Go to Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/927746325. or call +1 (646) 749-3122 (Please note this not a toll fre
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Bay View Academy Board of Directors Special Meeting Announcement & Agenda WHEN: July 20th, 2015, 6:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. WHERE: 3B, Bay View Academy, 222 Casa Verde Way, Monterey Go to Meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/927746325 or call +1 (646) 749-3122 (Please note this not a toll free call) Meeting Password: BVA board Meeting Meeting ID: 927-746-325
Submitted by Brian Greenshields on July 17, 2015 Mission: The mission of BVA is to provide rich and interactive learning opportunities that extend beyond the state standards, spark imaginations and produce creative, independent thinkers. Student-centered, interdisciplinary thematic units are developed by teachers, creating partnerships with local educational, cultural, and scientific research organizations to enhance learning of languages, history, the arts, and sciences. Innovative and talented teachers engage students in learning while preparing them to become creative and compassionate members of our community. Vision: We see a future in which Bay View Academy is a treasured focal point of our neighborhood and community. Children learn to be inquisitive, independent and responsible. Teachers receive the support they need for educating and nurturing the whole child to their full potential. Strong parent and community partnerships enrich the learning experience and instill a sense of civic pride and awareness. Collaboration flourishes, creating a virtuous cycle that strengthens communities and prepares children to tackle challenges and opportunities in the 21st century.
Consent Agenda. These are routine items to be approved by the Board of Directors. A Director or member of the public may request that a consent item be moved to the regular agenda. 1. Agenda for July 20th Board Meeting 2. Meeting Minutes July 2
Comments and Questions from the Community
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Reports 1. Administrator
3. Treasurer
2. CVO
4. Committees
5. Board Member Reports
Discussion and Action Items 1. Discuss/Vote on establishment of Governance Committee and proposed responsibilities. 2. Discuss/Vote on after-school care for BVA Staff children on minimum days. 3. Discuss/Vote on temporary BVA Financial Policy for 2015/2016 school-year to include new Principal authorities and bank signatories.
Closed Session 1. Hiring (Principal contract) 2. Hiring (Induction Program Advisor) Adjournment Bay View Academy 831.717.4630 www.bayview-academy.org 222 Casa Verde Way, Monterey, CA 93940
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WHEN: July 2, 2015 WHERE: Bayview Academy Board members in attendance: Sheri Shaw, William Arocha, Darwin Strickland, Marilyn McMasters, Brian Greenshields, Tone Larsen Meeting starts at 6:00pm followed by the pledge of allegiance. Marilyn makes motion to accept the consent agenda as amended, delaying the CVO budget until next meeting. Sheri seconds. Voted Yes: Sheri Shaw, William Arocha, Darwin Strickland, Marilyn McMasters, Brian Greenshields, Tone Larsen Voted No: None Abstained: None Motion passes Reports: Principal Report (Brian) -‐ Karina and Alicia is doing some very important work and pushing the school in the right direction. Hiring is on great track. Kudos to Doolittle & Barger. Facilities (Brian) -‐ Plan A – laid out and divvied up all space is utilized effectively. Relies on 2 portables. -‐ One portable from MPUSD (brand new) promised to be delivered before school opens. -‐ BVA is looking at getting our own portable. MPUSD will cover up to $10,000 for that. It is DSA approved. o We have received quotes o Working on contract. Approximately $15,000 – of which MPUSD has promised to cover $10,000. o MPUSD checked connections. Looks good. -‐ Drop-‐off, pick-‐up logistics are still being worked up. Note to parents not to use private driveways to turn around. -‐ Plan B is ready should portables not arrive in time. On July 15th. BVA will go in front of county to make argument for Mid-‐day Wednesday. Will not be approved until August 5th. A draft schedule has been sent to parents. Budget and LCAP were submitted to MCOE on time. Coordinators/Committees Report (Alicia Doolittle & Karina Barger)
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Expect to have all positions filled tonight o We will not make announcement until all contracts are signed. o Expect to send out announcement/status in about one week -‐ Practical issues being resolved. Who signs what? -‐ Working on schedule & instructional minutes and planning time. (Classroom teacher will hand out class/individual schedules to parents/students. ) -‐ Working on supply lists Community comment: requests community/parental input on enrichment and schedule. Community question: are we over budget on facilities. Brian: yes, we are a little over budget. Discussion/Action Item 1. MOU for facilities a. Committee reviewed original offer letter (Hayes) and lawyers comments and compared to MOU in question b. We turned down prop 39, the district will still live up to education code requirements. c. MOU has same verbiage and price as original offer d. PK will give us $10k, does not need board approval e. MOU is with lawyer, not yet heard back. Sheri Shaw makes the motion to approve the facilities use agreement with MPUSD for the year that we are here. William Arocha seconds Darwin: Can we lock MPUSD in to a certain date? Brian: Very difficult. They will do their best to get it here as soon as possible, but no guarantees. Brian Greenshields will sign the agreement Voted Yes: all Voted No: none Abstained: none Motion Passes 2. Discuss proposal for creating a Management Committee Brian talked about the goal to create a professional and efficient organization. Some committees perform well, some do not. What is process for tying together? Committee would look at everything bird’s eye view and make recommendation to board for best structure/process for tying committees into budget etc.
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William likes the idea, not comfortable with the language – proposes an ad hoc governance/organization committee. William would be delighted to work on. -‐ Professionalize the board, advice on committees we should have -‐ Made of school leadership, some board members, some community members. -‐ Will bring back for a vote next meeting Closed session starts at 6:51pm Report from closed session Sheri Shaw makes a motion to offer four teaching positions to candidates as recommended by hiring committee. Seconded by William Arocha. Voted Yes: Sheri Shaw, William Arocha, Darwin Strickland, Marilyn McMasters, Brian Greenshields, Tone Larsen No: None Abstained: None Motion Passes Sheri Shaw makes a motion to offer principal position to candidate as recommended by hiring work group. Seconded by William Arocha Voted Yes: Sheri Shaw, William Arocha, Darwin Strickland, Marilyn McMasters, Brian Greenshields, Tone Larsen No: None Abstained: None Motion Passes Closed session ended at 7:41pm Next meeting July 21st. Meeting adjourned at 7:44pm
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Date: July 13, 2015 To: Brian Greenshields, Chairman, BVA Board of Directors From: William Arrocha, Director, BVA Board of Directors Subject: Proposal for Governance Committee _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY BVA has had many successes since it opened its doors in 2011. Like all charter schools, it requires a constant overview of its governing structures and policies to ensure they enhance the school’s core principles of community, innovation, and passion for learning as well as its mission. One of the key characteristics of charter schools that make them attractive to communities looking for an education for their children that extend beyond state standards is the flexibility and innovation in the curriculum design as well as their governance structure. With this in mind, it is fundamental to form a board committee that can assess the strengths and weaknesses of the present governance structures and propose to the Board potential amendments to existing structures and/or the creation of new structures. The main functions of the proposed Governance Committee, in coordination with the Principal, will be the following: • To assess existing governing structures to ensure that reflect and operate on the school’s core principles and mission • To propose potential new governing structures that ensure the flexibility and innovation of the curriculum design for all BVA programs • To review, present and future practices and policies • To ensure that the entire school works together and that the board carries out its policy and oversight duties, while school managers implement it. • To review practices and standards for all committees (e.g., hold open meetings, with agendas and promptly posted minutes) The following are the individuals proposed to launch the Governance Committee: William Arrocha and Tone Larsen (Directors)
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Camilo Wilson (Community member) Clyde Roberson (Community member) Karina Barge (Academic Coordinator) Cathy Gomez (Staff) The committee will announce its meetings, agendas, and minutes publically. A motion is proposed to accept this proposal and form the committee immediately.
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After School Care For Staff Children For Wednesday Minimum Day I would like to propose we cover the cost of the staff that will be staying at school on Wednesday for staff development and or work. 11 children = $550.00 If enough families sign up this will actually cost us less than the $550.00, it could possibly cost us nothing. We should know by August 10th after the mandatory parent meeting exactly how many children we have signed up for Wednesday after school care. We could discuss various options with a final decision to made when we see what our numbers look like.
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BVA Financial Policy
Financial Services, including budget development are contract services with Administration Resources, Inc. (ARI). Purchases- Purchase Orders are initiated with Office Manager, Principal approves them, then the Board reviews and approves the purchase orders at Board meetings. Purchase Order Approval: < $1,000 Approved by Principal Budgeted expenditures Approved by Principal >= $ 1,000 and not budgeted Approved by Board Open Purchase Orders for Teachers- Teachers (classroom, enrichment and specialists) will each have an open purchase order for discretionary spending in an amount equal to the budget set for that classroom for the year. We will examine the need for additional open POs in January. Teachers will submit receipts on a regular basis to the Office Manager. Accounting Assistant will maintain purchase tracking spreadsheets to monitor teacher discretionary spending.
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Purchase Order Tracking- Office Manager and Accounting Assistant will check the general ledger on an ongoing basis and share the document with the Principal, the Board Treasurer and the Board. Purchase Orders are required for all expenditures. Emergency POs- High need, time-sensitive items in excess of $1,000 that were not budgeted may be approved by the Principal in conjunction with the Board Chair or the Treasurer. The Principal will present the PO to Board at next Board meeting for ratification. Bill Approval and Payment Process- Accounting Assistant checks the bills and the Principal reviews and approves them. The Accounting Assistant sends bills to (ARI) for processing. Recurring Bills- The Office Manager and Accounting Assistant will check each bill and compare it to the budget to make sure there are no errors (ie insurance, MPUSD rent, Comcast, vendors). Purchase orders will be used for all bills for accounting purposes. Cash receipts are issued for all monies received. Cash is stored in a secure, locked location prior to deposit. Deposits are made in a timely manner by the Accounting Assistant. Cash is counted by the Accounting Assistant and the Office Manager and documentation is signed. Wire Transfers- Wire transfer form and spreadsheet used, Flow from (ARI) to Office Manager, Principal and Board Treasurer (for signatures) to (MCOE) to the BVA bank account. Transfers from LOC to Bank Account- The Principal and Board Treasurer will sign checks for transfer of funds from Rabobank LOC to Santa Barbara Bank Account or the Rabobank Account.
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Reports- At Board meetings, reports will be presented for Cash Flow, Profit/Loss, Budget to Actual (ARI) and POs by the Board Treasurer. The office staff (Principal, Office Manager and Accounting Assistant) and the Board Treasurer will review the reports prior to the Board meeting.