Jan 1, 2014 ... Summer Meditation Intensive: Opening the Heart co-teaching with Sean ... Naked
Heart: Engaging the Raw Intensity of Life co-teaching with ...
Julie Greene Meditation Teaching Background Summer Meditation Intensive Touching the Earth: Cultivating genuine experience through meditation co‐teaching with Sean McNamara June 15 ‐ June 30, 2013, Crestone, Colorado Winter Dathun: Entering Sacred World co‐teaching with Neil McKinlay (Reggie Ray guest teaching) December 16, 2012 ‐ January 13, 2013, Crestone, Colorado Summer Meditation Intensive: Opening the Heart co‐teaching with Sean McNamara June 17 ‐ July 1, 2012, Crestone, Colorado Maitri Space Awareness Retreat May 26 ‐ June 3, 2012, Crestone, Colorado Naked Heart: Engaging the Raw Intensity of Life co‐teaching with Vichak Panich in Thailand * February 26, 2011: Public Talk "Vajra Journey" in Bangkok * March 2‐4: Workshop "Meditation & Psychotherapy" in Bangkok * March 6‐13: Retreat "Naked Heart" in Chiang Mai Meditation Instructor Training: Dharma Ocean Foundation co‐teaching with Neil McKinlay November 11‐14, 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada Maitri Space Awareness Retreat May 23‐28, 2010, Crestone, Colorado Maitri Space Awareness with Naropa University co‐teacher for MA Contemplative Counseling Psychology April 11 to May 11, 2009 Women in American Buddhism Conference Presenter of Practicum in “Body‐Oriented Meditation” August 30‐31, 2008, Denver, CO Sutrayana Program: Dharma Ocean Foundation Co‐teacher on principles of Hinayana and Mahayana 2007 & 2008, Boulder, CO Meditation with the Body: An Introduction to the Practice Teacher for weekend meditation program October, 2007, Longmont, CO Contemplative Psychotherapy Conference, Naropa University Presentation on EMDR and Emptiness May 2006, Boulder, CO January 1, 2014