will help us learn about the South Asian culture, and the influence of Hinduism and its belief system. So, save the ....
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Welcome Home Thank you for reading Salem’s July Update! In this monthly update, we share the big picture of what is happening at Salem and a story from this year’s Vacation Bible School. Whether you are a member or a first time guest, we invite you into the story of what God is doing all around us. Welcome home!
Upcoming at Salem ADULT & STUDENT MEMBERSHIP AT SALEM Join us on Sunday, July 1 from 9:45 AM-12 PM in Room C213, for our Adult Seedbed membership class! Our next adult and student classes are on Sunday, August 5, and our next kid’s membership class is on Sunday, July 15. Learn more at www.salem-bc.org/upcoming-events. NEW SERVICE THIS FALL This Fall, we are starting a brand new worship schedule! Find more information at www.salem-bc.org/ new-service. SHARING GOD’S STORY In the past few weeks, we have given out invite cards, Bibles, and Gospel tracts. Who have you connected with using these resources? We would love to hear your story! Please email Pastor James at
[email protected] with your story, or share it at our video booth after each of our services the weekend of July 14. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR SEMINAR We are blessed with a growing South Asian community in the Triangle. The Love Your Neighbor Seminar will help us learn about the South Asian culture, and the influence of Hinduism and its belief system. So, save the date! The conference will be held on Wednesday nights from July 18-August 8. The cost is $10.00 for materials. More details are coming soon! CRAFT & CROP Craft & Crop offers small and large-group crafting events for ladies at Salem and in our community. Join us in the Fellowship Hall for our special three-day event: Thursday, July 12, 1 PM-10 PM; Friday, July 13, 10 AM-10 PM; and Saturday, July 14, 9 AM-4 PM. Feel free to drop in and work for as long as you want on your crafting projects. We look forward to fellowshipping with you! MISSION TRIP TO INDIA On October 5-13, 2018, we are making disciples in India (training people, sharing the Gospel, and working with kids)! The cost is $2,000. Contact Pastor James at
[email protected] to learn more. A NOTE FROM YOUR CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us regarding the proposed revision to Article 7.1 of our constitution that was presented at the May 20 Church Conference. As we continue to research and study the matter, available time will not be sufficient to complete our work prior to the August 12 Church Conference; therefore, we will withdraw our recommendation for consideration. We welcome your continued input and collaboration as our work continues. - David Barnes, Brent Blanton, Chris Cabaniss, Marie Holt, Mike Schmitt, Woody Yates (Chairman)
SENIOR ADULT EXPLORERS EVENT Salem Senior Adult Explorers will be going to see the production of “Mama Won’t Fly” at the Holly Springs Cultural Arts Center on Saturday, July 21. Cost is $10.00 non-refundable and departure is at 2 PM. Dinner (on your own) at a prearranged restaurant. Make checks payable to Salem Baptist Church. Contact Joy Austin for reservations and payment at (919) 362-7814 or
[email protected]. Deadline for reservations and payment is Sunday, July 8.
Pass on the Excitement! BY SUNJAY ARMSTEAD A certain excitement swirls in the air during this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) week. The hallways are decorated to this year’s “Game On” sports theme. A sea of bright blue VBS shirts fill the classrooms. Smiling faces across the Salem campus welcome parents and kids as they enter. Truly, everyone who walks on campus during VBS is immersed in a joy-filled experience. Kids start the day in small groups based on their age and grade. They then visit the “Pep Rally” to help them get ready for the rest of their time at VBS each day. Pastor Wesley reminds the kids of their Bible memory verse, 2 Peter 1:3: “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence.” After the Pep Rally, the kids visit different rotations to help solidify what they are learning. At the Team Missions rotation, Keenan Micol helps kids understand what it is like to live life on mission every day. He plays video stories about everyday people who seek to share the Gospel with those they know. In their discussions, Keenan and the kids learn that living for Jesus is a choice to be made each day. Keenan’s joy for Jesus is quite contagious. One sweet girl expressed that she wanted to be just like him. Though it was a flattering comment, Keenan realizes that kids pick up habits from people they look up to. It is a big responsibility to carry! Thankfully, God is surrounding the kids at Salem with adults like Keenan who are excited about Jesus. In turn, Keenan notes, “it’s almost like … they’re seeing the Gospel lived out through you.”
“May we continue to pass on this excitement of life in Christ!”
VBS encapsulates God’s heart for His Church to be disciples that make disciples. The excitement of VBS makes it a perfect time to share with kids just how awesome our good King Jesus really is. They can then pick up this energy and share it with others. Yet, even after VBS is cleaned up and the decorations are tucked away, living life intentionally with others should not be. The same excitement that we bring into VBS is the same excitement we continue to live out afterwards. Similarly, the same desire to disciple others during VBS week is the same passion that springs us into action thereafter. What a great privilege it is to continue glorifying God, making disciples who pursue Jesus, and sharing His story with those around us. May we continue to pass on this excitement of life in Christ! Watch, read, and share this month’s story at bit.ly/sbc-stories_005.
450 KIDS
$911,938.52 GIVEN THIS YEAR
$1,012,359.50 BUDGET TO DATE
$1,391,935.92 PAID
www.salem-bc.org |
[email protected] 1821 N. Salem Street | Apex, NC 27523 (919) 362-7327
$935,575.32 SPENT THIS YEAR