Using Meme Pictures to Improve the Writing Creativity of Grade XI Students of SMA N 1 Temanggung in the Academic Year of 2016/2017 Boris Ramadhika, Sugirin UNY
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract The aim of this research was to improve the writing creativity of Grade XI students of SMA N 1 Temanggung in the academic year of 2016/2017 using meme pictures. This was an action research study conducted in two cycles consisting of three meetings each. The main subjects of this research were 34 (10 male and 24 female) students of Grade XI MIPA 3 of SMA N 1 Temanggung. The research data were quantitative and qualitative in nature. The quantitave data were obtained through writing tests (pre-test and Cycle I and Cycle II tests) and the brain quotient test. The qualitative data were gained from the interview transcripts and field notes of the observations. The writing test scores were analyzed using the writing assessment adapted from CEFR. The transcripts and field notes were analyzed using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification (Miles & Huberman, 1994). To insure the data validity, this research used the democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity, and dialogic validity (Anderson, 1999). Trustworthiness of this research was achieved through time, space, and investigator triangulations. The actions implemented in this research were using meme pictures to activate students’ creative thinking, giving explanations about related memes, using memes to broaden the students’ perspectives, providing explanations related to analytical exposition texts and tasks to enrich students’ vocabulary mastery using offline dictionary, preparing worksheets for the students to produce creative memes, and making use of the LCD for maximizing learning materials presentation. The findings show that the use of memes facilitated the students’ understanding of the teacher’s explanations, motivated students’ enthusiasm in learning, encouraged their critical and creative thinking, and improved their writing creativity based on their experiences. Positive correlation between the results of the Brain Quotient test and the post test was supported by the fact that students scoring high in BQ test were also good in their writing performance. The interrater reliability of Cohen’s Kappa was 0,677, indicating the researcher and the collaborator had the same perspective in rating the tests. The improvement of the students’ writing was indicated by the increase of their mean scores of writing from 62.96 in the pre-test to 79.54 in the post-test. It was also supported by the result of Wilcoxon signed-rank-test since the result of Asymp.sig (2-tailed) was 0,000 indicating the use of memes influenced the students’ writing scores. Keywords: memes, writing creativity
Background of the Problems As a widely used international language, English has been taught as one of the compulsory subjects in formal schools in Indonesia. Based on the 2013 Curriculum (K13), it is included in the junior and senior high school national final examinations. As one of the productive skills, writing has many benefits. Kern (2000: 171) states writing as Foreign Language can be beneficial in developing learners’ ability to construct ideas, thought, and feeling. Moreover, the learners can also improve their communicative ability. Writing also enables them to express their thoughts or in other words imaginative worlds which sometimes cannot be expressed orally. Speaking of imaginative worlds, the term ‘writing creativity’ suggests imaginative tasks using their creativity (Harmer, 2001: 259). However, writing is also considered as the one of the most difficult skills since there are many aspects that have to be mastered. Those aspects containing in writing skill are such as writing mechanics, vocabulary mastery, grammatical rules, contents, creativity, and issues of letter, word, and text formation (Harmer, 2001: 255). The problems were found after observing and interviewing the English teacher and some students in SMA N 1 Temanggung, especially eleventh grade students. The first problem the researcher found was the lack of the students’ writing creativity. According to the researcher’s observation, the time given for practicing writing was limited. This made the students had no proper time for practicing writing creativity. Another problem found based on the interview with the teacher. She stated that the students seemed confused during the writing process, and could not express their ideas smoothly. They could not generate their ideas and often got confused in choosing words that could represent the ideas they wanted to write in English. Additionally, when the researcher asked the students whether they want to continue their study in university or not, they mostly said yes. It is the other concern they had to know that in university almost all things have to be done independently. As a result, one of the matters is that the students’ writing creativity has to be good. Harmer
(2001: 259) states that creativity in wiritng is a journey of self-discovery, and selfdiscovery promotes effective learning. Moreover, based on curriculum 2013 in Salinan Lampiran Permendikbud No. 67 th 2013 (2013: 4), Curriculum 2013 prepares students in Indonesia to have the skills, one of which is creativity. Thus, creativity is an important aspect in the current curriculum. As what has been stated before, the writing creativity of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Temanggung is still low. In order to solve the problems, the researcher used pictures, specifically meme pictures. The choice of meme pictures were based on its viral phenomena among teenagers in the world, including Indonesia. It could be seen from social media from Indonesian people such as facebook, twitter, and instagram which contain lots of meme pictures. Also, meme pictures are part of internet memes which contain funny pictures imitating the real life related to mostly human social life (Buchel, 2012: 17). In case of academic purposes, the use of meme pictures were also used as the materials to improve the students’ writing creativity. Since later many university writing creativity courses place an equal emphasis on the study of literature and the practice of writing (Morley, 2007: 36), the ability of creativity in writing will be very useful later. Moreover, it is believed that facilitating students to improve their creativity makes them to have lot of benefits. They can get many benefits such as increasing their confidence, motivation, and positive attitude towards writing. They also can freely express their ideas as well as to maximize the opportunities to have fun (Hiew, 2010: 3). It is also supported by Buchel (2012: 40) who states the key characteristics of meme pictures are humor, playfulness, and ability to engage the hosts (creators) in a creative way.This was done with the use of the memes which made them to freely write their ideas, thoughts, or experiences through their writing. Therefore, considering the benefit of creative thinking as well as writing creativity, the researcher was interested in conducting an action research for the eleventh grade students of SMAN 1
Temanggung through the use of meme pictures. Research Method This research is an action research using Kemmis and McTaggart model (2000). The researcher maintains a spiral of selfreflective spirals of planning a charge, acting and observing the processes and consequences of the change, reflecting on these processes and consequences and then replanning, acting and observing, reflecting, and so on. The research was carried out in SMAN 1 Temanggung which is located in Kartini Street number 4 Temanggung, central Java. The main subject of this research was the students of class XI IPA 3 of SMAN 1 Temanggung in the academic year of 2016/2017. There were 34 students with 10 males and 24 females. In addition, a collaborator from a friend of the researcher and the English teacher acted as the collaborators. The research was carried out in the first semester of academic year 2016/2017, from August 23rd to October 1st. It followed the school calendar and the schedule in which English subject is taught. There were two types of data that were obtained in this research. The first one was quantitative data which was obtained from students’ scores of the writing tests (pre-test and post-test) and from students’ scores in brain quotient assessment. To analyze the quantitative data, the researcher used the writing assessment adapted from CEFR to measure the students’ scores. Meanwhile, the qualitative data was obtained from observations and interviews. To analyze the data, the researcher adapted the stages from Miles and Huberman (1994) which were consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Furthermore, to verify the data, the researcher did some actions. The quantitative data was verified by implementing the interrater reliability of Cohen’s Kappa to measure the degree of consensus between two judges in measuring the students’ scores. Meanwhile, for the qualitative data, the researcher verified using data validity and triangulation.
Research Findings and Discussion
The research was conducted on August 27th and ended on October 4th 2016. Its objective was to activate students’ creative thinking as well as to improve students’ writing creativity of grade XI D of science class. The actions were in the end conducted in two cycles. Based on the results in both cycles, the researcher, supported by the English teacher and the collaborator, decided to discontinue the research as the objectives were fulfilled. The implementation of the actions planned both in the first and the second cycle successfully reached the research’ objectives. The students’ creative thinking could be activated using the memes and was followed by their writing skill improvement especially in writing creativity. The actions implementation during the Cycle I and Cycle II were done thoroughly and planned in detail. The research findings showed that the actions implementation successfully fulfilled the research’s objectives. The improvement could be seen not only from the students’ scores, but importantly also othe aspects as well such as their motivation and manner. From the motivation, the students had new experience of learning English using the memes. The teacher did also have it since she had never used the memes as her main materials. The students especially were more active, creative and critical. Meanwhile, the manner also became an important aspects since they would face many kind of memes that were not suitable for their age (adult and violance for example). Thus, the positive manner needed to be planted to them. The other improvement the students got was about their writing and writing creativity scores. Those improvements were reached by assessing them with tests. The implementation of using memes to activate students’ creative thinking as well as to improve students’ creative thinking was successfully done. Not only the students had new experience in their English learning because of the use of the memes, but also they had more writing and writing creativity practices. Moreover, by activating their creative thinking, the students’ critical thinking was also activated as well. It could
be seen from their critical critiques towards the bullying action and other topics as well. Looking at the scores, the students did have some improvements. They could improve their writing scores in all aspects. However, only the writing mechanics did not improve in between the pre-test and the Cycle I Test. The following is the means of each aspect in all tests: Table 1. The Means of the Test Score for Five Aspects of Writing in Cycle I Test: 1
Cycl eI
Cycl e II
1: Test 4: Sentence Form 2: Vocabulary 5: Grammar 3: Text Form 6: Writing Mechanics First of all, the action implementation of using meme pictures to activate students’ creative thinking led the students to use both critical and creative thinking. The critical thinking used for finding the problems, while the creative thinking used for finding the solution. The use of the memes itslef was a new experience for the students in learning English, and the teacher as well as the new way of teaching using the memes. Next, the action of explaining the related memes was also successful to give students comprehension on memes. As this was a new way and kind of teaching and learnig, the teacher herself also learned on it. She herself admitted that the memes could drive students’ perspective towards something. It was true that by using the memes, the students could have positive thinking on the bullying action, even some decided to change their perspectives. Besides, they were also given to always have positive manner on memes, and carefully to comprehend the memes itself. This was because, again, the bad memes such as violent or mature memes spread all over the interenet. After their creative thinking had been activated, it was the time for them to show
up it. The teacher at the time requested to the researcher to teach the analytical exposition text, which coincidencely, in line with the research. The analytical expostion text provided the students to critically while creatively find, decide, and give solutions towards the problems. In that case, the action to give explanation about the analytical exposition text was done. Looking at the students’ text form scores, from time to time it was increased from 2.56 to 3.06 to 3.39 in terms of the mean scores. It proved that they could write the anlytical exposition text well, which was used their critical and creative thinking on making it. However, there was a failure as well, It was the students’ writing mechanics that dropped from 2.75 in the pre-test to 2.69 in the Cycle I test. It was due to the lack of the supporting sentences in the students’ writing. Therefore, further action to give explanation related to analytical exposition text was to explain more about the supporting sentences. More excercises to make their critical and creative thinking optimally were given. As a result, in the Cycle II test, the students’ writing mechanics score was increased to 3.06 which in other words, better than in Cycle I test even in the pre-test as well. Meanwhile, during the action of improving the students’ writing in analytical exposition text, an implicit action was also done. It was the tasks for the students to enrich their vocabulary mastery. As the research was all about creativity, the tasks for it were also creatively made and implemented. The students were not directly given some unknown words and asked them to find the meaning, instead the researcher gave some topics that the students had to write something about it. Looking from the score of the vocabulary aspect, this action was considered as the successful one. There was significant improvement from time to time in which the scores were 2.56 to 3.06 and finally to 3.39. However, the action to enrich the students’ vocabulary mastery would not be successful without the help of the dictionary. The dictionary used by the students were the dictionary on their phone. At first, the students did use the online dictionary. They used the google translate to translate sentence to sentence. This was not good at all since the translation frequently was not
correct. The researcher then forbade the use of google translate. The students were only allowed to use the offline dictionary, which translated from word to word, not sentence. Besides, this also made them to habitually used the dictionary whenever and wherever they found unknown words, even it was only the dictionary on their phone. In that case, this action preferred to make students independently in enriching their vocabulary mastery. Then, at the of the meeting, the students were provided to have practices in making their own memes. This action was also done as a cooling time for them, as they pushed their mind during the entire meeting. This action successfully cooled their mind due to the humorous aspects on the memes put by the students to represent themselves. Whenever the researcher read one of the memes from a student, the other students were laughing. Eventhough there was much laugh, still, they used their creative thinking on making the memes. Also, the memes they created from meeting to meeting were vary, in which all of them mostly funny. Lastly, the action to use LCD optimally gave the researcher to utilize various memes. It resulted in the improvement of students’ motivation, concentration, and attention during the teaching and learning process. The only matter did happen was the preparation. The researcher then to overcome the problem, did ask the students to prepare it before the lesson begin. As a result, 5 to 10 minutes could be cut. The use of the LCD really enriched the students’ experiences in learning.
To conclude statistically, the students’ writing scores were improved from test to test. The improvement of their scores can be seen from the following table:
Table 2: The Students’ Writing Tests Scores 1 2
95-100 Excellent
75-80 Good
43.75% 39.39%
46.87% 15.15%
Very Poor
Very Good
Standard Deviation
1: Scores 2: Categories 3: Pre-Test
4: Cycle I Test 5: Cycle II Test
From the table it could be seen the improvement of the students’ tests score. There was a significant improvement between the mean score in pre-test and Cycle I test. The gap in these two tests was 9, which the most improvement was in good category, from 9.37% in pre test to 36.36% in Cycle I test. Meanwhile there was also much improvement from the mean score in Cycle I test and Cycle II test, with the gap was 7.58. The very much improvement was in very good category between the result in Cycle I test and Cycle II test, increasing from 9.37% to 42.42% or 33.05% difference. Moreover about 6.06% of the students could get excellent cateogry in the Cycle II result. Therefore, it could be surely said that the use of the memes did activate the students’
creative thinking as well as did improve studnets’ writing creativity. It was also supported by the result of Wilcoxon signed-rank-test which resulting in 0,000 in Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed). It indicated that the result was 240, >210 for middle, and the rest was for low category. The following is the discussion of each score category. Table 3: The High Scores Students Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 T. I. P
90 90 Good Right-Brain
Z. Y. D
80 95 Good Right-Brain
V. A. F
85 90
1: Name 2: Pre-Test 3: Cycle I
Very Right-Brain Good
4: Cycle II 5: Brain Quotient 6: Brain Bias
The students in this category were those who got more than 240 in total score. It could be seen that from the following table, the students in the high score category had all at least good brain quotient test result. Also, all of them had right-brain bias.The student who got the highest score, Triyana
N. P. A
70 75
85 Good
No Marked
A. S. K
70 75
80 Good
No Marked
D. K .F
70 70
85 Average
No Marked
1: Name 4: Cycle II 2: Pre-Test 5: Brain Quotient 3: Cycle I 6: Brain Bias In the middle category, the students were those who got the total score more than 210 but less than 240. The middle category was more vary, compared to the high category. It was due to the brain quotient result, which in the middle category had good and average category. In other words, there was a transition between it. Furthermore, there was no brain bias in this category. The students had no marked brain bias, which meant they were on the middle of left and right brain bias. Furthermore, those who got average brain quotient tended to be the middle-low category, in which they were very close to the low category. It could be seen from Dias’ scores that only got 225 in total score. He also got average in brain quotient. From the table, it could be concluded that the middle category was like the transition to the low category. It was indicated by the average brain quotient as well as no marked brain bias. Table 6: The Low Scores Students Category
65 70 55
No Marked
A. R. W 55 60 65
No Marked
M. P. W
Below No Average Marked
R. A. N
1: Name 2: Pre-Test 3: Cycle I
4: Cycle II 5: Brain Quotient 6: Brain Bias
In the low category, the students were those who got less than 210 in total score. From the table it could be seen that there was no good category in brain quotient, even there was one student who got below average. Muhammad Prasetyo even got no improvement in his scores, and only carreid out two out of three tests. Meawhile, the students in this category had no brain marked bias. There was no students who got left/right-brain bias in this category. To conclude, the brain quotient result did have a relation to the students’ scores. Students who got at least good category tended to have good scores in their writing tests. In other words, the studens who got average even below average tended to have bad scores in their writing tests. It could be said that the creative thinking did affect the writing creativity results. Meanwhile for the brain bias, it did not affect too much unless the students got a marked brain bias, whether it was left or right. As it be seen, all of the students in the high category had a brain bias. The students who got a marked brain bias tended to be more active, creative, and critical that was proven by their scores on their writing tests results. However, it also could not be said that the students who got no marked brain bias tended to get bad scores. Some students in the middle category had the no marked brain bias as well. Thus, the marked brain bias only had effect when the students had whether left- or right-brain bias. The research findings in this research had fulfilled all of the research’ objectives. In that case, this research could be said as a successful one. The memes did really affect
on students’ mind, activating their both critical and creative thinking. It was also overwhemingly great media for the teaching and learning as long as the teacher could manage it. The improvement in academic results as well as the motivation were reached. The students could improve their writing creativity skill, especially the writing creativity and also had new experience on their English learning. Meanwhile, the results from the brain quotient test were also successful in assessing students’ creative thinking. The findings found that the students who got good category as well as had a brain marked bias, tended to have high scores in their tests. Oppositely, the students who got average and below average who also got no marked brain bias tended to get low scores. However, if the students got no marked brain bias, it did not mean that the students got low scores as well. The following table can explain the findings: Table 7: The Conclusion Findings in Brain Quotient Tests Result
Brain Quotient
Marked Bias
Score Category
Very Good
High /Right-
No Marked
Below Average
No Marked
Discussion The objective that had to fulfill in this research was improving students’ writing creativity using meme pictures. The research findings showed that the use of the meme pictures could improve students’ writing creativity. The following is the discussion of how the meme pictures could improve the students’ writing creativity.
First, the researcher used the term ‘activate’ to refer how the students generate and focus on the topic given. The researcher in every meeting used the meme pictures in the beginning of the lesson. He showed some meme pictures to drive the students to open their minds. The humor aspects in the memes made the students feel relax and happy. This was the step in opening their creativite minds. The given memes also unconciously made the students think ‘how will I make those memes later’ which in result they also would think back to their experience related to the memes. The researcher in the second meeting also tried to give comprehension that a negative thing could be seen as a positive thing as well. He tried to use certain memes to make the students had different sights of bullying. In result, some of them could be driven away from the general perspective. They could bravely speak about some positive aspects in bullying such as can make the victims stronger in mental. This also made them think critically. So, it can be said that the use of the memes can activate students’ creative thinking while also gave them a new perspective towards something. However, it must be remembered that not all kind of memes could be used as the materials. It was because that some memes also had harsh words, or even violent or adult things. Therefore, the teacher had to choose carefully in using memes as the materials. The criteria for using memes should be familiar with the students’ life and easy to understand. Meanwhile to imrpove the students’ writing creativity, the researcher had provided them with some tasks. The tasks were made to make the students to deliver what was on their minds. This was related to their creative thinking activation. The researcher firstly provided them the practice to write in a good text, which in this research was the analytical exposition text. The text, as stated before, was choosen because this kind of text could provide the students both writing in creative and critical. Indeed, some explanation were explained to perfect their writings. By using this text, they could critically find the problems, and could creatively solve the problems. In the end of every meeting, the students also provided with the practice to
make memes. This step was the final task to pull out their creativity maximally. The researcher did not limit the topic for the students to make the memes, only said to relate it to the topic given if it was possible. Nonetheless, most of the students could creatively make the memes. They put the humor aspects in making the memes based on their own experience. The memes practice itself was also as the cooling down session as their thinking were used in the whole lesson. As the prove that the meme pictures can improve the students’ writing creativity, the students’ tests results were improved from test to test which were discussed in the previous session. Thus, the meme pictures did successfully improve the students’ writing creativity. Some other positive aspects were also found in using the memes as the learning materials. The teaching and learning process could be more fun and enjoy. The humor aspects reduced the students’ anxiety which in result pulled out the students’ potential. Also, their motivation in learning English increased. They managed to boost their willingness to learn English as they thought that English was very important for them in the future. Moreover, they also learned on how to look negative things in a positive manner. They realized that a negative one, if observed from a different angle, could be a massive boost for themselves. In that case, not only did improve the writing creativity, but the use of memes also did improve the quality of the teaching and learning process. This could be seen from the students’ activeness and participatation towards the learning process. They were more motivated in learning the materials. As all of the findings had found, and fulfilled in the research’ objectives, it was the time to end the descriptions and started to get the conclusion. Thus, the next chapter would be the conclusions, as well as implications and suggestions. Conclusions, Implications, and Suggestions The actions implemented were successfully fulfilled the research’s objectives. The use of the memes could efficiently used for and improving students’ writing creativity. It could be said efficiently because the memes could be used both for the warming up and cooling down. The thing
that should be considered more was the humorous aspects. The teacher could use the memes for the warming up to open the students’ mind. Oppositely, in the end, the memes could also be used for the cooling down as the humorous apsects could make the students enjoyed while reduced their anxiety. In that case, the first objective of the research had fulfilled. However, to use the memes, the teacher had to carefully choose the appropriate memes. It was because some memes were violent, or even made for adults. Meanwhile the use of the meme pictures could activate students’ creative thinking as well as the critical thinking. It was indicated by the students’ activeness in participating the discussion. Moreover, they also could change their perspective towards the topics given. The could widely opened their minds to look at the other sights. The meme pictures could drive students’ mind to the next level of their thinking. They could think creatively while also critically in the discussion sesion. In that case, the second objective in this research had fulfilled. Furthermore, the students’ writing creativity also improved. It was indicated by the results of their writings. They could both creatively and critically write their ideas in the form of memes and analyitical exposition texts. They not only made a work of humor, but also a critical one that was related to the topic. It was because their creative thinking had already been activated by the use of the memes. In result, they could manage to write creative and critical works which also fulfilled the second objective of the research. During the entire implememtation processes, the class tended to be more active and efficiently. This was because the use of the memes activated the students’ creative thinking which resulted the class to be more interesting and less monotonous. Furthermore, the excercises provided by the researcher also helped the students to maximize their potential. The excerises were specally developed to reach the expectations. Moreover, the researcher also facilitated the students to be able to actively participate in the class, discussing some topics to defend their arguments even they had to have a small debate with their friends. In that case, the had deeper comprehension on the materials and became more enthusiastic in learning English.
The students here also changed drastically in terms of some aspects. The first one was about their perspectives on bullying action. They had positive manner toward bullying in which at the first, what they all thought was about negative. They could change the bad things from bullying into their motivation. Secondly, they also became familiar to open the dictionary whenever they found unknown words. They tended to find the words independently without asking to others. Thirdly, their creative thinking also pulled out more as they had the experience to use it optimally. They became accustomed to think critically and creatively. Next, the fourth aspect was about their confidence in writing something. They could generate their ideas and write smoothly in a text form. In brief, their writing especially their writing creativity in general was successfully improved. The English teacher obtained a new knowledge of English teaching and learning especially using the memes. Moreover, she also became to be more open-minded in using various media and the LCD as well that could make her teaching more interesting. After the research was conducted, she realized that the use of various media could give a massive contribution to the teaching and learning process. In conclusion, the English teacher had new experience using the memes in the teaching and learning process. The implications of the actions in this research can be found from the findings of the research. It can be implied that the use of the memes did really activate the students’ creative thinking as well as their creative thinking. The humor as well as other postive aspects can motivate students to enhance their confidence. Moreover, it can make the students to enjoy the entire learning process that leads them to be more active in the class. Meanwhile, the students’ writing creativity also improved in result of students’ creative thinking activation. They manage to write creatively while also critically. The memes itself in improving students’ writing creativity drive students to give the ideas in writing. This is because the memes make the students to think based on their experience. In that case, the students’ writing creativity can be improved as they can deliver their ideas in the form of a text.
For the students, to be a creative person is never been a wasted time. The students have to explore more using their mind. For the English Teacher, balancing all the four skills in English is the final goal of the teaching. In other words, the teacher must be as creative as possible to provide the students with the activities that can represent all of the skills. For the Other Researchers who want to conduct similar research should more explore on the use of the memes. This is because the memes, although widely known by people, still are not familiar used in the teaching and learning process. This research is still exploring only the surface. There are more things can be explored on the memes. In addition, it is suggested to use suitable memes based on the conventions with the students to be involved in the research. References Adair, J. (2007). The art of creative thinking. Philadhelpia: Talbot Adair Press. Agus, J. R., and Winiharti, M. (2011). “The analysis of creative writing teaching through story book reading for the first grade students of Tunas Muda international school”. Lingua Cultura, Vol 5 Number 2. Anderson, G. L., and K. Herr. (1999). “The New Paradigm Wars: Is There Room for Rigorous Practitioner Knowledge in Schools and Universities?” Educational Researcher, 28 (5): 12–21, 40. Arshavskaya, E. (2015). “Creative writing assignments in a second language course: a way to engage less motivated students”. Insight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, Vol 10 Number 6. Babaee, R. (2015). “Interview with Alan Maley on teaching and learning creative writing”. International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, Volume 3 Number 3. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BNSP). 2013. Standar isi untuk satuan pendidikan menengah atas. Jakarta: Depdiknas. Baker, M. (2001). “Relationship between critical and creative thinking”. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research, Vol. 51 Number 1.
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