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استنتج بان اعطاء حقنة واحدة من البروستاگلاندین كان كافيا لمعالجة بعض المشاكل التناسلية لفترة ما بعد الولادة في الأبقار وبكفاءة عالية . INTRODUCTION.
,f lraqi Journrt of Yctcrlnary Sclencii, Vol. 6, No.



APPLICATION OF PROSTAGLANDTN FOR POSTPARTUM REPRODUCTIVE DISORDERS IN COWS A. $. Majeed and M. B. Taha Departmenl of Surgery and Obstetrics , Cottege of Veterinary Medicinc , University of Mosul , Mosul , Iraq (Rccclvcd Dcccmbcr


1992; Accepted

April 24, t993)

ABSTRACT The cffe,ct-s of prosraglandin (PG) F2a (luprostiol) injcction (22.5 mggiven i.m.) ro 176 cows (local and Fricsian), suffering frortt retained placenta (60) , pyometra (44) , anestrus with persistant corpus luteum (38) and luteal cystic ovaries (34) havc been stuclied . The overall cfficacy of PG on postpartum reproductive disordcrs was 86.9%. The efficacy of PG on rcuined placcnra , pyometra , anestrus and luteal cystic ovaries was 9l7o ,72,7Vo ,9Z.lVo and &.7%t, respcctively. It is concludcd that a singlc injection of PG was highly effective in rhe treatment of certain postpartum reproductivc disorders in cows .






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