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Linfeng Liang,a,b Qihui Chen*a,c Feilong Jiang,a,c Daqiang Yuan,a,c Jinjie Qian,a Guangxun Lv,a Hui. Xue,a,c Luyao Liu,a Hai-Long Jiang,b and Maochun ...
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DOI: 10.1039/C6TA04927C

ARTICLE In situ large-scale construction of sulfur-functionalized metalorganic framework and its efficient removal of Hg(II) from water Received 00th January 20xx, Accepted 00th January 20xx







Linfeng Liang, Qihui Chen* Feilong Jiang, Daqiang Yuan, Jinjie Qian, Guangxun Lv, Hui a,c a b a, b, c Xue, Luyao Liu, Hai-Long Jiang, and Maochun Hong*

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x

A new strategy that using sulfur-functionalized metal organic frameworks (MOFs) for removal of Hg(II) has been developed, which leads to a novel sulfur-functionalized MOF FJI-H12 composed of octahedral M6L4 cages and free NCS- groups. In the same time, large-scale synthesis of FJI-H12 microcrystalline also has been carried out under very mild conditions. It can remove Hg(II) completely and selectively from water with high saturation adsorption (439.8 mg g-1) and distribution coefficient (1.85 ×106 mL g-1) among MOFs. More interestingly, a continuous and fast removal of Hg(II) from water has also been carried out through using a column loaded with FJI-H12 microcrystalline.

Introduction Mercury (Hg) pollution which can cause birth defects, brain damage, and various diseases in humans and other species has become a serious threat to public health and environment, hence it is highly urgent to develop methods to remove 1 mercury effectively from waste water. A variety of adsorbents such as activated carbons, zeolites and clays have been used to capture Hg(II) ions from waste water, however such materials usually face challenges such as low surface area, low capacity, moderate affinity for Hg(II) and so on.2 Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) based on organic bridging ligands and metal ions or metal ion clusters are a promising class of highly ordered porous materials with potential applications in gas storage, catalysis, drug delivery etc. due to their unique properties like permanent porosity, high crystallinity.3 Their readily accessible external and internal surface and evenly distributed active sites through purposefully design make adsorption of heavy metal ions possible.4 Since methylthio group has been firstly introduced into MOFs to adsorb Hg(II) by Xu group,5 many other functional groups have been introduced to capture Hg(II) based on Hg-S interaction or Hg-N interaction, and sulfur-functionalized MOFs based on strong Hg-S interaction have been proved an excellent sorbent for Hg(II). 6 Synthesis of sulfur-functionalized MOFs based on sulfurfunctionalized ligands is indeed a powerful strategy to remove Hg(II) (Scheme 1a), even that synthesis of such predesigned sulfur-functionalized ligands usually requires expensive reagents or harsh reaction conditions.7 In situ introduction of sulfur-containing groups into MOFs based on coordination bond might be an effective approach to overcome such challenges. NCS- group is an ideal sulfur-containing group, which could be introduced into the framework during MOFs construction process through chemically hard N atom

coordinated to hard metal ion, while chemically soft S atom can keep free-standing for the capture of heavy metal ions like Hg(II) (Scheme 1b). Although NCS group has been used to 8 construct discrete metallocages or MOFs, as far as we know, using such type material to remove Hg(II) has not been reported. Herein, by using NCS , Co(II) and 2,4,6-tri(1imidazolyl)-1,3,5-triazine (Timt), a novel sulfur-functionalized MOF FJI-H12 composed of infinite octahedral M6L4 cages and free NCS groups has been synthesized, in which N atoms of NCS groups are coordinated to Co atoms while S atoms are kept free-standing as we expected; moreover, large-scale synthesis of FJI-H12 microcrystalline has also been realized under very mild conditions. Further researches demonstrate that such material can remove Hg(II) from water completely and selectively, more interestingly, a continuous and fast removal of Hg(II) from water has also been realized through using a column loaded with FJI-H12 microcrystalline.

Scheme 1. (a) The construction of sulfur-functionalized MOFs based on predesigned sulfur-functionalized ligands. (b) In-situ introduction of sulfurcontaining group into MOFs based on coordination bond.

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Results and discussion Syntheses and structures of FJI-H12 Layering an ethanol solution of Timt onto a water solution of K2Co(NCS)4 at room temperature for three days leads to light pink octahedral single crystals (denoted as FJI-H12), formulated as [Co3(Timt)4(SCN)6(H2O)14(EtOH)]n (details please refer to Supporting Information S1). Single crystal X-ray analysis reveals that FJI-H12 has a two-fold penetration structure and each fold comprises an infinite array of octahedral M6L4 cages which are constructed by six Co(II) vertexes and four Timt panels (Figure1a and 1b). Apart from four imidazole rings, each Co(II) vertex of M6L4 cage also bonds to two NCS groups at their chemically hard N-sides, leaving their chemically soft S atoms pointing into the cavity (Figure 1c).

pressure gas adsorption test. N2 adsorption isotherms at 77.4 K revealed its microporous nature (Figure S1) and a pore size distribution ranging from 6.8Å to 14.9Å (Figure S2), which is far more larger than Hg(II) radius and obviously this can guarantee the accessibility of free-standing S atoms for Hg(II). Before metal adsorption test, the chemical stability (in various reagents) and thermal stability of FJI-H12 also have been tested. We finally find that the FJI-H12 is stable in water and various organic solvents, such as acetone, methanol, isopropanol, cyclohexane and ethanol (Figure S3), and its thermal stability is up to 200˚C (Figure S4). The selectivity tests were firstly performed on FJI-H12 in a 50mL Hg(II) solution containing Mn(II), Ba(II), Ni(II), Cd(II) background ions in high concentration. As a result, FJI-H12 not only can completely remove Hg(II) from water (after that, no Hg(II) was detected by ICP test), but also can absorb another highly toxic heavy metal ion Cd(II). In contrast, other background metal ions such as Mn(II), Ba(II) and Ni(II) were not adsorbed by FJI-H12 obviously (Table 1).The high selectivity of Hg(II) against other metal ions such as Cd(II), Mn(II), Ba(II), and Ni(II) observed for FJI-H12 may result from strong Hg-S interactions, which have been demonstrated by FT-IR studies. As shown in Figure. 2, the typical stretch mode of SCN- groups shows a large shift from 2072 cm-1 in FJI-H12 to 2125cm-1 in FJI-H12-Hg (FJI-H12 sample after Hg adsorption), indicating the strong binding interactions between Hg(II) and SCN-groups. Table 1. Concentrations (p.p.m) of metal ions before and after treatment of FJIH12.

Metal ion Before treatment After treatment a

Hg 20.45

Cd 84.82

Ni 128.89

Ba 107.71

Mn 126.68






a. Treatment conditions: Excess FJI-H12 (200 mg) was added to 50 mL water solution of metal ions and stirred at room temperature for 12hours. The concentration of each metal is determined before and after treatment by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) test. b. The real value is less than the limit of detection of ICP instrument (0.02ppb).

Figure 1. (a) The topological structure of FJI-H12 with a two-fold penetration. (b) Stick model of one-fold network composed of M6L 4 cages (C=grey, N=light blue, S=yellow, Co=cyan and H was omitted for clarity). (c) Schematic representation of one M6L4 cage with free-standing NCS- groups.

Figure 2.FT-IR spectra of FJI-H12 (red) and FJI-H12-Hg (green).

Hg(II) saturation adsorption amount of FJI-H12 Metal ions selective adsorption test of FJI-H12 Although there is a two-fold penetration, FJI-H12 is still highly porous and this can be confirmed by single component low-

To assess the mercury adsorption capacity of FJI-H12, which is also an important aspect of a sorbent’s performance, an activated sample of FJI-H12 (100 mg) and 50 mL aqueous HgCl2

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Table 2. Comparision of maximum mercury adsorption capacity qmax (p.p.m) and Kd value (mL g-1) of FJI-H12 with other MOFs materials

qmax mg g-1 361.3[a] 198.2 278 364.7[b] 103.9[b] 102.8[c] 439.8

MOF Pb-TMBD Zr-DMBD Zn-hip PCN-100 PCN-101 Zn4O(L)3 FJI-H12

Kd mL g-1 9.99×105 1.11×106 3.16×103 1.86×106


C  C  V  C m

where Ci and Cf are the initial metal ion concentration and the final equilibrium metal ion concentration, respectively, V (mL) is the volume of the treated solution and m (g) is the mass of sorbent used. The Kd values of 1.0 ×105mL g-1 are usually considered excellent,9 while Kd of FJI-H12 for Hg(II) has been measured to be an exceptional value of 1.85 × 106 mL g-1. As far as we know, this value is among the highest for MOFs materials for Hg(II) adsorption reported thus far (Table 2), and such extraordinary value observed for FJI-H12 can be ascribed to its large pore size adequately to facilitate the diffusion of Hg(II) ions and its high surface area densely populated with SCN groups which have strong interactions with Hg(II) ions.

ref 5 6e 6d 6a 6a 6b this work

The adsorption of Hg(II) from: [a] benzene, [b] DMF, [c] ethanol and the rest were processed in water.

Hg(II) adsorption kinetics Given the high saturation of this material based on strong Hg-S interaction, another test focuses on their kinetic character has been carried out as follows: an activated FJI-H12 sample (10 mg) was placed in a dilute aqueous solution (50 mL) of HgCl2 (concentration of Hg element, 10 ppm). The residual Hg(II) concentration in the solution was determined after different intervals. Figure 3a shows the fitting results of the experimental data for mercury adsorption on FJI-H12 by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model using the following equation:

t 1 t  q  k  q q  -1


Figure 3.(a) Hg(II) sorption kinetics of FJI-H12 under initial Hg(II) concentration of 10 p.p.m. (b) Adsorption amount curve of Hg(II) versus contact time in aqueous solution using FJI-H12. Inset shows the pseudo-second-order kinetic plot for the adsorption

Where qt (mg g ) and qe (mg g ) are the Hg(II)adsorption amounts at time t (min) and at equilibrium, respectively, and -1 -1 k2 (g mg min ) is the rate constant of pseudo-second order adsorption. An extremely high correlation coefficient (>0.9999) was obtained (Figure3b and the inset), suggesting that the pseudo-second-order model is suitable for describing the current adsorption kinetics of Hg(II) ions. Furthermore, the calculated qe value from the pseudo-second-order model is in good agreement with the experimental value, qe,exp(Table S2). Thereby, it is believed that mechanisms of both physisorption and chemisorption are involved in the current Hg(II) adsorption process with different contributions, in which SCN groups in the pore hold the potential to coordinate with Hg(II) ions, acting as strong sites for Hg(II) chemisorptions. The distribution coefficient (Kd) is always used to characterize a sorbent’s affinity for a target metal ion effectively, which is defined as follows:

(Hg(II) concentration: 10p.p.m.)

Regeneration of FJI-H12 Whether an adsorbent could be regenerated is also an important aspect. Herein a KSCN solution was used to regenerate FJI-H12-Hg sample. By immersing FJI-H12-Hg in KSCN solution (KSCN 10 equivalent excess) at ambient temperature for 1 day, over 86% of the Hg(II) ions could be removed from FJI-H12-Hg powder (ICP analysis determined the Hg/Co ratio drops from 1.20/1 to 0.17/1 ), and the framework of FJI-H12 remains stable (Figure S6) during the process. After that, we reuse the regenerated FJI-H12 under the same condition, the corresponding Hg/Co ratios is reduced to 0.86/1, indicating that the efficiency of FJI-H12 is highly reduced after regeneration.

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solution (397 mg HgCl2 total, 4 times equivalent) were stirred at room temperature for 12h. The solid was then isolated by centrifugation and further washed with ethanol/H2O to remove residual HgCl2 on the exterior of FJI-H12 powder sample. Then the solid sample obtained was subjected to regular inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analyses. ICP analysis determined the Hg/Co ratio to be 1.20/1, correspond to a -1 maximum mercury adsorption capacity qmax of 439.8 mg g -1 (2.19 mmol g ), which is very high during MOFs materials (Table 2). Further researches demonstrate that FJI-H12 shows its highest adsorption capacity at pH=7, when increasing pH from 3.0 to 6.0, the removal efficiency capacity is basically unchanged (Figure S5).

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Several excellent sorbents based on strong Hg-S interaction have been developed, however large-scale preparation and the 6, 10 application of such materials are still highly challenging. After many attempts have been tried, a protocol for large-scale preparation of FJI-H12 has been established at last as follows: the addition of a high concentration water solution (1 mol/L, 0.3 mL) of K2Co(SCN)4 to a vigorously stirred ethanol solution (0.02mol/L, 20mL) of Timt could immediately lead to a uniform microcrystalline powder of FJI-H12 and its purity has been confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis (Figure 4a).The median microcrystal grain size of which was determined by laser diffraction analysis to be X50 = 2.1μm (Figure S7). Scanning electron microscopy measurements also confirmed the relatively uniform octahedral crystallites on the scale of about 2μm (Figure S8). Meanwhile, the observed crystalline morphology is in accordance with the large single crystal obtained by solution diffusion method (Figure 4b and the inset). Further researches indicate that even 10g-scale FJIH12 could be prepared once by such method (Figure S6).

also implies the practicality of such material for the removal of Hg(II) from water in industry.

Conclusions In conclusion, a novel sulfur-functionalized metal-organic framework FJI-H12 for capture of Hg(II) has been synthesized based on a new strategy. Moreover, its microcrystalline powder can be synthesized up to 10g scale within several minutes under very mild condition. Such material can remove Hg(II) completely and selectively from water with high -1 6 saturation (439.8 mg g ) and distribution coefficient (1.85 ×10 -1 mL g ) among MOFs materials. More interestingly, a continuous and fast removal of Hg(II) from water has also been carried out through using a column loaded with FJI-H12 microcrystalline. Thus in situ construction of sulfurfunctionalized MOF based on SCN group provides a new perspective for decontaminating Hg(II) from aqueous media, which makes both large-scale synthesis and application of sulfur-functionalized MOF for Hg(II) capture more practical.

Acknowledgements We are thankful for financial support from the 973 Program (2014CB932101, 2013CB933200), "Strategic Priority Research Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA09030102, XDA07070200), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21471148, 21131006).

Notes and references a

Figure 4. (a) PXRD patterns of FJI-H12: from simulated FJI-H12 (black); from the assynthesized sample (red). (b) Morphology comparison between SEM images of FJI-H12 microcrystal and single crystal (inset). (c) Schematic representation of separation column packed with FJI-H12 microcrystal.

Since large-scale synthesis of FJI-H12 has been realized under very mild conditions, and this makes the removal of Hg(II) from water in large scale possible. Herein, a column loaded with microcrystalline FJI-H12 powder to remove Hg(II) from water was prepared by loading 2g microcrystal on a 10mL syringe with the needle replaced by a 0.22μm millipore filter (Schematic representation see Figure 4c). Further researches demonstrate that a 20 ppm Hg solution of 50 mL water could be completely purified by this column at a rate of 2mL/min, which represents the first continuous and fast removal of Hg(II) from water based on sulfur-functionalized MOF. This result

Dr. L. Liang, Prof. Q. Chen, Prof. F. Jiang, Prof. D. Yuan,Prof.J. Qian, Dr. G. Lv, Dr.H. Xue, Dr. L. Liu, Prof. H.-L Jiang,Prof. M. Hong State Key Lab of Structure Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fuzhou, 350002, Fujian, China *E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] b Dr. L. Liang, Prof.H. Jiang, Prof. M. Hong Department of Chemistry, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China c Prof. Q. Chen, Prof. F. Jiang, Prof. D. Yuan,Dr.H. Xue, Prof. M. Hong University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China




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A novel sulfur-functionalized metal organic frameworks FJI-H12 has been developed, which can remove Hg(II) completely and selectively from water with high saturation adsorption and distribution.

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