used

infection included aspiration pneumonia, pyothorax,

were the Proximate Linear Stapler TLH30 (Ethicon,

postobstructive pneumonia, and lung abscess.

Cincinnati, OH, USA) and the Roticulator (U.S.

Statistical analyses were performed using the

Surgical Corp, Norwalk, CT, USA). Twenty-nine

StatView 5.0J software package (SAS Institute, Inc,

patients underwent bronchial stump coverage with

Cary, NC, USA). Univariate analyses between the

an intercostal muscle flap (18 patients), pericardial

groups were performed by means of an unpaired

flap (7 patients), or a thymus flap (3 patients). Usage

two-tailed t-tests or the chi-square test using age,

and choice of pedicled tissue flaps were left to the


surgeon s discretion in some cases even after 1996.


Therefore, bronchial

ppo%FEV1.0, smoking history (smoker and ex-














J Nippon Med Sch 2006; 73 (6)

Postpneumonectomy Bronchopleural Fistulas

Ta bl e3 Re s ul t so fmul t i va r i a t ea na l ys i sr e l a t e dt o de ve l o pme nt o f br o nc ho pl e ur a lf i s t ul a

Pr e o pe r a t i vei nf e c t i o n Ri ghtpne umo ne c t o my Pa t ho l o gi c a lN2 , 3

Oddsr a t i o

9 5 %c o nf i de nc e i nt e r va l

Pva l ue

2 2 . 8 3 9 0 . 1 6 8 7 . 3 4 2

3 . 3 5 4~ 1 5 5 . 4 9 5 0 . 0 3 7~ 0 . 7 5 1 1 . 0 7 4~ 5 0 . 1 7 6

0 . 0 0 1 4 0 . 0 1 9 5 0 . 0 4 2 0

smoker versus non-smoker), the number of cigarette


pack-years, preoperative


carcinomatosa and pyothorax (Patient 6). A 53-year-

diabetes mellitus, preoperative adjuvant treatment,

old woman with adenocarcinoma in the left upper

affected side of the thorax, duration of surgery,

lobe had a lung abscess preoperatively (Patient 11),

volume of blood loss, bronchial closure technique

and a 34-year-old man with large cell carcinoma in


the right upper lobe had lung abscess preoperatively








resection, residual carcinoma at bronchial stump,






(Patient 12).

pathological stage (stage I or II versus stage III or

Characteristics of patients with and without BPF

IV), pathological t factor (T1, 2 versus T3, 4),

who underwent pneumonectomy are shown in

pathological n factor (N0, 1 versus N2, 3), and


histological type of lung cancer (squamous cell

preoperative infection, right pneumonectomy, and

carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and others). Multivariate

pathological N2, 3 disease significantly contributed to


the development of postpneumonectomy BPF (p=














significant risk factors identified with univariate



analyses. A P