Ceased publication. AIDS Targeted Information. Held at: Institute. Holding: Vol.
11-12 (1997-98). Ceased publication. Aktuaria. - Israel Association of Actuaries.
JOURNALS AND SERIALS 1995 UK pension fund industry results. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1995-
- WM Company.
Abortion statistics. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No. 19(1992)Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1843-1954 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1843-1854) Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1800-1843) Academic Actuary. Held at: Institute Holding: 1995-1998 Ceased publication, 1998 Academy of Management Journal. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1963- (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1963- (available 5 years after publication)) Academy of Management Review. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1977- (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1976- (available 5 years after publication)) Accountancy. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Keep for 1 year Accounting Review. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1926-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available 1926- (available 5 years after publication))
Actuarial Communications. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1(1) [1997]- (irregular) The actuarial directory. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 2000-; Fac: 2000Formerly: Joint list of members and students Actuarial Futures. - Society of Actuaries. Futurism Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No. 16 (June 95) - No. 19 (September 98) Actuarial Research Clearing House (ARCH). - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1978-1999; From 1999 available on line via www.soa.org Actuarial Research Papers. - The City University. Held at: Faculty Holding: Research Paper No.7(November 1988)- no. 149 2003 The Actuarial Review. - Casualty Actuarial Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Actuarial Students' Magazine (ASM). - Faculty of Actuaries Students' Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1926-1982
The Actuarial Update. - American Academy of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Formerly: Newsletter: American Academy of Actuaries Actuarios. - Instituto de Actuarios Espanoles. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.2 (1990)-; (irregular holding) The Actuary. - Staple Inn Actuarial Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: July 1990Formerly: Fiasco Actuary Australia. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years; Fac: kept for 3 years The Actuary [Chicago]. - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Oxford: 5 years only; Inst: London: 1991-; Fac: Kept for 5 years The Actuary India. - Actuarial Society of India. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Inst: Irregular holding Administrative Science Quarterly. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1956- (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1956- (available 3 years after publication)) Advances in Applied Probability. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1969-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1969-2003)
Aenorm. Magazine for students in Actuarial sciences, Econometrics & Operations research. Held at: Institute Holding: Vol. 17, ed.64 (July 2009) onwards African American Review. - St. Louis University. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1992-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1992-2004 (3 years after publication)) Ageing and Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.21-25 (2001-2005) The Agenda 2004. A review of the year - the year ahead. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Inst and Fac: 2003-
- Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries.
AIDS Bulletin. - Institute of Actuaries. AIDS Working Party. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: No.1-5 (1987-1991) AIDS Newsletter. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.6(6)-13 (1991-98) Ceased publication AIDS Targeted Information. Held at: Institute Holding: Vol. 11-12 (1997-98) Ceased publication Aktuaria. - Israel Association of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: Vol.1 (1971)
Aktuariusz. - Polish Actuarial Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (1991)- (Irregular holding) American Economic Association Quarterly. - American Economic Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1908-1910 (Note: JSTOR volumes available:1908-1910) American Economic Review. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1911- (Note: JSTOR volumes available:1911- (available 2 years after publication)) American Historical Review. - American Historical Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1895-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1895-2002 (5 years after publication)) American Journal of International Law. - American Society of International Law. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1907-2007 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1907-2007) American Journal of Mathematics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1878-1995 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1878-1995) American Journal of Political Science. - Midwest Political Science Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1973-2006 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1973-2006 (1 years after publication)) American Journal of Sociology. - The University of Chicago Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1895-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1895-2002 (5 years after publication)) American Literature. - Duke University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1929-1999 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1929-1999 (tables of contents 2000-2004)) American Mathematical Monthly. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1894-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1894-2003 (3 years after publication))
American Political Science Review. - American Political Science Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1906-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1906-2004 (3 years after publication)) American Quarterly. - The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1949-1995 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1949-1995) American Sociological Review. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1936-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1936-2005 (2 years after publication)) American Statistician. - American Statistical Association. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: 39 (1985) - 51 (1997); JSTOR:1947-2001 5 years after publication))
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1947-2001 (available
Anales del Instituto Actuarial Argentino. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.1 1952-1957; 1962-1967 Anales del Instituto de Actuarios Espanoles. - Instituto de Actuarios Espanoles. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Ano 1-7 (1943-1957); Segunda Epoca 1-26 (1961-1988); Tercera Epoca 1- (1995-)
Analysis. - Bacon & Woodrow. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1986Analyst. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1874-1883
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1874-1883)
Annales de Demographie Historique. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1994-
- Societe de Demographie Historique.
Annals of Actuarial Science. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (2006)Annals of Applied Probability. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1991-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1991-2003 (3 years after publication))
Annals of Mathematical Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1930-1972 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1930-1972) Annals of Mathematics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1884-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1884-2001 (5 years after publication))
Annals of Probability. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1973-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1973-2003 (3 years after publication))
Annals of Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1973-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1973-2003 (3 years after publication))
Annuaire [yearbook]. - Association des Actuaires Diplomes de l'ISFA. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1977-1981 Annual Abstract of Statistics 2009. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1990- (Note: Statistics on: Area Parliamentary elections International development Defence Population Education Labour market Income and wealth Health Social protection Crime and justice Lifestyles Environment Housing Transport and communications National Accounts Prices Government finance External trade and investment Research and development Agriculture, fisheries and food Production Banking, insurance Service industry) Annual report. - University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1984-; Faculty: latest only Annual Report. - Registrar of Friendly Societies, Victoria. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only Annual report. - Department of Actuarial Science and Statistics, The City University. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1990/1991-; Fac: 1987/1988Annual report. - Government Actuary's Department. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1979-2004/2005 Annual Report. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1994Formerly part of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia Year Book
Annual report. - Actuarial Research Centre, City University. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1994/95-; Fac: 1994/95-1997/8 Annual Report 1992-93 - 1997-98. Held at: Faculty Holding: Faculty: 1992-1993 -
- Friendly Societies Commission.
Annual report 1997-1998. - Personal Investment Authority Ombudsman Bureau. Held at: Faculty Holding: Faculty: 1994-1995 Annual report 2003-2004. - Pensions Ombudsman. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1992-93 -; Fac: 1991-92 Annual report 2005. - Centre for Actuarial Studies, University of Melbourne. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst & Fac: 1996Annual report of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales. - Registrar General. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1901-1920 (64th to 83rd annual report, including Supplements) Annual report of the Registrar-General of the births, deaths and marriages in Scotland. - Registrar-General, Scotland. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 3rd, 29th, 41st-55th (1857, 1883, 1895-1909) 56th-86th (1910-1940) with gaps Annual report on Friendly Societies and Benefit Associations. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only
- Government Statistician Victoria.
Annual research report 2004. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1995/96Formerly: Research report: Institute of Actuaries Research Committee Annual Review 1997. - Association of Consulting Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy only kept Annual Review of Anthropology. - Annual Reviews. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1972-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1972-2002 (5 years after publication)) Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. - Annual Reviews. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1970-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1970-2002 (5 years after publication)) Annual Review of Sociology. - Annual Reviews. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1975-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1975-2002 (5 years after publication)) Annual review of the UK actuarial profession. Per Annum. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1991-1995 (no 1992) Fac: 1991-1992; 1994-1995 Ceased publication Annual survey of occupational pension schemes. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1975; 1978-2002
- National Association of Pension Funds.
Anthropological Review. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1863-1870 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1863-1870)
Anthropology Today. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1985-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1985-2002 (5 years after publication)) Applied Mathematical Finance. Held at: Institute; Athens Holding: Inst: Vol. 2 (1995)Associateship and Fellowship Catalog. - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy only kept; Fac: 1996-date ASTIN Bulletin. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (1958)Australian Actuarial Journal. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (1998)Amalgamation of: Transactions - Institute of Actuaries of Australia and Quarterly Journal - Institute of Actuaries of Australia Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs. - Contemporary China Center, Australian National University. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1979-1995 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1979-2002 (5 years after publication)) Australian Journal of Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.12-39 (1970-1997) AVC survey results 2001. - Watson Wyatt. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1996, 1998-; Fac: 1998 The Banker. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 2 years BBC-Vacher's biographical guide. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1994- (Note: Government and Opposition Groups and committees Political profile House of Lords House of Commons Europe Civil service and Foreign and Commonwealth Office) Bell Journal of Economics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1975-1983
(Note: JSTOR volumes available:1975-1983)
Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1970-1974 (Note: JSTOR volumes available:1970-1974) Benefits & Compensation International. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.23(6) 1994 Bernoulli. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1995-2001 Biennial Review of Anthropology. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1959-1971
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1995-2001 (5 years after publication)) - Stanford University Press. (Note: JSTOR voluems available: 1959-1971)
Bimaquest. - National Insurance Academy, [India]. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (2001)Formerly: Dnyanajyoti
Biometrics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1947-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1947-2001 (5 years after publication))
Biometrics Bulletin. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1945-1946
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1945-1946)
Biometrika. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1901-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1901-2001 (5 years after publication))
Birth Statistics. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1974)- (Note: No 13 in this series contains historical series of statistics from registrations of births in England and Wales, 1837-1983 No 14 contains period analyses for years from 1938-1985 and cohort analyses for women born in each year from 1920) Black American Literature Forum. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1976-1991
- St. Louis University. (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1976-1991)
Blätter. - Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Versicherungsmathematik. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Band 1 (1950)Blätter [der] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik (Heft 1 (2003)- ) Blätter [der] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik (until Heft 4, 2002) Boletim: Instituto dos Actuarios Portugueses. - Instituto dos Actuarios Portugueses. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: No.1-27 (1946-71); No.29 (1984/85; Inst: 29 (1984); 30 (1985); 1995 (35); 1996 (36) Bollettino dell'Associazone Italiana Attuari. - Associazone Italiana Attuari. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1-13 (1898-1903); 14-25 (1904-1913) Book Auction Records. A general index to Book Auction Records for the years 1984-1989 (volumes 82-86). Batho, Dorothy C (ed). Noad, Anne (ed). Batho, Leslie (ed). Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1979-1984 (volumes 77-81); 1984-1989 (volumes 82-86); 1989-1994 (volumes 87-91)
Book Auction Records. A general index to Book Auction Records for the years 1979-1984 (volumes 77-81). Batho, Dorothy C (ed). Noad, Anne (ed). Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1979-1984 (volumes 77-81); 1984-1989 (volumes 82-86); 1989-1994 (volumes 87-91)
Book Auction Records. A general index to Book Auction Records for the years 1979-1984 (volumes 87-91). Batho, Dorothy C (ed). Noad, Anne (ed). Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1979-1984 (volumes 77-81); 1984-1989 (volumes 82-86); 1989-1994 (volumes 87-91) (Note: Part I: Printed books and atlases -- Part II: Printed maps, charts and plans) Bristol Actuary. - Bristol Actuarial Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.32 (1990)British Actuarial Journal. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (1995)Amalgamation of: Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries The British insurance industry. A statistical review. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1989/90; 1990/91; 1991/92
- Carter, Robert L (ed). Diacon, Stephen R (ed).
British life assurance. - Life Offices' Association. Associated Scottish Life Offices. Industrial Life Offices Association. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Statistics from 1957 to 1963
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1970- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1970- (available 3 years after publication)) Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1989-1998 (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1989-1998) Bulletin. - Association Actuarielle Internationale. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1968-2003 Formerly: Comite permanent des Congres Internationaux d'Actuaires. Bulletin 1897-1949 and 1949-67 Bulletin. - Association Royale des Actuaires Belges. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1-86 (1896-1993) Ceased publication Bulletin. - Canadian Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 5 years; Fac: Kept for 3 years Bulletin. - Comite Permanent des Congres Internationaux d'Actuaires. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1897-1905 Successor title: International Actuarial Association, Bulletin 1968-1970, 1974-1976 Bulletin Français d'Actuariat. - Federation Francaise des Actuaires. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (1997)Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1995-2006
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1995-2006)
Bulletin: the Mercer European newsletter. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.3 (1990)-
- William M Mercer International.
Bulletin trimestriel de l'Institut des Actuaires Francais. - Institut des Actuaires Francais. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1-328 (1890-1984) Continued as: La Lettre de l'Institut des Actuaires Francais Business monitor MA 16. Insurance business statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1977-1982
- Business Statistics Office.
Business Monitor MQ5. Insurance companies' and pension funds' investment. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1981CA Magazine. Held at: Faculty Holding: Faculty holds for one year Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin. - Calcutta Statistical Association. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Current volume only kept Callaloo. - The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1976-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1976-2002 (5 years after publication)) Canadian Journal of Economics. Revue canadienne d'Economique. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1968- (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1968- (available 3 years after publication))
Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science. Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1935-1967 (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1935-1967) Canadian Journal of Political Science. Revue canadienne de science politique. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1968- (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1968- (available 5 years after publication)) Canadian Journal of Statistics. La Revue Canadienne de Statistique. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1973-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1973-2003 (3 years after publication)) Cancer Statistics. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Ins and Fact: No.1 (1971)Casualty Actuarial Society Forum. - Casualty Actuarial Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 5th ed (1989)-; Fac: 1991- (irregular, some missing) China Journal. - Contemporary China Center, Australian National University. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1995-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1995-2004 (3 years after publication)) Client briefing. - HSBC Gibbs. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No. 49 (1996)College Mathematics Journal. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1984-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1984-2003 (3 years after publication))
Committee meeting minutes. - Staple Inn Actuarial Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: November 1986CompAct. - Society of Actuaries. Computer Science Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Companies Acts. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1907 to 1985, with gaps Company pension scheme disclosures 1999. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1990-; Fac: 1991-
- William M Mercer.
Compliance Bulletin. - Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1/94Consumer Policy Review. - Consumers' Association. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.9 (1999)-Vol 18 (2008) Contemporary Sociology. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1972-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1972-2005 (2 years after publication)) Contingencies. - American Academy of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 5 years Contributions to Canadian Economics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1928-1934 (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1928-1934)
Conversations. - Society of Actuaries. Actuarial Faculty Forum. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No. 5 (Summer 1996)CPD Alerting Service. CPD Information Services. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: December 1995-
- Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries.
CPD Handbook 2006 (without Technical Skills section). Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1996-
- Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries.
CPD Update. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: No.1 (1994)Crisline. Newsletter of the Centre for Risk and Insurance Studies. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: April 2005Cuadernos actuariales. - Asociacion Catalana del Instituto de Actuarios Espanoles. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1,2,5, 6, 8 (1991-1999) Current AIDS Literature. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 1 year Incorporated into: AIDS Targeted Information, 1997Current Anthropology. - The University of Chicago Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1959-1999 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1959-1999) De Actuaris. - Actuarieel Genootschap. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Demographic Review. A report on population in Great Britain. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1977)Demographic Yearbook. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1990-
- Office for National Statistics.
- United Nations.
Demography. - Population Association of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1964-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1964-2005 (2 years after publication)) Derivatives Use, Trading & Regulation. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.6-10 (2000-2004) Diary of Events. CPD Information Services. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: May 1994-
- Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries.
Digest. A regular summary of information and developments in pensions and employee benefits. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: September 1992-
- Noble Lowndes.
Digest. - Sedgwick Noble Lowndes. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 3 years Digest of statistics analysing certificates of incapacity. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1951-1961
- Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance.
Digest of statistics analysing certificates of incapacity. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1961-1970
- Department of Health and Social Security.
Directory of actuarial memberships. - American Academy of Actuaries. American Society of Pension Actuaries. Canadian Institute of Actuaries. Casualty Actuarial Society. Conference of Consulting Actuaries. Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1992DMO Annual Review. 2006-2007. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1993/94-
- United Kingdom Debt Management Office.
Dnyanajyoti. - National Insurance Academy, [India]. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.8 no.2 (1991); vol.10-16 (1993-1999) Continued as: Bimaquest Ecological Applications. - Ecological Society of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1991-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1991-2003 (4 years after publication)) Ecological Monographs. - Ecological Society of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1931-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1931-2003 (4 years after publication)) Ecology. - Ecological Society of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1920-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1920-2005 (2 years after publication)) Econometrica. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.62-72 (1994-2004); JSTOR:1933-2004 2 years after publication))
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1933-2004 (available
Economic History Review. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1927-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available 1927- (available 5 years after publication))
Economic Journal. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1891-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available 1891- (available 5 years after publication))
Economic & labour market review. Held at: Institute; Online only Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years Amalgamation of : Economic Trends, and Labour Market Trends Economic projections for OASDHI cost and income estimates. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1983-
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
Economic Trends. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years Continued as: Economic & labour market review Economic Trends annual supplement. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1994Economica. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1921-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1921- (most recent 5 years after publication))
The Economist. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 6 months Education Noticeboard. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1995)Formerly: Tuition Noticeboard (AES) Educational Gerontology. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.25-31 (1999-2005) Educational Studies in Mathematics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1968-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1968-2003 (3 years after publication)) Eighteenth-Century Studies. - The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1967-1995 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1967-1995) ELH.
- The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1934-1994 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1934-1994)
Emphasis/Emphasis on Management in Financial Services. - Tillinghast-Towers Perrin. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Emphasis: keep current issue only; Emphasis on Management etc: Keep for 2 years; Fac: kept for 5 years Enlightenment and Dissent. [Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Richard Price, DD FRS' by William Morgan]. Held at: Institute Holding: 22 (2003) only (Note: Editorial - Martin Fitzpatrick and James Dybikowski - 3 Introduction to William Morgan's Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Richard Price - D O Thomas - 5-9 'Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Richard Price, DD FRS' by William Morgan, iv, 96 p. Notes and Index - D O Thomas - 97-134) Equity gilt study 2010. - Barclays Capital. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Inst: 1991; 1993-2000; 2002(Note: Executive summary Chapter 1 - From feast to famine Chapter 2 - Bubble identification and some implications Chapter 3 - Dissecting recoveries Chapter 4 - UK Asset returns since 1899 Chapter 5 - US Asset returns Chapter 6 - Barclay indices Chapter 7 - Total investment returns) Ethics. - The University of Chicago Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1938-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1938-2002 (5 years after publication)) EURACS pension summaries. - European Actuarial Consultancy Services (EURACS). Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 2000 edition (Note: Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Irish Republic Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Australia Canada South Africa United States Japan) European social statistics: Demography. - Eurostat. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1990-2003 (Note: Demographic snapshots The European Union and the world Population change Population structure The European Union and its regions Fertility Nuptiality Mortality International migration Population projections Selected Central European countries, Cyprus and Malta Appendices ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE CD-ROM: Population structure Fertility Nuptiality Mortality Population projections Selected Central European countries, Cyprus and Malta Appendices) Formerly : Demographic statistics Continued as: Population statistics Expanding Horizons. - Society of Actuaries. Education and Research Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 5 years only Facts & figures. - Bacon & Woodrow. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1997-
Faculty of Actuaries Students' Society: annual review. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1989-
- Faculty of Actuaries Students' Society.
Family expenditure survey. - Association of British Insurers. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1990-1992 Family Planning Perspectives. - Guttmacher Institute. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1969-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1969-2001) Family spending. A report on the Family Expenditure Survey. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1990; 1994/95; 1996/97; 1998/99
- Office for National Statistics.
Far Eastern Quarterly. - Association for Asian Studies. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1941-1956 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1941-1956) Fiasco. - Staple Inn Actuarial Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1986 - June 1990; Fac: no.82 (1986) - June (1990) (broken holdings) Basement Box 9 Formerly: Fiasco (Institute of Actuaries Students' Society) Continued as: The Actuary [London] Fiasco. - Institute of Actuaries Students' Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1978-1986 Continued as: Fiasco (Staple Inn Actuarial Society) Finance acts. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1894-1977, with gaps Financial Adviser. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 6 months; Fac: current issues only Financial Analysts Journal. - Association for Investment Management and Research. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.46(2) 1990Financial News. The securities and investment banking weekly. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 6 months The Financial Reporter. - Society of Actuaries. Life Insurance Company Financial Reporting Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Financial Reporting Update. - KPMG. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Short file held Financial Reporting Update. - KPMG. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 3 years Financial Times Quarterly Review of Personal Finance. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy only kept FT-Actuaries Share Indices. Daily cuttings from the Financial Times. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 31 Aug 1976 - 13 May 1977
- Financial Times.
FT-Actuaries Share Indices. Daily cuttings from the Financial Times. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 14 May 77-
- Financial Times.
FT-Actuaries Share Indices. [Microfiches of computer printout]. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1971-1987 FT-Actuaries Share Indices. A fortnightly record of the FT-Actuaries Share Indices. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1962-1990 Continued as: FT-Actuaries Stats Pack
- Financial Times.
FT-Actuaries Share Indices - monthly UK stock indices. FINSTAT. - Financial Times. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1962-1990 (Note: Financial Times Share Indices Financial Times Actuaries Indices FT Monthly Indices Tables: 1. FT Actuaries Government Securities Index-linked Stocks 2. Equities 3. Financial Times Actuaries British Government Securities Indices 4. Financial Times Actuaries British Government Securities Gross Redemption Yields 5. Financial Times Actuaries Fixed Interest Indices) Continued as : FT-Actuaries Stats Pack FT-Actuaries Stats Pack. - Financial Times. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1991-95 (Note: FT-Actuaries share indices FT-Actuaries fixed interest price indices FT-Actuaries fixed interest average gross redemption yields International stock indices) Formerly: FT-Actuaries Share Indices - 'Monthly UK stock indices' and 'Fortnightly record of the FT-Actuaries share indices' FT-SE Monthly Review. - London Stock Exchange. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: October 1992-December 1996 GARP Risk Review. - Global Association of Risk Professionals. Held at: Institute; Online only Holding: Inst: kept for 2 years General Insurance Bulletin. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1-43 (1976-1987) General Lifestyle survey. Results for 2008. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.21-
- Office for National Statistics.
General report. - Combined Performance Measurement Service. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1990-1991 Genetics Bulletin. - General & Cologne Re. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No. 8 (1999)Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice. Held at: Athens; Institute Holding: Inst: Oxford: No.54 (1990)Formerly: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Geneva Risk and Insurance Review. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Oxford: No.1 (1976)-; Inst: London: No.58 (1991)Formerly: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Giornale dell'Instituto Italiano degli Attuari. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.4-47 (1933-1984)
- Instituto Italiano degli Attuari.
GIRO Bulletin. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: No.1-47 (1975-88); Fac: some copies only Guide to ERISA reporting and disclosure requirements. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only
- Coopers & Lybrand.
Handbook 1999/2000. - Singapore Actuarial Society. Held at: Faculty Holding: Keep latest edition only Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. - Harvard-Yenching Institute. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1936-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1936-2002 (5 years after publication)) Health and Care Committee Newsletter. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Issue 1-7 (1998-2001) Health Insurance Briefing. - Kluwer. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Current year only Health Section news. - Society of Actuaries. Health Section. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: No.26 (1993)Health Statistics Quarterly. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No. 6 (2000)Healthy people 2000 review. Held at: Institute Holding: 1995/96-
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
Het Verzekerings-Archief. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: v.25(4) (1946) High Net Worth. Held at: Faculty Holding: June 2005 Hospital In-patient Enquiry. - Department of Health and Social Security. Office for National Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: MB4 no.2-29 (publ 1978-1989) Housing Finance. - Council of Mortgage Lenders. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.10 (1991) In Sight. Held at: Institute Holding: February 2008Income Tax Acts. Supplement to the 1952 edition. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1952-1959, with gaps The Incorporated Statistician. - Association of Incorporated Statisticians. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1-11 (1950-1961) Continued as: The Statistician Incorporated Statistician. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1950-1961
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1950-1961 (4 years after publication))
Index. - Association Actuarielle Internationale. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1968Indian Actuarial Journal. - Actuarial Society of India. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (2004)Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1947 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1947- (available 3 years after publication)) Inflation report. - Bank of England. Held at: Institute; Online only Holding: Inst: 1994Inside Careers: Actuaries 2009/2010. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1989Formerly: The Ivanhoe Guide to Actuaries Inside OR. - Operational Research Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years Formerly OR Newsletter Insurance Abstracts and Reviews. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.1-4 (1982-92) Incorporated into: Insurance Mathematics and Economics Insurance Age. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 1 year Insurance annual report 2001. - HM Treasury. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Inst: 1989, 1991Insurance Bulletin. - KPMG. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Short file held Insurance company performance 2007. A statistical summary of the top 250 UK insurers. Nottingham Insurance Centre. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1993-; Fac: 1997Formerly: The British Insurance Industry - a statistical review
- University of
Insurance company performance 2008. A statistical summary of the top 250 UK insurers. Part 1. Nottingham Insurance Centre. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1993-; Fac: 1997Formerly: The British Insurance Industry - a statistical review
- University of
Insurance company performance 2008. A statistical summary of the top 250 UK insurers. Part 2. Nottingham Insurance Centre. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1993-; Fac: 1997Formerly: The British Insurance Industry - a statistical review
- University of
Insurance company performance 2009. A statistical summary of the top 250 UK insurers. Part 1. and Insurance Studies Nottingham University. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1993-; Fac: 1997Formerly: The British Insurance Industry - a statistical review
- Centre for Risk
Insurance company performance 2009. A statistical summary of the top 250 UK insurers. Part 2. and Insurance Studies Nottingham University. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1993-; Fac: 1997Formerly: The British Insurance Industry - a statistical review
- Centre for Risk
Insurance directory 2009 [The Post Magazine green book]. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 2 years; Fac: 1988Insurance Directory and Yearbook: Post Magazine Almanack. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1931/32-1983/84 Formerly: Post Magazine Almanack: Insurance Directory, Reference and Yearbook Issues 1931/32-1934/35 entitled: Insurance Directory, Reference and Yearbook: Post Magazine Almanack Insurance: facts and figures. - British Insurance Association. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1969-1973; 1976; 1983 Insurance Journals Index. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1992-1994 (as a database) Ceased publication Insurance Mathematics and Economics. Held at: Institute; Athens Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (1982)Incorporates: Insurance Abstracts and Reviews (1993-) The Insurance Record: banking, provident, friendly, building, and other societies' journal and Actuarial and Statistical Inquirer.. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1872-1930 (1872-1899 in historical collection held in Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Department) Insurance statistics. - Association of British Insurers. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only Insurance statistics yearbook 1996-2005. - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1983-90, 1985-92 -; Faculty: 1985-92 Insurance statistics yearbook 1998-2007. - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1983-90, 1985-92 -; Faculty: 1985-92 Insurance Trends. Quarterly Statistics and Research Review. - Association of British Insurers. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1, 3-4 (1994); 9-41 (1996-2004) (missing no.34) Ceased publication International Economic Review. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1960- (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1960- (available 5 years after publication)) International Family Planning Digest. - Guttmacher Institute. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1975-1977 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1975-1977) International Family Planning Perspectives. - Guttmacher Institute. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1979-2006 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1979-2006) International Family Planning Perspectives and Digest. - Guttmacher Institute. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1978 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1978)
International Insurance Report. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: March 1991-Dec 1996 International Journal of Ethics. - The University of Chicago Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1890-1938 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1890-1938) International Journal of Pension Management. Held at: Institute Holding: Spring 2009 (Vol 2, 1) International Organization. - Cambridge University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1947-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1947-2004 (3 years after publication)) International Section news. - Society of Actuaries. International Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years International Social Security Review. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.38 (1985)-; missing: 61(3) Jul-Sep 2008; 57(3) Jul-Sep 2004 International Statistical Review. Revue Internationale de Statistique. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1972-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1972-2001 (5 years after publication)) Investment Adviser. Held at: Faculty Holding: Inst: Kept for 6 months The Investment Analyst. - Society of Investment Analysts. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1961-1989 Continued as: Professional Investor Investment Week. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: kept for 3 months Issues Digest. - American Academy of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1990The Ivanhoe Guide to Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: 1989-1988 Joint list of members & students. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1996-1999; Fac: 1996-1999 Formerly: Institute and Faculty lists issued separately and bound with respective Members' Handbooks Continued as: The actuarial directory Journal des Actuaires Francais. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.1-8 (1872-1879) Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1970-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1970-2001 (5 years after publication)) Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Monograph. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1985-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1985-2001 (5 years after publication))
Journal of Accounting Research. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1963- (Note: JSTOR volumes available 1963- (available 5 years after publication)) Journal of Actuarial Practice. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (1993)-2006 Journal of African American History. - Association for the Study of African-American Life and History, Inc.. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 2002-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 2002-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1996-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1996-2001 (5 years after publication)) Journal of American History. - Organization of American Historians. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1964-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1964-2002 (5 years after publication)) Journal of Animal Ecology. - British Ecological Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1932-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1932-2003) Journal of Anthropology. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1870-1871 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1870-1871) Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Held at: Institute; Athens Holding: 2009Journal of Applied Econometric. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1986- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1986-(available 5 years after publication)) Journal of Applied Econometrics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1986-2002 Journal of Applied Probability. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1964-2003
- John Wiley & Sons. (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1986-2002 (5 years after publication))
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1964-2003 (3 years after publication))
Journal of Asian Studies. - Association for Asian Studies. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1956-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1956-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of Asset Management. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (2000)Journal of Black Studies. - Sage Publications, Inc.. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1970-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1970-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. - The JBHE Foundation. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1993-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1993-2004/5 (3 years after publication)) Journal of Business. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1954-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1954-2001)
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1983-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1983-2001 (5 years after publication))
Journal of Business of the University of Chicago. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1928-1953 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1928-1953) Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1992-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1992-2001 (5 years after publication)) Journal of Consumer Research. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1974- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1974- (available 5 years after publication)) Journal of Ecology. - British Ecological Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1913-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1913-2003) Journal of Economic Abstracts. - American Economic Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1963-1968 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1963-1968) Journal of Economic History. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1941- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1941- (available 5 years after publication)) Journal of Economic Literature. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1969- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1969- (available 2 years after publication)) Journal of Economic Perspectives. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1987- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1987- (available 2 years after publication)) Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1994-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1994-2002 (available 4 years after publication)) Journal of Educational Sociology. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1927-1963 Journal of Educational Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1976-1994 Journal of Finance. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1946-
- American Sociological Association. (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1927-1963)
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1976-1994)
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1946-(available 3 years after publication))
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1966- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1966- (available 4 years after publication)) Journal of Financial Economics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.35-46 (1994-97) Journal of Financial Services Marketing. Held at: Faculty; Athens Holding: Fac: Vol.1 (1996) Journal of Health and Human Behavior. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1960-1966 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1960-1966) Journal of Health and Social Behavior. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1967-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1967-2005 (2 years after publication))
Journal of Higher Education. - Ohio State University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1930-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1930-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of Human Resources. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1966-2004
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1966-2004)
Journal of Industrial Economics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1952- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1952- (available 5 years after publication)) Journal of Insurance. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1957-1963
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1957-1963)
Journal of Insurance Medicine. - American Academy of Insurance Medicine. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.24 (1992)Journal of Insurance Research & Practice. - Chartered Insurance Institute. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.15 (2000)Subsequently: Insurance Research and Practice, a supplement to The Journal (CII) Formerly: The Journal of the Society of Fellows Journal of International Business Studies. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1970- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1970- (available 3 years after publication)) Journal of Labor Economics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1983-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1983-2001)
Journal of Military History. - Society for Military History. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1989-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1989-2005 (2 years after publication)) Journal of Modern History. - The University of Chicago Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1929-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1929-2002 (5 years after publication)) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1969- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1969- (available 3 years after publication)) Journal of Negro Education. - Journal of Negro Education. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1932-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1932-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of Negro History. - Association for the Study of African-American Life and History, Inc.. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1916-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1916-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of Occupational Behaviour. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1980-1987 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1980-1987) Journal of Organizational Behavior. Held at: JSTOR (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1988-(available 5 years after publication)) Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. Held at: Institute; Faculty; Athens Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (2002)-; missing: 1(1) Mar 2002
Journal of Pensions Management. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1-7 (1995-2002) Vol.3 entitled: Journal of Pensions Management & Marketing Continued as: Pensions Journal of Philosophy. - Journal of Philosophy, Inc.. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1921-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1921-2002 (5 years after publication)) Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods. - Journal of Philosophy, Inc.. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1904-1920 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1904-1920) Journal of Political Economy. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1892- (available 5 years after publication)
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1892-2001)
Journal of Politics. - Southern Political Science Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1939-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1939-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of poverty and social justice. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.30 (2001)Journal of Recreational Mathematics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.18 (1985)Journal of Risk and Insurance. Held at: Faculty; Athens; Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.55 (1988)- (vol.68[1-3] are missing); Fac: March 1987-; JSTOR:1964available: 1964- (available 3 years after publication))
(Note: JSTOR volumes
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (1988)Journal of Social Policy. Held at: Institute; Athens Holding: Inst: Vol.30 (2001)Journal of Southern History. - Southern Historical Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1935-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1935-2002 (5 years after publication)) Journal of Symbolic Logic. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1936-2002
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1936-2002 (available 4 years after publication))
Journal of the Academy of Management. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1958-1962 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1958-1962) Journal of the American Academy of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1975-1985
- American Academy of Actuaries.
Journal of the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1937-1956 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1937-1956) Journal of the American Mathematical Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1988-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1988-2001 (available 5 years after publication))
Journal of the American Military History Foundation. - Society for Military History. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1937-1938 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1937-1938) Journal of the American Military Institute. - Society for Military History. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1939-1940 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1939-1940) Journal of the American Statistical Association. - American Statistical Association. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.55-64 (1960-1969); Indexes 1940-50, 1956-65; JSTOR:1922-2001 available: 1922-2001 (available 5 years after publication))
(Note: JSTOR volumes
Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1872-1906 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1872-2002 (5 years after publication)) Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1864-1871 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1864-1871) Journal of the Chartered Insurance Institute. - Chartered Insurance Institute. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 2 years only; Fac: Vol.15-22 (1912-1919); vol.26 (1923); vol.36-38 (1933-1935); vol.40-69 (1937-1972) Formerly: Journal of the Insurance Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1908-1911); and Journal of the Federation of Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland (1898-1907) Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1848-1856). - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1848-1856 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1848-1856) Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870). - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1869-1870 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1869-1870) Journal of the Federation of Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland. - Federation of Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.1-10 (1898-1907) Continued as: Journal of the Insurance Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Journal of the History of Ideas. - University of Pennsylvania Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1940-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1940-2004 (3 years after publication)) Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (JIA). - Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1-121 (1848-1994) Merged with Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries and continued as: British Actuarial Journal Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Students' Society (JSS). - Institute of Actuaries Students' Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Vol.1-30 (1911-1987); Fac: Vol.1-30 (1911-1987) Continued as: Journal: Staple Inn Actuarial Society Journal of the Insurance Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. - Insurance Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.11-14 (1908-1911) Formerly: Journal of the Federation of Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland Continued as: Journal of the Chartered Insurance Institute Journal of the Insurance Institute of London. - Insurance Institute of London. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.29 (1935/36)-Vol.56 (1967/68), missing Vol.51 (1962/63)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society. - London Mathematical Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.16-44 (1941-69). Second series: vol.1-30 (1969-1988). Index to vols.1-44 (1926-69) Journal of the Operational Research Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1978- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1978- (available 5 years after publication)) Journal of the Operations Research Society of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1952-1955 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1952-1955) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1995-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1995-2002 (5 years after publication)) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1907-1965 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1907-1965) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. - Royal Statistical Society. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.1-110 (1839-1947); Indexes 1-71 in 5 parts; JSTOR:1887-1947 available: 1887-1947)
(Note: JSTOR volumes
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, General. - Royal Statistical Society. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.111 (1948)-; set lacks vol.119 (1956); JSTOR:1948-1987 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1948-1987) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society). Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1988-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1988-2002 (available 4 years after publication)) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, Methodological. - Royal Statistical Society. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.10 (1948)-; JSTOR:1948-1997 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1948-1997) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology). Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1998-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1998-2002 (available 4 years after publication)) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, Applied Statistics. - Royal Statistical Society. Held at: Institute; JSTOR; Athens Holding: Inst: 1952-; JSTOR:1952-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1952-2002 (available 4 years after publication)) Journal of the Scottish Mathematical Council. - Scottish Mathematical Council. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: Vol.2 (1972)Formerly: Scottish Mathematical Council: newsletter Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1953-1965 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1953-1965 (available for 5 years after publication)) Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1964-1965 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1964-1965 (available for 5 years after publication)) Journal of the Society of Fellows. - Chartered Insurance Institute. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.9(2)-14 (1995-1999) Continued as: Insurance research & practice
Journal of the Staple Inn Actuarial Society (JSS). - Staple Inn Actuarial Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.31-33 (1988-1993) Formerly: Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Students Society Journal of the Statistical Society of London. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1838-1886 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1838-1886) Journal supplement. - Royal Statistical Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1-9 (1934-1947) Continued as: Royal Statistical Society Journal: series B Kluwer's income protection insurance. - GE Frankona Re. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1999-2001; Fac: Formerly: Permanent Health Insurance (RKN 4044) The Lancet. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 2007-2009 Life assurance in the United Kingdom. - Life Offices' Association. Associated Scottish Life Offices. Industrial Life Offices Association. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1966-1976; Fac: 1962-1973 Life insurance business in Japan 2008/2009. - Life Insurance Association of Japan. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1992/93-; Fac: 1993/94- (Note: Overview of the life insurance business in Japan fiscal 2008 New Business Business in Force Revenues and Expenditures Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Member Companies and Sales Force Requests and Proposals Tax Reform Postal Reform IASB IAIS Our Activities Further Promotion of Customer-Oriented Management Educational System Life Insurance Consultation Center Social Service Activities Anti-Moral Hazard Measures Topics in Life Insurance Industry Bancassurance Insurance Contract Law Solvency Margin Ratio Life Insurance Policyholder Protection Scheme The Life Insurance Association of Japan (LIAJ) Organization Chart Board Members Member Companies) Life insurance fact book. - American Council of Life Insurance. Held at: Online only (2003-); Institute (2002) Holding: Inst: 1948- (with some gaps) Life insurance in the United Kingdom. Offices Association. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1982-1984
- Life Offices' Association. Associated Scottish Life Offices. Industrial Life
List of Members. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Current edition only held Formerly part of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia Year Book Lists of members. - Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1853, 1861, 1867-1927 Subsequently published in the Year Book and Members' Handbook MA News. - Mathematical Association. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.123 (2004)Man.
- Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1901-1994 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1901-1994)
Management Science. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1954-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1954- (available 4 years after publication))
Management Technology. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1960-1964
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1960-1964)
Managerial and Decision Economics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1980- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1980- (available 5 years after publication)) Marketing Science. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1982-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1982- (available 4 years after publication))
Marriage, divorce and adoption statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1974)-
- Office for National Statistics.
Mathematical Finance. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.5(4) (Jan 1995) - Vol.9(4) (1999) The Mathematical Gazette. - Mathematical Association. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Kept for 5 years; JSTOR:1894-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1894-2001 (5 years after publication)) Mathematical Pie. - Mathematical Association. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.161 (2004)Mathematical Spectrum. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 5 years Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1943-1959 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1943-1959) Mathematics in schools. - Mathematical Association. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 1 year Mathematics Magazine. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1947-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1947-2003 (available 3 years after publication))
Mathematics News Letter. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1926-1934
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1926-1934)
Mathematics of Computation. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1960-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1960-2001 (available 5 years after publication))
Mathematics of Operations Research. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1976-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1976-2002 (available 4 years after publication)) Mededelingenblad. - Actuarieel Genootschap. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Jaargang 31(1) 1992Members' Handbook. - Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 19871995/96 - looseleaf version discontinued. Section D (Guidance Notes etc) continued as: Manual of Actuarial Practice. Other sections issued as a bound volume each year
Members' Handbook. - Faculty of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1988-; Fac: 1988Formerly: Faculty of Actuaries: yearbook Members' Handbook. - New Zealand Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1995/96 The MGL-CIG property index 1978-1990. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only
- Morgan Grenfell Laurie. Corporate Intelligence Group.
Midwest Journal of Political Science. - Midwest Political Science Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1957-1972 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1957-2004 (3 years after publication)) Military Affairs. - Society for Military History. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1941-1988 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1941-1988) Mind. - Oxford University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1876-2000 MIS Quarterly. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1977-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1876-2000 (7 years after publication))
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1977- (available 5 years after publication))
Mississippi Valley Historical Review. - Organization of American Historians. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1914-1964 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1914-1964) Mitteilungen. - Versicherungswissenschaftliche. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1905-1911 Mitteilungen. - Vereinigung Schweizerischer Versicherungsmathematiker. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Heft 37-79 (1939-79); 1980 heft 1, heft 2; 1981 heft 1, heft 2 etc Continued as Mitteilungen - Schweizerische Aktuarvereinigung Mitteilungen. - Schweizerische Aktuarvereinigung. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Heft 1 (1996)Formerly: Mitteilungen - Vereinigung Schweizerischer Versicherungsmathematiker Mitteilungen der Aktuarvereinigung Osterreichs. - Aktuarvereinigung Osterreichs. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Institute: Heft 9 (1997); Faculty: Heft 6-8 (1992-1996) MLN. - The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1962-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1962-2002 (5 years after publication)) Modern Language Notes. - The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1886-1961 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1886-1961) Money Management. - Financial Times. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Kept for 2 years Money Marketing. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Kept for two months
Monumenta Nipponica. - Sophia University. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1938-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1938-2002 (5 years after publication)) Morbidity statistics from general practice 1981-82. Third national study.. - Royal College of General Practitioners. Office for National Statistics. Department of Health and Social Security. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No,1 (1986)Mortality Statistics: accidents and violence/injury and poisoning. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1974)-, with some gaps; Fac: No.1 (1974) only Mortality statistics: Area. Review of the Registrar General on deaths by area of usual residence in England and Wales. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: No.6, 9, 13 & 19; Fac: No.2 (1975); No.4 (1977) Ceased publication (1997) Mortality Statistics: cause. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1974)Mortality Statistics: childhood. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.10 (1981)Mortality statistics: childhood, infant and perinatal. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.20 (1986), no.23 (1989)-
- Office for National Statistics.
Mortality Statistics. England and Wales. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1974)- (missing no.29) MSOR Connections : the newsletter of the Maths, Stats & OR Network. Held at: Institute Holding: 2008 The Multinational. - Watson Wyatt. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years Mutuality. - Association Internationale des Societies d'Assurance Mutuelle (AISAM). Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 5 years National Insurance Fund Account. - Department of Social Security. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1989-90National Mathematics Magazine. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1934-1945
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1934-1945)
National Population Projections - 1998 based. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Nos 6,14,21,22 Negro American Literature Forum. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1967-1976
- Government Actuary's Department. Office for National Statistics.
- St. Louis University. (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1967-1976)
News Bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations). - Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1926-1928 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1926-1928)
NewsDirect. - Society of Actuaries. Nontraditional Marketing Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Newsletter. - American Academy of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1973-82 Continued as: Actuarial Update Newsletter. - Groupe Consultatif des Associations d'Actuaires des Pays des Communautes Europeennes. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: December 1994-; From 1998 available electonically only via website www.gcactuaries.org Newsletter. - Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1-21 (1986-90) Newsletter. - HSBC Gibbs. Held at: Institute Holding: 3 years only Newsletter. - Society of Actuaries. Actuary of the Future Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 5 years only Newsletter. - Society of Actuaries in Ireland. Held at: Institute Holding: July 1996Nineteenth-Century Fiction. - University of California Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1949-1986 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1949-1986) Nineteenth-Century Literature. - University of California Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1986-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1986-2004 (3 years after publication)) Nordisk Forsakringstidskrift (NFT). [Scandinavian Insurance Quarterly]. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1965North American Actuarial Journal. - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (1997)Replaces: Transactions of the Society of Actuaries Nous. - Blackwell Publishing. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1967-1999
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1967-1999)
Occupational Pensions. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 5 years; Fac: Kept for 2 years On The Risk. - Academy of Life Underwriting. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Vol.1-14 (1984-98) Open Learning. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.6 (1991)Operational Research Quarterly. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1970-1977
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1970-1977)
Operational Research Quarterly (1950-1952). Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR 1950-1952 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1950-1952) Operations Research. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:2002-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1956- (available 4 years after publication))
OR. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1953-1969
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1953-1969)
OR Insight. - Operational Research Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years OR Newsletter. - Operational Research Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years Subsequently Inside OR Organization Science. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1990-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1990- (available 4 years after publication))
Oxford Economic Papers. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1938-1997
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1938-1997)
Pacific Affairs. - Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1928-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1928-2002/3 (5 years after publication)) Pension fund indicators. A long-term perspective on pension fund investment. - UBS Global Asset Management. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1992-; Fac: 1990-2006, 2009 (Note: The outlook for British pension investment - 4 Modern investment solutions - 9 Asset allocation and returns - 13 Equities - 24 Emerging markets - 35 Bonds - 41 Property - 49 Alternative investments - 57 Derivatives - 65 Performance, risk and quantitative techniques - 68 Appendix A: The British pensions landscape - 75 Appendix B: List of tables and graphs - 77) Pension fund indicators 2009. A long-term perspective on pension fund investment. - UBS Global Asset Management. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1992-; Fac: 1990- (Note: Asset allocation in the presence of liabilities Equities Bonds Real Estate Other sources of return Appendices: UK pension assets, asset allocation - the historical perspective, risk measurement, derivatives, performance measurement, list of tables and graphs.) Pension fund investment performance. CAPS general report. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Faculty: 1991-
- Combined Actuarial Performance Services.
Pension Lawyer. - Association of Pension Lawyers. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.80 (1999)The Pension Scheme Trustee. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst Pension Section News. - Society of Actuaries. Pensions Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Pensions : an international journal. Held at: Athens; Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.8 (2002/03)-; missing: 8(2) Jan 2003 Formerly: Journal of Pensions Management
Pensions Management. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Kept permanently (?); Fac: Kept for 1 year Pensions News. - R Watson & Sons. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 3 years; Fac: No.15 (Apr 1994) onwards Pensions News. - Watson Wyatt. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1995)Pensions Today. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years Fac: No longer subscribed Pensions Week. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Jan 2003-; Fac: kept for one year Pensions World. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: Kept for 2 years; Inst: since 2000 (previously 2 years, so not all issues available, especially 2006 & 2007 issues missing) Incorporates: Pensions & Employee Benefits, (July 1992-) Permanent Health Insurance. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1976-1997 Continued as: Kluwer's Income Protection Insurance (RKN 20660) Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. - Guttmacher Institute. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 2002-2006 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 2002-2006 (1 year after publication)) Perspectives/Spectrum. - Watson Wyatt. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: Autumn 1995Philosophical Issues. - Ridgeview Publishing Company. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1991-1998 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1991-1998) Philosophical Perspectives. - Ridgeview Publishing Company. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1987-1995 (Note: JSTOR volume available: 1987-1995) Philosophical Quarterly. - The Philosophical Quarterly. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1950-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1950-2002 (5 years after publication)) Philosophical Review. - Cornell University. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1892-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1892-2004 (3 years after publication)) Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678). Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1665-1678 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1665-1678) Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775). Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1683-1775 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1683-1775) Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Held at: JSTOR (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1996-2003 (available 3 years after publication))
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1776-1886 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1776-1886) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1887-1895 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1887-1895) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character. Held at: JSTOR (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1896-1934) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1934-1990 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1934-1990) Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1990-1995 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1990-1995) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. - International Phenomenological Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1940-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1940-2002 (5 years after publication)) Philosophy and Public Affairs. - Princeton University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1971-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1971-2001 (5 years after publication)) Placard. - Association of Consulting Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.9 (1995)PMI news. - The Pensions Management Institute. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: [Jan 2003 - June 2005] Political Science Quarterly. - The Academy of Political Science. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1886-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1886-2003 (5 years after publication)) Population. - Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: 1974-; JSTOR: 1946-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1946-2005 (2 years after publication)) Population: An English Selection. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1989-2001
- Institut National d'Études Démographiques. (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1989-2001)
Population and Development Review. - Population Council. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1975-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1975-2005 (2 years after publication)) Population (English Edition, 2002-). - Institut National d'Études Démographiques. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 2002-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 2002-2005 (2 years after publication)) Population Index. - Office of Population Research. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: 1951-1999; JSTOR: 1937-1999 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1937-1999) Publication ceased Population Literature. - Office of Population Research. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1935-1936 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1935-1936)
Population statistics. - Eurostat. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 2004- (Note: Demographic snapshots The European Union and the world Population change Population composition Fertility Mortality International migration Nuptiality The European Union and its regions Appendices ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE CD-ROM: Population change Population structure and composition Fertility Mortality International migration Nuptiality) Formerly: European social statistics: Demography Population Studies. - Population Investigation Committee. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (1947)-; JSTOR: 1947-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1947-2004 (3 years after publication)) Population Trends. - Office for National Statistics. Held at: Institute; Faculty; Online only Holding: Inst: No.1 (1975)-; Fac: No 119/20/21/22 Post Magazine. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: London: Vol.10 (1849)-; Inst: Oxford: Kept for 6 months; Fac: 1848-1862; 1864-67; 1870-75; 1880-1899 (1848-1899 held at Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Department); Fac: 1900-04 Box 133, 1905-1907 Box 134, 1908-1910 Box 131, 1911-1916 Box 124, 1917-1921 Box 130, 1922-1923 Box 132, 1924-1925 Box 125, 1926-1927 Box 123, 1928-1929 Box 126, 1930-1931 Box 127, 1932-1934 Box 128, 1935-1936 Box 122, 1937-1938 Box 119, 1939-1941 Box 120, 1942-1947 Box 121, 1948-1951 Box 118, 1952-1955 Box 117, 1956-1958 Box 116, 1959-1961 Box 115, 1962-1964 Box 114, 1965-1967 Box 113, 1968-1970 Box 112, 1971-1973 Box 129, 1974-1975 Box 139, 1976-1977 Box 138, 1978-1979 Box 137, 1980-1981 Box 136, 1982 Box 135 Early issues called: Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor Post Magazine Almanack: the Insurance Directory, Reference and Yearbook. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1847; 1850-1930/31 Continued as: Insurance Directory and Yearbook: Post Magazine Almanack Earliest issues entitled simply: Post Magazine Almanack Practical issues arising from the introduction of the Euro. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: No. 11 (1999)-
- Bank of England.
Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1990-1995 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1990-1995) Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR 1996-2003 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1996-2003 (available 3 years after publication)) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1950-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1950-2001 (available 5 years after publication)) Proceedings of the American Political Science Association. - American Political Science Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1904-1913 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1904-1913) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Association of University Teachers of Insurance). Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1933-1935 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1933-1935) Proceedings of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America. Medical Directors of America. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1-74 (1889/1906 - 1990)
- Association of Life Insurance
Proceedings of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries. - Canadian Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1965 - 1999; after this date available electronically from www.actuaries.ca/publications
Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society (PCAS). - Casualty Actuarial Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.66 (1979) -; Fac: Vol.1 (1914) - 2006 Superceded by Variance Proceedings of the Conference of Actuaries in Public Practice. - Conference of Actuaries in Public Practice. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1-40 (1951-1990); set lacks vol.31, 33 and 36 Continued as Proceedings - Conference of Consulting Actuaries Proceedings of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. - Conference of Consulting Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.41(1991)Formerly: Proceedings - Conference of Actuaries in Public Practice Proceedings of the Double Century Club. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1979-1985/86
- Double Century Club.
Proceedings of the Home Office Life Underwriters Association and the Occupational Committee. Underwriters Association and the Occupational Committee. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1953-1985; Fac: 1930-1985
- Home Office Life
Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1965-1973 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1965-1973) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1854-1905 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1854-1905) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1905-1934 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1905-1934) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1934-1990 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1934-1990) Proceedings of the Seminar for the Appointed Actuary. - Canadian Institute of Actuaries. Casualty Actuarial Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Vol. 5-7 (1994-1996) Fac: Vol. 5-7 (1994-1996) Product Development News. - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Professional actuarial specialty guides. - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty Holding: 1990-1993; 1997 (with many gaps) Professional Investor. - The UK Society of Investment Professionals. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Inst: Kept for 5 years; Fac: Kept for 2 years Formerly: The Investment Analyst Professional Pensions. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Keep 1 year Public Opinion Quarterly. - Oxford University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1937-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1937-2002 (5 years after publication))
Publications of the American Economic Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1886-1907 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1886-1907) Publications of the American Statistical Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR 1888-1919 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1888-1919) Quarterly Bulletin. - Bank of England. Held at: Institute; Online only Holding: Inst: Vol.16 (1976)Quarterly Journal. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Dec 1990-Dec 1997 Continued as: Australian Actuarial Journal Quarterly Journal of Economics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1886- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1886- (available 5 years after publication)) Quarterly Letter. - Netherlands Reinsurance Group. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: June 1992-May 1993 Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1920-1921 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1920-1921) Quarterly return: births, deaths and marriages. - Registrar-General, Scotland. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: No.436 (1963)-No.459 (1969); No.461 (1970)-No.504 (1980) (Basement Box 13 no.470 1972 - no.495 Sept 1978) RAIN. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1974-1984 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1974-1984) RAND Journal of Economics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1984- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1984- (available 2 years after publication)) Random Muse. - Institute of Actuaries Students' Society. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1946-1947 The Record of the American Institute of Actuaries (RAIA). - American Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: v.20-41 (1931-1949); Fac: v.1-38 (1909-1949) Reinsurance Section News. - Society of Actuaries. Reinsurance Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years only Renaissance News. - Renaissance Society of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1948-1966 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1948-1966) Renaissance Quarterly. - Renaissance Society of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1967-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1967-2004 (3 years after publication)) Report. - Industrial Assurance Commissioner. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1956-68
Report. - Ministry of National Insurance. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1951 - 1963 except for 1953 & 1955 Report. Part 1: General. Part 2: Friendly societies. Part 3: Industrial and provident societies. Friendly Societies. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Reports for the years 1953-1966
- Chief Registrar of
Report. - Registrar of Friendly Societies and Credit Unions. New Zealand. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only Report. - Registrar of Co-operative and Financial Institutions, Western Australia. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only Report for the period January 2001 to July 2002. University. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy only held
- Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, Heriot-Watt
Report of the Chief Registrar. - Registry of Friendly Societies. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Reports for the years 1979, 1980, 1981-1982 and 1983-1984. Faculty holding: 1978 [pt 2 Building Societies], 1980, 1981-1982, 1986, 1988-89, 1992Report of the Chief Registrar 2000-2001. Incorporating his report as the Industrial Assurance Commissioner. Registry of Friendly Societies. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1987 - 2000/01; Faculty holding 1986, 1988-89, 1992 to date Ceased publication Report of the Government Actuary: presented to the House of Representatives pursuant to Section 28 of the Superannuation Schemes Act 1989. - New Zealand. Held at: Institute; Online only Holding: Latest copy kept only Report of the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only
- Parliament of New South Wales.
Report on Canadian economic statistics 1924-1998. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only
- Canadian Institute of Actuaries.
Report on the teachers' superannuation scheme (England and Wales). Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1948/1956-
- Government Actuary.
Report. Part 1. - Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Reports for the years 1967-1978 Report. Part 3. Industrial and provident societies. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Reports for the years 1967-1978
- Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies.
Report. Part A. - Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1905-1912 Reports. - Canadian Association of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1946-1962 Continued as: Reports: Canadian Institute of Actuaries
Reports. - Canadian Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1963-1974 Formerly: Reports: Canadian Association of Actuaries Representations. - University of California Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1983-2004 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1983-2004 (3 years after publication)) Research programme on risk management. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Jan (1988)-
- Geneva Association.
Research report. - Institute of Actuaries Research Committee. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1994-1995 Retail Price Index Queries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Latest copy kept only Review. - William M Mercer Fraser. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 3 years; Fac: No.79-117 (1988-1997) Review of Economic Studies. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1933- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1933- (available 3 years after publication)) Review of Economics and Statistics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1919- (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1919- (available 5 years after publication)) Review of Financial Studies. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1988-
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1988- (available 3 years after publication)
The Review: Worldwide Reinsurance. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: Jan-Sep 1992; Jan 1993 Reviews in American History. - The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1973-1994 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1973-1994) Revue de l'Institut International de Statistique. Review of the International Statistical Institute. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1933-1971 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1933-1971) Risk. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1999Risk Insights. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1(1997)- (with some gaps) Risk Management and Insurance Review. Held at: Faculty; Athens; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1(2) 1998Risks and rewards. - Society of Actuaries. Investment Section. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years; Fac: No.15 (1993)-
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1974Formerly: Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift Scotland's population 2006. The Registrar General's annual review of demographic trends. Annual report of the Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages for Scotland 2006. - Registrar General for Scotland. Macniven, Duncan. Held at: Faculty Holding: Faculty: 1972 to date Scottish Business Insider. Held at: Faculty Holding: Keep for two years Scottish household survey. Bulletin. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1,2,3,4
- The Scottish Executive.
Shakespeare Quarterly. - Folger Shakespeare Library. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1950-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1950-2002 (5 years after publication)) SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1966-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1966-2002 (available 5 years after publication)) SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1966-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1966-2001 (available 5 years after publication)) SIAM Review. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1959-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1959-2001 (available 5 years after publication))
Significance: statistics making sense. Held at: Athens; Institute Holding: Inst: 2006-
- Royal Statistical Society.
Singapore International Insurance & Actuarial Journal. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 [1997]- (irregular) Single Market News. The newsletter of DG XV - Internal market and financial services. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No. 8 (July 1997)Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1953-74; Fac: 1918-74 Continued as: Scandinavian Actuarial Journal Small Talk. - Society of Actuaries. Smaller Insurance Company Section. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: kept for 5 years Social Policy and Society. Held at: Institute; Athens Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (2002)Social Psychology. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1978 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1978) Social Psychology Quarterly. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1979-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1979-2005 (2 years after publication))
Social Security Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1989-
- Department of Social Security.
Social security survey. - Winterthur Insurance. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only (Note: Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Japan Liechtenstein Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Saudi Arabia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States) Social Trends. - Central Statistical Office. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: No.1 (1990)- [no.1-25 (1970-95) on CD ROM]; Faculty: No.31 (latest only kept) Sociology of Education. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1963-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1963-2005 (2 years after publication)) Sociometry. - American Sociological Association. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1937-1977 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1937-1977) South African Actuarial Journal. - Actuarial Society of South Africa. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1 (2001)Speculum. - Medieval Academy of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1926-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1926-2002 (5 years after publication)) Statistica Neerlandica. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 1 year Statistical abstract. - Bank of England. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1992-1995 (Note: - Part 1: Banking, capital markets, government debt and related statistics, interest and exchange rates - Part 2: Detailed monetary statistics) Statistical Bulletin. - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1983-2000 Ceased publication, with 81(2) Statistical News. Developments in British Official Statistics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1-125 (1968-1999) Ceased publication, 2000
- Office for National Statistics.
Statistical review of England and Wales. - Registrar General. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1921-1973 (Note: Includes the following Supplements:- Supplement on Hospital in-patient statistics, 1949 and Supplement on General morbidity, cancer and mental health, 1949 (Bound in one volume) Supplement on General morbidity, cancer and mental health, 1950-51 Supplement on cancer, 1952 and Supplement on mental health, 1952-53 (Bound in one volume) Supplements on mental health, 1954-59 1955 Supplement on Hospital in-patient statistics 1960 Supplement on mental health 1961 Supplement on cancer Supplements on cancer: 1962 - 65 1966-1967 Supplement on cancer 1968-1970 Supplement on cancer Supplements on abortion: 1968 - 73) Statistical Science. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1986-2003
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1986-2003 (available 3 years after publication))
The Statistician. - Institute of Statisticians. Held at: Institute; JSTOR Holding: Inst: Vol.12 (1962)-; JSTOR:1962-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1962-2002 (4 years after publication)) Formerly: The Incorporated Statistician Forms Section D of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, v.43 (1994)-
Statistics for employee benefits actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Keep latest copy only
- Society of Actuaries.
Strategic Management Journal. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1980- (Note: Volumes available: 1980-(avilable 5 years after publication)) Student handbook. - Institute of Actuaries. Actuarial Education Service. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1990/91-1994/95 Continued as: Student Handbook - Institute of Actuaries and Faculty of Actuaries Student handbook 2007/2008. - Faculty of Actuaries. Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Institute; Faculty Holding: Inst: 1995/96-; Fac: latest only on loans shelf, rest in ref section Formerly: Student Handbook - Institute of Actuaries, Actuarial Education Service Studies in Family Planning. - Population Council. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1963-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1963-2005 (2 years after publication)) Studies in the Renaissance. - Renaissance Society of America. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1954-1974 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1954-1974) Study opportunities. - Institute of Actuaries. Actuarial Education Service. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1991/92 - 1993/94 Subnational population projections.. Formerly: Population projections - Area. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Nos.5, 7 Summary of life insurance business. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1993-1999
- Office for National Statistics.
- Life Insurance Association of Japan.
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1934-1947 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1934-1947) Survey of Actuaries and Actuarial Students. - Remuneration Economics. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1988-1997 (some missing) Technometrics. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1959-2001
(Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1959-2001 (available 5 years after publication))
Theory of Probability and its Applications. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 2 years
- Moscow State University.
The Times Educational Supplement. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 1 year Times Higher Education. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 1 year Formerly: The Times Higher Education Supplement Transactions of the Actuarial Society of America. - Actuarial Society of America. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1891/2-1948/9 Continued as: Transactions: Society of Actuaries
Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Australasia. - Actuarial Society of Australasia. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1-11 (1933-1958) Continued as: Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Australia and New Zealand Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Australia and New Zealand. - Actuarial Society of Australia and New Zealand. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.12 (1960/61) Formerly: Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Australasia Continued as: Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and New Zealand Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1-4 (1886-1901)
- Actuarial Society of Edinburgh.
Transactions of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (TASSA). Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol.1(1969)-
- Actuarial Society of South Africa.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1900-2001 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1900-2001 (available 5 years after publication)) Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1863 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1863) Transactions of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America. Proceedings of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America. - Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: [1894-1991] 1930-1941; 1946-1974; 1976-1990 Transactions of the Assurance Medical Society. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1952-2000, with some gaps Ceased publication
- Assurance Medical Society.
Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London. - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1861-1869 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1861-1869) Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries (TFA). - Faculty of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Vol. 1-44 (1901-1997) Merged with Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and continued as: British Actuarial Journal Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and New Zealand. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia and New Zealand. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1963-1976 Formerly: Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Australia and New Zealand Continued as: Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia (TIAA). Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1977-1997
- Institute of Actuaries of Australia.
Formerly: Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and New Zealand Continued as: Australian Actuarial Journal Transactions of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan. - Institute of Actuaries of Japan. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.5 (1950)- with gaps; Fac: Vol.15-29 (1961-1975)-; vol 47-54 Transactions of the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. - Insurance and Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1st series; 6th series nos 2,4,6-11,l3-l5 (1881-1914)
Transactions of the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1st series (1881/85)-6th series (1905/13) Transactions of the Insurance Society of Edinburgh. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1901/04-1938/39
- The Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow.
- Insurance Society of Edinburgh.
Transactions of the International Association of Consulting Actuaries. Actuaries. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1982-
- International Association of Consulting
Transactions of the International Congress of Actuaries (TICA). Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1st (1895)Transactions of the Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association. Held at: Faculty Holding: Faculty: 1894/97-1910
- Life Assurance Medical Officers' Association.
Transactions of the Society of Actuaries: Reports of mortality and morbidity experience. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1954-
- Society of Actuaries.
Transactions of the Society of Actuaries (TSA). - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.31-47 (1977-1995); Fac: Vol.1-47 (1949-1995) Formerly: Transactions: Actuarial Society of America Continued as: North American Actuarial Journal Transition. - Indiana University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1961-1999 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1961-1999) The Treasurer. - Association of Corporate Treasurers. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 1 year Trends in Social Security. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: 1997-
- International Social Security Association.
Trollopian. - University of California Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1945-1949 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1945-1949) Tuition Noticeboard. - Actuarial Education Service. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: [No.1] 1993 - September 1995 Continued as: Education Noticeboard Two-Year College Mathematics Journal. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1970-1983 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1970-1983) UK Economic Accounts . Held at: Institute; Online only Holding: Inst: No.4 (1993)UK Monthly Review. - FT-SE International. Held at: Institute Holding: 1997Replaces FT-SE 100 Monthly Review (London Stock Exchange) and other publications UK non life insurance industry results [Blue Book]. Held at: Faculty Holding: Faculty: 1994-
UK pension fund annual review. - WM Company. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 2002; Fac: 1991 United Kingdom National Accounts. (The blue book 2009). Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Kept for 15 years University Journal of Business. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR:1922-1927
- Office for National Statistics.
(Note: Volumes available: 1922-1927)
Update. - William M Mercer Fraser. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1989Update of the appendices to "Long-term rates of interest in the valuation of a pension fund" (An article published in JSS 21). - Daykin, Chris D. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy only as it cumulates Valuation report on the State Superannuation Fund. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Latest copy kept only
- Parliament of New South Wales.
Variance. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.1 (2007)Viewpoint. - Buck Paterson Consultants Ltd. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: No.16 (1992)Vital statistics of the United States, 1995. Life tables. - US Department of Health and Human Services. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1958, 1976-1978, 1982, 1989-; Fac: 1994 Watsons Comment. - R Watson & Sons. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1989-1992 Watsons Commentary. - R Watson & Sons. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: No.50-52 (1989) Continued as: Watsons Pensions Commentary Watsons Eurocomment. - R Watson & Sons. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: No.3-13 (1989-93) Watsons Pensions Commentary. - R Watson & Sons. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: No.53-65 (1990-94) Formerly: Watsons Commentary Watsons Quarterly. - R Watson & Sons. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: No.10-31 (1989-1994) Watsons statistics. - R Watson & Sons. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: September 1991Weekly Information Bulletin. - House of Commons. Held at: Institute Holding: Available in full text at: www.parliament.uk; Subscription cancelled at end of 2002
Who's who. An annual biographical dictionary. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Latest 2 editions; Fac: 2008 William and Mary Quarterly. - Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1892-2002 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1892-2002 (5 years after publication)) With profits survey. - Money Marketing. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: 1992WM investment round table - 1996: a perspective on the UK pension fund industry. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1995WM UK charity fund service annual review. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1991 -
- WM Company.
- WM Company.
World Banking Abstracts. Held at: Institute Holding: Inst: Vol.16 (2000)World Politics. - The Johns Hopkins University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1948-1995 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1948-1995) Yale French Studies. - Yale University Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1948-2005 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1948-2005 (2 years after publication)) Year book. - Actuarial Society of India. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1990/91-1991/92 Year Book. - Institute of Actuaries of Australia. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1980/81-1990/91 Continued by separate publications of Annual Report (RKN 15908); List of Members (RKN 15909); Code of Conduct, Professional Standards and Guidance Notes (RKN 13931) Year Book. - Canadian Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: Current issue only; Fac: 1966Yearbook. - Casualty Actuarial Society. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst and Fac: Latest copy kept only
Yearbook. - Actuarial Association of Hong Kong. Held at: Faculty Holding: Fac: 1979/80-1984/85; 1988/89 Yearbook. - Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1928-1986; Fac: 1938; 1949-1986 Continued as: Members' Handbook: Institute of Actuaries Yearbook. - American Academy of Actuaries. Held at: Online only Holding: Inst: No hardcopies held; Fac: No hardcopies held Yearbook. - Faculty of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1938-1988; Fac: 1938-1988 Continued as: Faculty of Actuaries: Members' handbook
Yearbook. - Society of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Inst: 1950/51 to date; set lacks 1952, 1961, 1966, 1968, 1978-1979; Inst: Oxford: Current issue only List of members appears in 'Directory of actuarial memberships', 1992 Yearbook. - American Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty; Institute Holding: Fac: 1927-1932 (bound in one volume); 1933-1948 Yearbook. - Canadian Institute of Actuaries. Held at: Faculty Holding: Inst.: 2004-2005 only Fac: 2004-2005 only Yearbook of Anthropology. - The University of Chicago Press. Held at: JSTOR Holding: JSTOR: 1955 (Note: JSTOR volumes available: 1955)