Joy - Homeschoolin' Mama

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Let’s look at what the Bible has to say about joy. How do we know it’s important to God? We are going to dig into 5 key verses on peace in the Bible.

Psalm 92:4 For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy. God has done so much for us. His beautiful creation alone shows us the true love He has for us. When we spend our time focusing on His works, His Creation, we will be filled with His joy. True joy. Not the worlds quickly passing joy. True joy that can only come from God.

How can you change your focus and put it back on God’s beautiful works? What are some of your favorite “Works of God”? Write a list and keep it handy for those time you need a little extra joy in your day. [email protected]

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John 15:11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. Jesus has told us that his obedience to the Father was the basis of his joy, as believers when we are obedient to his commandments, we will experience the same joy. Can you imagine? The same joy that Jesus is experiencing you too can have it! What an amazing promise! Full of God’s joy.

Ask yourself - Do you truly want to be full of God’s joy? Then what do you need to change to attain it? What has He commanded you to do and you’re still ignore Him? Write these down and create an action plan on how you can change your focus. Ask God to help you see what you need to change. [email protected]

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Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Dig into the Scriptures. How else is God going to truly fill you with joy and peace if you’re not actively studying His Word. Get to know Him. Get to know His plan for you. When we are reading His Word we can’t help but get to know Him and His will for our lives. We are inviting the Holy Spirit to abound in our lives - with great hope & joy.

When you are talking to God, in prayer, are you asking Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit? I’m talking before you start with your list of requests you have for Him, and we all have them, are you truly sitting there and asking God (giving Him permission) “Come fill me with your Holy Spirit Lord! I am yours!” Try it! Come back here and write down some of your prayers and how you have changed you heart and attitude through changing your prayers. [email protected]

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James 1:2-3 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. This can be a major struggle, and at times feel totally impossible. Count all of your trials as joy? The Greek word for “count” also means “consider” or “evaluate”. Trials means “to put someone of something to the test”. Testing also means “proof” or “proving”. As Christians we can look at our test/trials and consider them as proof that God is taking care of us. Proof that He can deliver us from what ever is rocking our world as long as we keep our faith and focus on Him.

Think about some of your biggest “trials” in your life so far. Looking back now, can you see how God moved in you, in your life, and took care of you? Write down your trial. Write down how God proved His love for you through this trial. Start keeping a journal for this purpose. Look back to it often to remind yourself just how great God is! [email protected]

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1 John 1:4 And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete. God wants us to be filled with joy. That is why He gave us the Bible in the first place. He knew that we were going to struggle. He knew that we were going to need something we could curl up with and place that joy in our heart. This Book - the Bible - gives us the knowledge of our eternal life God has promised us. It gives us hope and that hope fills us with joy. Nothing God does is by accident. He knew we need His words written down and He made it happen.

How often are you studying God’s Word? Do you need to up your time with Him? Sit down with your planner and block out time each day that you dedicate strictly to God. Go with a plan. Write down right here where you want to start. Are you going to start with Reading the Bible in a year? A study on something specific like parenting? Create a plan and write it down. [email protected]

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Are you looking to dig deeper into the Fruit of the Spirit? Join me on my website as we break down each one and dare to dig deeper into what God wants for us. You can find all of the Fruit of the Spirit Bible Studies here: Thank you for joining me in this study. Be sure to subscribe to my email to keep up with all the newest posts at

Love Life, Love God, Live For HIM… [email protected]

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