ISSN (p) : 2613-9731 ISSN (e) : 2613-974X
(JPKM) Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNTAN Volume 1 Number 3 October 2018 JPKM is a Public Service Scientific Journal published three times a year in January, May and October by the Department of Primary Education including PGSD Scientific Journal Publication FKIP Untan Pontianak. The article contains the results of community services that have been conducted, and related to education, learning, science, technology, socioculture, and entrepreneurship, especially related to Basic Education in order to inspire and provide benefits to the wider community. Published three times a year in January, May and September, contains the results of Community Service Provision (PKM) with basic education nuances including those with elementary school teachers (PGSD) in accordance with their field of exposure goals Published by: Jurusan Pendidikan Dasar/ PGSD FKIP Untan Pontianak Publisher Address: Jl. Karya Bhakti Kampus 2 PGSD FKIP Untan Pontianak Selatan Kalimantan Barat, Kotak Pos: 78121 Telp Hp Email
: +62561(746792); Fax: 746792 :+6281256205243 :
[email protected]
Editorial Board Editor in Chief Budimansyah, D, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Vice Editor In Chief Sugiyono, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Editor Martono, Hairida, Yohanes Mashudi, Sri Utami, Suhardi Marli, Kaswari, Mastar Asran, Kartono, Hery Kresnadi. Rosnita, Siti Halidjah, Endang Uliyanti, Asmayani, dan Maha Latasa Editorial Board/Reviewer: Marzuki, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Martono, Unuversitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Aunuurahman, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Asrori, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Waras, Universitas Malang Endang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Edy, Universitas Negeri Padang
Diantoro, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Efendi, Universitas Malang Meilina Hartono, Universitas Bima Nusantara Jakarta Bambang Sumintono, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia David Treagust, Curtin University, Australia Stephen Ball, University of London, United Kingdom Aswandi Aswandi, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
IT Support Team Hery Kresnadi (PGSD FKIP Untan) Kartono (PGSD FKIP Untan) Sugiyono (PGSD FKIP Untan)) Heny Sulistiani (PGSD FKIP Untan) Fandi (PGSD FKIP Untan) Ismail (PGSD FKIP Untan)
Table of Content The Socialization of Multicultural Values in Early Childhood for Kindergarten (TK) and Raudatul Atfal (RA) Teachers in Pontianak Yapandi
Pages 71-84
Thematic Learning Training Based on 2013 Curriculum for Primary School Teachers
Siti Halidjah1, Tahmid Sabri2, K.Y Margiati3, Endang Uliyanti4
The Training for Skill Assessment Designing Based on Characters on Teachers of Junior High School
Kurnia Ningsih1, Ahmad Yani2
The Training for Designing Inquiry Learning Tools for Teachers of Science and Social Science in Pontianak
Hairida1, Gusti Budjang2, Rahmat Rasmawan3
Parenting Program for Kindergarten Fadillah1, Purwanti2