Democrats in the News. Contact Us: ... Pottstown, Norristown, Skippack, Glenside, Narberth, Upper Merion, and Conshohock
Montgomery County Democratic Committee
July Newsletter Table of contents July 4th Parades Marriage Equality Chairman's Corner Row Officer Spotlight Golf Outing
Josh, Val, and the Democratic team attended July 4 parades and events in Whitemarsh, Oreland, Pottstown, Norristown, Skippack, Glenside, Narberth, Upper Merion, and Conshohocken.
Shapiro/Arkoosh BBQ Candidate Training
PA State Budget Democrats in the News
"No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope
is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right."
It is so ordered.
To read the rest of Justice Kennedy's opinion, click here.
Pennsylvania has its own hero when it comes to marriage equality; Montgomery County Register of Wills, D. Bruce Hanes. Hanes was instrumental in securing the same rights for samesex couples as other couples in Pennsylvania.
This Thursday, July 9, Bruce is having a fundraiser to celebrate the two year anniversary of Marriage Equality in PA! To read more about Bruce's accomplishments and what this court ruling means to him, please click here.
Contact Us:
SCOTUS Releases Decisions that Support our Democratic Values
[email protected]
Future Events:
Chairman's Corner Dear {{FirstName,DefaultTo=Democrat}} I hope you had a festive Fourth of July and were able to march in a parade. We must never forget how truly fortunate we are to live in this great country called the United States of America. As party workers and candidates who have committed ourselves to the democratic process, we are on the front lines of exercising our most fundamental right, which is to elect our own leaders. You can be proud that you are both exercising and preserving our freedoms. I just want to say thank you, again, for all the work you have done and urge you to keep up your voter‐contact and party‐building efforts over the summer. We succeed in Montgomery County because we have the right message, the right candidates and the right leadership at all levels ‐‐ and also because we work harder than our opponents. While we can spend time having fun this summer, we must keep our eyes on the road to Nov. 3 and never take our foot off the gas. You should know that, across Pennsylvania, the Montgomery County Democratic Committee is recognized as a model for a party organization. There is no other county in the state that is as well situated as we are in to win legitimately competitive races. We work harder and we try harder, and we have been fortunate to have really good people stand up and serve. There is nothing as enjoyable as winning, and there is nothing that builds camaraderie as much as realizing you are part of a team. If we do our jobs, as I know we will, we will have another historic year. Our great commissioners, Josh Shapiro and Val Arkoosh, will retain their majority on the Board of Commissioners, we will sweep the nine row offices, we will elect our judicial candidates, and we will build on our strength at the school board and municipal levels. And don't forget: This is the most important Pennsylvania Supreme Court race in 20 years. As Josh noted recently at our Executive Committee meeting, we have the momentum and we have the positive energy. Since winning the courthouse in 2011, we have shown Montgomery County voters that when Democrats get the chance to govern, we govern well. So, as Josh said, get back on the streets and back on the phones, and tell people about our achievements. With gratitude, Marcel L. Groen Chairman
Row Officer Spotlight
Karen Geld Sanchez Determination. It's a quality that Karen Geld Sanchez, the Democratic nominee for Montgomery County Controller, has demonstrated since she was a young girl.
Jason Salus
Jason Salus
A resident of Abington Township for nearly all of her life, Sanchez enrolled her daughter Marisa, now 7, at McKinley
Most 13yearolds who
Elementary School, which she herself attended. The sights
develop an interest in politics
and smells of the building brought back memory of an
decide to run for class officer.
incident in which Sanchez had jumped off the stage in the
Jason Salus took a more mature
gym and badly hurt her legfoot.
approach. He became a campaign
volunteer for Bill Clinton.
Though in quite a bit of pain, the young Sanchez walked the two blocks home. Her father, a family doctor, quickly saw
The reason was personal. "My parents owned a small retail
the footleg was broken.
store, and my dad had a heart attack, and we didn't have
health insurance. Bill Clinton at that time was campaigning
Marisa, on first hearing the story, was transfixed and
on healthcare reform. It was something that interested me,
puzzled. "Mom!" she protested. "Why didn't you call for
and I dropped off literature and worked at the polls."
help?" Sanchez could only shake her head and laugh.
After college, Salus ran for chairman of the Springfield
Sanchez promises to bring the same level of perseverance to Township Democratic Committee and won. He then become the job of Controller.
the Democratic Area Leader for Plymouth, Conshohocken
and Whitemarsh. In 2007, he decided to run for public
"The controller is the watchdog of the county," she says.
office and was elected to the Conshohocken Borough
"The controller can audit any of the expenses of any of the
offices. In addition, the controller sits on the salary board
and the pension board, working with the Commissioners. My Four years later, in 2011, he was elected Treasurer of goals are to eliminate inefficiencies and put those savings to Montgomery County. Now, still in his 30s, he is better use. For example, any waste that can be eliminated
an incumbent running for a second term.
is extra money that can go toward infrastructure projects in
our county that create jobs."
"Coming into office, I did not perceive that the treasurer
could have the impact that, ultimately, I think we have
had," he says. To read more about Karen click here... His pioneering delinquent propertytax collection program for county government, school districts, and municipalities has helped keep taxes low at all three levels of government in Montgomery County. The program has produced hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in previously uncollected revenue.
To read more about Jason click here...
Our signature event, The MCDC 2015 Golf Outing is Monday, August 3. Join us for a great day of golf, a fabulous cocktail hour and, new this year, tennis. To sponsor the event or to secure tickets, click the image below.
Don't forget about the summer picnic supporting our County Commissioners Josh Shapiro and Val Arkoosh! To RSVP, just click on the invite below!
Candidate Training Wrapup
On June 27, MCDC held a candidate training session. The training was run by a wonderful and intelligent group of people from the Grassroot Solutions team. The training was well received and there was great feedback. We learned a lot about how to be successful candidates and how to win in 2015. On behalf of everyone who attended the training, the Montgomery County Democratic Committee would like to thank Grassroot Solutions for their efforts, and AFSCME District Council 88 for letting us use their building!
Budget News Last week Governor Tom Wolf veto'ed the budget proposal sent to him by the Republicancontrolled state legislature. He was adamant in his justification for his veto. "If I took a budget that looked anything like this to my bank, they would have thrown me out of the office. The math doesn’t work."
Montgomery County Democratic Elected Officials fired back at Republicans for proposing such an unbalanced and irresponsible budget. Check out their comments.
Click here to compare how Governor Wolf and the Republican plans affect each legislative district. You clearly see who values education and your tax dollar.
Democrats in the News NRA gets shot down in Commonwealth Court Ruling Val Arkoosh Chosen to to be Secretary of Regional Planning Board Josh Shapiro Happy with Progress made on 911 Funding Senator Daylin Leach Overjoyed about Marriage Equality Governor Wolf Vetoes liquor privatization Thanks to Democrats, no one is worrying about pensions in MontCo
Montgomery County Democratic Committee 21 East Airy Street Norristown, PA 19401 {{ForwardToAFriendLink}} Paid for by the Montgomery County Democratic Committee