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Dec 26, 2013 ... Lights overlook baseball field. 'Pill doc' gets five years on probation. PHOTO BY JIM ... You can stop by our office located at 104 S. Fifth Street, ... their own horn on Facebook so ..... early 2002. ..... into a white Mazda Protege,.
75¢December 26, 2013 Thursday

ThE BakER COUNty PREss 84th Year, Vol. 35


Winner of 11 state awards for journalism including General Excellence in 2012

JOY TO THE WORLD! (and especially to all our readers) Merry Christmas!

The Baker County Press

will be closed Christmas Day

‘Pill doc’ gets five years on probation Joel Addington News Editor

[email protected]

Former Macclenny physician Charles D. Scarborough was sentenced to five years probation as part of a plea deal with state prosecutors on December 9. Mr. Scarborough, 77, was arrested in October, 2012 on more than 800 counts of insurance fraud, but pled guilty to the most serious count — organized scheme to defraud, which could have netted him up to 30 years in prison — last month. The plea deal also requires the defendant to repay nearly $60,000 mostly to Medicare but also to other big-name insurers like Blue Cross Blue Shield, now Florida Blue and Humana. Police suspected Dr. Scarborough was over-prescribing large quantities of highly-addictive medications from his clinic on South 5th Street in Macclenny for years before the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and the Baker County Sheriff’s Office raided his office and seized records and computers back in September, 2011. The Florida Department of Health soon stripped the physician of his medical license and several of the offices’ employees were arrested for drugrelated charges as well. Those cases were dropped or resulted in probation sentences in circuit court here. Mr. Scarborough was prosecuted by the Florida Attorney General’s Office of Statewide Prosecution in the Third Judicial Circuit in Lake City. After his arrest, FDLE reported that investigators discovered evidence allegedly linking the then-doctor to overprescribing and allowing unlicensed and untrained staff to practice medicine. “The employees were then being directed to inflate medical billing to Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers for a level of service that the patient did not receive,” read an FDLE statement at the time. “Interviews with employees indicated that Scarborough, a sole practitioner, pushed his staff to see 50 or more patients a day and bill for medical issues not addressed and treatment not received ...”

Ex-county manager jailed on meth charges See page 2

Photo by Jud Johnson

‘Friday Night Lights with Santa’ ends run at Heritage Park

The multi-weekend run for a new event series at Heritage Park — Friday Night Lights with Santa — ended the evening of December 19 with a bevy of activities at the west city venue, including a show by a choir group of children from Tiny Tots Daycare in Macclenny, shown above. For more photos from the final night, please see page 11.

County places tighter controls on field lighting Mike Anderson press staff

Photo by Jim McGauley

Presents ‘rescued’ after house fire

County fire Lt. Bill Primo was one of several volunteers who brought out smoke-damaged Christmas presents from a double-wide destroyed about midday on December 19 by what is believed to be a f­i re started by faulty wiring in a kitchenlaundry room area. The call went out about 11:50 am after owner Julie Cannon awakened to thick smoke coming from the south side of the structure, and she safely evacuated her daughter and three small children. Damage to the home and contents was placed at $20,000. Lt. Primo was treated at Fraser Hospital for heat exhaustion.

High school retains ‘B’ grade Joel Addington News Editor

[email protected]

Baker County High School kept its B-grade from the state this year, putting it in the middle of the pack compared to other high schools in the First Coast region. According to preliminary high school grades released by the Florida Department of Education last week, there were 22 A-schools, 14 B-schools, 12 Cschools and three D-schools in Northeast Florida. “I’m excited that the changes we’ve made over

the last decade appear to have some longevity,” commented BCHS Principal Thomas Hill on the latest rating. “This is the third year in a row we’ve had the points for an A.” Half of the state’s high school grading formula is based on student performance on the now tougher FCAT 2.0 exams while the other half comes from four-year graduation rates, participation and performance in advanced courses and college readiness in math and reading. At BCHS, for instance, 75 percent of students taking college entrance exams showed they were See page 2 Online Poll Results

What’s your preferred type of charity for holiday giving?

75% Toys 19% Food 6% Clothing

Visit our website and vote each week in our online poll.

A new policy to control and monitor the use of lights at county ball parks was approved by the Baker County Commission last week in an effort to eliminate wasted electricity and cut down on high power bills. Baker County Little League and any other organizations that want to reserve baseball or softball fields in 2014 will have to go through new sign-in procedures to improve accountability. Commissioners unanimously adopted the new policy recommended by County Manager C.J. Thompson at the December 17 board meeting. A lax use policy in the past has often led to lights being left on all night, illuminating empty ball diamonds long after everyone has left, without the responsible parties being held accountable. “The use of the lights at the ball fields has been a continuing problem for several years,” Mr. Thompson told commissioners. The same rate, $10 per hour, will continue to be assessed for the use of ball fields, the county manager said. But that’s about the only thing that won’t change beginning January 6. After that date, the process for reserving fields and using the lights will be updated, Mr. Thompson said, “to ensure consistency, fairness and transparency for all those involved.” Reservations for specific

Photo by Joel Addington

Lights overlook baseball field.

dates and times will be accepted for a minimum of one hour and additional time can be reserved in 30-minute increments. Upon payment, teams will be added to the calendar reserving the field of their choice. Teams may schedule reservations as far out in advance as they wish “as long as payment is received at the time of scheduling,” the county manager said. Further, all teams will be required to provide an e-mail address to serve as their “official point of contact.” The biggest change, Mr. Thompson said, will be assigning new combination numbers for every lock once a week.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013


The Baker County Press

Letters to the editor Letters are welcome, but must contain the signature of the writer, a telephone number and city of residence. Letters must reflect opinions and statements on issues of current interest to the general public.

The newspaper reserves the right to reject any material which in the newspaper’s judgement does not meet standards of publication.



December 26, 2013 Contact Us By phone at 904.259.2400 or by fax at 904.259.6502. You can stop by our office located at 104 S. Fifth Street, Macclenny, FL or mail your submission to PO Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We are available online at

Santa letters reflect ‘outward’ caring for others Jessica Prevatt | Staff

A New Year Is Born!

May it deliver enough good fortune and cheer, to last throughout the coming year For your support and friendship, too, We give our thanks to all of you!

With best wishes for a Happy New Year from our entire staff.

The Baker County Press

The Baker County Press will be publishing on Tuesday, with a Friday deadline of 3:00 pm. The newspaper office will be closed Wednesday and Thursday for Christmas. You may place ads via our website

BCHS keeps ‘B’ Places tighter control on lights... From page 1 ready for post-secondary level reading, up from 69 percent last year. In college-level math, the share of students remained the same as last year at 54 percent. The state’s grading formula is used to assign a point total to each school. To receive the coveted A-grade schools must not only score 1050 points or more on the 1600-point scale, they must test at least 95 percent of students and demonstrate that struggling students are making headway in math and reading year-over-year. Baker High’s point total exceeded the A-grade range, but just barely, at 1052. The score ranks Baker County at the top of the bottom half of high schools in the region, or 30th out of 51 high schools. Still, a B-grade is better than where the high school stood at the beginning of the last decade. From 2003-06, the BCHS was labeled a C-school. It hovered between C and D status through 2010 before jumping from a Dschool to a B-school for the first time in 2011. The measure keeping Baker High from becoming an A-rated school for the first time since school grading began in 1999 is the share of the lowest performing students making gains in math. To receive the top mark from the state, high schools must have more than half of the bottom 25 percent of students make improvements from the previous year in math and reading. Here 61 percent of the bottom quartile did so in reading, but only 37 percent did so in math. Mr. Hill said after reviewing data related to FCAT 2.0 performance last July, several reforms were instituted to help boost math scores at the school. He said intensive math tutor-

How does Baker County stack up with other nearby high schools? Here’s a look at

the grades and associated point totals ( ) in the area:

• West Nassau - A (1148) • Robert E. Lee - A (1054) • BCHS - B (1052) • Hilliard - B (1119) • Middleburg - B (1041) • Union - B (1013) • Columbia - C (950) • Bradford - C (894) ing began over the summer and into this school year for incoming 9th graders whose scores in eighth grade pointed to a need for extra help. In an effort to boost performance on geometry and algebra, end-of-course exams were also started this year. Mr. Hill said he and the school’s math teachers pull students out of their regular classes to review specific concepts identified as areas of weakness on past exams, like solving equations or making distance measurements for instance. Mr. Hill gave students and teachers much of the credit for the upswing in the school’s grade in recent years. To make further progress, however, Mr. Hill and officials from other high schools, including those from “highly successful districts,” will meet next month to trade strategies about what’s working in their respective schools. “I long for the day we have an A,” said Mr. Hill.

From page 1 “Locks on every field will be changed each Monday morning,” he said, adding that the current policy “causes too many problems.” That’s because the combinations sometimes got into the hands of people who were not authorized to use the ball fields, but did anyway and occasionally left the lights on overnight. Mr. Thompson explained that all teams listed on the schedule for the upcoming week will be notified by e-mail of the combination for their assigned field. Cancellations due to weather must be reported within 24 hours and an alternate reservation date may be granted or a refund issued. Baker County Little League will be given preference for fields during Little League season. During this time, the county manager said, Wednesday night will be the only day available for other reservations. Hopefully, he said, the new policy and procedures will correct some past misunderstand-

ings that may have created bitter feelings. “There has been a little distrust with the way things have been done,” he said. “There’s been a perception of favoritism.” Commission Chairman Jimmy Anderson suggested posting a schedule of ball park availability on the county’s website to let people know which fields remain open. He said he felt that “most people will schedule for an hour or so” and work together to avoid any conflicts. “It’s a work in progress,” Mr. Anderson said of the new policy. “But it’s a start.” In other business, commissioners: • Scheduled a workshop for 3:30 pm on January 21 to discuss ideas and funding proposals for meeting the future heating and air conditioning needs of the county courthouse. A representative from the Trane Corporation last week presented commissioners with various options to consider, including replacement of existing equip-

There has been a little distrust with the way things have been done. There’s been a perception of favoritism.

–C.J. Thompson

County Manager

ment with a life expectancy of 15 years for $262,000, or spending $400,000 to install a new chilled water system to last 30 years. “We’re at the end of the life cycle of the A/C units over there,” Walter Herndon, Trane’s account manager, told the board. “The equipment was put in in 2000 with a 12- to 15-year life expectancy.” • Approved a mutual-aid agreement with Nassau County for fire and emergency rescue services and semi-annual joint training exercises with responding units from both counties. “It’s a dual-response agreement, meaning they’ll respond

for us and we’ll respond for them,” Mr. Thompson said. • Granted county employees a third day off for the Christmas holiday. In addition to December 24 and 25, commissioners allowed employees to take off December 23. Commissioner Anderson proposed the gesture as a way to show employees how much their hard work is appreciated and the fact that they haven’t received a pay raise in several years. The day off was approved unanimously, even though Commissioner Adam Giddens warned his colleagues that their vote was “setting a precedent” that would probably have to be revisited in December 2014. “I had thought about that, but I’ll deal with that next year,” Mr. Anderson replied. • Approved Shoals Park subdivision plat calling for residential development on 10 one-acre lots and three 10-acre lots. No mobile homes will be permitted in the new development.

Ex-manager arrested at meth lab school, along with possession of Former Baker County managingredients to manufacture. er Jason Griffis is back in jail, this Bradford County sheriff’s oftime charged with manufacturfice spokesman Brad Smith said ing methamphetamine at a resithe inventory of seized items dence in Starke raided by police included a weighing on December 16. scale with residue, nine Officers from both grams of meth and Bradford and Baker chemicals used in procounties went to the adduction like camping dress on Francis St. that fuel, drain cleaner and afternoon armed with a over-the-counter cold warrant obtained earlier relief medicine. after they were tipped The former counoff that Mr. Griffis, 40, ty manager is banned was selling and manufrom Baker County via a facturing meth there. protective order issued He was booked for in May shortly after he possession of meth with intent to sell and within threatened ex-wife Amy Jason Griffis 1000 feet of a church or and her boyfriend Timo-

Home Is Where The Heart Is! Happy New Year! Register for your Homestead Exemption January 1 - March 1

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thy Dugger at his residence north of Macclenny. He also damaged two vehicles, one belonging to the boyfriend and the other a vehicle issued to Mr. Dugger by the City of Macclenny where he is employed. This marks the second time this year Mr. Griffis was arrested in Bradford County. The first was shortly after he texted his ex-wife in defiance of the order and officers from both counties took him into custody at a residence on Lake Sampson. His criminal history dates

back to 2000 when Mr. Griffis and several other officers were implicated in the fatal beating of a Death Row inmate, a crime for which they were acquitted in early 2002. Post-acquittal, Mr. Griffis worked in the construction business for several years before he was appointed county manager in May, 2003. He was fired in December, 2005 for a variety of improprieties and misuse of a county phone and credit card. He remains in the Bradford County jail under $80,000 bond.

Let the ‘gingerbread games’ begin My niece Ashton Norman As I sit down to write this started the war of words by column my living room is fillchallenging people to bring ing up with holiday cheer as the their A game. “I am bringing 20th annual gingerbread house fierce competition this year. competition kicks off. Friends Game on.” and family gather to match I have to admit wits to come up that in my posiwith the most tion as Switzercreative gingerland I did rather bread house. egg things on by There is suggesting that plenty to be ROBERT GERARD some people in merry about the competition around my are “cheater, cheater, punkin’ house this year. Son Spencer eaters,” because they use pregraduated from UF last Saturfab kits instead of just putday. Son Dylan is going back to ting them together from ginschool for a health career. And gerbread cookies and graham of course, Sara Beth is home for crackers like I had done as a Christmas. She and her huschild. band Aaron are here for the That caused a firestorm of holiday and she will come back controversy. for good in January to begin “Until I see written compeoutpatient rehab at Brooks. tition rules you cannot deduct The tree is lit, the nutcrackpoints for ingenuity,” Ashton ers are lined up in all their marcomplained. tial finery on the mantel, the Not to be outdone by Ashlights are on the eaves (courton, competitor Kathy Crews tesy of Dylan) and people are weighed in on Facebook. “As laughing and talking smack. most of my dearest friends Many of them take their gingerknow ... I hate when people toot bread house making seriously. their own horn on Facebook so I don’t. I fact, I don’t even I will not make public who has take part in the competition. I held the prestigious title sevam a neutral observer. I’m kind eral times ... cough ... cough ... of the Switzerland of the gin(me and Chi Chi) ... but do want gerbread competition. to let it be known that we are Somebody has to be or it will more than ready to kick some get out of hand. gingerbread butt!!” It already has to some deChi-Chi, otherwise known as gree. Most of the participants Cheryl Hart could not keep out are Facebook enthusiasts so of the conversation on social there has been some smack talk media. “Oh Lord, help us! It’s leading up to the competition.

My Side of the Matter

The Baker County Press usps 040-280 Post Office Box 598 Macclenny, FL 32063 (904) 259-2400

The Baker County Press is published each Thursday by Baker County Press, Inc. Periodicals postage paid under permit issued April 12, 1929 at the post office in Macclenny, Florida.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES $25.00 a year inside Baker County; $45.00 a year outside Baker County; deduct, $5.00 for persons outside Baker County who are 65 years of age or older, military personnel on active duty, and college students. POSTMASTER: send address changes to The Baker County Press, P.O. Box 598, Macclenny, FL. 32063. Publisher

James C. McGauley - [email protected] managing EDITOR - Joel Addington - [email protected] Advertising/Production - Jessica Prevatt - [email protected] Advertising Sales - Karen Mercorella - [email protected] features/Comment/sports - Robert Gerard Business Manager - Karin Thomas - [email protected] Classifieds & Typesetting - [email protected] This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.

come to this ... “Gingie” smack talk on FB! Oh well, may the best gingerbread boy, I mean girls win!” I fed the fires by claiming I understood that one of those Duck Dynasty guys tweeted somewhere that pre-fab kits were “unnatural,” at least that was what I had heard. Because so many people “liked” the good-hearted bantering back and forth, I’ve decided to put pictures of the houses up on Facebook and let people vote for the winner of the coveted Gingie – a stuffed gingerbread cookie. The competitors are unpacking their super-secret gingerbread gear. Ashton, who is an ag teacher at the middle school, and her partner Casey Thrift have farm animals to go with their agriculture theme. Sara Beth has some kind of a Cinderella’s Castle and Cheryl and Kathy are, as usual, keeping theirs a carefully guarded secret. One year they had a working fireplace that nearly set their house on fire. Last year it was a church with lightup windows. I suspect it might be a gingerbread Cape Kennedy with an actual launching gingerbread rocket to carry the “Gingie” award to their house. Lou Boyette and his mama Cami promise to keep it “old school.” Spencer and Dylan have brought a “ringer” along this year. Spencer’s girlfriend Myrrhanda knows a thing or two about handling the pressure of competition. She’s Miss Florida and was third runner up at Miss America. I’m thinking a gingerbread runway with a baton twirling gingerbread cookie. Myrrhanda, who injured her leg in the competition and competed in a knee brace jumped right in. “We could break its leg and stick it back on with icing for realism.” Like a 15-round UFC fight there was a lot of finger pointing as the competition began. “Ashton brought a whole kit,” said Caitlyn Dugger. “Who was it who brought tea lights last year?” she responded. The noise dies down as the bell for Round 1 sounds and the competitors begin mixing their royal icing and sorting their gum drops. This will go on long past my early deadline for this column, so now, like a cliffhanger serial

from the 1930s you’ll have to wait until next week to see the winning house. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope it’s a great holiday for all of you and that you have as much to celebrate as I do.

I love this time of year and look forward to all the submissions for Letters to Santa. Every year I run the gauntlet of emotions from laughter to tears as I read them. This year I noticed a slight change in the requests made by the elementary age students in Baker County. A high percentage of kids were asking Santa to give their siblings and parents gifts and some wanted to make sure every child in the world had at least one gift. That in itself is a beautiful gesture but some of them took it one step further. Many letters spoke about how excited they were to spend time with their family. Some asked Santa to please send special family members home from overseas. Several asked Santa to watch over loved ones in the military both near and far. Others asked Santa if there was any way he or she could get their parents to be together for the holidays. Those are the heartbreaking ones. Some letters cause me to reflect on my attitude and how I behave this Christmas season. One child asked Santa to please give Mom and Dad a stress-free holiday because then they wouldn’t argue as much. You can tell a lot about a child’s home life through that one letter each year. Parents should be especially mindful this year of making sure their kids have a happy Christmas time. Even if you are making lots of trips to see loved ones, don’t let your children hear you muttering about how big of a pain it is. If you’re happy then they aren’t going to mind the going as much. If you are dreading it, then they will. Dread it if you must, but do it quietly and out of ear shot. Overall, reading the letters have just about restored my faith in humanity. You still have the children whose parents I pity. Their letters have a list a mile long and the added value of the toys probably exceeds the cost of a new house. That’s to be expected. I was just concerned this young generation was growing up to expect a lot without giving back. This crop of letters shows me that isn’t the case ... at least when asking Santa for presents. Merry Christmas and I hope it’s safe and full of all things merry and bright! Jessica Prevatt is a married mother of two boys and the advertising/production director at The Baker County Press.

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facebook TO JOIN THE DISCUSSION Family traditions Where would we be without family traditions like the Gerard’s annual gingerbread competition, taking in a movie or opening just one gift early on Christmas Eve? The holiday just wouldn’t be the same without them, that’s for sure, so we asked our Facebook peeps about their family’s Christmas traditions. Here’s a look at some of them: Pam Clark: My daughter and her husband haven’t been home on Christmas in a long time. He’s in the Coast Guard and usually works. So Christmas morning my husband and I sit next to the computer and Skype our daughter so we can open our presents together. So many families can’t be with the ones they love as they serve their country, so thank you Lord for computers. Cecil Rhoden Jr.: We always had our Christmas dinner and family gathering on Christmas Eve at our mama and daddy’s! Since the passing of our mama Barbara Rhoden June 8, 2007, I have carried the tradition on every year at her house. My sister Debbie Fraser and her husband Ryan, her children Gar and Taylor and my partner Eric and our father Cecil Sr. Still have our Christmas the same every year in memory of our Mama and Nana! Merry Christmas Mama, wife and Nana! We will always love you. Your family! Tabby Collingwood: We all open new PJs and slippers on Christmas Eve and read the book The Night Before Christmas. Rachel Kemp: We usually have a hot dog roast on Christmas Eve with family with a huge bonfire and all open one gift. Amanda Cinna Mixon: We go to the movies Christmas night. It’s wonderful to get out after the cooking and cleaning is done. Stephanie Crews: On Christmas Eve we have our party and then we all go outside and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and release balloons into the sky. Tammy Crawford McFarland: When I was growing up we opened a gift on Christmas Eve. Then spent Christ-

mas Day opening the rest of our gifts and eating a full traditional meal. My Moma would cook the best holiday meal. Usually enough for any and everyone that came by. Now since she has passed, so have all the traditions. It’s a very depressing and sad day for me. We didn’t even put up a tree this year.

What would you do with ‘mega millions?’ A recent Mega Million lottery jackpot was up to $400 million, so we wondered what our Facebook followers would do with that kind of dough. Here’s a look at some of the responses we saw: Elizabeth Barber: Build a new animal shelter and offer free spay and neuter surgeries for everyone. Oops, everyone’s critter. Jennifer Robertson Harvey: I’d never work for the man again! Marsha Bennett: First, I’d give 10 percent to my church. And then, I’d buy myself a new pair of tennis shoes and a couple pairs of jeans ... And a Martin D-45 guitar. Aaron Scott: An interesting question. But I think God might ask us what we are doing with what little we already have. Besides, Jesus can take our five loaves and two fishes and do more for supper than Bill Gates can do in a lifetime. Bill Mass: I’d use a good chunk bribing some FL and GA state officials to get Baker County annexed into Georgia and out of Florida! Go Dawgs! Arrica Lightsey: Help people in need! Judy Reier Wheeler: 10% to charity. 50% in trust fund. 40% investments. Jerome Reimer Jr.: Leave Baker County! Debi Tisdel Doyle: Pay off debt! Build a bigger restaurant on my own slice of commercial property right across the Duval County line, with a huge hardwood dance floor, lots of windows that could be opened in the spring and fall, a stage for live enter-

tainment and a huge covered deck! Then I’d hire top notch management to run it and travel with my family on a mission to help the homeless and abused while attending every NASCAR race on the circuit! The Leukemia Society, American Cancer Society, Baptist Children’s and Nemours would get a nice chunk! Bambi L. Barber: Support funding to find cures for dementia, cancer and diabetes as well as the dreaded diseases that rob us of our loved ones! Tony-Connie Bowers: Pay off my houses and cars, and my family’s bills, and set up a foundation that truly helps those in need, not greed. Clayton Yarbrough: Pay a few bills and tell nobody. I’m not looking for any fake friends. David Stegall: I’d “attempt” to be smart with it. Pay off debt, help the community. LaSondra Bridges: Pay my bills off and my kids’ college pre-paid plans, and help as many as I could. Andrea Scott: I would pay off bills, invest in land and a new home, send both my babies to college; making sure that my friends, family and kids and grandkids are taken care of for life. Of course donations to the church and animal shelters as well. Shirley Kay Chavis: I would open a shelter for women and children here. I would provide drug counseling for them and job training. Don Yonn: Move to another country. Lanitra Larry: Pay bills, 10% to the church and help everyone who has helped me. Brad Thrift: Expand my farm. Jermaine Ford: Give it to my mother and father to help keep the bills up. George Weathers: Set up my family, keep working, vacations, restore my truck and buy land. Regina Henderson: Pay my bills off. Then help my friends and family, then just relax for awhile. Get in on the discussion on Facebook by searching for The Baker County Press and liking our page. We post reader questions periodically as well as breaking news, links to content at and other updates from local organizations we follow on Facebook. You can also find us on Twitter @BakerCoPress and Youtube at BakerCoPress.

The Baker County Press

Page 4

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Four years for battery Dispositions December 18th County Court

A Macclenny man who committed a felony battery in July while on probation for the same offense was sent off to prison on December 17 for 48 months. Sherric Jerome Lee admitted during regular circuit court session that he violated probation when he severely beat another Macclenny man who had returned a wallet he found earlier. Mr. Lee, 25, accused the victim of stealing it. At the time he was on an 18-month probation. Judge Mark Moseley allowed the defendant nine months credit for time he has been in jail. Mr. Lee’s criminal past includes burglary, grand theft and sexual battery while a juvenile. In other prison sentences ordered that day, Carol Ann Parker, 22, of Macclenny got 16 months after pleading no contest to five counts involving sale and possession of prescription pills and marijuana. Court records show the defendant, who has a record of similar offenses, sold pills to a confidential source working for the sheriff’s department in late June. Several days later, investigators went to a residence where Ms. Parker was staying and found a cache of pills, marijuana and crack cocaine, along with drug paraphernalia. The state dropped two of the original seven counts as part of the plea agreement, and the judge gave Ms. Parker credit for 161 days in jail. • Teressa Ann Diaz of Milton, FL drew a 14-month sentence after pleading no contest to a series of wallet thefts from Walmart customers in April and May. Court records indicate the 40-year-old defendant used credit cards from the wallets taken from purses in victim’s shopping carts to make purchases, and that she committed similar crimes in both Duval

and Clay counties. She is currently in prison serving four-plus years for those crimes. • Judge Moseley ordered Audra Taber to serve a year and a week in prison for grand theft of jewelry and checks from a north Macclenny residence in early 2013. Ms. Taber, 43, of Jacksonville was employed by a home cleaning service at the time. She is currently doing time for forgery in Duval County, and will serve the local sentence concurrently. • Marcus Harrington pleaded no contest to felony battery, resisting arrest without violence and trespass and was given a nine-month county jail sentence less 106 days already served. • Melissa Kelley entered no contest pleas to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, resisting a merchant and driving on a suspended license and will serve an 11-month term in county jail less 103 days. The state dropped a count of reckless driving. • The judge allowed defendant Mikell McKenzie 258 days already in jail as the penalty for sale of controlled drugs, and ordered an arrest warrant for Sarah Beth Nettles, who failed to appear on a grand theft charge. • Lindsey Townsend was placed on a two-year drug offender probation after pleading no contest to nine counts including grand theft, forgery and fraudulent use of identity information. She must also undergo in-patient treatment for addiction. • Derrick Holliman admitted to violating probation in a 2012 case for bringing contraband into Baker Correctional and was placed on probation again, this time for 18 months.

The following dispositions were handed down by County Judge Joey Williams in county court on December 18: • Christian Belford, resisting arrest without violence; two days in jail, six-month probation, apology letter and 50 hours community service. • Terrisina Bones, resisting arrest without violence; two days in jail, six-month probation, apology letter and 50 hours community service. • Yasmeen Bones, resisting arrest without violence; two days in jail, six-month probation, apology letter and 50 hours community service. • Chasity Ellis, petty theft; six-month probation, petty theft class and hold sign. • Ronald Garrett, driving on a suspended license; failed to appear, warrant issued. • Tia Grissett, contempt of court; failed to appear, warrant issued. • Lauren Neal, DUI; sixmonth probation, six-month license suspension, attend ad-

diction meetings and write Kentucky bus crash articles. • Richard Allen Rhoden, disorderly intoxication; 12-month probation. • Brandon Ruise, violation of probation for drug possession; 180 days in jail. • Ernest Smith, driving on a suspended license; court costs. • David Stansbury, contributing to the delinquency of a minor; two days in jail, no contact with the minor and court costs. • Anthony Veto, driving on a suspended license;$250 fine and court costs. • Johnny Belford, loitering and misdemeanor marijuana possession; 15 days in jail. • Wayne Jefferson, disturbing the peace; 26 days in jail. • Jamie Lynn Crews, disorderly conduct; six-month probation and court costs. • Michael E. Crews, disorderly conduct; court costs. • Tyler Freeman, domestic battery; failed to appear, warrant issued. • Ricci Gaskins, driving on a

Local driver said Arrested after third call at fault in fatality Disrupting neighbors in the west city

A county deputy who answered several disturbance calls at the same west Macclenny address during the early morning hours of December 21 arrested the person allegedly responsible for them on his third visit. Darrin Gibbons, 26, was on the porch of a residence next to his on Rock Court when Deputy Brandon Kiser arrived about 5 am, and was then involved in an argument with Willie Graham, 53. Mr. Graham said the suspect arrived earlier and awakened everyone at the residence while threatening him with a knife. He then handed the officer two knives he claimed to have taken from the suspect, who was arrested for disorderly conduct. Mr. Graham refused to sign a statement on the alleged aggravated assault, and said he did not

want Mr. Gibbons prosecuted. In another similar early morning incident, two occupants of a pickup parked in front of a residence on Jerry Circle in north Macclenny ended up in jail on December 20 for disorderly intoxication. Deputy Jeremiah Combs said he responded to a disturbance call shortly after 4 am and found driver Jason Morgan, 32, and passenger Alfonso Santos, 30, yelling at occupants, including Brandi Swisstack, said to be Mr. Morgan’s ex-girlfriend. Deputy Ben Anderson ordered Mr. Santos to pour out the contents of a plastic cup containing an alcoholic beverage, and arrested him when he continued to drink from it. Both men have Macclenny addresses. • Deputy Trey McCullough arrested Christine Harvey, 24, of Glen St. Mary for driving on a license with five suspensions after he stopped her the afternoon of December 18 for having a faulty brake light and a stop sign violation. Her suspensions were for failure to pay fines, having an ex-

Drugged trucker gets five years for 2011 traffic death

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To Our Customers at the New Year! We’ve had a great time serving you and hope to see you next year!

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Police believe a truck driver from Baker County is responsible for a seven-vehicle crash that killed one driver and closed US 301 in Bryceville the morning of December 18. William L. Davis of Sanderson was seriously injured in the wreck as well and transported to UF Health in Jacksonville after the crash. Mr. Davis, 53, was at the wheel of a white 2014 Mack logging truck heading north on 301 about 11:15 when, for an unknown reason, the front end of the truck struck the rear end of a white 1997 Freightliner, according to Florida Highway Patrol. The initial collision set off a chain reaction with the Freightliner hitting a red semi-tractor trailer, which hit a red Dodge Magnum, which in turn struck a white Ford Explorer. The Explorer then crashed into a white Mazda Protege, causing the sedan to travel into the path of another logging truck. The Dodge’s two occupants — Gentry F. Miller, 75, and Janis M. Miller,81, both of Bryceville — suffered minor injuries in the accident as did the Explorer’s driver Tonya M. Padgett, 29, of Callahan.

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The driver of the Freightliner, Jamin G. Middleton, 37, of Nahunta, GA died at the scene. Both he and Mr. Davis were wearing seat belts at the time of the crash. None of the other vehicle’s occupants were hurt, the report from Florida Highway Patrol showed. Charges pend further investigation by FHP including whether alcohol may have played a role in the incident. Both lanes of 301 were blocked for several hours due to the accident. The stretch from Baldwin north to Callahan is being widened to four lanes. The crash occurred at a construction site where traffic was stopped.

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Out Wit h The Old.. Welcome In A New Year! From the first day to the last of 2013, We loved serving you every day in-between And as we greet the year anew, We send our thanks and best wishes to each of you! Supervisor of Elections

Nita D. Crawford and Staff

In Wit h The New.. Wishing a very good year to each one of you! Wit h our thanks for your business all through. Baker County Health Department 480 W. Lowder St., Macclenny 259-6291

Girlfriend beaten after refusing to turn over the keys Police arrested a man the afternoon of December 18 for battery on his long-time girlfriend during an argument over her refusal to surrender the keys to their four-wheeler because of his intoxicated state. Deputy Robert Simpkins noted scratches and bruising on the face of Sheila Crews, 35, when he answered a disturbance call at her residence on Cedar Creek Dr. north of Sanderson about 1:30 pm. Ms. Crews, along with her mother and a teen daughter, said she was thrown to the ground and beaten by George Strickland, 48, during an altercation after they returned home from a gathering at a friend’s house. The victim said her boyfriend left the gathering irate and began walking home before she picked him up in the ATV and the argument resumed. At one point he attempted to wrestle the keys away from her, then allegedly punched and kicked her while she lay on the ground. The accused ran from the property into nearby woods when informed that police were summoned, and was located a short time later. Deputy Simpkins also charged Mr. Strickland with misdemeanor possession of a baggie of marijuana and a smoking pipe found in a jacket pocket during a security search before he was taken to jail. In a second case, a criminal

complaint for domestic battery was filed about midday on December 19 naming Alfonso Santos, 30, for an alleged attack on ex-girlfriend Teria Surrency, 31, at her residence on West Minnesota Ave. in Macclenny. Deputy Michael Clark noted in his report that Ms. Surrency bore no physical signs but insisted Mr. Santos head-butted her, pulled her hair and choked her during an argument about 11:30 am. The suspect returned while deputies were at the address, and said the dispute was verbal only. He also gave back Ms. Surrency’s keys and a cell phone. • John Perry, 19, was arrested for battery on Justin Miller, 21, while he walked on US 90 in Macclenny during the early morning hours of December 22. Deputy Brandon Kiser responded to a residence on South 4th St. about 2 am to find Mr. Miller with swollen and bruised eyes, a bruised jaw and cut lip, which he said were caused by the alleged assailant. The victim said he was with Mr. Perry and his girlfriend Taylor Bowles, 18, earlier that night and left their location because he feared becoming intoxicated. Both the accused and girlfriend told Deputy Kiser that Mr. Miller was stalking her and Ms. Bowles said he had done so for years. Mr. Perry said he struck the victim because he feared harm would come to his girlfriend.

Low on Dou gh? Photo by Darlene Rockefeller

Garden club jazzes up hot meals

The Garden Club of Baker County recently decorated flowers for the Council on Aging’s Meals on Wheels clients. In all, 81 plants were decorated and arrived with lunch on Friday, December 20. Pictured above with the flowers are club volunteers (from left) Ann Taylor, Carol Anderson, MaryAnn Ray and Pat Collier.

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Chicken house fire cause murky, says fire marshal Joel Addington News Editor

[email protected]

What started a suspicious fire destroying two chicken houses on CR 127 last October remains a mystery following an investigation by the State Fire Marshal’s office in Jacksonville. “Based on the fire scene investigation and all available data the exact ignition sequence cannot be determined if the fire was accidental or intentional,” reads the conclusion of investigator Ernest D. Cooper’s report on the now closed case. “Until additional information or physical evidence becomes available this case will be closed. [There are] no further leads.” The roughly 24,000-squarefoot commercial structure owned by Kenneth Crews of Baxter and located near John Padgett Road was completely destroyed in the early morning fire. Approximately 190,000 chickens perished inside. The chicken houses and their contents had an estimated value of $1 million, according to the fire marshal’s report. That’s higher than the estimated loss value in the original report from the county fire department, $625,000. Wood sections of the structure were completely consumed by the flames leaving only wire cages, support systems and roofing. Investigators believe the fire may have started in a main office connecting the two chicken houses before spreading into them. As

the temperature rose, automated fans in the chicken houses turned on, drawing the fire closer. The damage was too pervasive to determine the fire’s point of origin, but a sample of the debris left behind from the office area tested negative for ignitable liquids. The fire was the second at the location since January, 2006. Both times, the property was insured, Mr. Crews informed investigators, adding that no additional insurance coverage was sought following the first fire, the report shows. Baker County units respond-

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ed to the blaze about 1:40 am and were joined by a team from Charlton County, GA as well as Baker County Emergency Medical Services. It took two hours to control the fire and the last unit left the area about 8:50 am, according to Baker County Fire Chief Steven Marfongella’s report of the incident. Another suspicious fire, which destroyed a mobile home off CR 125 south of Mud Lake Road, remains under investigation by the fire marshal’s office, too. No one was injured in either incident.

Photo by Danny Norton

Keri Jarvis wins GOP Christmas basket

Keri Jarvis won the first annual country Christmas basket drawing from the Baker County Republican Executive Committee . Ms. Jarvis (third from right above) was awarded her prize on December 11 at Heritage Park in Macclenny by the Baker County Republican Party officers Kirk Gravelle (second from left), Lane Altom (far left), Leonard Davis (second from right), Christine Norton (far right) and Danny Norton (not pictured). Inside the basket was more than $2000 worth of gift cards, including those donated by local merchants.

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was supposed to fuel up before making the trip to Douglas, GA to pick up freight and said he was unfamiliar with the Macclenny area. Mr. Smith’s westbound 2005 Volvo tractor pulling an empty trailer slammed into the side of a car going north on Lowder St. at the US 90 intersection, killing Paul VanNess, 47, of Sykeston, North Dakota. The victim died at the scene. He was a passenger in a 2004 Chevrolet driven by his 73-yearold mother, who was injured. Her husband died several days earlier and his funeral was the day before the accident. The defendant, who also has a Selma, AL address and who was divorced by his wife while incarcerated, must also do 40 hours of community service each year of probation, including speaking to professional drivers. The Navy veteran has a record that includes convictions for assault, drunk driving and worthless checks. The judge ordered a pre-sentence investigation after Mr. Smith pleaded guilty in early November, delaying disposition until last week.


Joel Addington

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Page 5


An Alabama truck driver who ran a red light in downtown Macclenny in June, 2011, killing a man who was here for his father’s funeral, was sentenced in circuit court on December 17 to five years in prison. Amos Roger Smith Jr., 36, will be on drug offender probation ten Amos Smith Jr. years after release and Judge Mark Moseley imposed other sanctions on him as well during that post-prison period. Mr. Smith gets credit for 673 days he has been in jail since his arrest for vehicular manslaughter. Court records show that the defendant was released from Shands Jacksonville (now UF Florida Health) after a one-day treatment for depression, and at the time of the accident he had the anti-anxiety drug Ativan in his blood stream. He admitted to missing a turn off US 90 in Baldwin when he

pired license and refusing to take a breath test after being stopped for drunk driving. She was arrested after turning onto Clinton Ave. in Glen about 2:30 pm. • Joseph Hash, 18, of Baldwin was taken to jail for misdemeanor marijuana possession shortly after a vehicle he was in was stopped for lack of a tail light around midnight on December 16. Deputy Clements Leo said he stopped the vehicle at US 90 and St. Mary’s Rd. and detected an odor of marijuana smoke coming from the interior. He said Mr. Hash had pot residue on his shirt, and the suspect pointed to a partially smoked “joint” in an ash try. The vehicle’s owner James Wilkerson, 19, of Baldwin consented to a search that turned up a glass jar with 13 grams of marijuana stashed under the passenger seat.

suspended license; 30 days in jail, curfew and attend addiction meetings. • Jack Hodges Jr., violation of probation; six months in jail. • Victoria Kite, driving on a suspended license; failed to appear, warrant issued. • Larry Major, resisting arrest without violence and violating probation; 180 days in jail. • Jerod Mallory, violation of probation; failed to appear, warrant issued. • Sarah Lee Parish, contributing to the delinquency of a minor; 60 days in jail. • Ciara Stokes, driving on a suspended license and domestic battery; 90 days in jail. • Joshua Yarbrough, violation of probation, petty theft and possession of drug paraphernalia; failed to appear, warrant issued.

The Baker County Press

Thursday, December 26, 2013

602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny 259-6702 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin 266-1041

The Baker County Press

Page 6

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Three submit top Yule stories Sara Hilliard and Cheyenne Thrift, both of Macclenny, and Sheila Coren of St. George, GA were this year’s winners of The Press’ Christmas short story contest and are now $50 richer. Ms. Coren won first place the 19 and up division, Ms. Hilliard won top honors in the 14-18 division and Ms. Thrift won in the 13 and under division. The authors and their winning stories are featured below. Ms. Thrift’s “A Miracle to Remember” This story is about a boy that is seventeen and his name is Matt Stocks. His life was wonderful until he was five. This was the year that his dad and six month old sister disappeared. He does not remember that much about them. He has asked about them but his mom keeps avoiding it. All he wants to know is where his sister and dad are! Chapter 1 The Bad Start “Matt clean out the attic it’s been a month!” his mom yelled. “And don’t forget your jacket!” “Mom do you see the snow out there?” he yelled. His mom didn’t answer and he didn’t see the point of yelling any longer. He grabbed his jacket, snow shoes and a duster. He went outside and to the attic door then opened it. He walked inside with dust all over him. So he cleaned from box to box and corner to corner. Then when he reached the second to last box and he saw many pictures, but only two caught his eye. It was a picture of him, his mom (who looked like she was going to have a baby soon) and his dad. The other picture was just of him and his mom. A tear came to his eye. He ran out the door and into the house. The snow was super deep. It was almost to the window, so he had a lot on his shoes. Chapter 2 The Short Talk Before Christmas After he came back in the house his mom said, “It didn’t take you long to clean our the attic.” “Well,” Matt started, “I found these pictures, do you remember them?” His mom almost fell when she sat down. “Yes ... yes I do,” she whispered. “Well can you tell me my sister’s name?” he asked. “Martha. Martha May Stocks,” she said still staring at the two pictures. Matt was amazed, he did not think his mom would tell him. “What did she like to do?” he asked. “She liked her rattle and ... and did you really finish the attic?” she asked. “Yes, I really did,” he said fast. He walked away, to the stairs, looked out the window and saw about three feet of snow. Matt kept on walking to his room and slammed the door. His mom heard the slam and dropped the pictures. She felt bad, but she knew that she couldn’t bare the truth. Chapter 3 The Delivering Santa Matt heard the doorbell, but he did not think much about it. Then his mom yelled, “Matt, I need you to come here now!” He wondered what she wanted. He came down the stairs and heard his mom talking to someone. He started running down the stairs hoping it was his dad or sister. But when he got to the bottom of the staircase, it wasn’t his dad, his sister or even Santa. It was the UPS man sitting inside with a cup of coffee on the couch. He look out the window again, and

Photo by Joel Addington

Christmas short story contest winners (l-r) Cheyenne Thrift, Sheila Coren and Sara Hilliard.

saw the neighbors and their kids having snowball fights. He smiled and kept walking to the couch. “Yes?” he said. “This man has a package for you ... and thank you for my Christmas tree,” she said very fast. The man handed him the package and kept on talking to his mom. Matt signed for the package and sat down on the firs step of the stairs. He tore the tape off, just as the UPS man got up and went to the door. His mom told him goodbye and thank you and then shut the door. “Matt put that package down and help your mother with this tree!” she yelled. Chapter 4 The Surprise All Matt aw was the ornaments, a tree and an angel. So they got the tree out of the package and set it up. In three minutes they had fifteen ornaments on the tree. He picked up this paper on the floor with snow on it. It read, “Free Cruise to Hawaii on 12/24/13.” That’s tomorrow, he thought. “Mom we should go on this cruise,” Matt said. She turned around and said, “That is your Christmas present.” Matt really liked it. “Thank you,” he said as he hugged his mom. She smiled and said, “I have our bags packed and everything” Matt said, as he looked at his package, “What about my package?” She looked at him and left. Chapter 5 The Christmas Cruise Matt’s mom got everything in the SUV and yelled, “Come on Matt hurry up!” Matt looked at his package, locked the door, and walked to the SUV. He looked around, now the kids at the houses next door were making snow angels. He sat in the passenger seat and shut the door. His mom started the SUV and pulled out of the driveway. In three hours they were at the cruise ship. People were everywhere. It took Matt and his mom 30 minutes just to get on the ship! “Now Matt,” mom said, “I don’t want you swimming on this cruise, you will get sick!” Matt knew better but said, “Yes mom, can I explore while you find our room/” Matt’s mom nodded her head yes and walked to the desk. Chapter 6 The Best Present Ever Matt looked around and there were people everywhere on the ship. But there were two people in the crowd that really caught his eye. A man, who looked

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somewhat familiar, and a little girl who looked to be about three or four years old. Matt saw his mom run up and hug the man. He walked towards the three of them. “Is he an old friend?” Matt asked when he reached them. His mom was crying really hard and said, “No, Matt. This is your father. Sean Wyatt Stocks and your sister Martha May.” “Hi son,” Matt’s dad said and gave Matt the biggest hug he had ever had. Matt could not believe his eyes. “Hi, dad,” he said through all the tears. “Bubba” Martha said. Matt’s dad said, “I will never leave you again.” Matt believed his dad. Matt asked his mom, “What was in my package?” He dad replied ... “That was a letter from me and your sister letting you know we would be on this cruise.” A huge smile came across Matt’s face. “This is the greatest Christmas I have ever had.” Then they walked towards the dinner room hand in hand as a real family. Untitled by Sara Hilliard: It was December 15, and Cara had no idea what to do for Christmas. They were living at the homeless shelter ever since her husband, Tom, had been laid off. Tom had luckily found employment at the gas station in town, while Cara worked part-time at the local dollar tree. Their son, Joshua, and daughter, Felicity, were too young to understand the situation they were in. Joshua was in the second grade and Felicity in the first. Tom and Cara made barely enough to clothe themselves and their children, and fortunately food was provided by the shelter. Cara really wanted her children to have good Christmas

since they both strongly believed in Santa. Tom worked 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Cara worked from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., just enough time to drop off and pick up her children from school in their ratty old station wagon from 1995, which was barely running. Tom didn’t see the children much except on the weekends, and he was more stressed each and every day trying to find a better job so they could find a home. His boss knew his situation and did his best to give Tom his children’s old clothes and days off to spend with his family. Cara was the main caretaker of the children and she was becoming tired of having to discipline them without their father hardly around. Not to mention the tiny room with two beds they all had to share, and a public rest room to bath and use the toilet that was shared with 196 other people. The stress and space was wearing them all down. Cara had picked up some stockings from her work and brought them home to hang up, including glitter glue to write their names on, so the children could have a fun activity to keep them busy. “Why don’t we have a fireplace and a couch?” asked Felicity. “Well honey, God has blessed us with this room and it’s what we have for now,” replied Cara. “Well I don’t like it.” Felicity was always the child to question and complain, os Joshua tried to shush her. “I want a big tree and a lot of presents underneath, like they show in the pictures as school.” “We will soon honey.” All Cara could do was reassure her child that they will have it all someday. Cara brought this incident up to

NOTICE OF BID Okefenoke REMC will be receiving bids for the disposal of scrap copper, aluminum, and steel for the year of 2014. Bidders must be licensed and insured. For inquires please contact Michael Hickox @ 1-800-262-5131 ext 1159 or Michael. [email protected]

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Tom at dinner that night. “Well I have some extra tips we could use to go get a tree,” suggested Tom. “We need that money for presents,” Cara argued. “We have enough money saved up in the bank to get them some presents, but you can’t have presents without a tree. Felicity is right, we all want one.” “Alright.” Cara gave in. The next day, Cara and Tom took off work to take their children to the tree farm. A worker there had noticed how excited their children were for a tree, when for most children it’s something so usual and ritual-like. He also overheard Cara and Tom arguing as Cara exclaimed, “These trees are too expensive. $60? That’s at least two presents for each of them!” “Well Cara, I don’t know what you want me to do. We can get them some presents on sale, even if just one, but these children want a Christmas tree, and that will lighten the room up.” Really all Tom wanted too was a Christmas tree. “Sir, miss, we have some discount trees over here?” the work-

Roger Raulerson


er said, trying to offer some help. “Oh. Thank you very much. C’mon kids.” Cara was embarrassed to have to look at the discount trees and have the worker overhear her argument with Tom, but at least it will save them some money for presents. They found the perfect sized tree at $20 and took it to the shelter. The worker noticed how excited Joshua and Felicity were just to get a simple tree. He took their situation into consideration. “I’m so happy, a tree!” Felicity exclaimed. “I know! A real one!” Joshua added. “Hold on one sec.” Tom pulled up at the discount store and ran inside. He came out with a box of lights, tinsel, some plastic ball ornaments, plus plastic cups and hot chocolate. Cara eyed him. “10 dollars,” he said. Cara gave him a smile. It was December 24 and Cara and Tom had managed to get each of their children two presents and some needed items for their stockings. Joshua would receive a nerf gun and a Spiderman suit. Felicity would get a pair of See page 7

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May God Prosper You and Bless You with Good Health

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Baker County Press

Page 7


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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$ Photo courtesy of Christine Fitzwater

MES class donates animal supplies

Students in Christine Fitzwater’s second grade class at Macclenny Elementary School (above) collected supplies for Baker County Animal Control recently. “During this season of giving, the children took on this project to help their community and the animals who are waiting for their forever homes,” said Mrs. Fitzwater by e-mail. For more information on volunteering or donating for the shelter off Steel Bridge Road, please call Georgia Monfort at 259-6786. Dog and cat food, kitty litter, blankets, laundry soap and dish soap among the more common items often needed. Purchases can be made at Bennett’s Feed on US 90 for pickup by county animal control.

Short stories ...

From page 6 sparkled boots, the ones she’s been begging for, and a Barbie. Tom got his hands on a necklace for Cara, and Cara happened to have a new watch for Tom. They thought they did pretty good. “Time for dinner, let’s head to the dining hall!” Tom called, even though there was barely 20 feet between him and his family. They all ran to the hall. Tom had hidden all the presents in the tiny closet, and Cara had hidden Tom’s watch in her pair of extra ratty shoes she kept just in case. They all ate merrily, ready for the morning. It was almost 8 p.m. when they got back to the room. When they opened the door everyone gasped. “Oh ... my ... goodness ...” Cara was breathless. Tom stood there. Joshua ran in and Felicity had a smile a mile wide. There were presents everywhere. All under the tree, coming out of the closet, under the beds, and the stockings were stuffed to the rim, including Tom and Cara’s. “Who did this?” questioned Tom. “Santa!!” yelled Joshua. He was right. Cara pulled off a sign on the wall that said “From Santa, Merry Christmas.” “I don’t know what to say,” Cara cried. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. They entered the room, and barely shut the door. “Let’s all go to bed so we can open these in the morning,” Tom said quietly. The children woke Tom and Cara at 6 a.m. that morning, but they didn’t mind. They were ready to see this too. They divided the presents into piles, and all tore them open. One by one they discovered the treasures. A Tonka truck, a G.I. Joe doll, a baby doll, clothes, shoes, headbands, socks, an electric keyboard, slippers, hair products, makeup, candy. Cara and Tom cried, and the kids were ecstatic. “I think we all need to pray and thank God for Santa and his presents,” Cara said softly. So they did. Cara and Tom stepped outside, “I cannot believe this Tom.” “Me either. I am so thankful, I don’t know who could’ve done this,” Tom pronounced. “It doesn’t matter. Our children our happy and so are we,” Cara smiled. They embraced and exchanged presents, and all the while the Christmas tree worker was watching, smiling. To see the final winning short story from this year’s contest, “A Christmas Wish List” by Ms. Coren, please visit

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The Baker County Press

obituaries Church and obituary Notice information Obituaries must be submitted in a timely fashion and have a local connection. Pictures are printed with obituaries free of charge. The newspaper reserves the right to publish photos based on quality. It is requested that all news items be typed or emailed to insure accuracy in print.

Funeral for Mabel Brazil to be on Friday Mabel Carter Brazil died on Saturday evening, December 21, 2013 in Brunswick, GA at the age of 91. She was born June 20, 1922 to the late Alan Thad and Mozelle Varnes Carter. Preceding her in death was her husband of 57 years, Dallas E. Brazil. She was the eldest of 11 children and was preceded in death by brothers Alan Carter, J. C. Carter, Gerald R. Carter, Theo E. Carter and Artis E. Carter (Janice), and sisters Emma Lou Newbold, Janelle Floyd, Alma Starling and Claudia McCoy. She is survived by sister Pat Dickey (Franklin Hart) of Pineview, GA. She is survived by her son Glenn Brazil (Brenda) of St. Simons Island, GA., granddaughter Mabel Brazil Glynis McGee (John), great-granddaughter Mollie and great-grandson Miller of Marietta, GA and grandson Brandon Brazil (Chloe) of Montgomery, AL.; many nieces and nephews. Mrs. Brazil was active in the community as an officer and lifetime member of the Macclenny Woman’s Club, XYZ and others. She was a member of a senior entertainment group called The Charmers which performed at nursing homes and various civic events. She was a longtime member of the First Baptist Church of Macclenny. The family will receive friends on Friday, December 27 from 12:30 - 2 pm at her church, followed by the funeral service with Edsel Bone officiating. She will be laid to rest at Woodlawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations to the Hospice of the Golden Isles, 1692 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick, GA, 31525. V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services was in charge of arrangements.

‘Gene’ Crews, 84, dies on December 16th Sidney Eugene “Gene” Crews, 84, of Baldwin died on December 16, 2013 surrounded by his loving family following a lengthy illness. He was born on June 20, 1929 in Hilliard and served in the prison and nursing home ministries for over 25 years as a volunteer chaplain. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Baldwin and a former member of the Biltmore Baptist Church where he was a deacon. He was truly a “fisher of men.” Mr. Crews retired from CSX as a yard conductor after 40 years, and enjoyed traveling, especially his three trips to the Holy Land. He proudly served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, and was Worshipful Master of Baldwin Lodge #217 in 1970 and a Mason for over 60 years. He was preceded in death by his parents Blanche Ruis Crews and King Albert Crews, and his step-mother Minnie Lee Crews. He is survived by his devoted wife of 58 years, Marjorie Crews; son Albert “A.J.” Crews; daughter Pamela (Mike) Hall; brothers Marvin (Lavohn) Crews, Lynn (Jackie) Crews and Phillip (Virginia) Crews; sisters Margaret (Farrell) Zittrower, Margie Nurrhee, Vivian (Dusty) Ritsma, Cindy Burkett, Nelda (Chris) Mayberry; seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; numerous extended family and friends. The funeral service for Mr. Crews was held at 11 am on Saturday, December 21 at First Baptist Church of Baldwin with Pastor Chris Drum officiating. The interment followed at Mill Creek Cemetery in Hilliard.

Linda Giddens dies December 21 at 62 Linda Rhoden Giddens, 62, of Bryceville died on Saturday, December 21, 2013, at the Mayo Clinic hospital in Jacksonville. She was a native of Baker County, a graduate of Lake City Community College and retired from Florida State College at Jacksonville after 35 years of service. Mrs. Giddens was a faithful member of Evangel Temple Assembly of God in Jacksonville. Survivors include her husband of 42 years, Gidden B. “Gid” Giddens; daughters Carrie Giddens Gorski (Mark) and Lauren Giddens Bell (Jeff); grandchildren Hunter, Hope, Charlie, Douglas, Brantley, Myles and Maggie. The funeral service will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, December 26, 2013, at her church, 5755 Ramona Blvd. with pastors Garry and Cecil Wiggins officiating. The family will receive friends starting at 6 pm Thursday evening until the hour of the service. A private internment will be held later. Giddens-Reed Funeral Home of Baldwin was in charge of arrangements.

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Service for Bonnie Lyons on January 4th Bonnie E. Lyons, 83, died December 18, 2013 in Jacksonville of a heart attack. She moved to Macclenny in 1956 to take a job as an assistant cashier at the former Citizens Bank where she worked until 1974 when she became assistant vice-presBonnie Lyons ident and manager of the First Federal Savings and Loan, later to become Sun Federal, Anchor Savings and CNB of Lake City in Macclenny. After serving the community in her role as savings and loan manager and assisting the people of Baker County with financial matters, Bonnie retired in 1995 for one month before she was hired by Country Federal Credit Union as real estate loan processor where she remained until 2001 when she retired. Bonnie enjoyed her jobs in the banking industry for a total of 44 years. She was born in Orange Springs, Florida on February 15, 1930, to Augusta and Ervin Lyons. She graduated from Pierson High School in 1949 and attended Jones Business College in Jacksonville. Bonnie was a talented clothing designer and seamstress and loved clogging. She was an avid NASCAR fan and was once treated to a high-speed ride around the Charlotte Speedway. She served as chairwoman of the March of Dimes program in Baker County for 10 years and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Macclenny. She is survived by her brother William and his wife Dixie, daughters Sharon Y. (Robert Ward) Cobb, Patti Cobb, Mickey (Randell Stephens) Raulerson; grandchildren Amy and Lee Cannon and Billy Wayne Raulerson; five great-grandchildren, niece Terri (David) Hair; husband Johnny Lyons Jr. and his daughters Patricia and Simone. A memorial service and celebration of Bonnie’s life will be held on Saturday, January 4 at V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services at 11 am with Dr. Brad Hicks officiating. Bonnie’s family will be receiving friends beginning at 10 am at the funeral home.

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The Baker County Press

Thursday, December 26, 2013 Page


In loving memory of Big Mama, we all miss you so, so much. We miss your “Mother-to-Daughter” talks; we miss you teaching us how to live and how to live for the Lord. We miss your beautiful smile; we miss your loving and caring and the joy you brought into our home and those of others. We will always have you in our hearts.

Contact Us By phone at 904.259.2400 or by fax at 904.259.6502. You can stop by our office located at 104 S. Fifth Street, Macclenny, FL or mail your submission to PO Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We are available online at

Friday funeral, Minnie Givens Mother Minnie Lee Givens of Margaretta died on December 19, 2013. The daughter of the late Oscar and Dora Ruise, she was born March 4, 1938. Mother Givens was a faithful member of New Jerusalem Church of God in Christ. She is survived by husband Johnnie Lee Givens Sr.; children Lavern Dixon, Lou Ann Belford (Steve), Loretta Givens, Johnnie Givens Jr. (Susie), Atawa Gaskins, Sandra Collins (Alfred), Michelle Givens and Keith Givens (Bonita); 16 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; sister and brother Frankie Mae Ragland (Ralph) and Pastor Japan Ruise (Edith); sisters-in-law Precious Williams (James), Roberta Clayton (Willie), Karen Johnson, Wendy Hope (Dan); many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. The funeral service for Mrs. Givens will be 11 am on Saturday, December 28 at Emmanuel Church of God In Christ in Macclenny. The family will receive friends from 5-7 pm on Friday, December 27 at New Jerusalem C.O.G.I.C. in Margaretta. Combs Funeral Home of Lake City was in charge of arrangements.


Black & white/Full color

The Office Mart 110 South Fifth St.

The Road to Calvary Corner of Madison & Stoddard Glen St. Mary Rev. Tommy & Doris Anderson Youth Director Rebecca Lauramore

Phone: 904-259-2213 Sunday School: . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 am Sunday Morning Service . . . .11:00 am Sunday Evening Service . . . . . 6:00 pm Wednesday Night . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm

Mt. Zion N.C. Methodist Church 121 North † 259-4461 Macclenny, FL

Community Calendar

Love, your Baby Girl Lady Blue and your sons Todd, Marlon and Eric Jr., Granddaughter Nancy

Let people know what’s going on- post your special event online

In loving memory of

New Hope Church, Inc. 23-A to Lauramore Rd. & Fairgrounds Rd.


Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Services 5:00 p.m.

Pastor J. C. Lauramore welcomes all


Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m.

The Lord’s Church Intersection of CR 125 & 250 in Taylor •• 259-8353

Sunday school ~ 10:00 am Sunday service ~ 11:00 am Wednesday night Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm Family style dinner ~ 1st Sunday of the month following service

‘A church alive is worth the drive!’

Pastor Bobby & Faye Griffin

First United Methodist Church

Loving God Loving People Serving Our Community Come Join Us

93 N. 5th St. (SR228) Macclenny, Fl ~ Sunday Worship 11am

Cremation starting at $995 Burial Packages starting at $4,395 Dignified Services ~ Value Pricing

Please visit our website at for more pricing.

Call Bill Guerry or J.D. Tyre.



420 E. Macclenny Ave.


Monuments | Final Expense Insurance

Mother Alma Blue Big Momma 12/2/1927-12/25/2012

Remember Me To the living, I am gone. To the sorrowful, I will never return. To the angry, I was cheated. But to the happy, I am at peace. To the faithful, I have never left. Talk to me, and I will hear. Your prayers, they comfort me. Your laughter makes my laugh. But don’t weep for me; I have my reward. I am with the Father and He will never let me perish. The Lord comforts me and longs to comfort you. So be happy, my family, and don’t despair. I am in good hands, waiting for the day when the Lord calls you to come home.

Family grateful We want to let everyone know how much we appreciate the love and kindness shown to us following the loss of our loved one, William Henry Crawford. Thank you for the calls, visits, food, cards and flowers. Special thanks to Taylor Church, ministers Jim Cox, Leo Lanier and Mark Woods, and to the singers for performing Daddy’s favorite songs. Thanks to the Baker County Sheriff’s Office and Bill Guerry and his staff for their support. We also thank Macclenny Nursing and Rehab Center and Community Hospice for Daddy’s care. Most of all, thank you for all the prayers that make this easier to bear. The family of William Henry Crawford Annie Ruth and J.D. Burnsed and family Kelly and Evelyn Crawford and family

Love, Felita Blue 62 grands, 78 great-grands and 10 great-great-grands


In loving memory of

Windell Davis

2/2/1948-12/25/2009 My mind knows you are in a better place, you are at peace, and I understand that. I just wish I could explain it to my heart. There is an empty space in it that nothing will ever fill. I grieve, but I know my tears are for me, and you left behind wonderful memories. Four years have passed since you went away, but I feel a presence of you each and every day. Nothing on earth can truly take my Dad away. Love, Daddy’s Girls Teresa and Mandy

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In loving memory of

Sheila ‘Little Bit’ Kennedy 1956-2006 It has been seven years since you went home to be with Jesus, and I still miss you as if it was yesterday that you went away. Christmas is not the same as it was when you were here with us. I know that you are in Heaven with Jesus having a wonderful time, and that you are not in any pain. But we still want you here with us. I miss hearing your voice and laughter, and doing the things we used to do together. I know you are singing, So, until we meet again in Heaven, Merry Christmas my baby girl. Love, Mom and Family

Submit your news article, letter to the editor, social notice or purchase a classified ad online at

In loving memory of

Alma Blue 1927-2012

Mother, you were a joy to know. You knew how to brighten up a day with heartwarming smiles and with kind words to say. You knew how to gently impart the comfort it took to cheer up our hearts. You knew how to always come through with anything you possibly did. You knew how to willingly share, and how to give and care. You knew how to let all the warm feeling show. That is what made you a joy to know. We miss you and will always love you, Nancy Williams and Moses Bellamy Jr.

In loving memory of

Leroy Sweat My Dad

Missing you at Christmas! Love Your Daughter, Sabra

CARTHAGE CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME, Inc. 929 W. Beaver St., Jacksonville

Email: [email protected]

Kenneth Peele, Jr., LFD C.F.S.P. Pre-Need Counselor Embalmer & Notary


Community Full Gospel Church 12664 Mud Lake Rd.

Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning 11:00 am Sunday Evening 6:00 pm Tuesday Evening 7:30 pm Pastor Tommy Richardson || 904-275-2949

Sanderson Congregational Holiness Church CR 127 N., Sanderson, FL Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Prayer Serv. 7:30 pm

Pastor: Oral E. Lyons

NOW OPEN Silk Flower Designs Arrangements Wreaths 65 W. McIver Avenue | Macclenny Handmade Cards Across from Old Jail Ornaments

Mon.-Fri. 10 am - 5:30 pm, Sat. 10 am - 2 pm

904.408.9864 || 904.259.3596 Come & bring a friend!

CR 229 S., Sanderson FL

Sunday School � � � � � � � 10:00 am Sun� Morning Worship � 11:00 am Sun� Evening Worship � � 6:00 pm Wed� Eve� Bible Study � � 7:00 pm

653-3333 • 571 S. 6th Street Derrick Carter, D.M.D.

Treatment rooms are private and confidential.

Melissa Taylor, R.D.H. Dr. Carter, D.M.D Ashley Carter, Dental Assistant/Office

Peace. Joy. Love. Harmony. It’s Almost Time... ...To wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year!

With our thanks for your trust this year. To all our good friends far and near, go our best wishes for a wonderful year.

We really appreciate your generous support.

Baker County Chamber of Commerce From the Board of Directors & Staff

Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace, good will toward men —Luke 2:14

With exceeding great joy, we wish you and your family all the blessings of this holy season.

Dr. and Mrs. Angelito Tecson & Staff •• 259-4529

Minister Sam F. Kitching

Thanks for lighting up our year with your visits. Merry Christmas!

523 North Boulevard W. | a few blocks north of Hwy. 90 in Macclenny

573 S. 5th St. 259-6059

Sunday Bible Study 9:45 am Fellowship 10:30 am - 11:00 am Worship Services 11:00 am Wed. Bible Study 7:00 pm

To all our neighbors and friends, we wish the merriest and brightest Christmas season, ever!

380 North Lowder St. | Macclenny

Alma & her Girls


Merry Christmas to your family from ours!

First Baptist Church of Sanderson

FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED H.M. Hank Forbes, Jr. Owner/Licensed Funeral Director

Love, Mom and Dad (James) David, Steven, Mimi, Raiford, Grace, A.J., Lizzie, Kodie, Raishell, Aubrie, Paislie, Nic, Sandra, Cory and Chainberlin

The Baker County Press 259-2400 [email protected]

Pastor Allen Crews Assistant Pastor Timothy Alford

Visit our website for helpful resources

Jesus answered, "Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:5

Let this be a loving reminder that someone is missing here today. Someone that our hearts still hold onto as we travel along life’s way. Someone who made life so special for all that he knew and that knew him. Someone who won’t be forgotten, but cherished year after year. As we pause to remember, let us fondly recall how dearly each of us loved him, and how dearly he loved us all. Michael, you may be gone, but you are never forgotten. Within our hearts, your memory lives on.

More for sales, automobiles, help wanteds, rentals, FSBO and yard sales

CR 127 N. of Sanderson Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am Sunday Night Service 6:00 pm Wed. Night Service 7:30 pm

Dr. Roy Vining

“Committed to serving your family with the honesty, respect and integrity you deserve”


Someone is missing

Why send that lamp to the curb? Find a new home for it through the Classifieds. Area buyers and sellers use the Classifieds every day. Besides, someone out there needs to see the light.

We have more!

Pastor Tim Cheshire

Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm

In loving memory of

Michael Ray Tetstone

and all your

(904) 354-0545 || (904) 354-0546


DON’T Toss It, SELL It.

Big Mama

December 26, 2013

ank you, Mama!

Page 9

Linda, Julie & Barbara


The Baker County Press

Page 10

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Legal Notices

ROLLING MEADOWS OF MACCLEENY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation, Plaintiff,



vs. BELINDA SUE TROUT A/K/A BELINDA SUE TROUT KIRK, et. al., Defendants. _________________________________/ RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment entered in Case No. 02-2012-CA000001 of the Circuit Court of the 8TH Judicial Circuit in and for BAKER County, Florida, wherein, , Plaintiff, and, BELINDA SUE TROUT A/K/A BELINDA SUE TROUT KIRK, et. al., are Defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at, Main entrance, 339 E. MacClenny Ave., MacClenny, FL 32063, FL, at the hour of 11:00 AM , on the 28th day of January, 2014, the following described property: LOT 41, CYPRESS POINTE UNIT 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 90 THROUGH 92 INCLUSIVE,OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 12th day of November, 2013. AL FRASER Clerk Circuit Court By: Tabitha Wilson Deputy Clerk

If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Clerk of the Court’s disability coordinator at 339 E. MACCLENNY AVENUE, MACCLENNY, FL 32063, 850-747-5141. at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 12/19-26c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 12000246CA JPMC SPECIALTY MORTGAGE LLC F/K/A WM SPECIALTY MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. DAVID R. PEMBLETON, SR. A/K/A DAVID R. PEMBELTON, SR. , et al, Defendant(s). __________________________________/ To:


Last Known Address: Unknown

LEWIS H. OGDEN, et al, Defendant(s). ________________________________/ NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated November 15, 2013, and entered in Case No. 12000202CAAXMX of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit in and for Baker County, Florida in which U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee for RASC 2006-EMX8, is the Plaintiff and Lewis H. Ogden also known as LH Ogden, Susan R. Ogden, Tenant # 1, Tenant # 2, The Unknown Spouse of Lewis H. Ogden also known as LH Ogden, The Unknown Spouse of Susan R. Ogden, U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee for RASC 2006-EMX8, United States of America, Department of Treasury, are defendants, the Baker County Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in/on ALL SALES WILL BE HELD AT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE, 339 E. MACCLENNY AVE., MACCLENNY, FL 32063. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST PAY AT LEAST 5% OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID BY CASH OR CASHIER’S CHECK AT THE TIME OF THE SALE. THE REMAINING BID AMOUNT MUST BE TENDERED BY 4:00PM ON THE DAY OF THE SALE BY CASH OR CASHIER’S CHECK ONLY., Baker County, Florida at 11:00AM on the 20th day of February, 2014, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure: LOT 11, BLOCK 5, OWEN’S ACRES UNIT TWO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 34, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. A/K/A 6389 E THOMAS CIR, MACCLENNY, FL 32063-4328 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Dated in Baker County, Florida this 2nd day of December, 2013. Al Fraser Clerk of the Circuit Court Baker County, Florida By: Julie B. Combs Deputy Clerk Albertelli Law Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 23028 Tampa, FL 33623 (813) 221-4743 (813) 221-9171 facsimile eService:  [email protected] If you are a person with a disability who needs any accomodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Persons with a disability who need any accomodation in order to participate should call Jan Phillips, ADA Coordinatory, Alachua County Courthouse, 201 E. University Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601 at (352)337-6237 within two (2) working days of receipt of this notice; if you are hearing impaired, please call 1-800-955-8771; if you are voice impaired, please call 1-800-955-8770. 12/19-26c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. :2013CA000113CAAXMX


vs. BENJAMIN W. MARTIN A/K/A BENJAMIN WAYNE MARTIN A/K/A BENJAMIN MARTIN, et. al., Defendants. __________________________________/ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE

Current Address: Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following property in Baker County, Florida: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF BAKER AND STATE OF FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST, AND RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 1760.0 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE WEST LINE OF WEST BOULEVARD OF THE TOWN OF MACCLENNY, THENCE SOUTH 10 DEGREES 24 MINUTES EAST, 309 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF OHIO AVENUE, THENCE SOUTH 79 DEGREES 10 MINUTES WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE OF OHIO AVENUE, 937.39 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF A 60.0 FOOT STREET OR ROAD; THENCE RUN SOUTH 8 DEGREES 16 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE, 864.78 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 80 DEGREES 16 MINUTES WEST, 122.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 80 DEGREES 16 MINUTES WEST, 122.86 FEET, THENCE RUN SOUTH 2 DEGREES 12 MINUTES WEST, 81.41 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 80 DEGREES 16 MINUTES EAST, 130.28 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 2 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 02 SECONDS WEST, 80.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A/K/A 413 W 8TH AVE, MACCLENNY, FL 32063-282 has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses within 30 days after the first publication, if any, on Albertelli Law, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is P.O. Box 23028, Tampa, FL 33623, and file the original with this Court either before January 16, 2014, service on Plaintiff’s attorney, or immediately thereafter; otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint or petition. This notice shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Baker County Press. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this court on this 16th day of December, 2013. Al Fraser Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Tabitha Wilson Deputy Clerk Albertelli Law P.O. Box 23028 Tampa, FL 33623 CR - 11-85779 If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Persons with a disability who need any accommodation in order to participate should call Jan Phillips, ADA Coordinatory, Alachua County Courthouse, 201 E. University Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601 at (352)337-6237 within two (2) working days of receipt of this notice; if you are hearing impaired, please call 1-800-955-8771; if you are voice impaired, please call 1-800-955-8770. 12/19-26c

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order of Final Judgment entered in Case No. 2013CA000113CAAXMX in the Circuit Court of the EIGHTH Judicial Circuit in and for BAKER County, Florida, wherein, NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC, Plaintiff, and, BENJAMIN W. MARTIN A/K/A BENJAMIN WAYNE MARTIN A/K/A BENJAMIN MARTIN, et. al., are Defendants. The Clerk of Court will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the courthouse at 339 E Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny, Florida 32063 at the hour of 11:00AM, on the 21ST day of JANUARY 2014, the following described property: THAT CERTAIN PIECE, PARCEL OR TRACT OF LAND SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF BAKER AND STATE OF FLORIDA, AND BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST, AND A PART OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST, BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND RUN THENCE S 0°07`48” W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 2, 171.68 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. 10 (U.S. HWY 90); THENCE N 78°46`46” E ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 451.93 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE N 78°46`46” E, ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 142.00 FEET; THENCE N 11°13`14” W, 273.00 FEET; THENCE S 78°46`46” W, 142.00 FEET; THENCE S 11°13`14” E, 273.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS BEING A PART OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 2 AND PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST AND BEING THE SAME LANDS AS SOLD IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 250, PAGE 262 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. DATED this 2nd day of December, 2013. AL FRASER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Julie B. Combs Deputy Clerk MORALES LAW GROUP, P.A. 14750 NW 77th Court Suite 303 Miami Lakes, FL 33016 [email protected] If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Persons with a disability who need any accommodation in order to participate should call Jan Phillips, ADA Coordinator, Alachua County Courthouse, 201 E. University Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601 at (352) 337-6237 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this notice; if you are hearing impaired call (800) 955-8771; if you are voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. 12/19-26c





NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment entered in Case No. 02-2012-CA000295 of the Circuit Court of the 8TH Judicial Circuit in and for BAKER County, Florida, wherein, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, and, CLEM BRISBON, III, et. al., are Defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at, Main entrance, 339 E. MacClenny Ave., MacClenny, FL 32063, FL, at the hour of 11:00 a.m., on the 30th day of January, 2014, the following described property: LOT 2, BLOCK 7, E.R. RHODEN’S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF MACCLENNY, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 4, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 12, 2013, and entered in Case No. 2013-CA-0048 of the CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT in and for Baker County, Florida, wherein ROLLING MEADOWS OF MACCLEENY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. is Plaintiff, and JIMMIE ALLEN CREWS AND SHELLY L. CREWS and COUNTRY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash: 339 East Macclenny Avenue, the Clerk’s street address for auctions, at 11:00 AM (#113), on the 11th day of February, 2014 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 14, ROLLING MEADOWS, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page(s) 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 and 101, of the Public Records of Baker County, Florida A/K/A: 5546 Huckleberry Trail W., MacClenny, Florida, Lot 14, MacClenny, FL 32063 A PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS AFTER THE SALE. DATED this 20th day of December, 2013. AL FRASER, as Clerk of said Court

DATED this 18th day of November, 2013. AL FRASER Clerk Circuit Court By: Tabitha Wilson Deputy Clerk GREENSPOON MARDER, P.A., 100 West Cypress Creek Road Trade Centre South, Suite 700 Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33309 954-491-1120 If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Clerk of the Court’s disability coordinator at 339 E. MACCLENNY AVENUE, MACCLENNY, FL 32063, 850-747-5141. at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. 12/19-26c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE No. 13000131CA NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY,

By: Tabitha Wilson As Deputy Clerk BECKER & POLIAKOFF, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff Scott Kiernan, Esq. Florida Bar #0011577 111 N. Orange Avenue Suite 1400 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 875-0955 (407) 999-2209 Fax Primary: [email protected] Secondary: [email protected] 12/26-1/2c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2013-CA-0049 GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following described property located in Baker County, Florida: PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 22 EAST, BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEG 04’ 00” WEST ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 29, A DISTANCE OF 201.55 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 01 DEG 04’ 00” WEST ON SAID WEST LINE, 99.35 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. S-23-A (AN 80 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AS NOW ESTABLISHED); SAID POINT LYING ON A CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1949.6 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY AROUND SAID CURVE A CHORD BEARING AND A DISTANCE OF SOUTH 08 DEG 06’ 24” EAST, 31.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEG 26’ 18” EAST, 517.25 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEG 56’ 36” EAST, 260.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 84 DEG 44’ 42” WEST, 80.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 03 DEG 08’ 48” WEST, 135.52; THENCE NORTH 88 DEG 26’ 54” WEST, 437.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPT THAT CERTAIN PARCEL MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 82, PAGE 477; AND ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT THAT CERTAIN PARCEL DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 42 PAGE 427 AND ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT THAT CERTAIN PARCEL RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT #2000-3814, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to this action, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A., Default Department, Attorneys for Plaintiff, whose address is Trade Centre South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309, and the file original with the Clerk within 30 days after the first publication of this notice, in the BAKER COUNTY STANDARD INC on or before January 9,, 2014; otherwise a default and a judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT on this 9th day of December, 2013. AL FRASER As Clerk of said Court By: Tabitha Wilson As Deputy Clerk

Copy furnished to: A copy of this Notice of Action, Complaint and Lis Pendens were sent to the above-named Defendant(s) at the last known address.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, contact the Clerk of the Court’s disability coordinator at 339 E. MACCLENNY AVENUE, MACCLENNY, FL 32063, 850-747-5141. If hearing or voice impaired, contact (TDD) (800)955-8771 via Florida Relay System. 12/19-26c

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James B. Turpin a/k/a James Turpin and Melissa D. Turpin a/k/a Melissa Turpin; The Unknown Spouse of James B. Turpin a/k/a James Turpin; The Unknown Spouse of Melissa D. Turpin a/k/a Melissa Turpin; Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Home American Mortgage Corporation; Rolling Meadows of MacCleeny Homeowners Association, Inc. d/b/a Rolling Meadows of MacClenny Homeowners Association, Inc.; Unknown Parties in Possession #1, If living, and all Unknown Parties claiming by, through, under and against the above named Defendant(s) who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said Unknown Parties may claim an interest as Spouse, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, or Other Claimants; Unknown Parties in Possession #2, If living, and all Unknown Parties claiming by, through, under and against the above named Defendant(s) who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said Unknown Parties may claim an interest as Spouse, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, or Other Claimants Defendant(s). __________________________________/


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order dated December 18, 2013, entered in Civil Case No. 2013-CA-000088 of the Circuit Court of the 8th Judicial Circuit in and for Baker County, Florida, wherein JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Plaintiff and James B. Turpin a/k/a James Turpin and Melissa D. Turpin a/k/a Melissa Turpin are defendant(s), I, Clerk of Court, Al Fraser, will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash AT THE EAST DOOR OF THE BAKER COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 339 EAST MACCLENNY AVENUE, MACCLENNEY, BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT 11:00 A.M. on February 12, 2014, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 123, ROLLING MEADOWS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 96-101, PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA.

If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator;201 East University Avenue, Room 410, Gainesville, Florida 32601 (352) 491-4490 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification of the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days.  If you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Al Fraser CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Baker County, Florida


RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 30, 2013, and entered in Case No. 2010-CA-000141, of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit in and for BAKER County, Florida. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP (hereafter “Plaintiff”), is Plaintiff and SCOTT SWENSON; DONNA SWENSON, ROLLING MEADOWS OF MACCLEENY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC, are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the EAST DOOR of the Courthouse; 339 East MacClenny Avenue, 1st Floor, MacClenny , at 11:00 a.m., on the 13th day of February, 2014, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 136, ROLLING MEADOWS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, AND 101 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA.

NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 12, 2013, and entered in Case No. 2013-CA-0049 of the CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT in and for Baker County, Florida, wherein ROLLING MEADOWS OF MACCLEENY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. is Plaintiff, and DANIEL DOYLE and JENNIFER R. DOYLE are Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash: 339 East Macclenny Avenue, the Clerk’s street address for auctions, at 11:00 AM (#113), on the 11th day of February, 2014 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 132, ROLLING MEADOWS, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page(s) 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 and 101, of the Public Records of Baker County, Florida

Van Ness Law Firm, PLC 1239 E. Newport Center Drive Suite #110 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Phone (954) 571-2031 Fax (954) 571-2033 [email protected] If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Persons with a disability who need any accommodation in order to participate should call Jan Phillips, ADA Coordinator, Alachua County Courthouse, 201 E. University Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601 at (352) 337-6237 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this notice; if you are hearing impaired call (800) 955-8771; if you are voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. 12/19-26c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 02-2013-CA-000036

A/K/A: 5602 Blueberry Court, MacClenny, Florida 32063, Lot 132, MacClenny, FL 32063




DATED this 20th day of December, 2013.

To the following Defendant(s):

AL FRASER, as Clerk of said Court By: Tabitha Wilson As Deputy Clerk BECKER & POLIAKOFF, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff Scott Kiernan, Esq. Florida Bar #0011577 111 N. Orange Avenue Suite 1400 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 875-0955 (407) 999-2209 Fax Primary: [email protected] Secondary: [email protected] 12/26-1/2c NOTICE OF EXCHANGE PROPOSAL Notice is hereby given that the Forest Service (FS), United States Department of Agriculture, is considering an exchange of interests in land (surface use easements) with Columbia County and Plum Creek Timberlands (the Non-Federal Parties) under the authority of the National Trails System Act of October 2, 1968 (16 USC 1241) and the Federal Land Exchange Facilitation Act of August 20, 1988 (43 USC. 1716). Publication of this notice is required by land exchange regulations (36 CFR 254.8) and will contribute to the public scoping effort to identify any issues associated with this project (40 CFR 1501.7). The interest in land under the jurisdiction of the FS that is being considered for exchange can be described as: A railroad easement being 50 feet either side of the centerline of the proposed rail line located in T. 3S., R. 18E, Section 31, Tallahassee Meridian, Columbia County, Florida. The interest in land under the jurisdiction of the Non-Federal Parties’ that is being considered for exchange can be described as: An easement for the Florida National Scenic Trail being a 10 foot wide strip of land lying 5 feet on each side within portions of Section 36, Township 3 South, Range 18 East and Section 1, Township 4 South, Range 18 East, Columbia County Florida and portions of Sections 6, 7, and 18, Township 4 South, Range 19 East, Baker County, Florida, and portions of Sections 19, 29, 30, and 32, Township 4 South, Range 19 East and a portion of Sections 5 & 8, in Township 5 South, Range 19 East, Union County, Florida. Both easements are approximately 6.27 acres and legal descriptions are located at the Forest Supervisors Office in Tallahassee, Florida. Maps and a more detailed description of the proposed exchange may be found on the project website ( or are available upon request (contact Matthew Trager at [email protected] or 850-523-8582). The FS requests comments to determine if the exchange is in the public interest and if the lands are affected by liens, encumbrances or other claims. Comments may be sent to Susan Jeheber-Matthews, Forest Supervisor, by mail (National Forests of Florida, 325 John Knox Road, Suite F-100, Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4160) or by email ([email protected]) within 45 days after the initial date of publication of this notice. Comments will be placed in the public record for this project and individuals who submit comments will receive future project updates unless otherwise requested. 12/19-1/9c

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JOSE ORTIZ A/K/A JOSE O. ORTIZ (RESIDENCE UNKNOWN) EDWINA ORTIZ (RESIDENCE UNKNOWN) YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Foreclosure of Mortgage on the following described property: LOT 51, CYPRESS POINTE, UNIT 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 90 THROUGH 92, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. A/K/A 453 ISLAMORADA DR. S., MACCLENNY, FLORIDA 32063 has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it, on Kahane & Associates, P.A., Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is 8201 Peters Road, Ste. 3000, Plantation, FLORIDA 33324 on or before January 16, 2014, a date which is within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this Notice in the BAKER COUNTY PRESS and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff’s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. This notice is provided pursuant to Administrative Order No.2.065. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 16th day of December, 2013. AL FRASER As Clerk of the Court By: Tabitha Wilson As Deputy Clerk Kahane & Associates, P.A. 8201 Peters Road, Ste.3000 Plantation, FL 33324 Telephone: (954) 382-3486 Telefacsimile: (954) 382-5380 Designated service email: [email protected] File No.: 12-04225 LBPS In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to provisions of certain assistance. Please contact the Court Administrator at 339 East MacClenny Avenue, 1st Floor, MacClenny, FL 32063, Phone No. (904) 259-8113 within 2 working days of your receipt of this notice or pleading; if you are hearing impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 (TDD); if you are voice impaired, call 1-800-995-8770 (V) (Via Florida Relay Services). 12/26-1/2c

__________________________________/ TO:


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following described property located in Baker County, Florida: A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 22, EAST, BAKER COUNTY FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE NORTH 89°21’08” EAST AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, 1318.66 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°27’02” EAST, 40.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: SAID POINT BEING IN THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD N0. S-23A; THENCE NORTH 89°21’08” EAST AND ALONG SAID RIGHT-0F-WAY LINE, 227.61, FEET, THENCE SOUTH 0°27’02” EAST, 1287.51 THENCE SOUTH 89°19’10” WEST, 227.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0°16’45” WEST, 727.65 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0°27’02” WEST, 560.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to this action, on Greenspoon Marder, P.A., Default Department, Attorneys for Plaintiff, whose address is Trade Centre South, Suite 700, 100 West Cypress Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309, and the file original with the Clerk within 30 days after the first publication of this notice, in THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS on or before January 17, 2014; otherwise a default and a judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT on this 17th day of December, 2013. AL FRASER As Clerk of said Court By: Tabitha Wilson As Deputy Clerk A copy of this Notice of Action, Complaint and Lis Pendens were sent to the above-named Defendant(s) at the last known address. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in this proceeding should, no later than seven (7) days prior, contact the Clerk of the Court’s disability coordinator at 339 E. MACCLENNY AVENUE, MACCLENNY, FL 32063, 850-747-5141. If hearing or voice impaired, contact (TDD) (800)955-8771 via Florida Relay System. 12/19-26c

Defendant(s). _________________________________/


NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure dated December 12, 2013 and entered in Case No. 02-2013-CA000036 of the Circuit Court of the EIGHTH Judicial Circuit in and for BAKER County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the Plaintiff and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS,DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH,UNDER, OR AGAINST WILLIAM S. YOUNG A/K/A WILLIAM SINGLETON YOUNG, DECEASED; DAVID ANDREU YOUNG A/K/A DAVID A. YOUNG A/K/A DAVID YOUNG A/K/A DAVE YOUNG, AS AN HEIR OF WILLIAM S. YOUNG, JR. A/K/A WILLIAM SINGLETON YOUNG A/K/A WILLIAM S. YOUNG A/K/A WILLIAM YOUNG, DECEASED, AS AN HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. YOUNG A/K/A WILLIAM SINGLETON YOUNG, DECEASED; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS,DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH,UNDER, OR AGAINST WILLIAM S. YOUNG, JR. A/K/A WILLIAM SINGLETON YOUNG A/K/A WILLIAM S. YOUNG A/K/A WILLIAM YOUNG, DECEASED; MARY LOUISE ECHTERNKAMP A/K/A MARY ECHTERNKAMP A/K/A MARY LOUISE ECHTERKAMP, AS AN HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. YOUNG A/K/A WILLIAM SINGLETON YOUNG, DECEASED; DENNIS RATLIFF; ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; are the Defendants, The Clerk of the Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at AT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE BAKER COUNTY COURTHOUSE at 11:00AM, on the 12th day of February, 2014, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment: LOT 10, BLOCK 3, JERRY W. THOMAS SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 42, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LANDS: BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 10, BLOCK 3, JERRY W. THOMAS SUBDIVISION AND RUN THENCE SOUTH 84 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST, 167.10 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF JERRY CIRCLE AND RUN THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 20.10 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 10, THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 39 SECONDS EAST, 165.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A/K/A 373 JERRY CIRCLE, MACCLENNY, FL 32063 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty (60) days after the sale. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of this Court on December 20, 2013. Al Fraser Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Tabitha Wilson Deputy Clerk Ronald R Wolfe & Associates, P.L. P.O. Box 25018 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 F12019446 WELLSLPS-SPECFNMA–R-kmiller-Team 1 – F12019446 If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact: Ms. Jan Phillips Human Resources Manager Alachua County Family/Civil Courthouse 201 E. University Avenue, Room 410 Gainesville, FL 32601 Phone: 352-337-6237 Fax: 352-374-5238 12/26-1/2c


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AND TO: All persons claiming an interest by, through, under, or against the aforesaid Defendant(s).



11-229045 FC02 CHE 12/26-1/2c


Dated this 12th day of December, 2013.


ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: SHAPIRO, FISHMAN & GACHÉ, LLP 2424 North Federal Highway, Suite 360 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (561) 998-6700 (561) 998-6707


Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale.




















AND TO: All persons claiming an interest by, through, under, or against the aforesaid Defendant(s).




Defendants. _________________________________/


Current Address: Unknown




GREENSPOON MARDER, P.A., 100 West Cypress Creek Road Trade Centre South, Suite 700 Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33309 954-491-1120


JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association





The Baker County Press

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 11






Merrie Melodies sing holiday tunes

Photo by Joel Addington

Westside Elementary School’s Merrie Melodies choir group performed for a packed cafeteria of parents, faculty and school board members the evening of December 17. They sang songs like “Silent Night” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” during the half-hour show led by the school’s music teacher Deborah Fortuna. “They have worked really hard on this. They really have,” Ms. Fortuna told the audience. Children return to school after Christmas break on January 7. To see more photos and video from the show, please visit

Dated this 20th day of December, 2013.  

AL FRASER Clerk Of The Circuit Court   By: Tabitha Wilson Deputy Clerk

Choice Legal Group, P.A. 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 453-0365 Facsimile: (954) 771-6052 Toll Free: 1-800-441-2438 DESIGNATED PRIMARY E-MAIL FOR SERVICE PURSUANT TO FLA. R. JUD. ADMIN 2.516 [email protected] Under the American with Disabilities Act, if you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance.  Please contact the ADA Coordinator at (352) 337-6237, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance.  If you are hearing or voice impaired, please call 711. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and require an ASL interpreter or an assisted listening device to participate in a proceeding, please contact Court Interpreting at [email protected] 12/26-1/2c

NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. ANNIE P. NGUYEN A/K/A ANNIE K. NGUYEN, ET AL. Defendants ___________________________________/ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 12, 2013, and entered in Case No. 2012-CA-000093, of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit in and for BAKER County, Florida. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC (hereafter “Plaintiff”), is Plaintiff and ANNIE P. NGUYEN A/K/A ANNIE K. NGUYEN; HAI D. TRAN; CYPRESS POINTE OF MACCLENNY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; are defendants. I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the EAST DOOR of the Courthouse; 339 East MacClenny Avenue, 1st Floor, MacClenny , at 11:00 a.m., on the 11th day of February, 2014, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: LOT 8, CYPRESS POINTE, UNIT 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 90 THROUGH 92, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BAKER COUNTY, FLORIDA. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Persons with a disability who need any accommodation in order to participate should call Jan Phillips, ADA Coordinator, Alachua County Courthouse, 201 E. University Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601 at (352) 337-6237 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this notice; if you are hearing impaired call (800) 955-8771; if you are voice impaired, call (800) 955-8770. Dated this 20th day of December, 2013. AL FRASER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY Tabitha Wilson As Deputy Clerk Van Ness Law Firm, PLC 1239 E. Newport Center Drive Suite #110 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Phone (954) 571-2031 Fax (954) 571-2033 [email protected] Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. 12/26-1/2c

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Pictured from the final installment of the Friday Night Lights with Santa events at Heritage Park on December 19 are (top left from left) Kelly, David and Lauren Wirth coloring a Christmas picture; (above from left) Jasmine Roberson, Taylor Mann, Geneva Beck and Serenitie Nixon; and Carson and Alec Finley petting Mark Bryant’s mule Jack.

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The Baker County Press

The Baker County Press

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 13



December 26, 2013

Sports Notice Submissions We welcome your sports submissions for youth league, traveling league or individual athletic achievements. The paper reserves the right to publish submissions. It is requested that all news items be typed or emailed to insure accuracy in print.

Contact Us By phone at 904.259.2400 or by fax at 904.259.6502. You can stop by our office located at 104 S. Fifth Street, Macclenny, FL or mail your submission to PO Box 598, Macclenny, FL 32063. We are available online at

Photo by Debbie Pelham

Nicholas Lee calls for a time out from the floor. Also pictured is No. 21 Curtis Harmon. Photo by Jud Johnson

Lake City downs Bobcats

Glenna Kaye Godwin

Photo by Jud Johnson

Kasey Alford

Photo by Jud Johnson

Maddy Perry

Photo by Jud Johnson

Lady lifters end season with two key wins JOn SHumake | SPORTs Editor [email protected]

Coach Scott McDonald’s BCHS girls’ weight lifting team closed out its regular season with two dominant victories over Creekside and Bishop Snyder to build momentum heading into January’s sub-sectionals. The girls’ regular season ended with a decisive 68-18 home win over the visiting Creekside Knights on December 18. The team had lifters finish in the top three of every weight class, and swept the top two spots most of the classes.

Krystan Carter and Christina Perez finished in first and second place in the 101 class. Sydnee Watson and Kayla Sampley took the top two spots in the 110 class. Haleigh Crawford finished in first while Kelsey Anderson claimed second place in the 119 class. In the 129 class, the team swept the top two places with Madyson Perry in first and Lani Foster in second. Meckenzi Hand and Rebekah Long claimed first and second place in the 154 class. Mya Whitehead and Kasey Alford took the top two spots in the 169 class, while Glenna Godwin and Jackie Anderson did the same in the 183 class.

Lacey Nettles finished in first place in the 199 class, while Madison Fox claimed second place in the 139 class. Brooke Adams and Brittany Webb finished in second and third place in the unlimited class. The win over Creekside came one week after the team defeated hosting Bishop Snyder 71-18. Most of the top three spots were once again held by Baker County lifters. In the 110 class, Sampley finished in first place and Mehan Eiserman came in second. Kelsey Anderson took first place while Crawford claimed second in the 119 class. Kaitlen Muse and Long swept

the top two spots in the 139 class, while Hand and Mallory Mobley did the same in the 154 class. In the 169 class, Whitehead and Alford claimed first and second place. Godwin and Jackie Anderson finished in first and second in the 183 class. Carter and Shelbie Martin took first and third place, respectively, in the 101 class. Perry claimed the top spot in the 129 class, while Adams finished in third place in the unlimited class. The team now turns its attention to sub-sectionals January 10 at Bishop Snyder. Sectionals will also be held at Snyder 15 days later.

The slump: Cats drop two JOn SHumake | SPORTs Editor [email protected]

Photo by Jud Johnson

Delicia Washington splits defenders to put up a shot.

The BCHS Lady Wildcats’ losing streak grew to five straight as the girls dropped two more games the past week to fall to 5-8 overall on the season. The team was on the losing side of yet another close game that came down to the final minute of action when the visiting Yulee Lady Hornets eked out a 45-43 victory on December 17. The Lady Cats trailed by 10 points midway through the third quarter, but rallied back with a 16-3 run to take a 37-34 lead with less than four minutes remaining. Yulee regained the lead shortly after and held on by a two-point margin until there was about a minute left of the game. Delicia Washington tied it up for the Lady Cats off her ninth steal of the night when she scored the final two of her 28 points with 53 seconds left. But the Lady Hornets answered right back to take the lead and held off BCHS to secure the victory. Baker County’s defense kept it in the game as they forced Yulee to commit almost 30 turnovers, but the Lady Hornets’ three-point shooting prowess was too much for the young Lady Wildcats to overcome. The loss to Yulee came two days after the girls suffered a 48-25 blowout on the road to Terry Parker. The game was tied at 13 at the end of the first quarter, but the Lady Cats scored just one point in both the second and third quarters to insure that Terry Parker would maintain a commanding lead. The usual high-scoring Washington managed just two first-quarter points on the night. Kiala Pigott and Abby Rice led the team with eight points each. The Lady Cats won’t get another chance to break the losing streak until January 6 when they host Forrest.

Photo by Jud Johnson

Andrea Clark attempts to block the shot.

Post-season sans Romo; great exit for Meester Fat Lady ROBERT GERARD

No more Tony Romo to kick around, at least for the remainder of this year. Romo, the Dallas Cowboy quarterback who has been blamed for the team going belly up in the playoffs the last few years with late interceptions, is out for the remainder of the season with a herniated disc suffered

against the Redskins on Sunday. As someone who has had a herniated disc and the surgery that went with it, I don’t wish that on anyone and certainly not Romo. But as the Cowboys prepare for the playoffs, they will have to do without their $100 million quarterback and rely on backup Kyle Orton, the journeyman signal caller who played at Chicago and Denver. If Orton leads them far into the playoffs, it could make for some interesting post-season talking points.

• I just loved the send off that longtime center Brad Meester got in his final home game with the Jaguars. He got to run on the field alone to the cheers of the crowd. But even better than that, he got to catch a pass. Meester was ruled eligible and moved to tight end. Chad Henne tossed him a screen pass and he made 9 yards and a first down. “The thing that ran through my head was, ‘Don’t drop the ball,”’ said Meester. Unlike most Jaguar receivers, he actually caught it.

It was a real highlight to a losing effort against the Titans. • We’re about to head into the meat of the bowl season so here’s my pick of the BCS games. Baylor (sic ‘em Bears) over UCF in the Fiesta 58-35 in a defensive slugfest. Stanford over Michigan State in the Rose Bowl 24-17. This one really will be a slugfest with the best defensive line in the Big Ten up against the best offensive line in college football. Forget the skill players, watch what happens in the trenches.

Ohio State narrowly edges Clemson 35-34 in the Orange Bowl. I would like to see both these teams lose. Alabama over Oklahoma 2824 in the Sugar Bowl in another game I wish both teams could lose. Finally, Florida State over Auburn 35-21 in the national title game. The Tigers are good but the FSU offense is too explosive and the defense too stifling. Go Noles.

Jamon Jones pulls up for a jumper.

Photo by Debbie Pelham

Bradley laying solid foundation for the Jaguars JOn SHumake

Photo by Debbie Pelham

Kim Thrower (left) attempts to corral the loose ball.

The Baker County Middle School’s boys’ and girls’ basketball teams both lost to the visiting squads from Lake City Middle the evening of December 19, though the boys’ contest was much closer than the girls’ game, which began first at 5 pm. The Bobcats only scored 10 points in the game, falling 40-10 before the boys took the floor at 6:15 pm. That game ended with a 8-point loss for the Bobcats, 42-34. The teams will travel for their next games against Lake Asbury on January 9 after returning to school on January 7. Then they will play at the BCMS gymnasium on January 13 for a contest pitting the Bobcats against the squad from Wilkinson middle school.

THANK YOU! The Baker County Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following businesses for candy donations given to the children during the Christmas parade.

Photo by Debbie Pelham

Jamon Jones finishes a fast break.

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To our customers, associates, neighbors and friends, we wish a season of peace and joy. Serving you is always a treat for us and we look forward to your continued support. Merry Christmas!

Harrington Insurance 371 W. Macclenny Ave. | Macclenny, Florida 32063 904-259-1450 | [email protected] Home, Auto, Business & Recreational Vehicles

Wishing all the best to all the best people we know … our customers! We look forward to continue serving our customers both old and new during 2014!

Country Federal CREDIT UNION

602 S. Sixth Street, Macclenny • 259-6702 100 S. Lima Street, Baldwin • 266-1041 Open 24/7 @

The Baker County Republican Party would like to thank all the local businesses for all their donations in making our first annual Country Christmas drawing a huge success. Baker County Republican Party supports local businesses. Baker Salvage

Anderson Roofing

Jimmy’s Auto Repair

Gibson McDonald

Woody’s BBQ

Pier 6

MKD Designs

Blown Away

San Jose Restaurant


Hugh Fish

China Buffet

Sixth Street Steakhouse

Advance Auto Parts


Sherwin Williams


O’Reilly Auto Parts

Laviece Moser

Dr. Meg Romeo

Bobby Hart Everybody’s Lunch

Duval Women’s Federated Woman’s Group

Heritage Park

Wyndham Hotel

Go‛n Outdoors

Baker Chiropractic

Michele Hodges, All Occasion

Nina’s Beauty Salon

Elegance in Bloom

694 W. Macclenny Ave.

Florida Farm Bureau

Moonlight Blessings

Northeast Florida Telephone Co.


WJXR Radio Station

Calendar’s Pizzeria

We Loved Every Minute of Serving You This Year!

Check it out... video productions

Wedding Packages from $600 Birthday Parties from $125 Transfer & preserve your old VHS and videos to DVD



Let us entertain your kids with a barrel ride!

SPORTs Editor The Jacksonville Jaguars still have a long way to go before they become a playoff team, but one piece of the puzzle they already have in place for future success is head coach Gus Bradley. The coaching job he’s done this year is nothing short of amazing. He’s taken a group that was made mostly of Gene Smith busts, castoffs and no-names and has turned them into a competitive team that has refused to give up despite their 4-11 record. When the Jaguars looked like one of the worst teams in NFL history when they sat at 0-8, Bradley’s inspirational coaching continued to give the team energy to fight through the second half of the season. Even though the Jags lost 20-16 in their home finale to the hated Tennessee Titans, the team has posted a winning record since the bye week and has fought hard each game. The players continuing to buy into the philosophy despite the overall losing record is a surefire sign of good coaching. The loss to the Titans may have been Bradley’s most impressive coaching performance yet, even if the team fell to 1-7 at home for the second consecutive season. The Jaguars fielded a team that has been ravaged by injuries and still had a chance to win until quarterback Chad Henne threw the game-sealing pick late in the game. But Bradley’s creative use of a challenge when the defense needed a break to catch their breath may have been his most genius yet. The Titans held the 20-16 lead and were trying to close out the game by running the ball to waste the clock. Jacksonville’s defense was obviously gassed and were getting gashed by Shonn Greene and Chris Johnson on the ground. The Jaguars’ defense allowed a close third-down conversion that allowed the clock to keep ticking. It was questionable if the Titans would pass the first-down marker, so Bradley challenged the spot of the ball. It was a brilliant move for two reasons. The first, and obvious, reason was that if overturned then it would have forced Tennessee to punt the ball and give the Jaguars the ball back. The other was that it gave the exhausted defenders longer to catch their breaths. The Jaguars’ defense had several minutes to get their wind back due to the play getting challenged instead of the usual 30 seconds timeouts bring. Although the call was upheld, the extra time to rest proved to be beneficial as the defense stepped up and stopped the Titans’ rushing game to give the home team a chance to win. Bradley is a smart and enthusiastic coach who has brought a new energy to the franchise and fanbase. He gets the most out of his players even when they don’t have anything to play for but pride. If Bradley can get this kind of effort out of this year’s incarnation of the Jaguars, it’s going to be fun watching them when they finally have the talent on the field to match the talent on the sideline.


Collins Realty Group Country Federal Credit Union First Coast Cardiology Institute First Federal Bank of Florida GEM Realty Haven Hospice Moonlight Blessings Okefenoke Rural Electric Cooperative Phantom Fireworks River Region Human Services Sam’s Crystal River Seafood Southeast Realty Group State Farm Insurance Tregoning Industries

Visit us on Facebook and like our page for a chance to win some great Go‛n Outdoors merchandise

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Happy New Year and many thanks for your friendship and support. 130 North 4th Street Macclenny | 259-2261

Angel Aqua Inc.

The Baker County Republican Party wishes your family a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

neighborhood. $110,000. Call 259-8595 or 904-612-5279.12/19tfc 5 acres on St. Mary’s River, zoned Ag; high and dry. Ready to build on; very nice wooded acres. $54,900; two to pick from. 904-5912640.7/18tfc Lots for sale, Copper Creek and Glenfield Oaks subdivisions. $32,000 each. Call 904813-1580.2/7tfc

The Baker County Press

for rent




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838-3130.10/17-12/26p Seasoned oak firewood. Face cord, $70, full cord $130; delivered and stacked. 904316-4225.12/5-26p Artists. Oils, acrylics, water colors, Canvas­es, draw­ing pads and much more. On sale now. The Of­fice Mart, 110 S. Fifth Street, 259-3737. tfc Camille Beckman hand cream, Root candles, unique gift items. Southern Charm 110 S. 5th Street. 259-4140. 4/28tfc Office Supplies, printer and fax cartridges, rubber stamps and much more. We specialize in hard to find items. The Office Mart, 110 S. 5th Street. 259-3737. 4/28tfc

For Sale

Home Improvements-porches, decks, remodeling-any home repair. Licensed & Insured. 904-591-2640. 10/17tfc Michael J. Canaday. Please write to: Friend, P.O. Box 943, Macclenny, FL 32063 by 3/1/2014, to discuss balance at 5th Street.  12/26-1/2p UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? AdoptionA brave & selfless choice. Medical, living & counseling expenses paid. Choose the loving & financially secure family. Compassionate Atty. Lauren Feingold 24/7 866-633-0397 #0958107.12/26p

PS3 console, 4 controllers (2 wireless), charger and accessories, 13 games. $250. Call 259-2629. 12/19-26p Oak firewood and fat lighter. You pick up or we deliver. 904-653-1442. 12/19-1/2p Now through Christmas Eve, the Franklin Mercantile will be open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Railroad crossing in Glen. 259-6040. Like us on Facebook.11/14tfc Seasoned firewood. Call Bruce at 904-

Placement, correction or cancellation of classified ads may be done by phone, e-mail or in person anytime before Monday at 5 p.m. for publication on the following Thursday.


BY website We install 6” seamless gutters. Pressure washing. 259-7335. 8/11tfc Narcotics Anonymous. We are a group of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. IT WORKS!! Meetings are held at the Baker County Health Department on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:45 p.m.-7:45 p.m.  12/5-26p Alcoholics anonymous meetings Monday and Friday at 8 pm. Call Wanda 904-9947750. 209 Macclenny Ave. 1/3-12/27/13p

automobiles 2000 Kawasaki VN750 motorcycle, New Battery, Stator, & Voltage Regulator. $2,900.00. 259-7523. 12/5tfc

Animals Happy Jack Mange Medicine promotes healing and hairgrowth to any mange, bare spot, on dogs and horses without steroids. GLEN CASH STORE (259-2381). Dogs: all types from puppies to adults. Animal Control, $65 adoption fees will apply. 259-6786. 11/20tfc

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DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! Learn to drive for US Xpress! Earn $700 per week! No experience needed! Local CDL Traning. Job ready in 15 days! (888)3681964.12/26p Experienced OTR Flatbed Drivers earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. $1000 sign on to Qualified drivers. Home most weekends. Call: (843)266-3731 / www.bulldoghiway. com. EOE. 12/26p com. EOE. 10/10p

real estate

Notice to Readers All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at 1-800669-9777. The toll free telephone number

for the impaired is 1-800-927-9275. For sale by owner. 1 acre fenced lot with older doublewide, large pole barn; Abernathy Circle, Sanderson. Sold as is. $40,000. 904-635-5662.12/19-26p 3 BR, 2 BA completely renovated home on large city lot in established neighborhood. FSBO. $119,500. Contact 904-234-8065. 12/12-1/2/14p 4 BR, 2 BA brick house with approximately ½ acre fenced in yard. 7446 Pine Acres Court, Glen St. Mary. Located in quiet

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3 BR, 2 BA. 925 Red Fox Way. Carpet, tile and engineered wood floors, 2 car garage, all appliances including washer/dryer. $1075/ month plus $1075 deposit. Real Estate with Garlon Webb. 904-408-9146. 12/26c 3 BR, 2 BA DW mobile home on Mud Lake Road. Newly remodeled; lawn maintenance included. Service animals only. $900/month plus $1200 deposit. 259-9066. 12/26tfc 3 BR, 1 BA house in Macclenny. $850/ month plus $700 deposit. 904-238-1908. 12/19-1/2p 2 BR mobile home available. $385/month. Half acre; garbage, water, sewer, lawn care provided; family neighborhood. 912-8438118 or 904-699-8637. 10/31tfc 3 BR, 2 BA newly renovated home. Located approximately 1 mile South of I-10 on church property. Restrictions will apply. $900/month plus $1000 deposit. Shown by appointment only. 259-7332. 12/5tfc 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home in Glen. $600/ month plus $600 deposit. 904-228-3032. 12/12-26p 2 BR, 1 BA. CH/A, washer/dryer hook-up, garbage, water, sewage, lawn care included. $450/month plus $450 deposit, 1st month’s rent pro-rated. 912-843-8165 or 904-2192690.12/12tfc 3 BR, 1 BA house in Macclenny. 170 W. Shuey Avenue. CH/A, washer/dryer hookup, screened back porch, fenced back yard. $795/month plus $795 deposit. 259-6488. 12/26-1/2p 4 BR, 2 BA brick-faced home in Sands Pointe. Fenced yard and upgrades. $1300/ month plus $500 security. Text or call 904397-8662.12/19-26p 4 BR, 2 BA brick house with fenced in yard. 7446 Pine Acres Court, Glen. 1st, last and $900 deposit required to move in. ($2700). $110,000 for sale. Call 259-8595 or 904612-5279.12/19tfc 2 BR, 1 BA house in Macclenny. $700/ month plus first and last month needed to move in. Please call James at 904-3970410.12/12-1/2/14p Spotless, well landscaped yard; 3 BR, 2 BA home at 640 Foxridge Circle. $1150/ month plus $1150 deposit. Call 904-8131580.11/14tfc Clean 3 BR, 1 BA home. 9121 Dolphin Street, Sanderson. $650/month plus $650 deposit. Call 904-813-1580 or 259-2255. 11/21tfc 2 BR, 2 BA $650/month plus $500 deposit. Extra clean; front porch. Service animals only; references required. 259-2121.10/31tfc 3 BR, 2 BA doublewide on 1 acre land with garage and fishing pond; CH/A. $825/month plus 1st, last and $500 deposit. 259-7335. 10/24tfc 2 BR, 1 BA in Taylor. $450/month, 1st, last and $300 deposit. 259-7335. 9/5tfc 2 BR, 2 BA on Boggie Street. CH/A. $550/ month, 1st, last and $300 deposit. 2597335.9/5tfc

commercial FR For Lease- 1500 SF retail/office space at 541 S. 6th Street, Macclenny. $1300/month. Call Jack at 904-616-9432. 9/26tfc

mobile homes

Land clearing Fill dirt • Slag Cypress mulch • Red mulch A little or a lot



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Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a robot, a pet rabbit, a bik. Love, Jackson

Dear Santa, My name is Lane Hodges and I have been very, very good this year. I would please like for you to bring me some things. Here is the short list: a fire truck I can drive, black motorcycle with fire on it, and tractor that holds a long trailer, big lawn mower with mud tires and halloween clothes. All my love, Lane

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a phone, a rabbit, boots. Love, James Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Chawawa, pink boots, teddy bear. Love, Angel Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a monstr hi Dol, a Butrfli net, a fes. Love, Briunnagee Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a bunerabit, a DS, a red bow. Love, Alexis Mrs. Hall, Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a Big Broys and Obe two. Luv, Jamie Lee Dear Santa, I wot a teve and a frbe. I have ben a gb gpol. Luve, Aubrey Dear Santa, I-Pad, mostr trch, teve and goo boy. Love, Blake

Dear Santa, I wot an toy stor 3, toy 2, toy 1. Ben a god hlpr boy. Love, Jaxon Dear Santa, I want a Nobey to and a now brbe be cus I bin a good grl at school. I can not wait until Christmas. Love, Brooklyn Deayr Santa, I wont a brbey jep and a frbey be cuz I been a goob girl. Love, Willow Dear Santa, I went nit shos. Santa I love you. Norah Dear Santa, I want a dragon and I was good boy. Love, James Dear Santa, I want a doll and I have been a good girl. Love, Olivia Kennedy Dear Santa, I wont a bic. Love, Nell Brown

Westside Elementary McDonald, 1st Grade Dear Santa, How are you today? I have been good this year. I have four things on my Christmas list. I really want a bulldog I need batteries for a gocart. I would like to have a new shirts to wear. I want a froggy book to read. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas! Love, Nathan P. Dear Santa, How are to today. I have bee good this year. I have four things on my Christmas list I really want a candy maker I need a new jeep I would like to have high heel boots to wear. I want a a cat and dog thank you very much Merry Christmas! Love, Alaina S.

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been very good this year. For Christmas, I would like a puppy. How is Mrs. Claus? Merry Christmas! Your friend, BJ Dear Santa, How are you? I have been very good this year. For Chrismas, I would like an iphone. Do you like cookies? How is Mrs. Claus? Merry Christmas! Your friend, Tommy Dear Santa, How are you? I have been very good this year. For Christmas, I would like saddles for my horses. Do you like cokies?? Your reindeers are pretty. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Kentlee Dear Santa, How are you? I have been very good this year. For Christmas, I would like a pet hamster. Do you like cookies? How is Mrs. Claus? Merry Christmas! Your friend, Azarius Dear Santa, How are you? I have been very good this year. For Christmas, I would like a puppy. Do you like cookies? How is Mrs. Claus? Merry Christmas! Your friend, Adrianna Mrs. Schaper, 2nd Grade

Dear Santa, I want a btr krane to wok and I want a bet kran kuz I bnn gld bule. I want par boots. Love, Taz

Dear Santa, I hope I have ben good. What I want is to see you. and you and Mrs. Santa Clase and a horse. Love, Whitley

Ms. Sweat, Kindergarten

Dear Santa, I love you so much, I hope you have a very hary cristmas and a happy happy happy new year! and I want a kit and the rest to the Poul. Love, Ryleigh

Dear Santa, I watch and a train pless Santa. I hav been a gud girl. Love, Delanee

Dear Santa, I love a dog. I hope for a IPod. I hope have a good Crismes. Love, Brianna

Dear Santa, I would like a remote control and a moc helicopter. I love you to. Love, Spence

Dear Santa, how are you doing? But all I want for chrismas is an Ipod, Iphone, and a Ipad miny, and phone have a mary chrismas!!! Love, Dylan

Dear Santa, I wot a now bic bcuz I hav I good grl. Love, Sydne

Dear Santa, I woulb like a rc trak. I a good learning boy. Love, Logan Dear Santa, I would like a bo and aro. I ben good. Darryl Russell



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Dear Santa, I want to know if yall are ready for Cristmas. Sencerley, Raiven Dear Santa, Have I been good I got a few things I would lik a I Pod or a leap pad! Love, Richard Dear Santa, I would like a babeset and, a Baby set, and a mackup set, and a IPod, Thats wut I want for chrismis! Love, Branna Shrull Dear Santa, I have Ben Doing good I wanter If a Ben doing good I whant a D.S, and I whant a cat, and I whant a Dog, and Doll and I whant a horse, and you. Love, Autum Dear Santa, I hope I’m on the nice list! I wish for a Xbox one and a game for it i want it to be maden 25 have a good Christmas Sincerly, Dawson Stafford, 2nd Grade Dear Santa, I want a dream castle with every pricess. a roking horse, a puppy, a flute, a magic set a jump rope, two movies called Barbie Fairy topia and Barbie Mermaid. Love, Sarah Dopson Thank you Dear Santa, I have been good this year. can I have a Ipode and walkytalkys. Love, Anna Green Dear Santa, I have Ben riley good tis year I want a e owe girl set plesntank you. Love, Autumn Dillman Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. May I please have a new shoes and a new cat. thak you. Love, Tara Daniels Dear Santa, I have been relly good this year I want a chocklan fowten and a hampster for Chrismas. Love, Aiden Mills Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. May I have rainboots that are pink and a new jewelry box and a bunch of jewelry. Thank you! Love, Lily Elledge Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a Ipad and lap top


How are you? I wish for everybody to be well on Christmas eve. Like not, letting any body get the flu, or not leting any body get a cold. I also want a bey blade set for Christmas. and a Marvel super hero’s Wii game. I’ve been good. Signed, Cohen Potts Mrs. JoAnna Andrews, 2nd Grade

and kindlefire and skatbord and bicke and puppy vidyo games and soczisetawee. Love, Sara Stewart Dear Santa, I have been really good this year may I have sky landers swap force please. Love, Tommy Lauramore Dear Santa, I have been really good this year may I please have a play staetion 2 and sum gams for it. Love, Rift Cannon Mrs. Elledge, 2nd Grade Dear Santa, How are you doing Have you got on to any elves I hope have’nt. Can I please have a remote control helicopter and a phone for Christmas Please santa I hope I get to see you this Chistmas. Love, Caleb Richardson Dear Santa, How are you doing to day You got beautiful reindeer. What I want for Christmas is a phone and an xbox 360 and a bs a computer and a 4 wheeler and a motorcycle and a dird bike and a bike I am going to give you cookes and milke and a batman suit. Love, Austin Rowe Dear Santa, How are you doing I want a toy air plane and the world to have a good Christmis and I want to snow too for America. Love, Austin Davis Dear Santa, How are you Dooing? I want mony for Christmas and a toy helicoter and an IPod and a be be gun. Love, Brayden Barnwell Mrs. Jacobs, 2nd Grade Dear Santa, This Chistmas I want you to keep everyone together My family, Mom, Grandma, cousin. I want you to make the best Chistmas ever. I want you to make everyone happy. Love, Kaylen Dear Santa, Hello Santa can u send me a picture of Lester & Chester u and Mrs. Claus. I Hope u can get a pic of Cupid. Love, Kelsey Dear, Santa Clause Are the elves making enough toys for the oher kids? I heard that you already got my little cousin a jeep because I heard my daddy mama and brother say it. And I thing heard them say it was at Phantom Fireworks. Love, Haley

Macclenny Elementary Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I please have these? Cars, Xbox one, Halo 5, Wii, controlers, Elf Book, stuft animal That is all. Love, Donovan Bonds Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! May I please have a hamster. I would like a black and white hamster. May I please have a stuffed animal. I would like a stuffed animal because I would need a new sleeping buddy. Sincerly, Kyleigh Dear Santa, Marry Chistmas! I’v triend to be good this year. May I have new close. Mine are geting to small. Please Santa. Can I please have one silver bell from your sleigh. I want to see waht it looks like. From Ava Dear Santa, Merry Chistmas! I would like two things. 1. Crazy loom. So I could make gifts esely. 2. A mini chistmas tree. So I can have a little chistmas cheer. Thank you, Presley K. Scott Santa is go wen to dliey the presis. and the peple are sleepen in bed. Santa is give in to the good garl and boy. Santa is cheken his list he is cheken it twois. Love, Kelan Hendricks The tru meaning of christmas is Jesus son of God and Mary. Born in belthaham born on Christmas. Love, Kloi Harnage Angie Taylor, 2nd Grade Dear Santa, 2 things I want are to cure world hunger and to have world peace. One present is to cure world hunger so nobody starves. The other one is world peace because soilders will miss Christmas and they would miss thier kids smileing. World hunger is a problem to humans those are the two presents that I want. Signed, Hunter Johns Dear Santa, Are your reindeer ready to fly? Are you ready for the big night? Do your elves have all the toys made? For Christmas I want lego friends. I also want to see it snow in Alabama. Thank you for my elf on the shelf. Me and my family named him Al. Me and my brother love waking up and finding him. I love all the places he hides. I am so excited for Christmas. I know it will be fun. Signed, Jolee Ford Dear Santa, How is your day Santa? The things I want for Christmas is a bulldog and a furby. I have been nice this year. I have been listening to my mom and dad. I wish the poor people could have a home on Christmas Eve. I wish for the kids with no mom or dad to have presents on Christmas day. Signed, Abbie Rhoden Dear Santa, How are you? Do you have enough time to make two more toys? All I want is a Furby and a IPod. Will you please bring them on cristmas? I have been good all year. I have not touched my Elf on the shelf Chip. P.S. Please bring them. Signed, Brayden Wallace

Dear Santa, How are you doing in the north pole? is it Cold in the north pole? have you met nauty children this Year? Can you get my Dad a Zon be game for chrismas it is called call of Duty Black OPS 1? Can you get my sister monster high Dolls? can you get my mom a new car from orange park? Can you get me a remote control race car? Merry chrismas, Gage Dear Santa, How are you doing? If you know my dad tell him I love him. May you please give my mom a job and my dad a new playstation 2 game. and please get me a 3DS game and tickets to George Buldogs vs. florida gaters football game. Thank you, Nathen Dear Santa, How are you doing? is it cold up there? What kind of cookies do you like? I hope you have a merry christmas. I hope every thing is going well up there. I hop you are going to have a merry Christmast too. what I want for Christmast is a guitar and some rundlooms. my brother ants switch and Go dino and a drum set. My mom wants a new watch. My step dad wants a jacket. Thank you, Hunter Tripp Dear Santa, Please get my mom some more cloths. Please get my Aunt Net a puppy and all the stuff she needs to take care of it. Please get my brother and my dad a whole jar of beef jerky. for Christmas I want a DS, real earrings, Deluxe Spa. Thank you, Elodie Davis Mrs. Hurst Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? I have been trying extra hard to do better grades this year. One nice thing I have done this year is I helped my friend get better. I would like for you to bring me a mpthree player and a new doll house. Love, your friend, Maleah Jones Dear Santa, How big are elves? I have been trying extra hard to be nice. I tryed to carry people on my back throgh field of stickers. I would like a bow and arrow, xbox 360, air soft gun, and an elf on a shelf. Love, Cale Neal Dear Santa, Do you been mean some times? I have been trying to get Good grades this year. One nice thing I’ve done this year is help. I would love a phone, bike, and computer. Love, Eric Jackson (sweet liggle boy) Dear Santa, Do you have any Mario toys? I have been trying exra hard to do better in school this year. One nice thing I have done this year is taking care of my baby brother. I would like for you to bring mario toys and a 2PS and a Sonic lost world game. Love, Vincent Fuller Dear Santa, What are you bringing me for Chistmas? I have been better grades this year. One nice thing I have done this year is make more friends. I really want a RC helicopter, a truck that can go in water, a paint ball gun, and a bow arrow, aer soft gun. Love, Kaden Jernigan

Keller Intermediate Dear Santa, I hope the elfs are still making toys. This year I want happyness, Jesus, peace, and love. These four will last forever, but toys will break. When Jesus is in your heart he wants to stay there. If you have Jesus in your heart you will have the spirit. I want to go to North Carolina soon. I want to go see my Grandpa and Grandma, and ride on thier golf cart. They live on a mountain side. Our golf cart will flip at their house. Last year we took our golf cart up there and it almost fliped. Our golf cart has seat belts on the back and when we were driving up a hill it started to flip and I was buckled in so I had to jump off while it was moving. My Grandma said hurry jump so I shure enough jumped off of it. I want to go to my Grandmas and Grandpas house soon. A pair of nike brand soldiors shoes would be nice. from you friend Weston Dear Santa, I want everyone to give a spare jacket to donate a jacket to the poor. I have seen so many people in the middle of winter with no warm clothes. So please help all you can. I also want to salute people who served in the war. So if you know someone who served be sure to give them a big thank you. My papa served in the army. He told me about his friends who died in the military. So please thank them and salute the fallen soldiers for what they did. Because if they did not fight we may not be able to enjoy christmas and the fun and joy it brings. Siscerely, Cooper Griffis Dear Santa, I want Jesus for Christmas cause he is always there for me, even know I can’t see him. Santa you know that feeling when your lonely, but your not cause Jesus is all around you. You don’t really feel him or see him, But when you do, your mind will go crazy. He is the most wonderful thing ever. People think about you on Christmas day. It’s not about toys, it’s about Jesus and Christmas was the day when he was born. Jesus gave a gift to the world and Saint Nick is giving gifts to us. People love Jesus and you too. Everyone loves getting presents, but the important present is him. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Oh Santa a puppy would be nice too Sincerely, Kelsey Craig Dear Santa, I would like to spend time with my parents because they are the best they give me presents and they let me do what I want to do. They’re also kind to me. I hope they have a happy christmas. My Dad is in the army and he almost died because a sniper bulet hit him in the let. If it wasnt for my Dads freind he would of died. I hope he is ok in the Army. Daniel

Dear Santa, Are you ready for the big day? Heres a question. Do you now what I want for christmas? Heres what I want a My Life Doll and a new bike. The pepole who are in a hospitle make them fill better. All of the stray animals give them a home. Please do my favere. Merry christmas. Signed, Megan Barton

Dear Santa, This year what I really want for Christmas is my family to be happy. I really love my family and I love it when they are happy. I want this to be the best Christmas they ever had. I hope they get what they wanted most. My family and I have an amazing time on Christmas eve but I want it to be a better time this year. I want them to open their presents on Christmas morning and be thrilled with what they got. They deserve it because they do so much for me and they love me so much and I love them. I want this year to be the best Christmas for me and my family. Merry Christmas Santa and what I want for Christmas is for my family to be happy. Your friend, Harper Archambault

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

I think I have been good this year. But what I really want for Christmas, is for my dad to be home for Christmas. My dad works as a correctional officer and his boss said that he probably will not be able to stay home for Christmas all day long! But I will hope and hope and hope before Christmas so I can spend time with my dad. Last year and before, all them years he was with us on Christmas. I really want him to be with us. Another thing, I expeshily want to get him a present. Maybe a fourwheeler or a gun! Lainna Burnett Dear Santa, What I want fr Chirstmas is for the homeless to have a home and a present from you also for the world to have peace and everyone to stop fighting and worring and brothers and sisters to get along. And see that Chirstmas is really about celebrating the birth of Jesus. I want everyone to have a merry merry extordanary chirstmas this year. Also my mother and brother have a great chistmas. That everyone gets what they really truly want this year. And that the people from the army come home and have a great chirstmas and that everyone gets a bible also I want everone to know about God and the meaning of Chirstmas. P.S a monster High doll would be nice. Love, Parker Prevatt Dear Santa, I would like my mom and dad to have a good Christmas because they do so much for me. They make me food, pay the bills for the air condition, and they love me. My dad would like a new computer for his work. My mom would like a new miten for the kitchen. My sisters Mackenzie, Reagan, and Savannha. Savannah would like a doll house. Reagan would like a computer. Mackenzie would like a room of her own. I would like my grandparents to have a good christmas to because they love me and do so much for me and my cousins. They watch over us every day after school. they bye snacks and drinks for us. They pay they bills so we can watch tv, have air condition. I love my family so much I hope they can have a great christmas. P.S. I wouldn’t mind a xbox 360 with minecraft. Sincerely Jacob Gipson Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is $1,000,000 so I can give it to the poor. And I want another $1,000,000 so I can give half of it to my parents so they can buy a new house and things that they need. And I want the other half to go to my family and friends so they can buy things that they need for themselves and things that they need for their children. I also want Jesus to have a super, awsome, wonderful, spectaculer, amazing birthday! Your good friend, Jadyn Starling Dear Santa, I would love it if you could et my sister a Monster high school set for christmas. If you can please let my family have a Holly Jolly christmas! And I wouldn’t mind if you could let my gramyma have a spectacular and in fact everyone have a great christmas. Could you get my dad a Jersey signed bye E.J. Manual his FSU one please! My mom on the other hand would like a amazing coffee cup. Santa could you let all of the poor people have enough money to buy what they need. Jacob J. Dear Santa, I was thinking about some things and I thoght it would be nice for my parents to have a good holloday too. After we celabrate christmas at our house we go to my Nanny’s house. And we celabrate there and talk about what we have done all week, and exchange gifts. Matthew Lucas Mrs. Giler, 4th Grade Dear Santa, The most two things that I would like for Christmas is a knew wii so I can play it and a knew bike so I can ride it to my best friends house so I can play with her so the most two things that I would like are a wii and a knew bike, but I now that you can’t get it so if you can’t get them or just one you can get me the other one and I will still be happy with you. Summer Davis Dear Santa, This is what I want for Christmas. I want the craz a loom bands, a elctronic tablet, a will U and a very happy new year. Have merry Christmas and a happy new year Santa. Love, Diamond Combs Dear Santa, I hope this year for christmas I get something really good: My Elf Scout and trixie got married and so now trixie is pregnant. So I want them to have a good and healthy baby and if you want to give me something else you definitly could I would so want you to. Something else that I really want also: A big wish can come true right? Well my big wish is! Me to be in a Gymnastics Class! Sincerely, Kaylee Rodgers Dear Santa, My wish list is a good nice fishing and a tackal-box. But most of all please give presents to the needy and the people who don’t get a lot. Pleace let them have a awesome christmas. Love, Kaleb Sowell Dear, Santa On my wish list I want 1.) Infinity 2.) Maden 25 3.) Maden 13 4.) Skylander Swap forse 5.) and a lava lampe. Thats all Santa Clouse, but if you can’t get one of those 5 thats all right because you have to make and give presents to all the kids and audols in the world. I don’t now if I’ve been a good boy so thanks If I get any thing on my list but I’ll be great full any way. Sinerely, Jesse Harter Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas is a lava lamp, Marker board, Justice cloths, Book, games, that is all I want. Love, Morgan Teeter Dear Santa This is Zoie Young What I would like for Christmas is a big or little stuffed tiger. Zoie Young Dear Santa wut i wont for christmas is a rc truck, caluduty ghost, i pod tuch, playstashon, dirtbike, go Kart and a new xbox cutruler. Rylan King Dear Santa, I hope you have a merry Christmas and I hope you’ll get me anything you think I’ll like it doesn’t have to be big just small please santa Craig Collins Dear Santa: I wish for christmas is for you to give presants to the poor and food to them. But I wold like a x box 360 and a war game with it. also wold like to have a PSp and a new bike I’ve been needing one. thats about all I want for chrismas well I wold like a PS2 game maybe a hunting game. Love: Gage Mann Dear Santa, for Christmas I want call of duty ghosts, I kow you can’t get so much stuff so I made my list short. I wish you a mery christmas. Sincerely. Trey Dugger Merry Christmas

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Dear Santa, My name is Austin Jurovschi and I have been very, very good this year. I would please like for you to bring me some things. Here is the short list: a lightup monster truck, dump truck, and a toy dirt bike. Please bring a water gun for daddy and some clean pots and pans for mommy. All my love, Austin

Conner, 1st Grade

Dear Santa, I boots, I bn a gub grl. Love, Harben

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Page 15

Letters to Santa

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The Baker County Press

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The Baker County Press

Page 16

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Chester draws 155 votes to win Joel Addington News Editor

[email protected]

Chester, a 9-year-old male black cat from Baldwin, won The Press’ holiday pet photo contest on Facebook last week, getting more than 300 votes from readers. Chester’s owner, Ashley Avinger, submitted the winning photo, which she took at home in November. “And no, he didn’t mind wearing the costume at all,” Ms. Avinger said by e-mail. Coming in second place was a 1-month-old cocker spaniel male named Cowboy with 155 votes. He belong’s to Rachel Hodgson of Glen St. Mary, who took the photo of Cowboy sniffing a Christmas tree ornament that reads “I believe in Santa.” Another pet who was dressed up for the competition, an English bulldog named Herschel, was not so agreeable. His owner Laura Williams of Macclenny said by e-mail he “absolutely hated” the reindeer antlers placed on his head. “I had to hold a piece of ham to keep him still. Afterwards, he grabbed the antlers and destroyed them,” said Ms. Williams’ e-mail. “Ha, ha!” Herschel got 112 votes. One of the more unusual photos in the competition came from Christopher Brown of Brown Dynasty Alpacas in Glen St. Mary. His photo of a dressed up alpaca named Kuz’ma, which Mr. Brown said means Charles in Russian, was taken at his farm in October. It received 22 votes. Kuz’ma, who turned 1 year old that month, was draped with a scarf made from alpaca fur. “He wasn’t thrilled, but he probably would have been happier if it was say in the 30s that day!” said Mr. Brown by e-mail. “The reason I took the photo was really to show off the scarf. This is the first year I had my alpacas fleece turned into yarn and I found a wonderful woman locally to turn the all-natural yarn into crocheted scarfs.”

Chester, a black cat from Baldwin (at right), won the pet photo contest with 155 votes. Other entries included Kuz’ma (above), Herschel (bottom right) and Cowboy.

Merry Christmas!

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