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Matematika. Vol. 48, No. 12, pp.43{54, 2004. UDC 519.873. ONE PURSUIT PROBLEM FOR DISCRETE GAMES. WITH SEVERAL PLAYERS. N.Yu. Satimov and ...
Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ) Vol. 48, No. 12, pp.43{54, 2004

Izvestiya VUZ. Matematika UDC 519.873


1. Problem statement

Dierential games with integral constraints are studied in many works (e. g., 1]{9]). The basic results are obtained in 1]{4]. The games between a group of pursuers which act as one player and one escapee are of most interest. Earlier 5]{8] the su cient conditions of the termination of a game with integral constraints (and its discrete analog) were obtained. In this paper, we consider a linear discrete game with several players. We formulate the su cient condition of the termination of the pursuit from all points of a space. We prove that in the case of a single pursuer, this condition is also the necessary one. Assume that a discrete game is dened by the recurrent equations

zi (k + 1) = Ci zi (k) ; ui (k) + v(k) i = 1 : : : m (1) where zi ui v 2 Rn , n  1, k is the step number, k = 1 2 : : :  Ci is a constant n  n-matrix ui is a control parameter of the pursuit v is a control parameter of the escape. We choose the parameter ui as a sequence ui = ui () = (ui (1) ui (2) : : : ui (k) : : : ) from the closed ball Sp (i ) with the radius i centered at the space origin lp : 1=p 1 X kui ()k = jui (k)jp  i : i=1

Here p, i , i = 1 : : : m, are known positive values, and the parameter v represents a sequence v = v() = (v(1) v(2) : : : v(k) : : : ) from the ball S ()  lp. Game (1) is said to be over if zi (k) = 0, for a certain value (j r) of the pair of indices (i k). De nition 1. We say that in game (1) from the initial state z0 = fz10 z20 : : : zm0 g it is possible to terminate the pursuit in N (z 0 ) steps if using any sequence v() 2 Sp (), one can construct sequences u1 () 2 Sp (1 ), u2 () 2 Sp (2 ) : : : um () 2 Sp (m ), such that for a certain value j of the index i, a solution zj = zj () = fzj (1) zj (2) : : : zj (k) : : : g of the equation zj (k + 1) = Cj zj (k) ; uj (k) + v(k) zj (1) = zj0 satises the condition zj (k) = 0 where 1  k  N (z 0 ). In addition, in order to nd the values u1 (k) u2 (k) : : : um (k) of the parameters u1 u2 : : : um on the k-th step, k  1, one may use z1 (k) z2 (k) : : : zm(k) v(1) v(2) : : : v(k).

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