Journal of the Peasant O'Brien By Ilyaelencala Day one ... -

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I was chosen to come along with the Archmage on his adventures to defeat nearby monsters. I noticed that a. Mountain King came along. I've never seen one of ...
Journal of the Peasant O’Brien By Ilyaelencala Day one. Third War. Today I was signed in to work as a peasant. I was hoping for something better but this is what they needed. I guess I have to stick with this for some time… Day two Third War War is such a horrible thing…I wish it just could end so I could go back to my farm. But I’m sure they need me here if there is to be any success… Day three Third War I met another peasant while carrying gold today, he said his name was Tobias, and is new. I’ll show him around in the camp someday. Day four Third War I found a gold nugget outside the mine today that no one else noticed. I took it and hide it in my pocket for the time being…It’s so beautiful… Day five Third War I showed my nugget to Tobias and one of the guards saw it. I’m currently in the camp’s prison. How could I have been so foolish? Day six Third War The camp was attacked today by Orcs, and the guards opened my prison cell because they needed Militia to aid them in battle. I did very well in my opinion. I hope this is gonna effect my future in some way, as in a better job. Day seven Third War Today I showed Tobias around the camp. Not much too see except for the castle. I never thought of how big it was, even though I have gone back and forth til’ and from it for about 7 days. Day eight Third War Some soldiers went to attack the Orc camp for revenge. Day nine Third War None of the soldiers returned from the Orc base. Day ten Third War There goes rumours about that the king need more soldiers, since so many were lost in the attack on the Orc base. I wonder if it is true that they really are so desperate to get some more soldiers. Day eleven

Third War HURRAY! CELEBRATE! I was chosen to be trained as a footman today because of my aid when the Orcs attacked us! No more carrying gold back and fourth! I will go to battle! Day twelve Third War This…armour…is…really…heavy… Day Thirteen Third War I noticed that Tobias weren’t selected to be a Footman. Poor him I recon. Well, I’ll just hope that he will build some more muscles by cutting tree’s all day long. Day Fourteen Third War I was chosen to come along with the Archmage on his adventures to defeat nearby monsters. I noticed that a Mountain King came along. I’ve never seen one of those. The closest I ever were was hearing a couple of riflemen talking about where to hit the enemy. They couldn’t decide if it was best to hit the eye, or…the….thing…below… Day Fifteen Third War The Archmage and Mountain King together seem pretty much unbeatable. I’m so happy to assist them! Day Sixteen Third War We were attacked by Orcs while “creeping” as the footmen call it. The battle was almost lost when the Archmage teleported us back to the base. It was quite an amazing feeling to just fly past time and space…Hope I can do it again sometime…. Day seventeen Third War I explored the camp yesterday night and found a tent. In that tent I found a rifle. I looked like it could destroy anything. I wonder why only dwarves have them. But while I examined it, the camp was under attack. I ran out from the tent to see lot’s of Undead everywhere. I didn’t have my sword nearby, so I used the rifle I held in my hands. I didn’t know Undead were so weak against bullets. Day eighteen Third War The Archmage wanted to meet me today. He said that I had very valuable skills so it would be a waste to just be a Footman. He showed me a horse. First I didn’t really understand what he meant, but a bit after I did. I’m a knight now! Day nineteen Third War The camp was once again attacked today. The other races must hate us. Tobias was killed, and that made me really mad. After destroying numerous Undead I suggested that we should attack them. The Mountain King liked the idea very much, since he has a tendency to grow in size every time battle arises. Day twenty Third War The archmage is still thinking about my suggestion.

Day Twenty-one Third War Same as yesterday. Day Twenty-two Third War Same as yesterday, at least for a while until the Mountain King smashed the Archmage’s head with his hammer. I showed out that the archmage had been sleeping all the time. But the archmage agreed to attack the Undead. Day Twenty-three Third War The undead’s base was on the other side of the nearby lake, so the archmage had to buy a Zeppelin to get to the other side. It was a really nice ride, until the Undead webbed us right over the water. We fell down in the water, but we did not sink. Day Twenty-four Third War We are still sitting in the zeppelin. It’s a miracle that the zeppelin doesn’t leak. Day Twenty-five Third War We heard that a few Gryphon Riders flew past. From the noises we could hear, the Gryphons won easily over the undead base. But they didn’t notice us down on the water surface. Day Twenty-six Third War I asked the Archmage why he didn’t use the teleport spell that he learned some time ago. The whole group stared at me strangely. Day twenty-seven Third War I was known as the Hero of the Day because I suggest to teleport and lots of footmen’s came running asking for my autograph. They seem to have much to learn. Day twenty-eight Third War I got a letter from the King today. It said that he dubbed me to a…pal…pala…pale...Something that I couldn’t read properly, since my horse had chewed on it for 10 minutes before I noticed it. Day twenty-nine Third War I showed the Archmage the letter today. He got a heart attack and died. He’s gonna have a funeral on Wednesday. Day thirty Third War Since the Archmage died quite suddenly, I showed the letter to the Mountain King. He said that I was dubbed to a paladin. Happy, happy me! Day thirty-one Third War Today was the Archmage’s funeral. It was quite boring. But who expects funerals to be exiting?

Day thirty-two Third War I got a hammer and cloak by mail today. The cloak was really nice, but the hammer was quite heavy. I wonder how the other paladins are able to fight with them! Day thirty-three Third War I and the Mountain King decided to attack the Orcs base today. First we gotta get a good group, and then we are ready to attack! Day thirty-four Third War The attack group is ready, the Mountain King made most of it, Steam Tanks, Riflemen, Gryphon riders and Gyrocopters. I feel pretty much like an outcast. Day thirty-five Third War The Orcs were surprised over seeing so many dwarves at the same time. Good thing that the handle of my hammer is so long, otherwise the spikes would have hurt a lot… Day thirty-six Third War We come back victorious. Now I just wanna sleep. Being a Paladin is a darn tough job.